Sad how predictable libs are...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Thank you for proving you are a stupid partisan hack who is incapable of intelligent thought.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You can't explain why because it is untrue. Your problem is you are so gullible you believe manufactured lies and smears. It is hard to believe someone of your advanced age is still as gullible as a child.

I have listened to Larry Elder more times than I can count. My opinion of him is based on the trash that comes out of his own mouth. He's awful. Now, go back to drinking the alt-right kool-aid. You're a Class-A tool.

So because you think his political opinions are garbage, that means he must be a predator?

See this the problem and this why respectful talks and even actual democracy is being destroyed. This is the definition of partisanship and bad faith.

Just because someone has stances you dont like or dont understand? That doesnt mean they are predators or horrible people or stupid. You see WHY people slam leftists? It's because this how leftists respond to other opinions. The insults and shaming....AND the hypocrisy of it all when a democrat or leftwing figure is busted doing something fucked up or illegal and the silence on it.

You guys dont stop at disagreeing. You attack the character of your opposition....which is a total fallacy. If his views are "garbage" you should be able to focus on the views and refute/counter them. I have yet to see ANYONE on the left do that ......its always character attacks and smears. Always. And then excuses for it like "well you are too stupid to waste time on" and shit like that.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Thank you for proving you are a stupid partisan hack who is incapable of intelligent thought.

She literally said that his opinions are garbage so he must also be a predator. That because she disagrees with him, shes willing to believe any hateful accusation flung at him regardless of evidence.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Democrats count on their followers being as dumb as Lotusbud.