RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Me too. I won't grace them with my presence. I will not support those kinds of people.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not wanted there. I just work fine as a topic of a thread where they complain about me.
See, you in a roundabout way are giving their dead forums life.

Where would they be without Oak? ;)
Good question.

how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Me too. I won't grace them with my presence. I will not support those kinds of people.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not wanted there. I just work fine as a topic of a thread where they complain about me.
As I said the other night, you girls can hold your own. It’s the gang mentality or tag-teaming that makes it “mindless” for want of a better word.
It's human nature's the mob mentality.

Yeah, but we're on the internet. There is no threat, ffs.
Tell that to all your detractors.

All they have to do is stop caring what my opinion is on something. Simple as that. They, I tell you this from the core of my being...IDGAF about what one of them thinks about anything.
But they sure as shit think you do.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Me too. I won't grace them with my presence. I will not support those kinds of people.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not wanted there. I just work fine as a topic of a thread where they complain about me.
As I said the other night, you girls can hold your own. It’s the gang mentality or tag-teaming that makes it “mindless” for want of a better word.
It's human nature's the mob mentality.

Yeah, but we're on the internet. There is no threat, ffs.
Tell that to all your detractors.
Adults crying all day over a new forum


And you're here at this forum with all the negative things you say about BF. Surprise! Surprise!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Me too. I won't grace them with my presence. I will not support those kinds of people.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not wanted there. I just work fine as a topic of a thread where they complain about me.
See, you in a roundabout way are giving their dead forums life.

Where would they be without Oak? ;)
Good question.

how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Me too. I won't grace them with my presence. I will not support those kinds of people.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not wanted there. I just work fine as a topic of a thread where they complain about me.
As I said the other night, you girls can hold your own. It’s the gang mentality or tag-teaming that makes it “mindless” for want of a better word.
It's human nature's the mob mentality.

Yeah, but we're on the internet. There is no threat, ffs.
Tell that to all your detractors.

All they have to do is stop caring what my opinion is on something. Simple as that. They, I tell you this from the core of my being...IDGAF about what one of them thinks about anything.
But they sure as shit think you do.

I know. I like play fighting. I admit it.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
You damn well know those two morons are crying right now over at MMP2.

“Bu….bu…. Why didn’t they leave BF”

Haw Haw


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You're driving right into them

Fuck off you fucking sad excuse for a human.

So 6 letter words confuse you? Maybe I should post a pic of a horses ass to get your attention?

He went on and on how he was bring this nigga in, that nigga here on BF? Just how many new posters have come because of him? Must all because ghosts only he can see and post cuz from what I see the so called King brought none.

So much for the KING and his so called power influence and all that uncool bullshit. Stick to flipping burgers Captain Foolie. Its all you can do and got.

He actually brings any people. What he does is rally for posters he doesnt like to be banned.

He already said all the "heavy hitters" are already here. That's the few people he likes because they hate the same people he hates.

He is pathological drama lol. Nothing more.
Bloody attention whores if only I could swat the away like a mosquito like in real life. RAID should be readily available on these sites. Only thing is I'd need a year supply every week.

Maybe posting more dumb beastialty pics will do the job you fucking retarded jackass.
Yeah. Pal. You're a fucking piece of shit, the way you talked about BF and his family, I'd have had you bounced out of here on your empty head so fast it would have made Gutterballs vagina spin.
What dickhead? Can you not comprehend that?
You noticed that too huh?

Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.

The combination of seething buttsore and potent stimulants make this individual(s) particularly unpleasant to be around.
Disturbing behavior. If a "female" was ever that out of line in real life she would be swiftly put in her place. In this caste I really believe there are two if not more people under that account. Sounds read a lot like Oak when "she" is calmer. Sometimes like KM. A lot of serious mental afflictions under that profile.

So how many " females " have you , " put in their place, " Simple Simon?
Uh ohhh

Traffic bots are now considered members.

Haw Haw
Notice how Dove says you're obsessed with her but in the last 2 weeks she's been on here interloping on your threads? Gee, for someone that wants all this "stalking" to stop, she sure has a funny way of showing it. What an absolute fucking tard.

You know what people DO notice?

Your obsessive focus on me and your need to type "Dovey" every few posts in every thread whether I'm here or not.

