The Beaver Blogs



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

So what's the difference between "Prime Grade A beef" and "Filet minon," again?

Oh god....

Now we're in for the Grand Protein Obsession

No. We're "on" making fun of stupid people "Obsession."
Well, you have indicated you have your kids. Repeatedly

AND...they weren't taken away by CPS. Don't forget to mention that.
No, I figured you'd leap at the opportunity to be dreadfully redundant & uninteresting

Kinda like your sex life, eh?
But how many times have you dedicated your small family of braincells to posting about it?

#so uninteresting they talk about it constantly

I still have my children, "tho."

You still got your bus pass?

You still got your helmet?

You still got a large clit? Why not post it for Succubus? I would advise dusting it off first before snapping a pic.

Why? It's not like I need to impress you heathens.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Lmao I just thought of something .....Flynn you must be envious of fat bitches. Your body is begging you to put on a few hundred pounds......or two. It's can imagine whatever suits your fantasy. Keep eating my pussy, bitch!!! If you want to imagine me being a fat cow.....that's fine with me. Do your deed and pay your dues. You're not done until I'm screaming and you're drowning. Feel me? :Gimme:

I think the funniest part of your post is the part where you claim "to have thought of something."

Well. I can tell you what you didn't "thought of," was "Prime Grade A beef" being "wayyyy better" than that crappy "filet minonnon!"


Shaddup porky and go eat some more bacon grease.

I'd rather eat can't afford that, can you, Flynn?

I'm not the one that lives in a single wide trailer.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.
you saying Succubus is chunky?

I mean, she doesn't appear capable of run way modeling for a toothpick manufacturer the way someone of slopes and ripples can but she's certainly no "water buffalo"

Hey you fucking dipshit.

I am calling her a fat bitch.

Just like you're a short dumpy midget with a big receding hairline. It looks like the Florida Keys at low tide.

Midgets are hot, too. They are the perfect size if you know what I mean? Certain activities require certain accommodations but you wouldn't know shit about that, would you? I bet your pussy hair has cob webs just clinging to it and your vaginal walls are starting to crust and fall apart like the Sahara desert.

Let me get this straight.

So, my "pussy has cobwebs" because I think fucking a 45 pound circus midget is gross?

If left up to your logic, you would spout out:

"Biggie doesn't deserve Flynn's filet minnonnnnon, he wants my 0% Lean Ground Hamburger because 0% means no fat. I showed you Flynn. You are owning yourself while Biggie Dipstick feasts on my ground up hamburger!"



Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

So what's the difference between "Prime Grade A beef" and "Filet minon," again?


My vagina you twat. Come taste it. I'll show you.

How many times are you going to try this worn out lesbo shit with me? You are exactly what Dovey describes when she talks about "predators."

I've been fucking Dovey up, while your Orca sized ass is over here sexually harassing me. No seriously, according to Dovey's definition of being a "sexual predator" you fit the mold.

Let me guess?

Your vagina is way better than mine because yours tastes like Oscar Meyer Wieners?

I don't know. You tell me. You're the one eating it.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Lmao I just thought of something .....Flynn you must be envious of fat bitches. Your body is begging you to put on a few hundred pounds......or two. It's can imagine whatever suits your fantasy. Keep eating my pussy, bitch!!! If you want to imagine me being a fat cow.....that's fine with me. Do your deed and pay your dues. You're not done until I'm screaming and you're drowning. Feel me? :Gimme:

I think the funniest part of your post is the part where you claim "to have thought of something."

Well. I can tell you what you didn't "thought of," was "Prime Grade A beef" being "wayyyy better" than that crappy "filet minonnon!"


Shaddup porky and go eat some more bacon grease.

I'd rather eat can't afford that, can you, Flynn?

I'm not the one that lives in a single wide trailer.

Idk who lives in a single wide trailer but it's not me.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Flynn hates when adults are sexual with other adults when he is trying to score pictures of kids.

Tic Toc must be slow or onto to him
Didn't he mention something about fortnite falling apart after the 13 year olds found better weaponry on some other video game he cannot afford?

oh wait... did I just insinuate Poofy and Flynn are the same person


Oh. Look! It's the midget version of Sherlock Holmes.

Now you've cracked the case wide open, eh? Now Flynn and Martini are one of the same?

One problem. Or problems.

You'll have to let Benzo know that I'm not "Gunz." After that, you'll need to let Freud know that I am not 3 Mubai teens that deliver for Doordash. Also, you'll have to let Blandscape know that I am not in fact two women in their 60's he coins as "Thelma and Louise."

Then you'll also have to let realgrimm know that I'm not Mary G. After you get done with that, go find Oak and let her know that I am not Freud.

Additionally, please let Feral and Flea know that I am not Sum Cun't. When you're finally done with that, find TWAP and let him know that I am not Bugs Bunny after all.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

So what's the difference between "Prime Grade A beef" and "Filet minon," again?


My vagina you twat. Come taste it. I'll show you.

How many times are you going to try this worn out lesbo shit with me? You are exactly what Dovey describes when she talks about "predators."

I've been fucking Dovey up, while your Orca sized ass is over here sexually harassing me. No seriously, according to Dovey's definition of being a "sexual predator" you fit the mold.

Let me guess?

Your vagina is way better than mine because yours tastes like Oscar Meyer Wieners?

I don't know. You tell me. You're the one eating it.

I see. So now asking a stupid question is supposed to take the place of your equally stupid answer?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Lmao I just thought of something .....Flynn you must be envious of fat bitches. Your body is begging you to put on a few hundred pounds......or two. It's can imagine whatever suits your fantasy. Keep eating my pussy, bitch!!! If you want to imagine me being a fat cow.....that's fine with me. Do your deed and pay your dues. You're not done until I'm screaming and you're drowning. Feel me? :Gimme:

I think the funniest part of your post is the part where you claim "to have thought of something."

Well. I can tell you what you didn't "thought of," was "Prime Grade A beef" being "wayyyy better" than that crappy "filet minonnon!"


Shaddup porky and go eat some more bacon grease.

I'd rather eat can't afford that, can you, Flynn?

I'm not the one that lives in a single wide trailer.

Idk who lives in a single wide trailer but it's not me.

Excuse thee fuck outta me...Double Wide. My bad.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Lmao I just thought of something .....Flynn you must be envious of fat bitches. Your body is begging you to put on a few hundred pounds......or two. It's can imagine whatever suits your fantasy. Keep eating my pussy, bitch!!! If you want to imagine me being a fat cow.....that's fine with me. Do your deed and pay your dues. You're not done until I'm screaming and you're drowning. Feel me? :Gimme:

I think the funniest part of your post is the part where you claim "to have thought of something."

Well. I can tell you what you didn't "thought of," was "Prime Grade A beef" being "wayyyy better" than that crappy "filet minonnon!"


Shaddup porky and go eat some more bacon grease.

I'd rather eat can't afford that, can you, Flynn?

I'm not the one that lives in a single wide trailer.

Idk who lives in a single wide trailer but it's not me.

Excuse thee fuck outta me...Double Wide. My bad.

Who cares? I could live in a cardboard box and STILL pull more dick than you.....being the "cow" that I supposedly am. Roflmmfao. The only thing you have in life going for you is your ability to flame. I suggest you put it to good use. If I wanted to, I could live in a 5 bedroom 3 bath house or bigger. I CHOOSE not to. Don't get my story twisted. :rightON:


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Lmao I just thought of something .....Flynn you must be envious of fat bitches. Your body is begging you to put on a few hundred pounds......or two. It's can imagine whatever suits your fantasy. Keep eating my pussy, bitch!!! If you want to imagine me being a fat cow.....that's fine with me. Do your deed and pay your dues. You're not done until I'm screaming and you're drowning. Feel me? :Gimme:

I think the funniest part of your post is the part where you claim "to have thought of something."

Well. I can tell you what you didn't "thought of," was "Prime Grade A beef" being "wayyyy better" than that crappy "filet minonnon!"


Shaddup porky and go eat some more bacon grease.

I'd rather eat can't afford that, can you, Flynn?

I'm not the one that lives in a single wide trailer.

Idk who lives in a single wide trailer but it's not me.

Excuse thee fuck outta me...Double Wide. My bad.

Who cares? I could live in a cardboard box and STILL pull more dick than you.....being the "cow" that I supposedly am. Roflmmfao. The only thing you have in life going for you is your ability to flame. I suggest you put it to good use. If I wanted to, I could live in a 5 bedroom 3 bath house or bigger. I CHOOSE not to. Don't get my story twisted. :rightON:

No need to get all piggy with me, I'm not a double decker Club Sandwch.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Lmao I just thought of something .....Flynn you must be envious of fat bitches. Your body is begging you to put on a few hundred pounds......or two. It's can imagine whatever suits your fantasy. Keep eating my pussy, bitch!!! If you want to imagine me being a fat cow.....that's fine with me. Do your deed and pay your dues. You're not done until I'm screaming and you're drowning. Feel me? :Gimme:

I think the funniest part of your post is the part where you claim "to have thought of something."

