The Gospel of Christopher Rufo: or How I learned to fear and hate The Homeless, CRT and Pedophiles! Groomed for Social Injustice!


Factory Bastard
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Teacher training has become centers of woke indoctrination and unless that problem is solved then all of the new teachers will be indoctrination zombies trying to groom children.



Factory Bastard
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That blog has some excellent articles. Well worth looking through a few of them if you are a parent or grandparent or ever intend to become one.


Factory Bastard
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A great story from a teacher with 25 years of experience about what happened at her school. They were to encourage children to become trans and they were specially told they would be fired if they informed parents about what was occurring

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Domestically feral
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United states
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That blog has some excellent articles. Well worth looking through a few of them if you are a parent or grandparent or ever intend to become one.

Amazing its thier own "side".....all "liberal" parents....who are yelling out.

And these people enmeshed in a partisan cold civil war wont even look. They dismiss it as "cons mad over nothing".

It's really fucking sobering how deep their hatred of opposing parties really is. Where they just shut down anything that contradicts them as "cons".


Domestically feral
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United states
A great story from a teacher with 25 years of experience about what happened at her school. They were to encourage children to become trans and they were specially told they would be fired if they informed parents about what was occurring

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"At times, the idea of affirming without questioning a student’s gender identity results in me feeling nauseous on the way to work. I struggle to sleep at night. I wake up, and riddled with anxiety, I am in physical pain, disillusioned. I have the insider knowledge of how the blind affirmation by adults at school plays out in a household, how it harms young people with psychological issues and those who have not yet had the time to discover their sexuality. And I know that the decision to affirm a trans identity is being made in schools by people who are not experts, who may have only known the child for minutes.

Families are slowly waking up and smelling the coffee and realizing what is taking place in the schools. The anger of parents whose children have been introduced to the genderbread person or socially transitioned behind their backs in schools has been underestimated. Schools, a major source of affirmation, are fast becoming the next and maybe last battleground in the gender war"

It's just all cons... .mad over nothing. Desperate for "hatred and division".

Unbelievable coldness and indifference.


Domestically feral
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United states
This mother is 100% correct and those two groomers belong in prison for life.

Too bad some nut doesnt go in and start mowing down teachers!!!!

Just listening to the anger and pain in that womans voice. The way she described that meeting with the staff where she sat across the table and cried while the fucking teacher sat on the other side next to HER daughter.

How violating.

This is doing so much damage. Harming so many families and destroying the lives of children. It's just evil. The anger of parents is being VERY under estimated.


Domestically feral
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United states

I hate when they actually say "kids understand this better than adults! They are very accepting!"

They dont know shit about child development. Of course kids are "accepting" when you use your power dynamic to teach them shit. They are gonna ask questions. They are gonna accept this. But understand? No. Not the way adults understand it.

You can easily get a kid to say a prayer and ask Jesus into their heart. Tell them we are all sinners and that Jesus died for them personally and if they pray to God and "ask Jesus into their heart" they'll get to go to heaven.

And guess what? They will have that surface understanding. They will believe you. Even if something isnt really resonating or even making sense to them. They are gonna pray to God and "ask Jesus into their heart".

Then are gonna go and make fun of other kids because they are gonna go to hell....but they wont, because they ask Jesus into their heart.

And I'm willing to bet at LEAST two of those kids is secretly terrified they will accidently turn into the opposite sex.

The fact the kids will believe things so easily is exactly why no one should be teaching these kids any sort of ideological beliefs or politics in school. And the shit bags using power of suggestion like she did?

Let's say a kid "feels like a boy". That teacher will "socially trans" that kid. Use pronouns and a new name. The school will hide this and encourage it. Then by the time the parent knows....its been ingrained pretty hard and the kid becomes a future detransitioner. All over the country we are seeing this.

Its abuse. Plain and simple.


Factory Bastard
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This evil narcissistic woman is PLEASE ASS BOX ME! 4 year olds.