The Beaver Blogs


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Sexual intamacy is like holy water to the nocturnal cretin from brawl hall circa 2005

talk about it and I bet they vacate the thread like someone yelled “”bomb”” in a Tel Aviv movie theater

You would hate sex too if it was always followed by pepper spray and restraining orders.

We should try to be more sensitive lol.

Still. You got your children taken away. Yanno?
three in a row again lmao

anyways...what r your preferred pronouns?

You are disqualified for asking old people questions.
ok. so how old r u then?

You really are showing your age.

My age was already mentioned in this thread.



Just like do you have "proof" that you still have your children? NOPE!

Flynn, dont ever fucking ask anyone for "proof" they have their kids unless you want to be called the pedophile predator you probably are and would need to be to ask a fucking stranger anything about their kids.

The fuck. Garbage ass predator. See you dont even deny it you just keep hoping and trying to get me to "prove" shit that isnt your business and give you pictures of kids.

I would tear out your eyes and piss down your skull holes before you got to look at or know fuck all about MY kids. You think brain is swimming in Dovey now? Motherfucker I would rip it out your nostrils and wipe my ass with it and let my kids shoot your fat old ass for target practice.

Settle down and get a better angle, child stalking scum.

Post proof that you still have your children, psycho.

So you want pictures of my underaged girls?

Yes or no.

Why does a 50 year old man go online and troll for pictures of minor girls?

Fucking predator.

So. Now I'm a 50 year-old man?


When did I ask for pictures? Is this another one of those"digital stills" things?

How old EXACTLY are your "minor children" now that YOU brought them up?

When are they do back home? 10 years? 15 years?

Just to be clear, you've been spamming "dooveeeys kids were taken by the state" over and over due to lack of brains.

Then you actually ask for "proof" my kids were not taken from the state.

So you should explain exactly what "proof" you think you should be given that someone's children were not removed by the state.

Then you should go and snort bleach until you are dead because child predators should not be a thing.
He wants pics of your kids.


I know.

The sick fucker has been spamming that my kids were taken over and over hoping that stupid gross bait would be taken.

So now he is just straight up asking for "proof".

He needs to go kill himself. This is predator shit.

Oh. How surprising. Dovey trying to sound like the victim. Man. You just think anyone is that fucking stupid to continue to believe your fucking garbage.

Explain to "Harry Potter" how you lost your children to CPS because of mental and physical abuse.

GTFO with your PLEASE ASS BOX ME! apologetics you child stalking bag of shit.

Go stab yourself in the neck with a box cutter.

Well if I ever do "stab myself in the neck with a box cutter" at least my children can call 9-1-1.

Probably because with your predator ass dead they can get to a phone to call for help.

How much "proof" did you collect on the internet of those kids before you abducted them?
Doesn't the turd kinda remind you of Alpha Nova at this point?

Like, obessing over shit that no one gives a fuck about :LMAO2:

Somewhat. The difference is Alpha Nova wasnt a pervert trying to get picture "proof" of anyones kids.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Should I post my privits and see if it implodes fLaMeToWnE?

I would love to see a Googled picture of your alleged vagina.

I'm sooo fucking good. Men and women are showing off ther genitals in my thread. What kinds of points are being made here? See, I control the weather here. You were up all morning trying to make believe I don't own your ghetto ass.

I love how people think spamming up my very own thread is going to upset me, on the contrary. It just contradicts all the points that "no one reads my posts."

Kinda like, e still having custody of my children, yanno?

Its called Thread Jacking tard, how long have you been around again..??

its what happens to shitty threads with retarded ops..

OK a homage to how big a retard you appear but a homage none the less

"dont let that go to your head"

It keeps fucking demanding pictures of my fucking kids.

Look through its fucking keeps saying my kids were removed by the state, than demands fucking "proof" they were not.

If that's not trolling for images of underaged girls WTF is?

Hey, Dovey? Texas didn't quite hear you. Maybe you could screech a little louder?

Are you upset at me? Did I do something to have your kids taken away? I mean whose fault is it that you're just a fucked up person and mother? Is it mine? Is it Caskurs? Is it Fleas? Is it Murdocks? Is it King Martinis?