Well. I can tell you what you didn't "thought of," was "Prime Grade A beef" being "wayyyy better" than that crappy "filet minonnon!"


Shaddup porky and go eat some more bacon grease.

I'd rather eat can't afford that, can you, Flynn?

I'm not the one that lives in a single wide trailer.

Idk who lives in a single wide trailer but it's not me.

Excuse thee fuck outta me...Double Wide. My bad.

Who cares? I could live in a cardboard box and STILL pull more dick than you.....being the "cow" that I supposedly am. Roflmmfao. The only thing you have in life going for you is your ability to flame. I suggest you put it to good use. If I wanted to, I could live in a 5 bedroom 3 bath house or bigger. I CHOOSE not to. Don't get my story twisted. :rightON:

No need to get all piggy with me, I'm not a double decker Club Sandwch.

Shit, I am. Motherfuckers wanna eat me up! Bwahahahaha


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

So what's the difference between "Prime Grade A beef" and "Filet minon," again?


My vagina you twat. Come taste it. I'll show you.

How many times are you going to try this worn out lesbo shit with me? You are exactly what Dovey describes when she talks about "predators."

I've been fucking Dovey up, while your Orca sized ass is over here sexually harassing me. No seriously, according to Dovey's definition of being a "sexual predator" you fit the mold.

Let me guess?

Your vagina is way better than mine because yours tastes like Oscar Meyer Wieners?

You are fucking yourself up. Look at you....a gotdamn humorless mess who demands PI on fucking kids.

Watching you post is like watching a live psychotic breakdown and you are either too stupid or too narcissistic to get it. Or both....narcs are always stupid as fuck.

The cut/pasting of your glory days in 2006 from some dumb ass failed board no one cares about is just sad as fuck.

You are the poster slob for why trolls will ALWAYS be better than "flamers". Getting the best of you mental midgets is so easy
....its not even fair. You are so self obsessed and entitled that you are absolutely no match for anyone here. Even Benzo reduced you.

Stupid narc. Dont worry still got Seaboob and Casket to help you cyber stalk people who hurt your feelz on the internet. You big iconic FlameTard. :LOL1:

Succi's vagina is way better than that maggot looking clit thing you call a dick.

Let me guess... I sound mad? And you have your kids tho. I bet they are in the back yard digging holes to shit in because its cleaner thsn the alternative....while you "fuck people up" on a board that sees you as a joke.

You arent shit but a mentally busted up, discarded predator who cant do shit but look like a desperate braindead psycho online. Your shit looks more like a TLC episode on internet addiction than anything from a "flamer".

Go die of chinese aids.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
It really is no different than all of the raging porn threads here on the forum. If any of you can't handle a picture of my vagina then my word of advice is to NOT LOOK. :fuckOFF:

The question is. Why would you and Breakfall post pictures of your alleged genitals to strangers on a forum? It's not like both of you guys were getting $3.5K. I mean, is your life that fucking sad that you need the affirmation of complete strangers off a forum? Include Blazor's black ass to that list as well.

Damn. That's fucking sad. Almost as sad as Dovey losing her children to the state. Yanno?

I'm not a chicken shit. I'm spontaneous. I have zero give a fucks. Hmmmm......3 answers to one question. Ohhhh!!!! I almost forgot!!! It was actually nice to get you to shut up for about 3 seconds!!!! I deserve an award. :Beatdown2: :Welcome8:
Award given. I like the cut of your jib.

Thank you, hun. :)
That is a beautiful pussy you got there.

I was like a hairline from licking my fucking screen.

Girlfriend if my face ever got down there I'd suck your soul right out of you

I think I need someone to suck the soul out of's been a while and X just isn't giving in....which is extremely rare for a Succubus, lmao.
I live about 8 hours from you

Don't tempt me girl

How'd you end up in permanent meltdown? Who put you there? I'm gonna pull the paddle out on BF and spank his ass hard with it.

Would you two go PM? No one wants to see this, other than you two.

You mean kinda like no one wants to see your political rants only we know how to continuously hit the scroll button???

