Scavenger Hunt @ Bastard Factory

Bastard Factory

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip
I'm not fussed. If the organisers of the contest can't remain true to their own rulebook when a genuine, authentic picture of a topless female holding up a Bastard Factory sign has clearly been posted as per the letter of the rules, it's surely no skin off my dick and I know better than to bother with any future contests, right? Right. :ThumbsUp1:

The grey area of gamesmanship... "exploiting the system" to take advantage of a hole or weakness in the rules.

Within hours of your digging in your heels on the "early claim to victory" post, I had my lawyers pour over this thread only to deduce that you are indeed a dickhead. They've come to the conclusion that you are not only lazy, but attempting the easy way out by circumventing the obvious. See, these guys are all married, kids and spend their days on the golf course. They were expecting more and seemed disappointed in your cartoon con job... you let them down... you let me down and most of all, the other players.

Maybe this is something your girl could help us out with?

#31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO


Filthy European
☠️Private Forum Access
State of confusion.
The grey area of gamesmanship... "exploiting the system" to take advantage of a hole or weakness in the rules.

Within hours of your digging in your heels on the "early claim to victory" post, I had my lawyers pour over this thread only to deduce that you are indeed a dickhead. They've come to the conclusion that you are not only lazy, but attempting the easy way out by circumventing the obvious. See, these guys are all married, kids and spend their days on the golf course. They were expecting more and disappointed in your cartoon con job... you let them down... you let me down and most of all, the other players.

Maybe this is something your girl could help you out with?

#31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO

Me when looking at @aunty mabels cuntwash post.


aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
I'm not fussed. If the organisers of the contest can't remain true to their own rulebook when a genuine, authentic picture of a topless female holding up a Bastard Factory sign has clearly been posted as per the letter of the rules, it's surely no skin off my dick and I know better than to bother with any future contests, right? Right. :ThumbsUp1:

The grey area of gamesmanship... "exploiting the system" to take advantage of a hole or weakness in the rules.

Within hours of your digging in your heels on the "early claim to victory" post, I had my lawyers pour over this thread only to deduce that you are indeed a dickhead. They've come to the conclusion that you are not only lazy, but attempting the easy way out by circumventing the obvious. See, these guys are all married, kids and spend their days on the golf course. They were expecting more and seemed disappointed in your cartoon con job... you let them down... you let me down and most of all, the other players.

Maybe this is something your girl could help us out with?

#31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO
Nah nah, don't bother running damage control at this point son. There was no "exploiting the system" on my part, your rules were quite explicit and crying "buh-buh-buh-but that's not what I meant" when someone shows up with a picture of a topless woman holding up a bastard factory sign only makes you look weak. The route you took told me all I needed to know about your character and how you run your competitions and I scarcely need to see you openly shifting the goalposts at this point to recognise that for whatever reason you've decided I should be jumping through hoops for a grand prize of access to a secret penis room. Third Rail Forums operated in the exact same way... changing the rules on an ad hoc basis, then going all out to pretend reasonable hail marys and/or attempting to shame others into complying with them when it didn't yield the result they wanted. Doesn't wash in my book.

Funniest thing; Iggy coached me to approach you to amend your hunt items when I told her flat out that there were a number of them that were too unreasonable for me to complete personally. For instance, I am not booking a flight to the US simply so I can take a photo of a 7-Eleven employee holding up a Big Gulp cup (though I may yet pony up the long distance charges to ring Old Brother Hubbard's kinky mindfuck factory for my own amusement and possibly an mp3 of the proceedings). The bottom line being that unless there's a tangible benefit in there for yours truly, the effort of petitioning someone to have the rules bent on my account is redundant when that person has already demonstrated he is loath to abide by them in the first place. What you choose to call a "cartoon" was in fact a series of photos of a female skin mapped on to a female figure and operated by a female in a digital environment... disallowed by you for no other reason than you were incapable of explicitly communicating your intent in the first place.

Be that as it may, you proved yourself all to willing to change your rules on my behalf and without my so much as prompting you. #31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO... which if I am to assume from your track record so far is an even more vague expression of your intent than the first #31 you offered up, since I could offer up the following...


...whereupon you might tell me that you personally didn't find it sexy and disallow it on that basis alone, in spite of the fact that nowhere in the amended rule was it stated exactly who needed to find it sexy. Clearly someone must have done or they wouldn't have jabbed their dick up it in the first place. End result; I'd have successfully completed the same enumerated requirement twice and you'd still be cavorting about coming up with excuses as to why you weren't honouring your word.

No thanks. If the stakes were significant enough I might be compelled to engage in your little song and dance, but the truth is I've had my fun satisfying the requirement as it was written and determined your character into the bargain. If our roles were reversed then you'd have already been granted your access to the VIP penis room and I'd have chuckled "good one" as I granted it. I do prefer the unexpected to the predictable after all; anyone prepared to go as far as to think outside the box is by their nature more likely to drive entertainment, at least as far as I am concerned.

That's not what you're chasing though and that's cool. I've already had occasion to read some of the thread titles in the members only area and can guess that it's more of the same as what I already have access to in the lurkers lounge as well as other areas of the site. So much for the perks of "Elite membership". As for the rest, the taste of aspartame is revolting (and that's putting it mildly) and I don't imagine for a moment that I'm going to be fulfilled by the cursory adulation of passersby on their way to leaving fresh spoof stains on the ceiling. Feel free to consider my interest in these endeavours as having tanked long ago and if in future you find yourself in immediate need of a vacant slot for your little scavenger hunt then I'm sure you know where to look. Trust me, if the best you've got to offer me as a takeaway is "u r dickhead" and "we is teh disappointed in yuo" then I'm not missing much.