It's your fucking fault that YOUR kids were taken out of that god foresaken den of drugs you call a fuckin home.

At least your children are away from you, that way they can have a real chance at life instead of turning into you, yanno?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Sexual intamacy is like holy water to the nocturnal cretin from brawl hall circa 2005

talk about it and I bet they vacate the thread like someone yelled “”bomb”” in a Tel Aviv movie theater

You would hate sex too if it was always followed by pepper spray and restraining orders.

We should try to be more sensitive lol.

Still. You got your children taken away. Yanno?
three in a row again lmao

anyways...what r your preferred pronouns?

You are disqualified for asking old people questions.
ok. so how old r u then?

You really are showing your age.

My age was already mentioned in this thread.



Just like do you have "proof" that you still have your children? NOPE!

Flynn, dont ever fucking ask anyone for "proof" they have their kids unless you want to be called the pedophile predator you probably are and would need to be to ask a fucking stranger anything about their kids.

The fuck. Garbage ass predator. See you dont even deny it you just keep hoping and trying to get me to "prove" shit that isnt your business and give you pictures of kids.

I would tear out your eyes and piss down your skull holes before you got to look at or know fuck all about MY kids. You think brain is swimming in Dovey now? Motherfucker I would rip it out your nostrils and wipe my ass with it and let my kids shoot your fat old ass for target practice.

Settle down and get a better angle, child stalking scum.

Post proof that you still have your children, psycho.

So you want pictures of my underaged girls?

Yes or no.

Why does a 50 year old man go online and troll for pictures of minor girls?

Fucking predator.

So. Now I'm a 50 year-old man?


When did I ask for pictures? Is this another one of those"digital stills" things?

How old EXACTLY are your "minor children" now that YOU brought them up?

When are they do back home? 10 years? 15 years?

Just to be clear, you've been spamming "dooveeeys kids were taken by the state" over and over due to lack of brains.

Then you actually ask for "proof" my kids were not taken from the state.

So you should explain exactly what "proof" you think you should be given that someone's children were not removed by the state.

Then you should go and snort bleach until you are dead because child predators should not be a thing.

Hi, Dovey.

Still posting up your usual tripe? I was wondering is THIS my "surrender" post? Wasn't my "surrender" supposed to be forthcoming in the very near future according to you and you little Ouija board made fron the hairs of your long gone children?

Maybe you could ask me if I want to "masterbate to children again?" Because that right there proves that you're so fucking upset that you start making shit up. So far:

1. Flynn is suing the forums.

2. Flynn has digital stills.

3. Flynn is stalking my children.

4. Flynn is a sexual predator.

5. Flynn isn't bothering me.

I like how the evil Flynn's attributes change depending on what day of the week it is. Yesterday was "Flynn The Predator Day." So today must be "lawsuit" and "digital still" day?

You're about as predictable as BEnzo's bowel movements.

I like how you think you're soooo smart. But. Not "smart" enough to prevent your children from being taken away.

Too predatory, didnt read.

Take your child stalking bullshit to the deep web. Hope the feds get you soon.

Yes. You did. Don't lie like you normally do.

I know it hurts knowing that even "psycho" Flynn has her children.

We'll send a post card.

Baby the only thing we are mailing this sack of shit is anthrax.


That explains a lot on why your children were taken away. A lot. Yanno?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Sexual intamacy is like holy water to the nocturnal cretin from brawl hall circa 2005

talk about it and I bet they vacate the thread like someone yelled “”bomb”” in a Tel Aviv movie theater

You would hate sex too if it was always followed by pepper spray and restraining orders.

We should try to be more sensitive lol.

Still. You got your children taken away. Yanno?
three in a row again lmao

anyways...what r your preferred pronouns?

You are disqualified for asking old people questions.
ok. so how old r u then?

You really are showing your age.

My age was already mentioned in this thread.



Just like do you have "proof" that you still have your children? NOPE!

