Go over this and explain exactly how we are wrong about CRT?
Because I'm very confident that if it's just a "conservative boogy man" I'd like to see how. As a parent who has a senior graduating in 2022, and a sophomore in HS.....and a sweet lil Squish starting kinder this fall....I'm pretty invested in knowing and understanding the material and curriculums my children will be exposed to. This isnt just a political argument. This is directly involving peoples children.
So why dont one of you do more than just gas light us and attack our intelligence and just explain what it is. I also provided a link to The Equity Collaborative that explains what CRT is. It's pretty much exactly what we have been saying it is.....unless we missed something.
I'm looking forward to being proven wrong here. Let's hear it.
I think whomever is pushing CRT wants recognition and to stand out in the crowd.
They want these throries pushed because they feel it validates them.
But they don't care about the implications this theory has for race relations or how it will affect children.
That's why it's dangerous.
Anyways, who ever head about a company for example like Apple, introducing a product on the market without first testing it?
Of course, any sensible company will take months, or even years to release a product before they know it's safe and the public will accept it and it will be good for them.
They don't just ram something down people's throats.
I f something isn't peer reviewed and tested before implementing it then of course the results could be disastrous.
They want to divide and destabilize the United States.
This is a great way to do it and destroy the whole frame work and bring about bigger government and a more socailist/communist system.
That's how critical theory has always been used. They used class in the other countries this method worked on. Here.. ..its race.
The extra effort into demonizing all of us who scream out about these things and resist them pays off.....as you can see. We aren't people. We are far or alt right whatevers who just want whatever they think we want. We are the devil....you know.
I'm supposed to finish nursing this fall(do my last year) I dont even think I want to. Medicine and health care are gonna be political and government ran. Bleh. Why put eggs in that basket. I should do veterinary nursing.
II'm not sure what the proponents of CRT want or what their agenda is.
But....when I listen to the theory explained by its proponents (not opponents), it's still incredibly vague.
Like...if a person cannot explain what their theor is in e on sentance or a paragraph, then nobody knows what they're talking about. I just hear them go on and on and on for an hour and at the end of their speches, I still don't know what they were trying to say.
Likewisie, would a product being introduced to market succeed if its end users didn't know where the door handle was or the on/off switch?
IN other words, they expect you to just 'get it', and if you don't then you're some Neanderthal who belongs in a cave.
Even if the theory has positive aspects, its proponents haven't done a very good explaining it.
Here's an example:
After listening to the guy for over 15 minutes, I nary got a clearer idea what CRT was or what he was trying to advance.
Guy says he has a graduate degree but his message seems incredibly garbled and unclear.