Its cringey how you guys try to pretend anyone gives a single fuck about either of you and that other people are "obsessed".

Convincing yourselves?
What's "cringey" is you wanting the Martini beat down to stop but here you are jutting your cum covered snout in all things Martini. For someone that doesn't want to be included in the Martini drama, you sure have a funny way of showing it you victim card playing hypocritical whore.

Flynn is right @Dove. Dove, you need to to end it. You aren't doing anything for the female cause taking KM baits. You know you are doing that right?

You are being labeled a narcissist and you are giving them ammo.

I for one don't want to go over your past history with your mistake friending KM offline.

I dont even hardly read their posts, Cas. If they are "labeling" me a narcissist, that's because that's what I call them and that's what narcs do lol.

You coming over to SG or what?

She was banned or her account was deleted.

I have an account there... not under caskur.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Me too. I won't grace them with my presence. I will not support those kinds of people.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not wanted there. I just work fine as a topic of a thread where they complain about me.
See, you in a roundabout way are giving their dead forums life.

Where would they be without Oak? ;)
Good question.

how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Me too. I won't grace them with my presence. I will not support those kinds of people.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not wanted there. I just work fine as a topic of a thread where they complain about me.
As I said the other night, you girls can hold your own. It’s the gang mentality or tag-teaming that makes it “mindless” for want of a better word.
It's human nature's the mob mentality.

Yeah, but we're on the internet. There is no threat, ffs.
Tell that to all your detractors.

All they have to do is stop caring what my opinion is on something. Simple as that. They, I tell you this from the core of my being...IDGAF about what one of them thinks about anything.
But they sure as shit think you do.

I know. I like play fighting. I admit it.
Play-fighting is cool. It gets a bit much when things get a bit personal. Fucking senseless.

My wife read somewhere that the way to a man’s heart, is simply being able to keep his stomach full and his balls empty!

I concur wholeheartedly!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Dove .... Dew Dawg banned Flynn at es gee... that was poor moderation.

Earlier, he did good moderation for me keeping her out of my PM at the time... note I didn't ask for her to be banned, just not to use PM over the one rule flea wanted enforced.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
my 1yo cat smeagol took a stinky soft serve in the box and didnt even bother covering it so as soon as the whiff hit us my other cat attacked him lmao

I spent an hour this morning just watching my two new kittens play. They're hilarious. They each made friends with my dog before they buried the hatchet with one another.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
@Dove .... Dew Dawg banned Flynn at es gee... that was poor moderation.

Earlier, he did good moderation for me keeping her out of my PM at the time... note I didn't ask for her to be banned, just not to use PM over the one rule flea wanted enforced.

He's ban happy. No one with a different point of view is going to go there. Who's going to be the "friendly" opposition if everyone simply agrees with one another?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
no one is posting at coffee grounds, yet it always show people logged in, that is too creepy.

they need to create content there instead of making all these bf sock accounts here


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
no one is posting at coffee grounds, yet it always show people logged in, that is too creepy.

they need to create content there instead of making all these bf sock accounts here

They're probably "scheming" the downfall of their opposition in pm. Not that it's ever worked...but hey, who are they hurting?



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
no one is posting at coffee grounds, yet it always show people logged in, that is too creepy.

they need to create content there instead of making all these bf sock accounts here
Before it was a 30 minute timer now it’s like a three hour timer.

Like seriously, posting this places stats truly gets to those idiots like nothing else.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
no one is posting at coffee grounds, yet it always show people logged in, that is too creepy.

they need to create content there instead of making all these bf sock accounts here
Before it was a 30 minute timer now it’s like a three hour timer.

Like seriously, posting this places stats truly gets to those idiots like nothing else.

Who does the forum belong to?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BC is going to be gone in a week or so, that was a decent forum with unique regs. CC always used to kick froods and aryans ass.

but when all the BF gossip started it changed for the worse


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Blue Oyster Bar is going to be gone in a week or so, that was a decent forum with unique regs. CC always used to kick froods and aryans ass.

but when all the BF gossip started it changed for the worse

It was a bad idea. They were never an exciting forum, but they were a comfy bunch. Maybe it will revert?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Blue Oyster Bar is going to be gone in a week or so, that was a decent forum with unique regs. CC always used to kick froods and aryans ass.

but when all the BF gossip started it changed for the worse
They were the ones who believed those two nutcases. That’s on them.