But I do wish you and yours the very best in your quest for free porno and venture to suggest you might easily find what you most ardently desire with a quick Jewgle search. In fact, if you hit up places like xhamster and youporn you'll even get pictures that both move AND groan at you.

Fancy that! Marvellous what you can do with science nowadays, eh?

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
I'm not fussed. If the organisers of the contest can't remain true to their own rulebook when a genuine, authentic picture of a topless female holding up a Bastard Factory sign has clearly been posted as per the letter of the rules, it's surely no skin off my dick and I know better than to bother with any future contests, right? Right. :ThumbsUp1:

The grey area of gamesmanship... "exploiting the system" to take advantage of a hole or weakness in the rules.

Within hours of your digging in your heels on the "early claim to victory" post, I had my lawyers pour over this thread only to deduce that you are indeed a dickhead. They've come to the conclusion that you are not only lazy, but attempting the easy way out by circumventing the obvious. See, these guys are all married, kids and spend their days on the golf course. They were expecting more and seemed disappointed in your cartoon con job... you let them down... you let me down and most of all, the other players.

Maybe this is something your girl could help us out with?

#31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO
Nah nah, don't bother running damage control at this point son. There was no "exploiting the system" on my part, your rules were quite explicit and crying "buh-buh-buh-but that's not what I meant" when someone shows up with a picture of a topless woman holding up a bastard factory sign only makes you look weak. The route you took told me all I needed to know about your character and how you run your competitions and I scarcely need to see you openly shifting the goalposts at this point to recognise that for whatever reason you've decided I should be jumping through hoops for a grand prize of access to a secret penis room. Third Rail Forums operated in the exact same way... changing the rules on an ad hoc basis, then going all out to pretend reasonable hail marys and/or attempting to shame others into complying with them when it didn't yield the result they wanted. Doesn't wash in my book.

Funniest thing; Iggy coached me to approach you to amend your hunt items when I told her flat out that there were a number of them that were too unreasonable for me to complete personally. For instance, I am not booking a flight to the US simply so I can take a photo of a 7-Eleven employee holding up a Big Gulp cup (though I may yet pony up the long distance charges to ring Old Brother Hubbard's kinky mindfuck factory for my own amusement and possibly an mp3 of the proceedings). The bottom line being that unless there's a tangible benefit in there for yours truly, the effort of petitioning someone to have the rules bent on my account is redundant when that person has already demonstrated he is loath to abide by them in the first place. What you choose to call a "cartoon" was in fact a series of photos of a female skin mapped on to a female figure and operated by a female in a digital environment... disallowed by you for no other reason than you were incapable of explicitly communicating your intent in the first place.

Be that as it may, you proved yourself all to willing to change your rules on my behalf and without my so much as prompting you. #31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO... which if I am to assume from your track record so far is an even more vague expression of your intent than the first #31 you offered up, since I could offer up the following...


...whereupon you might tell me that you personally didn't find it sexy and disallow it on that basis alone, in spite of the fact that nowhere in the amended rule was it stated exactly who needed to find it sexy. Clearly someone must have done or they wouldn't have jabbed their dick up it in the first place. End result; I'd have successfully completed the same enumerated requirement twice and you'd still be cavorting about coming up with excuses as to why you weren't honouring your word.

No thanks. If the stakes were significant enough I might be compelled to engage in your little song and dance, but the truth is I've had my fun satisfying the requirement as it was written and determined your character into the bargain. If our roles were reversed then you'd have already been granted your access to the VIP penis room and I'd have chuckled "good one" as I granted it. I do prefer the unexpected to the predictable after all; anyone prepared to go as far as to think outside the box is by their nature more likely to drive entertainment, at least as far as I am concerned.

That's not what you're chasing though and that's cool. I've already had occasion to read some of the thread titles in the members only area and can guess that it's more of the same as what I already have access to in the lurkers lounge as well as other areas of the site. So much for the perks of "Elite membership". As for the rest, the taste of aspartame is revolting (and that's putting it mildly) and I don't imagine for a moment that I'm going to be fulfilled by the cursory adulation of passersby on their way to leaving fresh spoof stains on the ceiling. Feel free to consider my interest in these endeavours as having tanked long ago and if in future you find yourself in immediate need of a vacant slot for your little scavenger hunt then I'm sure you know where to look. Trust me, if the best you've got to offer me as a takeaway is "u r dickhead" and "we is teh disappointed in yuo" then I'm not missing much.

But I do wish you and yours the very best in your quest for free porno and venture to suggest you might easily find what you most ardently desire with a quick Jewgle search. In fact, if you hit up places like xhamster and youporn you'll even get pictures that both move AND groan at you.

Fancy that! Marvellous what you can do with science nowadays, eh?
Do not drag me into this shit. I did not coach you to do anything, I simply made suggestions when you complained to me.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
I'm not fussed. If the organisers of the contest can't remain true to their own rulebook when a genuine, authentic picture of a topless female holding up a Bastard Factory sign has clearly been posted as per the letter of the rules, it's surely no skin off my dick and I know better than to bother with any future contests, right? Right. :ThumbsUp1:

The grey area of gamesmanship... "exploiting the system" to take advantage of a hole or weakness in the rules.