Flynn, dont ever fucking ask anyone for "proof" they have their kids unless you want to be called the pedophile predator you probably are and would need to be to ask a fucking stranger anything about their kids.

The fuck. Garbage ass predator. See you dont even deny it you just keep hoping and trying to get me to "prove" shit that isnt your business and give you pictures of kids.

I would tear out your eyes and piss down your skull holes before you got to look at or know fuck all about MY kids. You think brain is swimming in Dovey now? Motherfucker I would rip it out your nostrils and wipe my ass with it and let my kids shoot your fat old ass for target practice.

Settle down and get a better angle, child stalking scum.

Post proof that you still have your children, psycho.

So you want pictures of my underaged girls?

Yes or no.

Why does a 50 year old man go online and troll for pictures of minor girls?

Fucking predator.

So. Now I'm a 50 year-old man?


When did I ask for pictures? Is this another one of those"digital stills" things?

How old EXACTLY are your "minor children" now that YOU brought them up?

When are they do back home? 10 years? 15 years?

Just to be clear, you've been spamming "dooveeeys kids were taken by the state" over and over due to lack of brains.

Then you actually ask for "proof" my kids were not taken from the state.

So you should explain exactly what "proof" you think you should be given that someone's children were not removed by the state.

Then you should go and snort bleach until you are dead because child predators should not be a thing.
He wants pics of your kids.


I know.

The sick fucker has been spamming that my kids were taken over and over hoping that stupid gross bait would be taken.

So now he is just straight up asking for "proof".

He needs to go kill himself. This is predator shit.

Oh. How surprising. Dovey trying to sound like the victim. Man. You just think anyone is that fucking stupid to continue to believe your fucking garbage.

Explain to "Harry Potter" how you lost your children to CPS because of mental and physical abuse.

GTFO with your PLEASE ASS BOX ME! apologetics you child stalking bag of shit.

Go stab yourself in the neck with a box cutter.

Well if I ever do "stab myself in the neck with a box cutter" at least my children can call 9-1-1.

Probably because with your predator ass dead they can get to a phone to call for help.

How much "proof" did you collect on the internet of those kids before you abducted them?

In any case "this predator ass" at least has custody of her children.

There's nothing you can say or do to change that. Yanno?


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
I'm not Catholic, and never have been. Pagan all the way. I just happen to think this site is a little on the negative side, and a lot of people who post here have no soul. Just a lot of empty bullshit, chest thumping, mansplaining, narcissism, and hatred from the right.
Then IF you are pagan why are you tossing out all this negative energy? Do you honestly think yelling, name calling and in general trying to disrupt things goes in any way to making things better? Seriously?

"you catch more bees with honey than you do with vinager"- Very old saying holds true.

because from this Heathen's perspective and as a Go∂i you are becoming exactly what you despise.

Do you honestly think that all these wonderfully positive people here deserve more positivity than they dish? Do you honestly think I want your mansplanations when I don't welcome others'? I wonder why you don't lecture any of them, yet you feel free to lecture me whenever and wherever.

Sign me,
Not taking advice from you, but thanks


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Sexual intamacy is like holy water to the nocturnal cretin from brawl hall circa 2005

talk about it and I bet they vacate the thread like someone yelled “”bomb”” in a Tel Aviv movie theater

You would hate sex too if it was always followed by pepper spray and restraining orders.

We should try to be more sensitive lol.

Still. You got your children taken away. Yanno?
three in a row again lmao

anyways...what r your preferred pronouns?

You are disqualified for asking old people questions.
ok. so how old r u then?

You really are showing your age.

My age was already mentioned in this thread.



Just like do you have "proof" that you still have your children? NOPE!

Flynn, dont ever fucking ask anyone for "proof" they have their kids unless you want to be called the pedophile predator you probably are and would need to be to ask a fucking stranger anything about their kids.

The fuck. Garbage ass predator. See you dont even deny it you just keep hoping and trying to get me to "prove" shit that isnt your business and give you pictures of kids.

I would tear out your eyes and piss down your skull holes before you got to look at or know fuck all about MY kids. You think brain is swimming in Dovey now? Motherfucker I would rip it out your nostrils and wipe my ass with it and let my kids shoot your fat old ass for target practice.