I have zero sympathy for anybody who believes anything Bannie Fails or Dovid say. They live this shit like it’s real life and don’t understand it’s a fucking game.

Here’s a thread, similar to the gossip thread but it’s fun. We’re all having fun then here comes Dovid with a victim manifesto nobody is gonna read then Bannie comes cloaked like a clown saying stupid shit.

They killed my trophy forum off to the point that dive needs to instal hacks to make it look busier then it really is AND their taking down a forum?

We should be baking them a cake or something, honestly

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Feel free to give your definition of the term.

Getting someone else to do your homework for you is cheating, cheater.

Die ignorant. lulz
Ahh, the typical leftist deflection.

It wouldn't surprise me if the meaning of the term has been quietly changed, like "gender" , "vaccination" , "herd immunity" etc, so that it fits the left's current narrative.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.
Last edited:

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.

Aryan and Deports are desperate for acceptance.

Et tu, @Breakfall, for real dude?
What? I’m in for a laugh! Lol
thats my attitude, the only winner of these dramas is whoever gives a shit least

so that's winning on the internet?

So, the real winners might be people that don't even bother with forums?
u dont get personal, u talk about casual light-hearted things, share a joke and have a lol...

not whatever this is

Familiarity breeds contempt. Many of these people have taken "jokes" too far, mined and spilled PI, taken trolling too seriously and then the discord builds.
i understand bad history, pride and the need 2 hit back but its a black hole drama without end search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.

Aryan and Deports are desperate for acceptance.

Et tu, @Breakfall, for real dude?
What? I’m in for a laugh! Lol
thats my attitude, the only winner of these dramas is whoever gives a shit least

so that's winning on the internet?

So, the real winners might be people that don't even bother with forums?
u dont get personal, u talk about casual light-hearted things, share a joke and have a lol...

not whatever this is

Familiarity breeds contempt. Many of these people have taken "jokes" too far, mined and spilled PI, taken trolling too seriously and then the discord builds.
i understand bad history, pride and the need 2 hit back but its a black hole drama without end

I'm explaining it, not condoning it.

Another issue is that new "offenses" stir up the past.
i know that, but its not healthy. all this shit is bad mojo, if i were u i with the torrent of insults u get i wouldnt even log in
She attracts insults like her 5XL pantaloons attract flies.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Blue Oyster Bar is going to be gone in a week or so, that was a decent forum with unique regs. CC always used to kick froods and aryans ass.

but when all the BF gossip started it changed for the worse
CC was a prickly jewish old crone. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that you were fond of her, Alfred.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Thank fuck for that. I take it you realise that you aren't welcome?

No One

Factory Bastard
So the “ new BFF is a huge mistake” ? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.

Aryan and Deports are desperate for acceptance.

Et tu, @Breakfall, for real dude?
What? I’m in for a laugh! Lol
thats my attitude, the only winner of these dramas is whoever gives a shit least

so that's winning on the internet?

So, the real winners might be people that don't even bother with forums?
u dont get personal, u talk about casual light-hearted things, share a joke and have a lol...

not whatever this is

Familiarity breeds contempt. Many of these people have taken "jokes" too far, mined and spilled PI, taken trolling too seriously and then the discord builds.
i understand bad history, pride and the need 2 hit back but its a black hole drama without end search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.

Aryan and Deports are desperate for acceptance.

Et tu, @Breakfall, for real dude?
What? I’m in for a laugh! Lol
thats my attitude, the only winner of these dramas is whoever gives a shit least

so that's winning on the internet?

So, the real winners might be people that don't even bother with forums?
u dont get personal, u talk about casual light-hearted things, share a joke and have a lol...

not whatever this is

Familiarity breeds contempt. Many of these people have taken "jokes" too far, mined and spilled PI, taken trolling too seriously and then the discord builds.
i understand bad history, pride and the need 2 hit back but its a black hole drama without end

I'm explaining it, not condoning it.

Another issue is that new "offenses" stir up the past.
i know that, but its not healthy. all this shit is bad mojo, if i were u i with the torrent of insults u get i wouldnt even log in
She attracts insults like her 5XL pantaloons attract flies.
The flinging pig on two feet?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
@Dove wrote:

It was just a lot of stupid drama, and for her to turn like a rabid dog again is just pretty predictable. Shes always got her own big long versions of everything that always make her some hero and everyone else just sucks because they didnt do what she wanted. But she never communicates clearly.