Within hours of your digging in your heels on the "early claim to victory" post, I had my lawyers pour over this thread only to deduce that you are indeed a dickhead. They've come to the conclusion that you are not only lazy, but attempting the easy way out by circumventing the obvious. See, these guys are all married, kids and spend their days on the golf course. They were expecting more and seemed disappointed in your cartoon con job... you let them down... you let me down and most of all, the other players.

Maybe this is something your girl could help us out with?

#31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO
Nah nah, don't bother running damage control at this point son. There was no "exploiting the system" on my part, your rules were quite explicit and crying "buh-buh-buh-but that's not what I meant" when someone shows up with a picture of a topless woman holding up a bastard factory sign only makes you look weak. The route you took told me all I needed to know about your character and how you run your competitions and I scarcely need to see you openly shifting the goalposts at this point to recognise that for whatever reason you've decided I should be jumping through hoops for a grand prize of access to a secret penis room. Third Rail Forums operated in the exact same way... changing the rules on an ad hoc basis, then going all out to pretend reasonable hail marys and/or attempting to shame others into complying with them when it didn't yield the result they wanted. Doesn't wash in my book.

Funniest thing; Iggy coached me to approach you to amend your hunt items when I told her flat out that there were a number of them that were too unreasonable for me to complete personally. For instance, I am not booking a flight to the US simply so I can take a photo of a 7-Eleven employee holding up a Big Gulp cup (though I may yet pony up the long distance charges to ring Old Brother Hubbard's kinky mindfuck factory for my own amusement and possibly an mp3 of the proceedings). The bottom line being that unless there's a tangible benefit in there for yours truly, the effort of petitioning someone to have the rules bent on my account is redundant when that person has already demonstrated he is loath to abide by them in the first place. What you choose to call a "cartoon" was in fact a series of photos of a female skin mapped on to a female figure and operated by a female in a digital environment... disallowed by you for no other reason than you were incapable of explicitly communicating your intent in the first place.

Be that as it may, you proved yourself all to willing to change your rules on my behalf and without my so much as prompting you. #31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO... which if I am to assume from your track record so far is an even more vague expression of your intent than the first #31 you offered up, since I could offer up the following...


...whereupon you might tell me that you personally didn't find it sexy and disallow it on that basis alone, in spite of the fact that nowhere in the amended rule was it stated exactly who needed to find it sexy. Clearly someone must have done or they wouldn't have jabbed their dick up it in the first place. End result; I'd have successfully completed the same enumerated requirement twice and you'd still be cavorting about coming up with excuses as to why you weren't honouring your word.

No thanks. If the stakes were significant enough I might be compelled to engage in your little song and dance, but the truth is I've had my fun satisfying the requirement as it was written and determined your character into the bargain. If our roles were reversed then you'd have already been granted your access to the VIP penis room and I'd have chuckled "good one" as I granted it. I do prefer the unexpected to the predictable after all; anyone prepared to go as far as to think outside the box is by their nature more likely to drive entertainment, at least as far as I am concerned.

That's not what you're chasing though and that's cool. I've already had occasion to read some of the thread titles in the members only area and can guess that it's more of the same as what I already have access to in the lurkers lounge as well as other areas of the site. So much for the perks of "Elite membership". As for the rest, the taste of aspartame is revolting (and that's putting it mildly) and I don't imagine for a moment that I'm going to be fulfilled by the cursory adulation of passersby on their way to leaving fresh spoof stains on the ceiling. Feel free to consider my interest in these endeavours as having tanked long ago and if in future you find yourself in immediate need of a vacant slot for your little scavenger hunt then I'm sure you know where to look. Trust me, if the best you've got to offer me as a takeaway is "u r dickhead" and "we is teh disappointed in yuo" then I'm not missing much.

But I do wish you and yours the very best in your quest for free porno and venture to suggest you might easily find what you most ardently desire with a quick Jewgle search. In fact, if you hit up places like xhamster and youporn you'll even get pictures that both move AND groan at you.

Fancy that! Marvellous what you can do with science nowadays, eh?
Do not drag me into this shit. I did not coach you to do anything, I simply made suggestions when you complained to me.
Ohhh right, is that what happened? :LOL2: You Americans have some funny ways of interpreting shit, that much I'll say.


Filthy European
☠️Private Forum Access
State of confusion.
I'm not fussed. If the organisers of the contest can't remain true to their own rulebook when a genuine, authentic picture of a topless female holding up a Bastard Factory sign has clearly been posted as per the letter of the rules, it's surely no skin off my dick and I know better than to bother with any future contests, right? Right. :ThumbsUp1:

The grey area of gamesmanship... "exploiting the system" to take advantage of a hole or weakness in the rules.

Within hours of your digging in your heels on the "early claim to victory" post, I had my lawyers pour over this thread only to deduce that you are indeed a dickhead. They've come to the conclusion that you are not only lazy, but attempting the easy way out by circumventing the obvious. See, these guys are all married, kids and spend their days on the golf course. They were expecting more and seemed disappointed in your cartoon con job... you let them down... you let me down and most of all, the other players.

Maybe this is something your girl could help us out with?