Settle down and get a better angle, child stalking scum.

Post proof that you still have your children, psycho.

So you want pictures of my underaged girls?

Yes or no.

Why does a 50 year old man go online and troll for pictures of minor girls?

Fucking predator.

So. Now I'm a 50 year-old man?


When did I ask for pictures? Is this another one of those"digital stills" things?

How old EXACTLY are your "minor children" now that YOU brought them up?

When are they do back home? 10 years? 15 years?

Just to be clear, you've been spamming "dooveeeys kids were taken by the state" over and over due to lack of brains.

Then you actually ask for "proof" my kids were not taken from the state.

So you should explain exactly what "proof" you think you should be given that someone's children were not removed by the state.

Then you should go and snort bleach until you are dead because child predators should not be a thing.
He wants pics of your kids.


I know.

The sick fucker has been spamming that my kids were taken over and over hoping that stupid gross bait would be taken.

So now he is just straight up asking for "proof".

He needs to go kill himself. This is predator shit.

Oh. How surprising. Dovey trying to sound like the victim. Man. You just think anyone is that fucking stupid to continue to believe your fucking garbage.

Explain to "Harry Potter" how you lost your children to CPS because of mental and physical abuse.

GTFO with your PLEASE ASS BOX ME! apologetics you child stalking bag of shit.

Go stab yourself in the neck with a box cutter.

Well if I ever do "stab myself in the neck with a box cutter" at least my children can call 9-1-1.

Probably because with your predator ass dead they can get to a phone to call for help.

How much "proof" did you collect on the internet of those kids before you abducted them?
Doesn't the turd kinda remind you of Alpha Nova at this point?

Like, obessing over shit that no one gives a fuck about :LMAO2:

Somewhat. The difference is Alpha Nova wasnt a pervert trying to get picture "proof" of anyones kids.

I bet Alpha Nova never had his kids taken away, yanno?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm not Catholic, and never have been. Pagan all the way. I just happen to think this site is a little on the negative side, and a lot of people who post here have no soul. Just a lot of empty bullshit, chest thumping, mansplaining, narcissism, and hatred from the right.
Then IF you are pagan why are you tossing out all this negative energy? Do you honestly think yelling, name calling and in general trying to disrupt things goes in any way to making things better? Seriously?

"you catch more bees with honey than you do with vinager"- Very old saying holds true.

because from this Heathen's perspective and as a Go∂i you are becoming exactly what you despise.

Do you honestly think that all these wonderfully positive people here deserve more positivity than they dish? Do you honestly think I want your mansplanations when I don't welcome others'? I wonder why you don't lecture any of them, yet you feel free to lecture me whenever and wherever.

Sign me,
Not taking advice from you, but thanks
If we all chipped in and bought you a ribbed 12" dildo do you think that would help?

We could have the site owner broker the purchase


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.

You'll just get whipped for the next ten years.

15 minutes in and you'll be jamming shit like this


More cutting edge material from The Mother Of The Year.

Hey, Dovey. How do you live with yourself? You have nothing. Not even your kids or a job. I hope your socking away those Stimulus Checks and Unemployment because those will be coming to an end soon and you'll be back to sucking cock for cash again.

No wonder the State deemed you an unfit mother.

You win the prize for most repetitive poster of the century.

Finally, a lotus post I can get behind.

Now get on all fours so I can show you the best 20 seconds of your life.

Wow. That wasn't misogynistic at all. Fuck off. Go stick your tiny dick up Dovey's ass. She won't feel a thing.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.

You'll just get whipped for the next ten years.

15 minutes in and you'll be jamming shit like this


More cutting edge material from The Mother Of The Year.

Hey, Dovey. How do you live with yourself? You have nothing. Not even your kids or a job. I hope your socking away those Stimulus Checks and Unemployment because those will be coming to an end soon and you'll be back to sucking cock for cash again.

No wonder the State deemed you an unfit mother.

You win the prize for most repetitive poster of the century.

Finally, a lotus post I can get behind.