Talk about manipulative. They speak of Toxic Dove in the first 90 seconds of the following vid:



Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Ahh, the typical leftist deflection.

It wouldn't surprise me if the meaning of the term has been quietly changed, like "gender" , "vaccination" , "herd immunity" etc, so that it fits the left's current narrative.

It's not my job to educate people floundering in wrongthink.
I don't even see it as my duty, for the most part.
I'll go as far as handing out clues or pointing out fallacies but the rest is up to the individual being a fuckwit.

Instead of wanting a handout why not pull yourself up by your jackboot straps?
I'm sure you'd better appreciate the knowledge gained that way.

...and it goes without saying that your ignorance is more amusing anyway.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
my 1yo cat smeagol took a stinky soft serve in the box and didnt even bother covering it so as soon as the whiff hit us my other cat attacked him lmao
Lol. You named your cat Smeagol?
The Gollum/Smeagol character was very loosely based on the disciple Judas by Tolkien.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Ahh, the typical leftist deflection.

It wouldn't surprise me if the meaning of the term has been quietly changed, like "gender" , "vaccination" , "herd immunity" etc, so that it fits the left's current narrative.

It's not my job to educate people floundering in wrongthink.
I don't even see it as my duty, for the most part.
I'll go as far as handing out clues or pointing out fallacies but the rest is up to the individual being a fuckwit.

Instead of wanting a handout why not pull yourself up by your jackboot straps?
I'm sure you'd better appreciate the knowledge gained that way.

...and it goes without saying that your ignorance is more amusing anyway.
It speaks volumes that you'd rather prattle on with longwinded, condescending waffle, than give a brief description of the term being discussed.

No worries, whatever makes your e-peen hard.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Dove .... Dew Dawg banned Flynn at es gee... that was poor moderation.

Earlier, he did good moderation for me keeping her out of my PM at the time... note I didn't ask for her to be banned, just not to use PM over the one rule flea wanted enforced.

The reason Flynn was banned (it was a temporary ban) is because he was going batshit nuclear, spamming every thread with the Poofer drama, threatening "board war" and libel lawsuits.

Flynn was asked politely a few times to chill it out. Instead of getting his shit together, he started claiming he was making people cry and continuing to hysterically spam every thread. Every active thread. Even outside of the battle grounds.

The meltdown had been going on for 3 days and people were sick of it and not posting....because every thread was being littered with the drama.

It's all still all there. It was a just a temporary ban. Even Flea had had enough and said the next person to bring up the Poofer drama was getting banned. And Flynn immediately did it.

What is supposed to be done when you have someone rage spamming every thread for days like that about a topic everyone was sick too death of? I didnt want Flynn banned BUT I also didnt want to see paragraphs of rage in every single thread i posted in. No one else did either.

They have relaxed a lot since then, they are still pretty engaged in it and still pretty pissed....but at that time Flynn wasnt allowing anything else to be talked about. It was as if he was on an unmedicated manic psychotic episode. I've honestly never seen anything like it. It is to date the cringiest and most concerning meltdown I've ever seen.

I have no idea how this sort of thing worked out on "flame boards" or why anyone would think plastering their asses to a screen for 3 days and rage spamming an entire board and threatening lawsuits is "kicking ass" unless they are severely mentally ill. He was so unhinged he was warning posters like Wizer that I was gonna try to fuck them.

Flynn was making a huge ass of himself and needed a brief time out.

Big is always fair in his moderation. The reason "team blue" says otherwise is because he temporarily banned Admin. The reason he temporarily banned Admin is because Admin was spamming memes off topic in someone's discussion thread. They had asked nicely a few times for him to please stop. And he refused. Then he was warned if he didnt stop he would be temporarily banned. Well he continued to do it. So he got a temporary ban.

He was given several chances to stop spamming memes (that were not even on topic) in someone's discussion thread. It had nothing to do with politcs. Anyone doing that would have been moderated. The people claiming Big isnt fair consistently expect to be coddled and shown favoritism and have moderation only against people they disagree with and if they dont get their way they cry that its bias.