#31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO
Nah nah, don't bother running damage control at this point son. There was no "exploiting the system" on my part, your rules were quite explicit and crying "buh-buh-buh-but that's not what I meant" when someone shows up with a picture of a topless woman holding up a bastard factory sign only makes you look weak. The route you took told me all I needed to know about your character and how you run your competitions and I scarcely need to see you openly shifting the goalposts at this point to recognise that for whatever reason you've decided I should be jumping through hoops for a grand prize of access to a secret penis room. Third Rail Forums operated in the exact same way... changing the rules on an ad hoc basis, then going all out to pretend reasonable hail marys and/or attempting to shame others into complying with them when it didn't yield the result they wanted. Doesn't wash in my book.

Funniest thing; Iggy coached me to approach you to amend your hunt items when I told her flat out that there were a number of them that were too unreasonable for me to complete personally. For instance, I am not booking a flight to the US simply so I can take a photo of a 7-Eleven employee holding up a Big Gulp cup (though I may yet pony up the long distance charges to ring Old Brother Hubbard's kinky mindfuck factory for my own amusement and possibly an mp3 of the proceedings). The bottom line being that unless there's a tangible benefit in there for yours truly, the effort of petitioning someone to have the rules bent on my account is redundant when that person has already demonstrated he is loath to abide by them in the first place. What you choose to call a "cartoon" was in fact a series of photos of a female skin mapped on to a female figure and operated by a female in a digital environment... disallowed by you for no other reason than you were incapable of explicitly communicating your intent in the first place.

Be that as it may, you proved yourself all to willing to change your rules on my behalf and without my so much as prompting you. #31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO... which if I am to assume from your track record so far is an even more vague expression of your intent than the first #31 you offered up, since I could offer up the following...


...whereupon you might tell me that you personally didn't find it sexy and disallow it on that basis alone, in spite of the fact that nowhere in the amended rule was it stated exactly who needed to find it sexy. Clearly someone must have done or they wouldn't have jabbed their dick up it in the first place. End result; I'd have successfully completed the same enumerated requirement twice and you'd still be cavorting about coming up with excuses as to why you weren't honouring your word.

No thanks. If the stakes were significant enough I might be compelled to engage in your little song and dance, but the truth is I've had my fun satisfying the requirement as it was written and determined your character into the bargain. If our roles were reversed then you'd have already been granted your access to the VIP penis room and I'd have chuckled "good one" as I granted it. I do prefer the unexpected to the predictable after all; anyone prepared to go as far as to think outside the box is by their nature more likely to drive entertainment, at least as far as I am concerned.

That's not what you're chasing though and that's cool. I've already had occasion to read some of the thread titles in the members only area and can guess that it's more of the same as what I already have access to in the lurkers lounge as well as other areas of the site. So much for the perks of "Elite membership". As for the rest, the taste of aspartame is revolting (and that's putting it mildly) and I don't imagine for a moment that I'm going to be fulfilled by the cursory adulation of passersby on their way to leaving fresh spoof stains on the ceiling. Feel free to consider my interest in these endeavours as having tanked long ago and if in future you find yourself in immediate need of a vacant slot for your little scavenger hunt then I'm sure you know where to look. Trust me, if the best you've got to offer me as a takeaway is "u r dickhead" and "we is teh disappointed in yuo" then I'm not missing much.

But I do wish you and yours the very best in your quest for free porno and venture to suggest you might easily find what you most ardently desire with a quick Jewgle search. In fact, if you hit up places like xhamster and youporn you'll even get pictures that both move AND groan at you.

Fancy that! Marvellous what you can do with science nowadays, eh?


Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
I'm not fussed. If the organisers of the contest can't remain true to their own rulebook when a genuine, authentic picture of a topless female holding up a Bastard Factory sign has clearly been posted as per the letter of the rules, it's surely no skin off my dick and I know better than to bother with any future contests, right? Right. :ThumbsUp1:

The grey area of gamesmanship... "exploiting the system" to take advantage of a hole or weakness in the rules.

Within hours of your digging in your heels on the "early claim to victory" post, I had my lawyers pour over this thread only to deduce that you are indeed a dickhead. They've come to the conclusion that you are not only lazy, but attempting the easy way out by circumventing the obvious. See, these guys are all married, kids and spend their days on the golf course. They were expecting more and seemed disappointed in your cartoon con job... you let them down... you let me down and most of all, the other players.

Maybe this is something your girl could help us out with?

#31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO
Nah nah, don't bother running damage control at this point son. There was no "exploiting the system" on my part, your rules were quite explicit and crying "buh-buh-buh-but that's not what I meant" when someone shows up with a picture of a topless woman holding up a bastard factory sign only makes you look weak. The route you took told me all I needed to know about your character and how you run your competitions and I scarcely need to see you openly shifting the goalposts at this point to recognise that for whatever reason you've decided I should be jumping through hoops for a grand prize of access to a secret penis room. Third Rail Forums operated in the exact same way... changing the rules on an ad hoc basis, then going all out to pretend reasonable hail marys and/or attempting to shame others into complying with them when it didn't yield the result they wanted. Doesn't wash in my book.

Funniest thing; Iggy coached me to approach you to amend your hunt items when I told her flat out that there were a number of them that were too unreasonable for me to complete personally. For instance, I am not booking a flight to the US simply so I can take a photo of a 7-Eleven employee holding up a Big Gulp cup (though I may yet pony up the long distance charges to ring Old Brother Hubbard's kinky mindfuck factory for my own amusement and possibly an mp3 of the proceedings). The bottom line being that unless there's a tangible benefit in there for yours truly, the effort of petitioning someone to have the rules bent on my account is redundant when that person has already demonstrated he is loath to abide by them in the first place. What you choose to call a "cartoon" was in fact a series of photos of a female skin mapped on to a female figure and operated by a female in a digital environment... disallowed by you for no other reason than you were incapable of explicitly communicating your intent in the first place.

