The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I still don't know what Anifa is. I never bothered to look it up.

A Jewish far left neo-Marxist Communist group. Think purple haired feminists and scrawny middle class soyboys.
If you captured one of those middle class soyboys, and got him into your mom's debasement, what would you do first?

What is a soyboy?
Not entirely sure, but in the context that those that use the term regularly on this forum, my Philology Department thinks it refers to anyone who is perceived as a threat to an individual's tribal status.

It means a limp-dicked, effeminate, leftist, SJW faggot. You know this and I know this. Wear that rainbow badge with pride Aidsmin, you've definitely earned it.


Factory Bastard
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I still don't know what Anifa is. I never bothered to look it up.

A Jewish far left neo-Marxist Communist group. Think purple haired feminists and scrawny middle class soyboys.
If you captured one of those middle class soyboys, and got him into your mom's debasement, what would you do first?

What is a soyboy?
Not entirely sure, but in the context that those that use the term regularly on this forum, my Philology Department thinks it refers to anyone who is perceived as a threat to an individual's tribal status.

LMAO. That's the best definition yet.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I still don't know what Anifa is. I never bothered to look it up.

A Jewish far left neo-Marxist Communist group. Think purple haired feminists and scrawny middle class soyboys.
If you captured one of those middle class soyboys, and got him into your mom's debasement, what would you do first?

What is a soyboy?
Not entirely sure, but in the context that those that use the term regularly on this forum, my Philology Department thinks it refers to anyone who is perceived as a threat to an individual's tribal status.

LMAO. That's the best definition yet.
Yes, very threatening...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I still don't know what Anifa is. I never bothered to look it up.

A Jewish far left neo-Marxist Communist group. Think purple haired feminists and scrawny middle class soyboys.
If you captured one of those middle class soyboys, and got him into your mom's debasement, what would you do first?

What is a soyboy?
Not entirely sure, but in the context that those that use the term regularly on this forum, my Philology Department thinks it refers to anyone who is perceived as a threat to an individual's tribal status.

LMAO. That's the best definition yet.
Yes, very threatening...

Now that is some foreheead and those feet... holy surf planks batman?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I present this as proof that even a shit hole kike Portland can be reclaimed for humanity. Notice how in conservative places where police are not ordered to stand down and where the DA does prosecute criminals suddenly Antifa is afraid to show up and riot?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Antifa crying over the fact that its members where afraid to riot in a county where they'd end up in prison for their crimes. Also notice how Antifa does its usual lying and claiming anyone who does not hate America and who doesn't want a communist revolution is some how a "fascist"?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If voters in liberal shitholes ever unfuck themselves and decide they are tired of the crime, squalor, and lawlessness of the far left then those cities can be reclaimed. The best thing is to cut off all federal aid and let those cities truly hit rock bottom where even the most brain damaged leftist is forced to admit their ideology is a shitty failure.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
If voters in liberal shitholes ever unfuck themselves and decide they are tired of the crime, squalor, and lawlessness of the far left then those cities can be reclaimed. The best thing is to cut off all federal aid and let those cities truly hit rock bottom where even the most brain damaged leftist is forced to admit their ideology is a shitty failure.

Of course you think it's a good idea to cut off federal aid to the regions that give the most to the federal fund.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As I know you are an ignorant and stupid person I don't care about your opinions. For the benefit of other readers: When Trump was president he sent Federal officers to help enforce laws on federal property in Portland and liberals all lied and claimed "Trump is sending his Gestopo to Portland and we don't want them!". Now that Biden is President Portland is begging for extra federal funding and FBI assistance because it turns out defunding the police and not allowing them to do their jobs has resulted in massive pmtriple digit percentage jumps in all manner of crimes but especially violent crimes.

No, don't bail these fools out. They defended their local police and elected far left self declared socialist DAs who refuse to fairly enforce the law so they deserve to sink into failure so everyone can see it. Let the votes suffer the consequences of their actions so they can learn to vote differently.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
That is a man.
That is a soy boy, is that not what the convo is about?

It makes you wonder what these transgender male to female freaks are gonna do when their hairline starts to recede or they get a bald spot at the back of their head like most men do when they get past 40. What will they do, buy a wig? Something tells me many of them haven't thought this drastic change through....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
As I know you are an ignorant and stupid person I don't care about your opinions. For the benefit of other readers: When Trump was president he sent Federal officers to help enforce laws on federal property in Portland and liberals all lied and claimed "Trump is sending his Gestopo to Portland and we don't want them!". Now that Biden is President Portland is begging for extra federal funding and FBI assistance because it turns out defunding the police and not allowing them to do their jobs has resulted in massive pmtriple digit percentage jumps in all manner of crimes but especially violent crimes.

No, don't bail these fools out. They defended their local police and elected far left self declared socialist DAs who refuse to fairly enforce the law so they deserve to sink into failure so everyone can see it. Let the votes suffer the consequences of their actions so they can learn to vote differently.