Now get on all fours so I can show you the best 20 seconds of your life.

Wow. That wasn't misogynistic at all. Fuck off. Go stick your tiny dick up Dovey's ass. She won't feel a thing.

I mean, I could probably up it to 21 seconds if you turn on the lights and take the paper bag off your head.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.

You'll just get whipped for the next ten years.

15 minutes in and you'll be jamming shit like this


More cutting edge material from The Mother Of The Year.

Hey, Dovey. How do you live with yourself? You have nothing. Not even your kids or a job. I hope your socking away those Stimulus Checks and Unemployment because those will be coming to an end soon and you'll be back to sucking cock for cash again.

No wonder the State deemed you an unfit mother.

You win the prize for most repetitive poster of the century.

Finally, a lotus post I can get behind.

Now get on all fours so I can show you the best 20 seconds of your life.

Wow. That wasn't misogynistic at all. Fuck off. Go stick your tiny dick up Dovey's ass. She won't feel a thing.

Now. That. Was. Funny.

On a side note. It's also fucking true.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Do you think that's going to make me jealous? LOL

First, cruises are for the type of people who buy McMansions and put gold plating on their toilets and think its classy. I've never gone on a cruise and I never will.

You will never come anywhere near my pussy. Your balls would be in your throat before you could get close enough. The thought of you touching me is vomitous.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.

You'll just get whipped for the next ten years.

15 minutes in and you'll be jamming shit like this


More cutting edge material from The Mother Of The Year.

Hey, Dovey. How do you live with yourself? You have nothing. Not even your kids or a job. I hope your socking away those Stimulus Checks and Unemployment because those will be coming to an end soon and you'll be back to sucking cock for cash again.

No wonder the State deemed you an unfit mother.

Oh... this post reminds me

Sccubuss, you fancy a western Caribbean or Caribbean?

Royal Caribbean or Carnival?

Either one. Hahahaha


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Do you think that's going to make me jealous? LOL

First, cruises are for the type of people who buy McMansions and put gold plating on their toilets and think its classy. I've never gone on a cruise and I never will.

You will never come anywhere near my pussy. Your balls would be in your throat before you could get close enough. The thought of you touching me is vomitous.

Now that is creative and on point for the moment.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of true love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Do you think that's going to make me jealous?

I sure hope not.

I've never been that cruel to my own penis before but I figured it being so close to Easter and it's black history month and all that

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
hahaha Beaver Blog producing Beaver(Canadian term for Cunt)

I'm sorry. I omitted the original title for brevity.

It's actually called or was called, "The Flametruth Blogspot" by Beaver Cleaver.

You look retarded again, realgrimm. But this time it isn't 100% your fault.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.

Keep flaming, flamer. You were owned. Oh and I'm not perfect. I've noticed you misspelling words in your paragraphs, as well. Never pointed it out because that's what happens when you type too fast.....or you must be illiterate.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.

Keep flaming, flamer. You were owned. Oh and I'm not perfect. I've noticed you misspelling words in your paragraphs, as well. Never pointed it out because that's what happens when you type too fast.....or you must be illiterate.
grammar lames are the pinnacle of self ownage on these message boards

As if someone like Flynn merited a simple spell check for a textual backhand


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.
you saying Succubus is chunky?

I mean, she doesn't appear capable of run way modeling for a toothpick manufacturer the way someone of slopes and ripples can but she's certainly no "water buffalo"


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.

Keep flaming, flamer. You were owned. Oh and I'm not perfect. I've noticed you misspelling words in your paragraphs, as well. Never pointed it out because that's what happens when you type too fast.....or you must be illiterate.

I never said YOU "mispelled" any words you fucking 12 titted mastadon.

What I said was your fat ignorant ass is soo fucking stupid that you tried "flaming me with this,"

"My Prime Grade A beef is better than your Filet Minon."


The only thing that may come close to Filet Mignon is a Kobe Beef Filet Mignon.

The only person that got "owned" was overweight blubber ass.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

You can sit on my face and grind baby

and if I end up suffocated to death? that's cool, I'll sign the waiver