Be that as it may, you proved yourself all to willing to change your rules on my behalf and without my so much as prompting you. #31. Human Flesh. Make it sexy. GO... which if I am to assume from your track record so far is an even more vague expression of your intent than the first #31 you offered up, since I could offer up the following...


...whereupon you might tell me that you personally didn't find it sexy and disallow it on that basis alone, in spite of the fact that nowhere in the amended rule was it stated exactly who needed to find it sexy. Clearly someone must have done or they wouldn't have jabbed their dick up it in the first place. End result; I'd have successfully completed the same enumerated requirement twice and you'd still be cavorting about coming up with excuses as to why you weren't honouring your word.

No thanks. If the stakes were significant enough I might be compelled to engage in your little song and dance, but the truth is I've had my fun satisfying the requirement as it was written and determined your character into the bargain. If our roles were reversed then you'd have already been granted your access to the VIP penis room and I'd have chuckled "good one" as I granted it. I do prefer the unexpected to the predictable after all; anyone prepared to go as far as to think outside the box is by their nature more likely to drive entertainment, at least as far as I am concerned.

That's not what you're chasing though and that's cool. I've already had occasion to read some of the thread titles in the members only area and can guess that it's more of the same as what I already have access to in the lurkers lounge as well as other areas of the site. So much for the perks of "Elite membership". As for the rest, the taste of aspartame is revolting (and that's putting it mildly) and I don't imagine for a moment that I'm going to be fulfilled by the cursory adulation of passersby on their way to leaving fresh spoof stains on the ceiling. Feel free to consider my interest in these endeavours as having tanked long ago and if in future you find yourself in immediate need of a vacant slot for your little scavenger hunt then I'm sure you know where to look. Trust me, if the best you've got to offer me as a takeaway is "u r dickhead" and "we is teh disappointed in yuo" then I'm not missing much.

But I do wish you and yours the very best in your quest for free porno and venture to suggest you might easily find what you most ardently desire with a quick Jewgle search. In fact, if you hit up places like xhamster and youporn you'll even get pictures that both move AND groan at you.

Fancy that! Marvellous what you can do with science nowadays, eh?
Do not drag me into this shit. I did not coach you to do anything, I simply made suggestions when you complained to me.
Ohhh right, is that what happened? :LOL2: You Americans have some funny ways of interpreting shit, that much I'll say.
Not my fault you want to try to find loopholes in everything you come across. You asked what I thought and I told you there might be a slim chance that your entry would work but I am also sure I told you that he very likely meant a real live topless woman......but you argued. I also told you where you might be able to get this image for your entry when the first one didn't work, so if you had listened to me we wouldn't be sitting here talking about this now would we? I also told you to ask BF about the items you thought were impossible to accomplish or that were unclear. The Elite forum here isn't anything like what I had going on at RH. At RH members were hand picked by me or someone had to vouch for you, that was the only way in.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
Not my fault you want to try to find loopholes in everything you come across.
What loophole? It was a real live woman and she was topless. Actually, if the truth be known it was two real live women; the one driving the in-world woman and the skin model who had her naked self uploaded so people could go around shelling out two bucks a pop so they wouldn't look like something off the pages of an Archie comic.

I've said it before, I'll say it again; you Americans have some funny ways of interpreting shit. Someone ponies up a picture of a naked woman holding up a Bastard Factory sign and y'all go out of your way to welch on your end of the deal. Whatever would Donald Trump think of such behaviour? For shame!

And don't try selling me the tale that this is something I went looking for. This literally fell out of the sky like a plummeting TRF Alexa ranking.:ROFL:

You asked what I thought and I told you there might be a slim chance that your entry would work but I am also sure I told you that he very likely meant a real live topless woman......but you argued.
More like I was pissing myself laughing. "Best four cents I ever spent"... remember? That four cents is still paying dividends from my perspective, I've got a few surly looks from @nuffwidthe and tripped @Blowhard Factory up over his wording of rule #31 not once but twice. @Grimdawg has thrown in the tldr towel (a sure sign of a person who is all out of argument) and my good friend @Iggy McLulz has come roaring out of the blocks against her beloved Uncle Twatty, presumably because nepotism is more compelling than a desire "not be dragged into it", I wouldn't know.

Maybe it's not as amusing to you as it is to me. Sorry about that, but it's surely not something I can help. If this scavenger hunt is so totally SRZ INTERNET BZNZ, let me know and I'll stop having so much fun with it. Can't say furor than that. :CooL:

I also told you where you might be able to get this image for your entry when the first one didn't work, so if you had listened to me we wouldn't be sitting here talking about this now would we?
What, After the whole "you had to pay for that" outburst? If that's what four cents on a BF porn forum banner upload engenders, what on earth would five whole dollars do??? I'm here for fun, not to put other posters into mental wards and intensive care units you know. :LMAO2:

Besides, in the time it takes me to scope out the vagaries of the site and twiddle my thumbs in the hopes of finding some crack whore prepared to flash her tits and a scrap of hastily scrawled upon paper at a webcam for my five dollars (and have Bastard Factory come up with yet more excuses as to why it did not qualify), I could be amusing myself in Photoshop getting a topless Hillary Clinton to seig heil the screen with a Bastard Factory placard. And still have it dismissed. :ThumbsUp1:

I also told you to ask BF about the items you thought were impossible to accomplish or that were unclear.
Yes, and I told you why that wasn't happening. For what it's worth, I reiterated it out here and earned a couple of "tldr" whimpers from people who couldn't argue the toss because I was right all along. Probably get a few more here for this post as well, I suspect due to some misguided belief that I should be tying myself up in knots because of someone else's diminished attention span. Pro tip: I'm not.