In reality that could have been Deport spamming a discussion thread with pro Trump memes and if he didnt stop when warned the same thing would have happened. They wanna shit up peoples threads and cry foul when they are moderated.

And again.....all of this is still up. Anyone can go see what happened themselves. No one would be able to act like that here either. I dont think it's good for any board to allow certain people to shit on peoples threads and derail every discussion. Temp bans or "forum jail" is how this kind of thing has always been handled on every board I've ever posted on. I dont see why Es Ge should be different and allow obnoxious shit that not even this board tolerates. BC doesnt tolerate that. FT didnt tolerate that. Why should Es Ge? Because it's Big? See what I'm saying?

People who are still complaining about this are trying to make it far more personal than it is, as if they should get special treatment because Big shouldnt be allowed to moderate anything because "bias". These fucking morons know exactly why they were banned. They know it was temporary and they knew what they were doing.

This time around people who act like that will just be confined for a short period until they chill out. Kinda like the assbox here.

I really dont get why Es Ge being put back up is such an emotional big deal for anyone. The whole faction thing where a few idiots are claiming if people post elsewhere then they shouldnt post here is beyond stupid lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Dove wrote:

It was just a lot of stupid drama, and for her to turn like a rabid dog again is just pretty predictable. Shes always got her own big long versions of everything that always make her some hero and everyone else just sucks because they didnt do what she wanted. But she never communicates clearly.

Talk about manipulative. They speak of Toxic Dove in the first 90 seconds of the following vid:

You are a very poor judge of character.

I can see why you would need to find something to justify your dislike of me because you dont want to admit its opposing beliefs. You want to sell yourself as open minded and enlightened......but you dont really know how to be that. I get it.

I think its pathetic, but I get it.

Welp ya'll Blurt wants me to be Amber Turd so i guess that settles it lol.

So Blurt. Let's be real for a few minutes. You dont like any assertive and straight shooting women if they are in opposition to some ideas you have. Also you are jumping in on behalf of very manipulative and vindictive females who perpetually suck up to males. So I have nothing to offer your ego....despite claims that I post so sensually that my husband is cuck just by virtue of my presence here. I'm likely never gonna giggle when you post at me or show you my boobs or compliment your intelligence, or echo your opinions back to you. I'm probably not gonna purr when your patronizing self pats my head and tells me to "smile more" either.

Dont you think having some personal experience with people is necessary to make proper and correct judgements? No? It's all about the ego, right?

Just say "Dovey, your opinions about how men shouldnt be allowed to claim to be women and have access to female spaces really pisses me off, I dont particularly care much about the safety and well being of women and I really wanna feel like an open and accepting person at your expense and the expense of your daughters. And you make that difficult for me, so I'm gonna attack your character...of which I'm completely ignorant"

Because that's what this is, its transparent as fuck.

Untape your balls, let them drop, and be DIRECT.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
how do u win a fight on the internet? search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That's funny because I don't think the most disliked BF posters have even posted there when the "new" SG went back up. What those silly fucks are really mad about is that their BF targets didn't give a fuck enough to log in, hence why cry baby Dove and three person Shen Li are here.

With all the people they dislike here, they all keep posting at BF. Weird.

I was never going to be invited, but that's dandy as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping they'd be happy in their safe space. Where they make the rules and allow their friends to break them.
Me too. I was hoping that the gaggle of braindead spammers would keep their asses away from here. No such luck. With their forums being DOA, they want to come over here and stir things up because there's not enough posters at TBC and at the SG for any kind of conversation.

Fuck. So now we have 23 & me Shen Li forever?
Their forums are dead. What did you expect?

I thought they were going to be so much better. That's what they say, right?
The truth of the matter you just can't have your "friends" on a forum. It takes all kinds to make a forum successful.

I agree. But I wouldn't support those fuckers to save my life...
Fair enough but a forum needs posters, not a clique or popularity club. Those two things will kill a forum.

I agree. What I mean is that I wouldn't go to TBC or the new SG to support them whatsoever...
Thank fuck for that. I take it you realise that you aren't welcome?

Oak is like "I agree echo chambers are bad but fuck all these other people who dont agree with me and who dont act the way I demand they do!!"

Smh. The irony. Shes pissed off because she wants to be rude and nasty and have her ass kissed.