This coming from King Kong, who tried saying her "Prime Grade A beef" was waaaaay better than my nasty ass "Filet Mignon."

I won't even go into how you couldn't even fucking spell a six letter word.

You need to shut the fuck up. Flashing your alleged vagina does not make you any more smarter, just ask Dovey.
Her pussy got me on priceline registering a 5000 cruise tho.

While your pussy might earn you a spot on national geographic if they happen to be doing a segment on alligators

Yeah, well. Who am I to stand in the way of trie love between a midget and his beast?

On a side note. If you two morons think anyone is buying your stupid charade, then you two truly are made for one another.

Just another side note. Will you be adopting Dovey's litter when you cement your newly minted "relationship" with another $3.5K?
if Succubus is a beast just get me a Turban and a pair of those really cool slippers the towel heads wear back home

I'll learn Arabic on my own.

So. You admit to wanting to have sexual intercourse with a real life Water Buffalo?

You fucking people are really psychotic. By all means lets see more pussies, right? We're half way there because Biggie Dud is already here. That's half of the pussy brigade right there.

The ignorance that explodes from your mouth is pure bliss to my ears. You know, I am a very primitive animal. I AM a fucking the sheets. Something you LONG to be.

So what's the difference between "Prime Grade A beef" and "Filet minon," again?

Oh god....

Now we're in for the Grand Protein Obsession

No. We're "on" making fun of stupid people "Obsession."
Well, you have indicated you have your kids. Repeatedly

AND...they weren't taken away by CPS. Don't forget to mention that.
No, I figured you'd leap at the opportunity to be dreadfully redundant & uninteresting

Kinda like your sex life, eh?
But how many times have you dedicated your small family of braincells to posting about it?

#so uninteresting they talk about it constantly

I still have my children, "tho."

You still got your bus pass?

You still got your helmet?

You still got a large clit? Why not post it for Succubus? I would advise dusting it off first before snapping a pic.

Why? It's not like I need to impress you heathens.

Right! If that were the case you would be cut and pasting Bawl Hall posts from 2004.



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Lmao I just thought of something .....Flynn you must be envious of fat bitches. Your body is begging you to put on a few hundred pounds......or two. It's can imagine whatever suits your fantasy. Keep eating my pussy, bitch!!! If you want to imagine me being a fat cow.....that's fine with me. Do your deed and pay your dues. You're not done until I'm screaming and you're drowning. Feel me? :Gimme:

I think the funniest part of your post is the part where you claim "to have thought of something."

Well. I can tell you what you didn't "thought of," was "Prime Grade A beef" being "wayyyy better" than that crappy "filet minonnon!"


Shaddup porky and go eat some more bacon grease.

I'd rather eat can't afford that, can you, Flynn?

I'm not the one that lives in a single wide trailer.

Idk who lives in a single wide trailer but it's not me.

Excuse thee fuck outta me...Double Wide. My bad.

Who cares? I could live in a cardboard box and STILL pull more dick than you.....being the "cow" that I supposedly am. Roflmmfao. The only thing you have in life going for you is your ability to flame. I suggest you put it to good use. If I wanted to, I could live in a 5 bedroom 3 bath house or bigger. I CHOOSE not to. Don't get my story twisted. :rightON:

No need to get all piggy with me, I'm not a double decker Club Sandwch.

Shit, I am. Motherfuckers wanna eat me up! Bwahahahaha

Too bad all that extra "mayo" turns off the males that aren't blind and stupid.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Flynn hates when adults are sexual with other adults when he is trying to score pictures of kids.

Tic Toc must be slow or onto to him
Didn't he mention something about fortnite falling apart after the 13 year olds found better weaponry on some other video game he cannot afford?

oh wait... did I just insinuate Poofy and Flynn are the same person


Oh. Look! It's the midget version of Sherlock Holmes.

Now you've cracked the case wide open, eh? Now Flynn and Martini are one of the same?

One problem. Or problems.

You'll have to let Benzo know that I'm not "Gunz." After that, you'll need to let Freud know that I am not 3 Mubai teens that deliver for Doordash. Also, you'll have to let Blandscape know that I am not in fact two women in their 60's he coins as "Thelma and Louise."

Then you'll also have to let realgrimm know that I'm not Mary G. After you get done with that, go find Oak and let her know that I am not Freud.

Additionally, please let Feral and Flea know that I am not Sum Cun't. When you're finally done with that, find TWAP and let him know that I am not Bugs Bunny after all.

Of course, none of those people installed tiny Java plugins designed to peer through a proxy like I did now did they?

no they didn't

which means they were just speculating

Panel AND operating system abuser ? Hello?

And wait until I let the PMs out

Hi, I'm Biggie. Nice to meet you.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.
You sniffin' glue?
I've known that for ten years.
Unless you see the isp it could be Gunz.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.
You sniffin' glue?
I've known that for ten years.
Unless you see the isp it could be Gunz.

There are two others who drive it but they dont deserve to be named. But it's not Gunz.

It's been Kevin mostly. Hence the obsessive autistic screeching at and about me.

He does this so he can manipulate naive people into getting them to think I'm the crazy one. Narcs do this. He can have his psycho tantrums without attaching his name to it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.
You sniffin' glue?
I've known that for ten years.
Unless you see the isp it could be Gunz.
100 percent NOT gunz

there are other players in the handle but most definitely NOT gunz

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.
You sniffin' glue?
I've known that for ten years.
Unless you see the isp it could be Gunz.
100 percent NOT gunz

there are other players in the handle but most definitely NOT gunz

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
What you talkin about?

That it's been Kevin on the Flynn handle melting down and raging at me since SG.

We were telling you guys. It's not a guess, it's a proven fact.
You sniffin' glue?
I've known that for ten years.
Unless you see the isp it could be Gunz.

There are two others who drive it but they dont deserve to be named. But it's not Gunz.

It's been Kevin mostly. Hence the obsessive autistic screeching at and about me.

He does this so he can manipulate naive people into getting them to think I'm the crazy one. Narcs do this. He can have his psycho tantrums without attaching his name to it.
You saying Gunz doesn't run Flynn basically, correct?


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Lmao I just thought of something .....Flynn you must be envious of fat bitches. Your body is begging you to put on a few hundred pounds......or two. It's can imagine whatever suits your fantasy. Keep eating my pussy, bitch!!! If you want to imagine me being a fat cow.....that's fine with me. Do your deed and pay your dues. You're not done until I'm screaming and you're drowning. Feel me? :Gimme:

I think the funniest part of your post is the part where you claim "to have thought of something."

Well. I can tell you what you didn't "thought of," was "Prime Grade A beef" being "wayyyy better" than that crappy "filet minonnon!"


Shaddup porky and go eat some more bacon grease.

I'd rather eat can't afford that, can you, Flynn?

I'm not the one that lives in a single wide trailer.

Idk who lives in a single wide trailer but it's not me.

Excuse thee fuck outta me...Double Wide. My bad.

Who cares? I could live in a cardboard box and STILL pull more dick than you.....being the "cow" that I supposedly am. Roflmmfao. The only thing you have in life going for you is your ability to flame. I suggest you put it to good use. If I wanted to, I could live in a 5 bedroom 3 bath house or bigger. I CHOOSE not to. Don't get my story twisted. :rightON:

No need to get all piggy with me, I'm not a double decker Club Sandwch.

Shit, I am. Motherfuckers wanna eat me up! Bwahahahaha

Too bad all that extra "mayo" turns off the males that aren't blind and stupid.

Yeah, you're right but it turns YOU on, now doesn't it??? That's why you've got MY mayo running down your chin, huh, Flynn????:LMAO2:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We have been telling Benzo. He refused to believe us.

We know. A lot of people know. Big just used his talents to get proof.
Same guy that didn't believe me when I told them I uncovered Ant as Brain TrF well before they finally caught on.

I used a very similar tactic, which was brilliant considering I wasn't even in charge of the server

But at SG where I had access to do whatever the fuck I wanted? lol ....

Remember when Cunt was wailing for months about me destroying FT?


nah nevermind. Let's talk cruises :ROFL:
Pfft. Nobody knew and he denies he was to this day. I knew. JS knows. Phrost. That's it.
you knew only because I warned Flea privately and she ran it by you hoping for verification

he didn't deny it to me tho.

not privately at least
Man, I told Flea it was B when Ant was going off on her long before I even went to her first board.
I think Flynn fucked you two up a little is what I think.
What you think is irrelevant.

Always has been.

Isn't that why you weren't allowed to be a full Cock Strangler until Trf was on it's last days?

Imagine that. you couldn't even measure to a group of generic retards with used condoms filling in for brain cells :ROFL: