The Beaver Blogs



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Flynn--Changes at BH? A little too late?
If it is any indication of BH's newest attempt to keep their members from jumping ship, they've once again instituted another changing of the guard sort of speak. Now afraid that some of their members will abandon BH, the administration has given awards out in the tune of "regships" and "modships". It's quite funny that now BH is doing something about the lackluster activity by giving certain posters their just desserts. And it's about time. Those who were promoted were...


The BH administration must be feeling the heat and have selectively wrangled these four people into the reg ranks, and modships internships. I've always loved BH's spectacular posters and the excitement BH once had. But once again, they've let their more talented posters walk away into the sunset. Though I will give them credit for not letting their ship too far below the water line.

All four of these people I mentioned probably desereved these accolades for their never ending support and constant streams of posts. Hopefully this will bring more traffic to BH.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Flynn--Where oh where have the heroes gone?
On this cold and wintery day I am left to my own thoughts, and ponder what will happen to Brawl-Hall in the coming days. I sip my steaming latte' as I write this at my favorite coffee house. In recent weeks it seems that the steady decline of quality posters is at an all time low. Some say that the flaming evolution goes through this change every four or six months. While I agree with that statement because I too have seen this, I cannot help but think, when will the next flame resurgence come about.

There are a few quality posters at Brawl-Hall taking the helm and keeping her afloat. There was a time when Chrome did not impress me, but as time has gone by, he has gone from tard to somewhat a decent poster who posts on a regular basis, doing his thang for BH; while others fall to the wayside. Don't get me wrong, this Divaesque reporter still thinks that he's no smarter than an average piece of parchment paper. At least he is trying.

Then there's the blast from the past: Unconcerned. Though she's not one of my favorite posters. Personally I think she's bland like unflavored corn flakes, but she's making an effort to post. I just hope that she'll actually stop trying to be like Cardtrick, and find her own style.

Now we come to Cassandra Curse. In reality she's nothing more than a homely little old lady hanging out with the powers left in flametown. But one cannot deny that with her blue moniker, she's able to draw those who like corresponding with her. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact the opposite. Hopefully she'll stand fast and be a BH fixture in the coming months. One can only hope.

In closing though I'm retired, I hope that BH rising out of the ashes and turning back into the site it once was. I have nothing but love for Brawl-Hall as it was the first site that let me get my feet wet in the flaming world. This flametown needs some heroes or an enima.......


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Flynn--Unconcerned Coming to Beavers Blog?
Okay, I remember when the Beavers Blog used to be off limits for anyone trying for a reg spot or didn't want their name tarnished. Now it seems to be the hip thing to do as you roll on down the highway of flames. I do love people who are eager to work and show their writing skills like they would a new car. Fact of the matter is, i'm not that great of a writer, and I must again thank the powers above as they took mercy on a young girl and let her stumble through her sentences here.

BUT! I could not help but notice this in the town of flame. Here we have Unconcerned practically begging sum Cun't to get a blog position, then she tries to get Worms affirmation. Really now? All she could have done was just send a little PM to one of the many reporters...hell I would have thrown in a good word for her. Now, it seems that she'll start salivating on anyone close enough whom she thinks can get her a blogspot job?

Though I'm in now condition to make any decisions as teh rookie reporter, but I know this, if you're going to grovel, try not doing it in public. Here is a short glimpse of Unconcerned basically sucking Cun'ts dick. I have provided a link to DS so you may see Unconcerned beg in technicolor.

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unconcerned: i have been thinking. I think I should be a reporter of Beaver's Blog.

unconcerned: Thanks Red. I do think a lot of things are ignored in favour of the interests of the current writers

unconcerned: Cass, I want to be a blog reporter...what do you think?

unconcerned: what people say to me in IM is not for the blog. What I see is events going by unnoticed because they prefer to report on their own bias.....great to see you pickles

unconcerned: Would I msake a great reporter?

unconcerned: now shouldn't I be a reporter?

unconcerned: Now get me in as a journalist

unconcerned: I want to be a journalist

unconcerned: now shouldn't I be a reporter?

unconcerned: Worm...I have a masters and I do write for my tell me again howe I qualify to write in Beavers Blog?

unconcerned: dooms I want to write for Beaver because I see 'real' stories getting ignored for rumour and friends

unconcerned: That is why I want to write there....I don't want to know who is screwing who...but for example, I find it interesting to know that one of their journalists and the champion of FC is running from a BH green jacket and FC's shadow

unconcerned: A BH green jacket went to FC and ganined a POP for the greatest BH Flamer ever and it remained unreported

Gee Unconcerned keep acting like fucking retard and I will do an article on a never was that now begs in shoutboxes. Have you no shame?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Flynn--The newest member to Beavers Blog
Hey all it's the Diva of Destruction coming right at ya! I thought that since my flaming days are coming to a close, that I would take the role of a responsible journalist, okay I lied; you may omit "responsible" and "journalist". I thought that I would park my Park Avenue ass here and blog on about the finicky and convoluted ways of the flame world. I am happy to be a part of Beavers blog. I remember when I knew I was destined to be on the blog, the feeling hit me like a 19 pound frying pan. Oh well, enough about me, how about news regarding me?

I can be really honest now regarding the sites I normally frequent, though most of the time I am "honest" for those of you who really know me. Okay where do I start? How about if I start with my ala-mater.

**Brawl-Hall. You can love BH, hate BH, or just leave it. From the people i've talked to there is no in between regarding BH. I find that very interesting. I remember my leap into Brawl-Hall, a young minnow swimming against the current as I encountered people who seemed to be destined as legends in the flame world. Over a year later some of those then bright shining stars have burned out. It's a real shame because as a young poster, and rookie to BH you must learn very quickly or you'll be eaten by the many sharks at Brawl-Hall. Fortunately I had a guardian angel who said to trust no one.

Brawl-Hall, what can you really say? Yes there is talent there, but sometimes when the sun hits my Cartier watch the right way, perhaps there's too much of it sometimes at BH. Can it be that BH's "average" flamer is light years ahead of FC's best poster? Can it possibly be? Could it? Would it? Should it? BH's problem in general is that the reg ranks have turned into the Knights Templars before they were destroyed. The regs once a powerful group has now gone soft. To make things worse is the new addition of the "new regs". These "new regs" are the bane of Brawl-Hall, as they merrily skip around the hallways of Brawl-hall neither flaming nor producing any material worth feeding to pigs.

Brawl-Hall is a contradiction in terms. On one hand you have a pool of many talented posters, but because of that they're taken for granted that they will never leave or get fed up with the inside politics of the BH alumni and hierarchy, nothing is done to actually reward those loyal and creative posters. Though, I shouldn't worry about such things like that, for I'm sure if things ever get out of hand, and BH needs an infusion of new blood; Doomsday can always make another group: "The newer regs group 2".

Here is a list of my all time favorite BH posters. (Don't get mad if you're not on the list, Tee-hee!)

Johnny Kuntz
Pierce Coontz

Now that's an eclectic crew! Whew! I'm sure glad I didn't forget anyone!

Moving on. This next forum just plain sucks. I mean it. They come off like they're really something special and boasting being "hardcore", yet I still haven't figured out how in fact they are "hardcore". Perhaps they are "hardcore" in their biased voting, or maybe they are "hardcore" when it comes to getting stepped on by mostly everyone, hell Rant-Ravers won't even make an appearance because even they know when something is dead.
Yes people I'm talking about no other than FlameChamps.

**FlameChamps is a group of misfits who try and use the group thang as a defense. Being a former poster at FC, I saw first hand that most of the people who posted there were refugees from other forums that had kicked their ass all the way to China and back. The rest consisted of derelicts who just wanted a nice place to spam under the watchful eye of one Evil Bastard who is flametowns punching bag.

FC has tried to make itself like BarterTown from that interesting Mel Gibson movie, you know the one where the town is run by two different sides, and the people in the middle just don't give a shit anymore because it's cliche' as hell. Well, welcome to FC where on one side are the displaced TDT nitwits, and on the other side are the motley crew of textual losers. When FC's regs aren't hiding from people from BH, they can be seen galloping around trying to impress everyone with their "FC REG" bannars. That's like soo fucking cool dude! NOT! Hell i'm sure FC would reg a dead cat if it would draw them more than 11 posters at one time.

FlameChamps is crooked as fuck. The judging in matches is suspect, the spyware at FC is proven, and the little tiny Hispanic dweeb RudeDog is about the most retarded asshats you'll ever fucking meet. Speaking of asshats, if you decide to take a trip to FC, you definately have to meet Evil Bastard who'll never tell you his FC record and wil do almost anything save jump off a bridge to avoid that subject. Veronica Corningstone a TDT ape, who obviously is enamoured with Christina Applegate, photochopping dicks, asses and pussies. Yes, VC is quite the woman. Next we have Sloan a primate left over from the ice age who should have passed on with her plant eating herbivores, but somehow made it to the 20th century to cry out "I win, I made you run from Alpha's dry board"....Well duh? I think I'm not alone when I say this, but alpha's board makes looking at the cracks on the sidewalk more interesting. Lastly there's AW. If you get a chance start matching her post to post, she absolutely hates it. You can tell when she's really mad, she'll start bouncing around and claiming she's making you "meltdown", hoping to god you don't include words that have more than three letters in them.

Here are my favorite posters from FC:

Huge list wasn't it?

There are other flaming sites out there, but generally they are all the same though I will say that some are surpassing others, while others are dying from the inside out. Sometimes, I just think happy thoughts knowing that one day Brawl-hall will wake up and it'll be too late. Whereas it's already too fucking late for FC. Digital Strife is still at the crossroads, while SS is trying to rise up from the ashes. This is Flynn, take care of yourselves and love the ones closest to you.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Flynn--Rant-Rave:Best of 2006 Awards?!
The supreme second class citizens of Rant-Rave, a board known for their shallow and whiny ways, have again posted up their best of 2006 awards; as voted by the RR members. Needless to say that most of those nominations for "awards" are self-serving pat on the backs by members for again being a third rate forum.

Take for example, "Member of the Year" nominations which are:


WTF?! Half of these blithering nitwits haven't done a thing to contribute to RR, in fact even nominating Emmy for anything is like shooting bullets into your canoe on a winter day, in the middle of the lake, and forgetting to bring life preservers; while wearing a short sleeved shirt and spandex. If these stupid polls are any indication of how utterly pathetic Rant-Rave is, then it should tell you that the people who post at RR are about 17 pegs down past "pathetic".

Perhaps the funniest "poll" they have going on is the "Meanest Member" award. "Meanest Member"? Surely they're not talking in metaphorical terms of some small "prick", could they? In fact they're talking about a member soo very mean that they are feared far and wide on the net, and people give a wide berth when they see this member hopscotching along. Here are the nominations:


Again you must be fucking joking? Surely it's an early Aprils fools joke at our expense right? Dear god, I look at those names, and I don't think the "meanest", I think the most neurotic and passive agressive group I have ever seen on one forum. It's not surprising though, that the one person getting most of the tard votes is none other than Rant, you know the self-styled "flamer" who has gotten chased out of every forum with a stick, most recently the Wire Cutters. It's no surprise that this "jack of all trades" is the leader, as the asskissers come out in droves to show their support to someone soo inept in everything he does, that most of his votes must be construed as pity votes. I know what you are saying, "well rant could be the meanest member"....Sure he could when the moon turns to dust, and Brawl-Hall actually regs some quality people, and Flame Champs turns into a flame forum instead of a spam forum. If using your administration panel to bar people because they flamed the shit out of you is "mean", then that would mean Doomsday, and Lord Cheesetits should also be in the running.

It's a farce, and a big fat joke, nothing else. It's a way for members to pat each other on the back while, consoling each other after being kicked repeatedly in the gums by other forums. Rant-Rave may have their one or two quality posters but for the most part, it's a white trash haven of trailer royalty, hopped up on heroin. You can browse their forum, but all you'll see is the mediocre spam, jesus these dipshits can't even spam up their own board right! On occassion you might see emmy trying to steer the conversation her way, so she can talk about her kids, and post more pictures of them; while bitching that it wasn't her fault that her kids were photochopped to hell in a handbasket. Or you can see borndragon use the word "dink" for the 6,210th time.

Rant-Rave sucks balls and I would implore anyone who is thinking about being a member there to seriously consider your options which are: Joining Rant-Rave, or Watching a re-run of Three's Company, at least Mr. Roper always has something insightful and smart to say compared to RR's army of denizens who think talking about the newest plans for where a garbage landfill is interesting talk.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Beaver - Time to disagree with H.C. Trouble
In my last article I was agreeing a lot with H.C. Trouble and now it's time to point out where we disagree. From the same thread he said this:

Quote H.C. Touble
BumSpud: If BH got one Spud post a month it should be content. Simply the best and what we all should be aiming for.

Now Bumspud and H.C. have been buddies ever since they came to BH so it's not surprising he said that but it is wrong. I've heard many say Bumspud is the best flamer in history but let me let you on a little secret here.

Bumspud is better than average at best. His BH reg buddies repeat this mantra like it is gospel. There is a tactic that some use because they know what it means to post everyday. If you contribute and post everyday you cannot help but become boring as time time goes by. There is only so much flame material you can use and only a few can post everyday and still keep their stuff fresh. It's a struggle but some have that talent. Bumspud never did.

If Bumspud posted everyday he would become boring very quickly and it is best for him to disappear and return for some short stints at BH and always seem to be fresh with new material. Anyone could do it if they had the mind to. Buzzsaw does the same thing and again people say how great a flamer he is. Hell I can't even think of one legendary encounter Bumspud had with another well known flamer. Maybe I'm wrong but none comes to mind.

Well I live by another measuring stick. Show me the flamers who posts everyday and still has game and I'll show you a great flamer. As far as great BH reg flamers you have to look at sum cun't Freud and Evil Blood. While they were active they posted everyday and never got old.

If I owned a forum I would want as many RedNecks Oranje, Flynn's, Poofer's, Pickles Red Nyerson, Zappa and koochs anyday over a once of month Bumspud poster. Flame Forums live and die by activity and at this moment these are the posters that keep BH afloat.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Beaver - My 2007 Predictions
Osama will have a massive meltdown and threaten to fight someone with his fists

Rudedog will drink lots of beer.

Nele will do the unthinkable and nic-switch

TDT will be dead as hell

FC will have a judge controversy after a flame match.

Ladr will mispell a word while posting

WAP will edit a post

Flynn will type "Tee Hee Hee" and the end of some of her posts

Bonesaw will bash AZ

AZ will bash Bonesaw

Bonesaw will lie

AZ will tell the truth

The new f4$ will be a big flop because they ignored expert advise

Oranje and Danger will get married but divorce very quicly afterward when Oranje finds out it is very cold in Alaska

Red Neck will be regged at BH

Zappa will be regged at BH

Toefacter will win a title and regged at FC

poofer will win a another title

pickles will win a title

sum cun't BH nic will become the top poster at BH and stay that way for a long time to come.

LoCo will lose his BH championship, his dignity and his regship then he will disappear forever.

Doomsday will be forced into a mental hospital after he puts Jewels in an Administration spot.

Freud will go back to the Freud nic


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
AZ...Finally a compliment for FC
At least FC isn't following in the footsteps of Bawl's Abortion - the World Flaming Championship, which has slowed to a crawl and has merely 560 posts smeared like feces over 29 pages.

No, they've taken the "minimalist" tack in their latest series of matches.

Or you might say, "ain't jackshit happening."

Of the 5 matches, now finishing day 2, 3 are on life-support, one is a horrible embarassment to someone, and one nobody gives a fuck about.

Let's start with the Horrible Embrassment - WAP vs. Swedess: The "lowly" Swedess is absolutely hammering the Wise and Powerful. WAP somehow worked his way up into leadership roles at FT I believe, but this Scandinavian Gash is mercilessly flogging him, proving him to be a paper tiger. Limp back to FT, WAP, where yer sure to be #1 - cuz nofuckingbody posts there.

Nobody Gives a Fuck - Vitriol vs. Omnia: 2 non-entities in a non-event.

Life Support #1 - Sincere Bitchslap vs. DoubleDee - SB is a no show...maybe cuz TIVO is so fucking busy it’s taking up all his time? Even if he never shows up, DoubleDee could still lose this one somehow.

Life Support #2 - Flynn vs. Evil Bastard - EB may be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the flameworld. Barely literate, and I’m sure a Compulsive Drooler, EB appears to be scared shitless of Flynn. No matter how this turns out, a Pussy will win.

Life Support #3 - BRAIN vs. Bra1n - This was supposed to be the culmination of their online spat, but it appears that Bra1n has indeed taken a powder like he said he would. An FC charade, or has Rudebitch let another decent flamer get alienated?

Tell you what Rudebitch...declare Swedess the winner, call all five matches off, and have everyone dogpile onto Bawl’s Abortion.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Oranje -'s demise...
Like vultures circling over carrion, the various factions of Flametown are delighting in the demise of the apparent whipping boys of the Internet. New refugees will surely be unleashed across a variety of various sites looking for a new home, and their reception will vary by site. The refugee site FC sure could use the traffic and are offering food stamps to any RR ‘tard that makes the migration.

But what lead to this inevitable demise? What really happened?

Fortunately I have inside informants from the site who have been in touch with me for a few months now and I will set the record straight. Let’s call them by their secret names, Shamu and Double Handjob. But first let’s review the events that lead up to this entire episode.

TDM wannabe Neomonk was the first BH’er to arrive on RR’s shores and in fairness, he made an impression there, whether it was boring them to tears through his tedious posts that can be best described as laborious to read if one is feeling generous after a four cocktail lunch, or he actually managed to flame someone in his one boy raid, is inconsequential.

A few RR members did register at BH and there was some light banter between the sites.

But it was not until the arrival of myself and Rotwang that things REALLY started to heat up. In fact up until its dying day the threads that were started upon our arrival were still active and they can be counted among the busiest and most read threads on the lamentable waste of bandwidth erroneously trying to pass itself off as a “Rant” or “Flame” forum.

Now immediately after our arrival my pal Doubledee was heavily involved as was Flynn and eventually LoCo. It was this group of five that did the most damage to RR over the course of 2006, but my esteemed pal Rotwang and I can conclusively claim to have napalmed them the best and caused them to foam at the mouth like rabid dogs in the desert heat of various ruins of Kirkuk and Tikrit. Despite the hysterical clamourings of the leader of the comedic Invaders group, The Hysterical Duchess, even today claiming to have had something to do with their downfall, history indicates otherwise.

In fact, such was the nuclear damage that Rotwang and I caused together with Evil Blood with the whole Amanda and Captain episodes, that BH became inundated with low quality spammers and Flamer’s Hall was cursed with their heinously ridiculous posturing for months. Idiots like debauch and Borndragon were so outraged by the mindfucking their forum had received that they literally saw a red mist in our fine and highly reputed company.

Then the birth of the Legion was built upon the raping and pillaging of the forum and it being knocked offline for a few weeks when my compadre and RL pal Evil Blood lead HC, and Mini-Me in for a margin raping spam raid which culminated in the server eventually being brought to its knees. Oh yeah, and Hysterical Duchess DID register as Pink Pony but then the weekend came and he was no longer able to help with the spam attack nor was he able to post in Invaders that nothing was going to happen for a few weeks again, as per the norm.

Now homeless, the foolish refugees of RR descended upon BH and wanted to exact revenge. Insurgent foolishly agreed to a callout with Evil Blood and was skinned alive. The callout itself was simply a formality, debauch couldn’t have beat Evil Bastard in a callout, let alone a forum legend.

I then had the pleasure of beating RR owner Rant/Shawn in a callout, followed by the Kid65 and then trolled Borndragon into believing he was in a callout against Daspinday when he agreed to battle my regged nicswitch, DDOS. A trifecta of easy wins and some hilarious posts including the Google Earth photo of Rant’s house. For the record, the address and all his info was included on the site, as were all the photos and were on public domain, despite certain bean eating admins of a quickly failing site claming otherwise.

Funny enough, the house was soon to be home of a new server that was purchased to bring RR back online, and given the severe financial troubles that Rant and his wife had, this was an ill advised folly by a couple of spendthrifts that were leveraged up to their tits already.

Their parent company filed for Chapter 11 and was never to be seen or heard of again. The North Texas and Oklahoma property market is apparently a dangerous gamble, or they were just incompetently equipped to deal with an otherwise prosperous Yank property market. I shall leave that judgment to you good readers.

But both Shamu and Double Handjob have told me that the repo man was knocking on the door of Casa Rant with a court order, and not only was the ill advised new server seized, but they also lost their 4 poster bed, Mrs. Rant’s wedding ring and engagement ring and both their 1993 Chevrolet Beretta and the 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe that was leased in Rant’s name.

The disappearance of RR and the seizure of its server is a double edged sword. Most certainly it will eventually be forgotten and not brought to mind any more than the skidmarks in Porky’s unlaundered cheap Chinese made panties, however their membership will now be exported full time among the various forums of Flametown like tribes of unwelcome Romany. Still, at least with the Hysterical Duchess still a fixture at BH all the Romany RR wankers will have someone to make them look good.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
IYE - World Flaming Championship

World Flaming Championship

Now underway at Brawl Hall

Do you have what it takes to fight your way to the top and claim the WFC Title? Of course not, but stop in and sign up anyway. There is a world class First Aid station convenient to the competition ready to sooth your bruised ego, an expert Burn Unit standing by to put out the flames when your ass gets burned to a crisp, an experienced Cut Man in every corner to bleed the swelling around your beaten shut eyes; and of course there are complimentary baskets available transporting your ass home after it has been handed to you.

To enter your bad self in the WFC, simply head over to the Thunderdome and drop a post in the WFC Qualifying Thread, flaming anyone and everyone. If you somehow manage to survive the week of free for all flaming, you may move on to the Semi-Finals. Prove that you have what it takes by winning the Semi-Finals, and you will have an opportunity to face me (IYE) for the WFC Title. What are you waiting for?

The WFC Qualifying Roster so far:

Lou-Cid Thoughts
Austin 3:16
Mr NiceGuy
Mr. Pickles
Pierce Coontz

You could be next! Okay probably not, but there is still time to enter and bust a few heads; so click on the link and flame like your daddy did...before he laid your mom on a bet from his gay butt buddies and got stuck paying the bills for your dumb ass through the best years of his life.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
sc`T - Legion Forces Bawl-Bawl's Hand - Fresh Round Of Admin Panel Flaming Ensues
Legion's status as Alpha Shitstirrers gained another boost today when it was discovered animated avatar uploads were now forbidden for known legion accounts Brawl Hall. Early reports definitively paint the newly removed permission as a kneejerk reaction against the proliferation of Legion avatars at Bawl-Bawl which were causing no small annoyance among the rank and file.

Following the revelation, a fresh round of sticky administrative fingers were to be seen poking through Legion accounts as avatar after avatar were rendered static without so much as a by-your-leave to the account holders. Interestingly enough, other Bawl-Bawl members animated gifs remained animated depending on their site affiliation. One would assume Doomsday realised the herculean task of replacing ALL the avatars of his members before he got to... say LoCo for instance. Or maybe those members avatars just weren't plain annoying enough, who can tell?

Stranger still, only accounts known to be actively operated by Legion members appear to have been affected. Well, Vernon The Vendor initially slipped through the cracks but he's a likable enough lad who distributes ice cream, so maybe an exception has been made in his case. Or maybe like LoCo the administration just hasn't gotten around to getting their fingers dirty in their account. Or maybe theres some other excuse the patented bawl-bawl damage control machine has yet to crank out.

One thing you can be sure of, not even Nele Gambino, Flynn or a host of other names known for their practice of donning the Bawl-Bawl flaming logo has ever managed to so annoy the fragile egoes of the regs, much less their admin. Well Done Legion!!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why is Flerp copy n pasta'ing the dead and buried YawnHawl archives?

Don't tell me it's 2005 again...

Are you mad because your name isn't mentioned? Don't worry. Neither is BEnzo's.

Fucking case in point :LOL1:

Flynn why havent you suicided yet? Are you trying to show us your own 13 reasons why?

Just shove a piece of broken glass right through your jugular and end this misery you live in.

Why would I need to do ALL that. I'd just have my children do it.

Can you say the same? Do you even know where your 4 kids are?

Of course I know, you drooling fucking "flame" tard.

And I'm not telling you fuck all about them.

Fucking predator.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Beaver - The Ladr Tapes?
Over at BH Ladr and Jewels have been going at each other hot and heavy about something that was posted in one of the comment sections here. Ladr started it off with this post:

Quote: Ladr
i know I'm just a bitch and all that, afraid of my own shadow and getting kicked and all that shit.Just wondering if you can back up all the claims you made about someone trying to ruin this board...besides you of the please.Do it or just shut the fuck up.NOTE: LADR WILL NOT REPLY TO THE SOUSE HEAD TILL SHE CAN BACK UP HER CLAIMS WITHOUT MENTIONING THE OWNER OF THE BOARD.

Quote: Jewels
Ladr, you're acting like a bitch, so I called you on it. Why don't you ask Dooms to move the thread where, in the last 30 minutes, you have gotten owned by me about six different ways, out here to FH, instead of keeping it locked behind closed doors where you can act like a bitch and throw all the tantrums you want and no one will ever know?

Quote: Ladr
Hell..I'm a post-deleting global mod...guess I can move that thread into this one myself.

Quote: Doomsday
Go for it.
According to Beavers Blog the only reason Flynn was allowed into the Cafe for a few hours was so that she could repost that thread.

So what is this thread about? Will it be moved out in the public? What has Flyn got to do with it? And just what the hell are they talking about anyway?
Admin at 7:39 PM


Anonymous9:55 PM
You would know if Ladr had moved the thread like he said.


Jewels10:27 PM
"about something that was posted in one of the comment sections here"

It had nothing to do with anything posted in your blog, Beave.


Anonymous11:57 PM

oink oink oink, oinky oink, oink!


Anonymous2:49 AM
wow. original and creative.


Anonymous3:06 AM
So what is this thread about? Will it be moved out in the public? What has Flyn got to do with it? And just what the hell are they talking about anyway?

What the fuck is this, History's Mysteries? You're the reporter, Beav, you find the fuck out and tell us.


Beaver Cleaver4:07 AM
What the fuck is this, History's Mysteries? You're the reporter, Beav, you find the fuck out and tell us. Hey...I don't give a damn whats in that thread. I was just hyping the thing so you'd read this article.

Hell I don't think it would take much to figure it out anyway.

Jewels thinks EB told the Legion to leave BH. She ragged on EB in the SSRR. Ladr didn't like what Jewels said about Evil Blood. Ladr being very good friends with EB edited and unribboned some of Jewels stuff. Ladr got called on it by Jewels. Ladr had to admit he did it.

Now whats different with that and what goes on at BH everyday in the open?

They might as well keep it in the SSRR since the regs need something to point to that they think makes them better than everyone else. Afterall there isn't much left for them.


Anonymous6:42 AM
People used to get noticed on Talent. Now the boards are quite often filled with people yelling 'look at me...don't ya want to know about mee? I am in a secret room!' No I fuckin don't. I dont give a shit about the ssrr when it all consists of who took my ribbon/cuppa tea/e-virginity/cybered with Jewels or Caliope last.


Anonymous7:07 AM
People used to get noticed on Talent. Now the boards are quite often filled with people yelling 'look at me...don't ya want to know about mee? I am in a secret room!' No I fuckin don't. I dont give a shit about the ssrr when it all consists of who took my ribbon/cuppa tea/e-virginity/cybered with Jewels or Caliope last.

Someone ribbon this post so Piggy Wiggy Oinker can spazz out about it.


Anonymous8:10 AM
Jewels attacked EB after he announced he was leaving Brawl Hall yet again....then claimed she had made him leave.

He replyed with an IM transctript that made her look like a joke, Doomsday removed it because he is friendly with jewels and claimed he had broken the RL info limitations he had placed, after Jewels had got worried over What OJ might revel during there callout.

Jewels Claimed EB was trying to backstab BH and that she had retired EB, despite the fact he had announced he was leaving prior to her attacking him.

Ladr demanded she post prooof of her claims that Evil Blood planning to damage BH, but she couldn't because it's allegedly in the Legion hidden forum.

Jewels claims many people have PM'd her in support, and Doomsday has a history of erratic female sidekicks.


Anonymous11:01 AM
"Doomsday has a history of erratic female sidekicks."
Really? Who?


ladr12:14 PM
No Beaver, I did not edit her post. Yes I unribboned the shit and demanded that she provide proof on something she posted. being that i rarely touch my panel, I made a honest mistake and deleted the post unknowingly. the post was easy to find as I was already putting it back in the thread. jewels is a no skills suck up that was dragged in two forums for not backing her shit up.


Jewels2:15 PM
Ladr - you didn't "accidentaly" try to delete my post.

The award/unaward link is right there on each individual post. All you have to do is click it and move on. To delete my post, as you attempted to do, you had to actually GO INTO your mod panel and manually move it.

You tried to delete a post against your friend and you bullshited and lied when you got caught.

Not to mention that the post you unawarded was originally awarded by the owner of the website, and instead of asking around if you could reverse SOMEONE ELSE'S decision you went ahead and did it, claiming that you had a problem flaming in the regs room even though there are probably at LEAST 30 other awarded flames in there, and you have NEVER ONCE voiced ANY problem with any single flame other than mine.



Anonymous4:52 PM
Jewels can do anything she wants because she's fucking Doomsday, but she has no talent.


Anonymous5:12 PM
Jewels and Flynn are both decent trolls who can handle the scuffles coming their way decently enough. The difference is that while Flynn knows this and works it for effect, the unfortunate Jewels has trolled herself into thinking she is a competent flamer.


Anonymous6:42 PM
Flynn is awful. Worse than Jewels. At least people notice Jewels, for good or bad. Flynn had to lie about not being able to PM in order for people to notice she quit the regs.


Anonymous11:28 PM
FFS, quite talking about those attention whores already. Can they flame? No. Can they troll? No. They exist for the sole purpose of having people mention their names, and here are the stupid little people of the flame scene feeding the beasts. Morons.


Anonymous2:21 PM
Not newsworthy IMO.


Flynn6:25 PM
Oh now I'm lying? LMFAO! You simple fucks, you can't PM when you're pinked you dipshit.


Flynn6:26 PM
Flynn is awful. Worse than Jewels. At least people notice Jewels, for good or bad. Flynn had to lie about not being able to PM in order for people to notice she quit the regs.

^^^Thanks Jewels.


Flynn6:31 PM
One of the reasons I resigned from the "Regs" is the fact that they have turned into squabbling babies and have let ANYONE in.

Here's how my "regging" really went, Dooms has disabled my PM function so I can't get those pms back, so I had them printed out the same day.

Quote Flynn:

Dooms is it true that former legion members can re-join? If so, I'd like to be a legion member, so I can wear the legion logo to piss people off.

Quote Doomsday:

Thats not true at all Flynn. But I've talked it over with the rest of the administrators and we've decided to make you a reg based on the fact you're a hell of a lot better than most of the people we've given the title to in the past.

Quote Flynn:

Let me check to check if pigs are flying.

Quote Doomsday:

I'll make the changes in a couple of hours, and a subforum called the cafe will open up.

As you can see at no time did I ever accept the invite, it was already made for me. The only thing I did agree on was the rules pertaining to the code of conduct in the Cafe.


Jewels8:49 PM
^^^Thanks Jewels.
Right. Because you suck and someone can see it, all of a sudden it MUST be me? Please. You're pathetic.

Oh now I'm lying? LMFAO! You simple fucks, you can't PM when you're pinked you dipshit.
That's completely true, but you were lying about not being able to read PM's BEFORE you were pinked. It was your ignorance, stupidity, and lying that made Dooms decide to pink you.

You could have kept your mouth shut and you would still be green, but instead, just like SSS said, you didn't know how to shut your yap. You had to spam up the forum with a load of lies and crap that you've already posted a million times before.

Because you chose to spam like a bitch, you got TREATED like a spamming bitch. Go cry about it a little more. Maybe start another thread


Anonymous10:48 PM
yeah flynn, sure you printed it out. LMAOOOOOOOOOO!! what a phony. tee-hee!


Anonymous12:16 PM
LOL!! Jewels is flaming people over lying. The worst one on the boards, and she's pointing finger at others.


Flynn1:14 PM
Oh Jewels, now that you've finally begged and begged, and Dooms relented because he didn't want you clogging up his pm box with your mooing, you think you actually post "original" and "witty" material? Now that's a laugh and a half.

You even have people within your own ranks who can't stand you, even knowing this, you Jewels continue to twirl around as though as you've contributed something to BH instead of your barnyard smell that eminate from your posts.

Again Jewels, the difference between you and I is the fact I can stand on my own two feet and kick your ass, as well as your brethren. Incidently Jewels you've lied since day one at BH, what or whom haven't you lied about cunt. I'm still waiting for proof about posting all of the Legions stupid forum messages out in public. Oh another lie from Jewels.

I don't need to "lie" about not being able to send PM's before I was pinked, Doomsday did that so I couldn't send anyone our correspondance, if Doomsday knew any better he'd have already known that UNLIKE you Jewels, I don't post PI nor PM's. Then again Jewels you swag, that's about the only way you can survive at BH.


P.S.- Jewels I do love how you now avoid me, what's wrong, you shell shocked? Tee-hee!


Anonymous2:27 PM
Jewels go take up flynn's thunderdome challenge.


Anonymous7:19 PM
Flynn's stips make it perfectly clear who she is afraid to face in full combat.


Anonymous9:29 PM
"if Doomsday knew any better he'd have already known that UNLIKE you Jewels, I don't post PI nor PM's."

No, you just quote them in Beaver's blog.


Flynn2:38 PM
^^^ What's wrong? Afraid the truth IS coming out?


Anonymous6:25 PM
Flinny, darling, please do allow me to explain something.

The only people who matter at BH are the regs.

And the regs already know the truth and how pathetically you are trying to bullshit your way out of it.

Do be a dear and mop up your tears on your way out, alrighty?


Anonymous9:23 PM
Flynn truly IS a flame Diva. She has never sunbmitted to BH pressure to conform and is the first person EVER to be sponsored to flame! Instead of hating Flynn for her talent, the flame world should thank her for elevating flaming to an art form.


Anonymous10:06 PM
^^^ Hi Flynn.


Beaver Cleaver2:50 AM
and is the first person EVER to be sponsored to flame!
Flynn are you claiming someone pays you to flame? Thats total Bull Shit. Where do you come up with this crap?


Anonymous8:14 AM
Crimson King is a cornholed gimp.


Anonymous12:29 PM


Flynn1:27 PM
Beaver said:
Flynn are you claiming someone pays you to flame? Thats total Bull Shit. Where do you come up with this crap?

Don't be mad, for I know you have trouble spelling the simple words, it's only life.


Anonymous4:31 PM
haha, flynn pwns peaver. I smell a blog coming...
Xtra Xtra Bleed all about it!


Beaver Cleaver5:20 PM
Don't be mad, for I know you have trouble spelling the simple words,
Avoidance noted


Flynn1:45 PM
Great comeback, NOT!


Anonymous3:49 PM
How is it that Flynn manages to make everything about her?


Anonymous3:50 PM
well, about him, I mean.


Flynn6:39 PM
Hi Jewels.


Jewels8:56 PM
Hi Flynn.


Flynn4:13 PM
Hi Jewels


Flynn12:22 AM
Hi ME!!


Jewels1:45 PM
I am the new attention whore.


Anonymous11:18 PM
^^ hi Flynn


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
AZ....Where has all the drama gone?
You know, The Beave and I bust our asses searching for newsworthy events in the world of flame. And I must say, you sonsofbitches aren't much help lately. Where the fuck has all the drama gone in flaming?

Used to be, you never knew what kind of crazy shit was going to jump off on the flame boards. I don't know if all the True Crazies have just gotten old and their arthritis meds have toned down their behavior, or if we've just been flooded with dull, vanilla fuckwits. But I do remember some of the Big Scandals:

In another article, I mentioned Lardy Ice's famous porn shots that she sent to ST when she was trying to cheat on her old man and arrange a Mrs. Robinson styke hook-up with the pimply faced kid at a motel. Now the fucking pics themselves were almost slapstick in their awfulness. Here's some porky Ohio MIWLF (Mothers I Wouldn't Like to Fuck) all trussed up in Walmart red sleaze undies, lolling on shit-smeared sheets. Now THAT'S some goddamn drama!

Not many of you will remember, although the folk tales still persist, about TDM's famed Transatlantic Death Threats. I was there, and it was one funny motherfucker. An MSN chat slug named Camp Hell goaded Johnboy into a legendary RL meltdown of epic proportions. TDM was so fucking twisted over Camp Hell's comments that he actually called the bastard up, got his answering machine, and then - in probably the dumbest motherfucking move in flame history - proceeded to screech death threats at Camp for six days straight. Camp forwarded the sound byte to Rabbi Mitchelle Cumstain who proceeded to post the byte on the web. I nearly pissed my pants listening to Johnboy freak out like a falsetto Screaming Lord Sutch, calling Camp "maggot" among other choice adjectives, and threatening to fly to Canada and snuff the prick.

Now just where in the fuck is all that drama today? The flame world desperately needs more high strung crazy, irrational bastards to do a "Jerry Springer" and get us laughing again.

Being an inventive journalist, I have a few suggestions:

1 - Flynn and Sinister should shack up and make a Paris Hilton type dick sucking video that "accidentlly" leaks out. This would finally give them some merit in the flame community.

2 - Some paparazzi shots of Lil Dukie in the OCD Ward of the local cracker factory, touching the Unspeakable Regions of his Beaver Cleaver voodoo doll and muttering Druid curses
3 - Release of the Marriage Certifcate of Dumbday and Flu, along with glossies of the honeymoon.

It’s about time you lazy shitheads get around to fucking up and showing the world what sad bastards flamers are


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This stupid fucking idiot really thinks people are going to read this dumbfuck decades old Bawl Hall spam.

The fuck? :Crazy:

Hey dumb ass spammer! Why not post this assburgers manifesto at FT where others may actually read and enjoy?

You trying to show us what a world famous flame fuck you are? Fucking loser.


Flynn is all busted up lulz


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Why is Flerp copy n pasta'ing the dead and buried YawnHawl archives?

Don't tell me it's 2005 again...

Are you mad because your name isn't mentioned? Don't worry. Neither is BEnzo's.

Fucking case in point :LOL1:

Flynn why havent you suicided yet? Are you trying to show us your own 13 reasons why?

Just shove a piece of broken glass right through your jugular and end this misery you live in.

Why would I need to do ALL that. I'd just have my children do it.

Can you say the same? Do you even know where your 4 kids are?

Of course I know, you drooling fucking "flame" tard.

And I'm not telling you fuck all about them.

Fucking predator.

Of couse you know where "they are." Foster care.

How come you won't talk about your children with me? Why? How come? Yanno?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why is Flerp copy n pasta'ing the dead and buried YawnHawl archives?

Don't tell me it's 2005 again...

Are you mad because your name isn't mentioned? Don't worry. Neither is BEnzo's.

Fucking case in point :LOL1:

Flynn why havent you suicided yet? Are you trying to show us your own 13 reasons why?

Just shove a piece of broken glass right through your jugular and end this misery you live in.

Why would I need to do ALL that. I'd just have my children do it.

Can you say the same? Do you even know where your 4 kids are?

Of course I know, you drooling fucking "flame" tard.

And I'm not telling you fuck all about them.

Fucking predator.

How come you won't talk about your children with me? Why? How come? Yanno?

Because they are none of your business and you are an online fucking predator. Duh.

Why do YOU want to discuss kids? You a fucking pervert? Yeah. Yeah you are.

Garbage ass fucking predator. Child stalking psycho. Only fucked up perverts try to harrass kids.

Go suicide.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This stupid fucking idiot really thinks people are going to read this dumbfuck decades old Bawl Hall spam.

The fuck? :Crazy:

Hey dumb ass spammer! Why not post this assburgers manifesto at FT where others may actually read and enjoy?

You trying to show us what a world famous flame fuck you are? Fucking loser.


Flynn is all busted up lulz

You're here without your children, aren't you?


Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Why is Flerp copy n pasta'ing the dead and buried YawnHawl archives?

Don't tell me it's 2005 again...

Are you mad because your name isn't mentioned? Don't worry. Neither is BEnzo's.
I wasn't there then, Dimwit.
Even if I was who cares.
Wrong forum to post it at.
Try FT

Then how the fuck do you comment on shit about "GUNZ" when me and "Gunza Blazin" were on there at that time? Yet, you seem to know an awful lot about "GUNZ" for someone who now says he wasn't there?

BEnzo, here's the kicker n all have claimed that I am "GUNZ"...

"Gunz" was my first Thunderdome match which turned in a "No Contest" when "GUNZ" couldn't figure out the time difference between Central and Pacific time. This is FACT. This is well documented on the WayWayBack Time Machine Archives. Much like how Beaver validates many of my claims.

So dummy. Either I had this planned out way back then or you are once again full of fucking shit.

Go change your colostomy bag, Grandpa.

You're a dickhead. Get the story straight with the other four faggots. I got to BH mid 2010.
And still nobody cares.
Get a life-


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Why is Flerp copy n pasta'ing the dead and buried YawnHawl archives?

Don't tell me it's 2005 again...

Are you mad because your name isn't mentioned? Don't worry. Neither is BEnzo's.
I wasn't there then, Dimwit.
Even if I was who cares.
Wrong forum to post it at.
Try FT

Then how the fuck do you comment on shit about "GUNZ" when me and "Gunza Blazin" were on there at that time? Yet, you seem to know an awful lot about "GUNZ" for someone who now says he wasn't there?

BEnzo, here's the kicker n all have claimed that I am "GUNZ"...

"Gunz" was my first Thunderdome match which turned in a "No Contest" when "GUNZ" couldn't figure out the time difference between Central and Pacific time. This is FACT. This is well documented on the WayWayBack Time Machine Archives. Much like how Beaver validates many of my claims.

So dummy. Either I had this planned out way back then or you are once again full of fucking shit.

Go change your colostomy bag, Grandpa.

You're a dickhead. Get the story straight with the other four faggots. I got to BH mid 2010.
And still nobody cares.
Get a life-

So. Then explain to me how you know I'm "GUNZ," when I had a proven match with him and he was long gone by the time your idiot ass showed up?

Fucking idiot.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Why is Flerp copy n pasta'ing the dead and buried YawnHawl archives?

Don't tell me it's 2005 again...

Are you mad because your name isn't mentioned? Don't worry. Neither is BEnzo's.

Fucking case in point :LOL1:

Flynn why havent you suicided yet? Are you trying to show us your own 13 reasons why?

Just shove a piece of broken glass right through your jugular and end this misery you live in.

Why would I need to do ALL that. I'd just have my children do it.

Can you say the same? Do you even know where your 4 kids are?

Of course I know, you drooling fucking "flame" tard.

And I'm not telling you fuck all about them.

Fucking predator.

How come you won't talk about your children with me? Why? How come? Yanno?

Because they are none of your business and you are an online fucking predator. Duh.

Why do YOU want to discuss kids? You a fucking pervert? Yeah. Yeah you are.

Garbage ass fucking predator. Child stalking psycho. Only fucked up perverts try to harrass kids.

Go suicide.

Hey. What are your children's name? What do they eat? How long have they been in State custody?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Flynn is all triggered still trying to talk about kids

Give up, pervert.

Go kill yourself already.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This stupid fucking idiot really thinks people are going to read this dumbfuck decades old Bawl Hall spam.

The fuck? :Crazy:

Hey dumb ass spammer! Why not post this assburgers manifesto at FT where others may actually read and enjoy?

You trying to show us what a world famous flame fuck you are? Fucking loser.


Flynn is all busted up lulz

You're here without your children, aren't you?


Yeah when people log in, they leave their house and physically enter the internet. Like how you entered forums in 2005 and never left.

That's how it works. We are all here and all our kids are all unsupervised. And it gives you a big PLEASE ASS BOX ME! chub.

Go take a bath. And slit your wrists while you are in there.

Need a picture of a razor to use?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This stupid fucking idiot really thinks people are going to read this dumbfuck decades old Bawl Hall spam.

The fuck? :Crazy:

Hey dumb ass spammer! Why not post this assburgers manifesto at FT where others may actually read and enjoy?

You trying to show us what a world famous flame fuck you are? Fucking loser.


Flynn is all busted up lulz

You're here without your children, aren't you?


Yeah when people log in, they leave their house and physically enter the internet. Like how you entered forums in 2005 and never left.

That's how it works

Go take a bath. And slit your wrists while you are in there.

Need a picture of a razor to use?

I don't need a "picture of a raxor."

I'll just have my children that live with me go and fetch me one.

Can you say the same? Yanno?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Shittiest thread evah.

That's funnay!

Explain this...

Biggie Smiles reacted to your post in the thread The first ever Super Chad community stream with Haha.

Biggie Smiles reacted to your post in the thread Caskur, come home with Haha.

Biggie Smiles reacted to your post in the thread MitM- Were back bitches with Haha.

Omg he is SO BUSTED :LOL1:

Go die.

If I do. At least I'll "die" knowing that my children were never taken away.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Flynn is all triggered still trying to talk about kids

Give up, pervert.

Go kill yourself already.

I'm still waiting for my "surrender" post to show up.

I guess I'll be waiting as long as you to get custody of your children.