The Elite forum here isn't anything like what I had going on at RH. At RH members were hand picked by me or someone had to vouch for you, that was the only way in.
You might like to draw a distinction, I don't. It is not of overriding importance to me to gain access to any forum which is why I only ever make the token effort of registration and not much past that. As it was at RH, so it is here; the lure of extra forums to post in is not something I ever attached any great importance to, primarily because there are so many about to begin with.

If there is any importance to the Elite Forum here that puts it over and above the hoi polloi of freely postable ones then I'm not seeing it. Take a look at the playing field card in the OP and you'll have confirmation of this; over two months since the hunt was started and only five of the half dozen spots have been filled with three of those are occupied by people who were either already grandfathered in or likely enjoyed access due to being staff. That leaves two actual contestants with a grand total of three approved hunt items between them. Not a bad haul all things considered, how many people did you say were posting at this site again? Want to tell me why we're not seeing all of them taking a crack at it?

This is not malicious mind you, just honest comment and any humor anyone finds from it is a much better take-home than getting all bent out of shape over it. I put it to you that the reason we're still discussing it is not because I "didn't listen to you" (I did), but because a few people got a little precious over an unanticipated yet perfectly valid interpretation of what was required to capture the flag. Rather than having a good old chuckle about it, they decided to defend an untenable position and insist the applicant make a do-over for something that really wasn't that important in the first place.

To the rest of you... "sorry about your penis." :Grin3:
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Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
:LOL2: I’m not reading all of that. Jfc for it not being serious you sure spent a lot of time tearing my response apart and the rules.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Not my fault you want to try to find loopholes in everything you come across.
What loophole? It was a real live woman and she was topless. Actually, if the truth be known it was two real live women; the one driving the in-world woman and the skin model who had her naked self uploaded so people could go around shelling out two bucks a pop so they wouldn't look like something off the pages of an Archie comic.

I've said it before, I'll say it again; you Americans have some funny ways of interpreting shit. Someone ponies up a picture of a naked woman holding up a Bastard Factory sign and y'all go out of your way to welch on your end of the deal. Whatever would Donald Trump think of such behaviour? For shame!

And don't try selling me the tale that this is something I went looking for. This literally fell out of the sky like a plummeting TRF Alexa ranking.:ROFL:

You asked what I thought and I told you there might be a slim chance that your entry would work but I am also sure I told you that he very likely meant a real live topless woman......but you argued.
More like I was pissing myself laughing. "Best four cents I ever spent"... remember? That four cents is still paying dividends from my perspective, I've got a few surly looks from @nuffwidthe and tripped @Blowhard Factory up over his wording of rule #31 not once but twice. @Grimdawg has thrown in the tldr towel (a sure sign of a person who is all out of argument) and my good friend @Iggy McLulz has come roaring out of the blocks against her beloved Uncle Twatty, presumably because nepotism is more compelling than a desire "not be dragged into it", I wouldn't know.

Maybe it's not as amusing to you as it is to me. Sorry about that, but it's surely not something I can help. If this scavenger hunt is so totally SRZ INTERNET BZNZ, let me know and I'll stop having so much fun with it. Can't say furor than that. :CooL:

I also told you where you might be able to get this image for your entry when the first one didn't work, so if you had listened to me we wouldn't be sitting here talking about this now would we?
What, After the whole "you had to pay for that" outburst? If that's what four cents on a BF porn forum banner upload engenders, what on earth would five whole dollars do??? I'm here for fun, not to put other posters into mental wards and intensive care units you know. :LMAO2:

Besides, in the time it takes me to scope out the vagaries of the site and twiddle my thumbs in the hopes of finding some crack whore prepared to flash her tits and a scrap of hastily scrawled upon paper at a webcam for my five dollars (and have Bastard Factory come up with yet more excuses as to why it did not qualify), I could be amusing myself in Photoshop getting a topless Hillary Clinton to seig heil the screen with a Bastard Factory placard. And still have it dismissed. :ThumbsUp1:

I also told you to ask BF about the items you thought were impossible to accomplish or that were unclear.
Yes, and I told you why that wasn't happening. For what it's worth, I reiterated it out here and earned a couple of "tldr" whimpers from people who couldn't argue the toss because I was right all along. Probably get a few more here for this post as well, I suspect due to some misguided belief that I should be tying myself up in knots because of someone else's diminished attention span. Pro tip: I'm not.

The Elite forum here isn't anything like what I had going on at RH. At RH members were hand picked by me or someone had to vouch for you, that was the only way in.
You might like to draw a distinction, I don't. It is not of overriding importance to me to gain access to any forum which is why I only ever make the token effort of registration and not much past that. As it was at RH, so it is here; the lure of extra forums to post in is not something I ever attached any great importance to, primarily because there are so many about to begin with.

