The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.


Domestically feral
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United states

I just checked that out and the ignorance is terrifying. People are actually thanking antifa for "defeating the nazis" back in WW2 and HERE in America. What the fuck?!

All antifa has done is destroy poor mostly minority communities. And calling Americans "nazis" because they are rejecting an authoritarian violent party? How brainwashed do you have to be to actually thank antifa for anything?

Their brains are rotted.


Factory Bastard
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They are openly calling for violence and cheering it on. Given that Biden and the Dems have already proven they will not enforce the law against the left and will always try to over prosecute the right... What do honest Americans do?


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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They are openly calling for violence and cheering it on. Given that Biden and the Dems have already proven they will not enforce the law against the left and will always try to over prosecute the right... What do honest Americans do?

The criminals will become more and more brazen and confident. But I imagine the American people will not stand that for too long.


Domestically feral
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United states
They are openly calling for violence and cheering it on. Given that Biden and the Dems have already proven they will not enforce the law against the left and will always try to over prosecute the right... What do honest Americans do?

The criminals will become more and more brazen and confident. But I imagine the American people will not stand that for too long.

The establishment is really pushing disarming the people. Rinos are really showing their ass.

Yeah let's make it harder for innocent people to defend themselves while enabling crime.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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They are openly calling for violence and cheering it on. Given that Biden and the Dems have already proven they will not enforce the law against the left and will always try to over prosecute the right... What do honest Americans do?

The criminals will become more and more brazen and confident. But I imagine the American people will not stand that for too long.

The establishment is really pushing disarming the people. Rinos are really showing their ass.

Yeah let's make it harder for innocent people to defend themselves while enabling crime.

Yesterday some savage "victim of society" who probably felt like society was "racist" towards him entered a transport van and stabbed 6 people, killing 3 and leaving one maimed forever

These animals will find a way to kill, having guns or not.

Disarmament sent my country into a spiral of criminality, with countless cases of being being killed for no good reason

Same as here, America is full of junkies of have lost their self-control a long time ago


Domestically feral
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United states
They are openly calling for violence and cheering it on. Given that Biden and the Dems have already proven they will not enforce the law against the left and will always try to over prosecute the right... What do honest Americans do?

The criminals will become more and more brazen and confident. But I imagine the American people will not stand that for too long.

The establishment is really pushing disarming the people. Rinos are really showing their ass.

Yeah let's make it harder for innocent people to defend themselves while enabling crime.

Yesterday some savage "victim of society" who probably felt like society was "racist" towards him entered a transport van and stabbed 6 people, killing 3 and leaving one maimed forever

These animals will find a way to kill, having guns or not.

Disarmament sent my country into a spiral of criminality, with countless cases of being being killed for no good reason

Same as here, America is full of junkies of have lost their self-control a long time ago

Yep. Wanting to disarm the people right now is sociopathic.


Factory Bastard
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Dems have long promoted and protected viole t communist terror groups like Antifa and BLM. Suddenly, now that no one buys the lies out of Biden and the Dems have e been rejected by the public and Biden has record low approval numbers (down to just 32%) dems want to pretend they always opposed left wing terrorism.

They promoted them, coordinated with them, bailed them out, funneled money to these terrorist groups, and prevented the communist terrorists from facing any legal consequences for their crimes. So no one buys these lies.



Domestically feral
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United states
They are such ghouls, I swear

Yeah her choice...unless shes relying on a pregnancy outreach center. Than fuck her choice and fuck her life.

They are not gonna step in replace the help they are trying to take away from vulnerable women and children. They are just fucking evil. Destroying the work other people do and wanting back Pat's.

Jane? Norma wasnt on their side.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
The thing that upsets me the most when any of the conservatives discuss Floyd here is that the main focus is the riots and blaming BLM and Antifa without putting any responsibility on the police or civilians who went out armed and ready to wage war against peaceful protestors, which escalated the protests into riots.

Also, I don’t think anyone has taken into consideration the opportunists who joined BLM and Antifa just to destroy property and create havoc … and how damaging that was to what we were actually trying to accomplish out there.

I also protested Trump putting children in cages at the border while living in Seattle. That was before anyone had ever heard of Floyd. Do you want to know what the only difference between that peaceful protest that didn’t erupt into riots and the Floyd protests that started peacefully was? The cops weren’t armed for war and assaulting the protestor crowd with teargas and threatening us with loaded weapons.

I will talk about what actually went down during the Floyd protest until I die. My grandchildren will know I was there and what happened… and that standing up for what was right got us labeled domestic terrorists by people who supported and invoked mob rule while sitting on their asses doing nothing.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Kinda odd tho that as you were busy trying to "fit in" with hillbillies like High FLyin Bryan and Farmer you protested, approximately fucking never, about the "kids in cages" during the obama administration

here... let me refresh everyone's memory on that

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Stop following the fad old friend, it makes you look so fucking silly and childish.


Domestically feral
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United states
Literally everyone in the world can look at the heaps of video footage and all the heart breaking aftermath from the "Floyd" leftwing terrorists rampage.

I don't give a shit what some ignorant and priviledged bimbo in CA who doesnt even have real convictions says about it.

Orwellian as fuck to argue against what everyone can see with their own eyes.

Burning down communities and beating and killing innocent people because some stupid dumb fuck criminals didnt stop resisting arrest and were shot or died of a DRUG OVERDOSE in police custody is DISGUSTING.

Burn your own shit down in solidarity and stay away from innocent people.


Domestically feral
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United states
These clowns flip flop all over the place all on the same day.

Because they have emotional investment in being dem/prog and they are invested in what they think that means.

They are conditioned to see their opposition as civil rights enemies. Racists. White supremacists. Who only care about the wealth elites. And they are the free thinking compassionate civil rights heros.

This is so ingrained in them they cant even have normal discussions.

And it's so ingrained in them that even though all these wealthy elites are on their side....they still dont see how theyve been so duped.

They will ignore the shit that's right in front of their face, cling to blatant lies, and cheer on this grotesque attack on American people all while claiming they are fighting NAZIS.

I've heard and read about this and how it happens before but seeing it is breath taking. You think you can reason with people and they couldnt possibly be this hateful and unwilling to engage. But they wont even acknowledge what's blatantly out there and they just label and shut down anyone who points at it.

What possible fucking reward is in believing obvious lies and ignoring all this disgusting shit? I guess they are on some superiority high and dont care.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well guys this is how the left wing activists die

Lmao. That's like the trash taking itself out. Rural towns are defenseless, eh?

Bahahahaha. I hope it gets good footage. It will be like Kyle Rittenhouse times 50 lol.
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Factory Bastard
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The communist terrorists of Antifa is out committing more violence and Democrats refuse to act.



Factory Bastard
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We have one honest non-political person at the DHS. I am sure Dems will put a stop to this as quickly as they can.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
They are openly calling for violence and cheering it on. Given that Biden and the Dems have already proven they will not enforce the law against the left and will always try to over prosecute the right... What do honest Americans do?

The criminals will become more and more brazen and confident. But I imagine the American people will not stand that for too long.

The establishment is really pushing disarming the people. Rinos are really showing their ass.

Yeah let's make it harder for innocent people to defend themselves while enabling crime.

Sorry Mericans are not mature enough to handle guns. How many time does one need to prove it? It’s too little, too late.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
All around shit bag and all around worthless person AOC is trying to incite violence.