Well, I think the blue coastal states should secede and form their own countries. Let the red states go it alone. See what kind of a fubar you would create. I would LMAO at you fools. We could have Oceania on the left coast, Atlantia on the East coast, and all the rest + Floriduh could be Trumplandia or Bible Beltia.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Or, make it a corporately sponsored country. Make it Trump's Bible Beltia or Bible Beltia by Trump, and the country could pay Trump for naming rights.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
And their expired meds. You know, for safe disposal.

I've had a long hiatus. With the world changing at the speed of light, it's almost reassuring to see the same old tired trolls being recycled. Almost, it's more pathetic than anything.

But, I thought you were new here.

Yes, I said in another thread that I have been off of forums for 5+ years. I am new here.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
And their expired meds. You know, for safe disposal.

I've had a long hiatus. With the world changing at the speed of light, it's almost reassuring to see the same old tired trolls being recycled. Almost, it's more pathetic than anything.

But, I thought you were new here.

Yes, I said in another thread that I have been off of forums for 5+ years. I am new here.

If you're not Oak, WELCOME!!! (In the off chance I am wrong, I really don't want to be rude to you)

If you are Oak, stop being so pathetic and just own up to it. Why come here as a dual? Everyone will figure you out soon enough, and you must know that from past experience.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
And their expired meds. You know, for safe disposal.

I've had a long hiatus. With the world changing at the speed of light, it's almost reassuring to see the same old tired trolls being recycled. Almost, it's more pathetic than anything.

But, I thought you were new here.

Yes, I said in another thread that I have been off of forums for 5+ years. I am new here.

If you're not Oak, WELCOME!!! (In the off chance I am wrong, I really don't want to be rude to you)

If you are Oak, stop being so pathetic and just own up to it. Why come here as a dual? Everyone will figure you out soon enough, and you must know that from past experience.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
And their expired meds. You know, for safe disposal.

I've had a long hiatus. With the world changing at the speed of light, it's almost reassuring to see the same old tired trolls being recycled. Almost, it's more pathetic than anything.

But, I thought you were new here.

Yes, I said in another thread that I have been off of forums for 5+ years. I am new here.

If you're not Oak, WELCOME!!! (In the off chance I am wrong, I really don't want to be rude to you)

If you are Oak, stop being so pathetic and just own up to it. Why come here as a dual? Everyone will figure you out soon enough, and you must know that from past experience.

Of course it's Poark, that Levon guy is Peaches.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This is a good sign. BLM is actually trying to kick out the violent Antifa thugs from their rallies. For most of the last year BLM and Antifa always rooted together.



Domestically feral
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United states
Please explain how this occurred and how precisely Biden is responsible.

Do not blaspheme the Dow, Trump beknighted it as sacred.

Okay but we can explain how Trump boosted the economy.

I'm asking YOU to explain WHY you think Biden gets any credit for this today?

Can you show me any salient examples of what Herr Trump did to accelerate the Dow's line during his brief term?

If you first answer my question I'm fairly sure I could.

The LAST time I gave an answer, I got called a "disgusting pig".

Are you a disgusting pig? If so, that is on you.

So calling someone names and degrading their character is acceptable for you guys when someone doesnt share your view.

And if they dont like the verbal abuse you resort to, well that's on them?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Trouble in Soytown fucking Lolz.... I hope the blacks do tell the Antifa SJW's to sling it, they likely are trying to latch onto the BLM movement to bolster their numbers.

You rarely get blacks in Antifa, it's almost exclusively white and Jewish middle class student toffs and degenerate social outcasts.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They're just all dressed in black responding to a call for direct action made on all the usual Antifa accounts and waving antifa flags while acting like antifa usually act. But now the dumb ass, after getting caught lying and unable to continue lying, wants to pretend it wasn't really antifa.

How dumb does this moron think everyone else is? You are laughable. It was all caught on video and previously posted in this very thread.

These terrorist mobs could raping children in the streets instead of just trying to burn them alive in buildings and H would defend them and tell us to "wake up!"

He is such a brainwashed useful idiot that political violence against regular people is okay.....but scaring politicains is sedition.

It's insane. It doesnt matter what these terrorists do, people like H are so full of hate they'll defend them and condemn and hate anyone who defends themselves.

If you get killed or brutalized by these savages? He will say you shouldnt have been there. Just being there makes terrorists entitled to do what they want to you and you have absolutely no rights.

They are totalitarians who think the constitution is a document that makes people government property.

Normal people with empathy see this happening and feel sick and angry. These guys dont give a fuck about anyone.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Perhaps you need your eyes examined? That would explain a lot.

They gaslight. They know.

They just agree with the violence. They call us dramatic snowflakes if we are angry and upset about these acts of political violence against citizens. They aren't phased at all.....even when children are attacked.