If there is any importance to the Elite Forum here that puts it over and above the hoi polloi of freely postable ones then I'm not seeing it. Take a look at the playing field card in the OP and you'll have confirmation of this; over two months since the hunt was started and only five of the half dozen spots have been filled with three of those are occupied by people who were either already grandfathered in or likely enjoyed access due to being staff. That leaves two actual contestants with a grand total of three approved hunt items between them. Not a bad haul all things considered, how many people did you say were posting at this site again? Want to tell me why we're not seeing all of them taking a crack at it?

This is not malicious mind you, just honest comment and any humor anyone finds from it is a much better take-home than getting all bent out of shape over it. I put it to you that the reason we're still discussing it is not because I "didn't listen to you" (I did), but because a few people got a little precious over an unanticipated yet perfectly valid interpretation of what was required to capture the flag. Rather than having a good old chuckle about it, they decided to defend an untenable position and insist the applicant make a do-over for something that really wasn't that important in the first place.

To the rest of you... "sorry about your penis." :Grin3:
I’m a real person with more than three approved hunt items...
Bastard Factory

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip
Right onnn AMC… you've been heard. One person here is taking this GAME very serious.

This isn't Nickelodeon and we're not looking for cartoons... I've clarified #31 for all moving forward.

The Elite Forum and perks as you've pointed out is a simple token of appreciation for site supporters. I don't expect you to be a part of that group once it's open, but I'm also sure you don't have a problem with it.

Let's get this thread back on track.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
:LOL2: I’m not reading all of that. Jfc for it not being serious you sure spent a lot of time tearing my response apart and the rules.

Aaaaaand another "tl;dr". Man I hate being right all the time! :ThumbsUp3:

I’m a real person with more than three approved hunt items...
Whaddaya want, a medal or the chest to pin it on?

Right onnn AMC… you've been heard. One person here is taking this GAME very serious.

Mmmhmm, and just who would that be I wonder. Ohhh right, let me guess, it's one of those throwaway parting shots people employ to save face. :ROFL:

This isn't Nickelodeon and we're not looking for cartoons... I've clarified #31 for all moving forward.

So to clarify further, you're not accepting the second attempt at #31. How did I not see that coming? :StaleStory:

The Elite Forum and perks as you've pointed out is a simple token of appreciation for site supporters. I don't expect you to be a part of that group once it's open, but I'm also sure you don't have a problem with it.

Ahhh, the truth. Jim Carey once said it will set you free. You are right on all counts there .

Let's get this thread back on track.
Indeed. And the best of luck for anyone looking to complete the hunt. :Grin3:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
:LOL2: I’m not reading all of that. Jfc for it not being serious you sure spent a lot of time tearing my response apart and the rules.

Aaaaaand another "tl;dr". Man I hate being right all the time! :ThumbsUp3:

I’m a real person with more than three approved hunt items...
Whaddaya want, a medal or the chest to pin it on?

Right onnn AMC… you've been heard. One person here is taking this GAME very serious.
Mmmhmm, and just who would that be I wonder. Ohhh right, let me guess, it's one of those throwaway parting shots people employ to save face. :ROFL:

This isn't Nickelodeon and we're not looking for cartoons... I've clarified #31 for all moving forward.
So to clarify further, you're not accepting the second attempt at #31. How did I not see that coming? :StaleStory:

The Elite Forum and perks as you've pointed out is a simple token of appreciation for site supporters. I don't expect you to be a part of that group once it's open, but I'm also sure you don't have a problem with it.

Ahhh, the truth. Jim Carey once said it will set you free. You are right on all counts there .

Let's get this thread back on track.
Indeed. And the best of luck for anyone looking to complete the hunt. :Grin3:
I can’t remember asking you for anything... Keep your medal and your chest, you clearly need it more than I do book posting fahg... toodaloo


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
:LOL2: I’m not reading all of that. Jfc for it not being serious you sure spent a lot of time tearing my response apart and the rules.

Aaaaaand another "tl;dr". Man I hate being right all the time! :ThumbsUp3:

I’m a real person with more than three approved hunt items...
Whaddaya want, a medal or the chest to pin it on?

Right onnn AMC… you've been heard. One person here is taking this GAME very serious.
Mmmhmm, and just who would that be I wonder. Ohhh right, let me guess, it's one of those throwaway parting shots people employ to save face. :ROFL:

This isn't Nickelodeon and we're not looking for cartoons... I've clarified #31 for all moving forward.
So to clarify further, you're not accepting the second attempt at #31. How did I not see that coming? :StaleStory:

The Elite Forum and perks as you've pointed out is a simple token of appreciation for site supporters. I don't expect you to be a part of that group once it's open, but I'm also sure you don't have a problem with it.

Ahhh, the truth. Jim Carey once said it will set you free. You are right on all counts there .

Let's get this thread back on track.
Indeed. And the best of luck for anyone looking to complete the hunt. :Grin3:
Fuck it lol... You have a gripe about posting a GTA screenshot with tits and a sign because you weren’t given the win when clearly the focus was a genuine picture of tits and a sign... You then start whining because your big powerful brain deserved the cheap route in because of your ingenuity, hate to break it to you but it was a dumb move not a smart one.. lol All you’ve done is try to take fun off these boards and you fine well know it...

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
So much for "Let's get this thread back on track" and "the best of luck for anyone looking to complete the hunt." I guess some @Bears get stubbed toes easily.

Fuck it lol... You have a gripe about posting a GTA screenshot with tits and a sign because you weren’t given the win when clearly the focus was a genuine picture of tits and a sign... You then start whining because your big powerful brain deserved the cheap route in because of your ingenuity, hate to break it to you but it was a dumb move not a smart one.. lol All you’ve done is try to take fun off these boards and you fine well know it...
Argument denied and for reasons which have already been more than adequately expressed in #82, #92 and #98 my easily excitable child. If you were looking for a chance to leap in and argue the toss on the topic, you might have leaped in before the site owner expressed his wishes at the tail end of #112 and certainly before my agreement to do so in #113, leaping in after the fact being a "dumb move not a smart one". Or are you relying on my good graces to accede to the board owner's wish where you assuredly cannot? Perhaps you are banking on your willingness to charge after the carrot to be a mark in your favour in the "Good Boy" column. I won't do @Blowhard Factory the disservice of wishing you luck with it; he's already expressed his desire to move on from his own egregious misrepresentation of his aims circa OP, I've indicated I've no pressing interest to keep rubbing his nose in same and all you're doing here is facilitating further opportunity to "take fun off these boards and you fine well know it'.

Now, hows about you be a good little Pooh Bear and finish that hunt instead of worrying about what I've supposedly done. I promise you that you will have lots of warm fuzzies for it when you are kicking back in BF's expression of appreciation for selected site supporters later.* I of course will not be joining you, since despite your assurances to the contrary, my mantra is as follows....

* - this guarantee is not valid anywhere.
Last edited:

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
So much for "Let's get this thread back on track" and "the best of luck for anyone looking to complete the hunt." I guess some @Bears get stubbed toes easily.

Fuck it lol... You have a gripe about posting a GTA screenshot with tits and a sign because you weren’t given the win when clearly the focus was a genuine picture of tits and a sign... You then start whining because your big powerful brain deserved the cheap route in because of your ingenuity, hate to break it to you but it was a dumb move not a smart one.. lol All you’ve done is try to take fun off these boards and you fine well know it...
Argument denied and for reasons which have already been more than adequately expressed in #82, #92 and #98 my easily excitable child. If you were looking for a chance to leap in and argue the toss on the topic, you might have leaped in before the site owner expressed his wishes at the tail end of #112 and certainly before my agreement to do so in #113, leaping in after the fact being a "dumb move not a smart one". Or are you relying on my good graces to accede to the board owner's wish where you assuredly cannot? Perhaps you are banking on your willingness to charge after the carrot to be a mark in your favour in the "Good Boy" column. I won't do @Blowhard Factory the disservice of wishing you luck with it; he's already expressed his desire to move on from his own egregious misrepresentation of his aims circa OP, I've indicated I've no pressing interest to keep rubbing his nose in same and all you're doing here is facilitating further opportunity to "take fun off these boards and you fine well know it'.

Now, hows about you be a good little Pooh Bear and finish that hunt instead of worrying about what I've supposedly done. I promise you that you will have lots of warm fuzzies for it when you are kicking back in BF's expression of appreciation for selected site supporters later.* I of course will not be joining you, since despite your assurances to the contrary, my mantra is as follows....

* - this guarantee is not valid anywhere.

jfc are you trying to put us to sleep?

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
jfc are you trying to put us to sleep?
Nope. Are you insisting on furnishing me with further opportunities to do so?

Say, @Boobage Factory ... not about to tell you how to do your job or anything, but how do you like the idea of splitting off anything that you don't consider a valid submission to this thread? That way the attending zoo of adopted parents, AA Milne inspired characters and miscreants such as I can amuse ourselves like a pack of rabidly squawking seagulls trying to get the last word in without putrifying your little contest.

You know it makes sense. :Grin3:
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Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
So much for "Let's get this thread back on track" and "the best of luck for anyone looking to complete the hunt." I guess some @Bears get stubbed toes easily.

Fuck it lol... You have a gripe about posting a GTA screenshot with tits and a sign because you weren’t given the win when clearly the focus was a genuine picture of tits and a sign... You then start whining because your big powerful brain deserved the cheap route in because of your ingenuity, hate to break it to you but it was a dumb move not a smart one.. lol All you’ve done is try to take fun off these boards and you fine well know it...
Argument denied and for reasons which have already been more than adequately expressed in #82, #92 and #98 my easily excitable child. If you were looking for a chance to leap in and argue the toss on the topic, you might have leaped in before the site owner expressed his wishes at the tail end of #112 and certainly before my agreement to do so in #113, leaping in after the fact being a "dumb move not a smart one". Or are you relying on my good graces to accede to the board owner's wish where you assuredly cannot? Perhaps you are banking on your willingness to charge after the carrot to be a mark in your favour in the "Good Boy" column. I won't do @Blowhard Factory the disservice of wishing you luck with it; he's already expressed his desire to move on from his own egregious misrepresentation of his aims circa OP, I've indicated I've no pressing interest to keep rubbing his nose in same and all you're doing here is facilitating further opportunity to "take fun off these boards and you fine well know it'.

Now, hows about you be a good little Pooh Bear and finish that hunt instead of worrying about what I've supposedly done. I promise you that you will have lots of warm fuzzies for it when you are kicking back in BF's expression of appreciation for selected site supporters later.* I of course will not be joining you, since despite your assurances to the contrary, my mantra is as follows....

* - this guarantee is not valid anywhere.

Hehe no worries, I’m excpecting beer and wimminz when I win it... I’m growing my tits.... :LOL1::Perfecto: