The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Is Antifa in the room now?
So you're sticking the idea it doesn't exist.
Ok, then by that premise, Seamajor's point is completely moot, as Antifa would be in the same catogory of yetis and the loch ness monster. You can't even define WHAT it is.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Mt question is Admin now willing to admit antifa is an actual identifiable group and not an "idea" like he was claiming earlier on in the year? earler post still stands. Admin has avoided it for 2 weeks what should be a very simple question based on what HE claimed Antifa is.
Its an idea of what, exactly? WHAT is Antifa?

Dude he just spins and hates. He wont interact with anything any of us say.

He views us as subhuman hopeless morons who are blocking his "sides" wonderful progress.

He is bravely standing up to the "bad guys" here and he isnt going to allow anything to take that egocentric feel good fake moral superiority high away from him.

I keep hoping that he will finally hit the line, see what is happening for what it is, and realize it's not US who are the enemy. We are just ordinary everyday people. With jobs and families. That we have valid and real meaning driving us. That all we want is to be able to provide for ourselves, preserve our rights and human dignity and live in peace. Continue trying to build a better world for our communities and helping those who need it.

At this point I dont think he has a line. I've all but begged him to just think and engage....he would defend and support a rapist male in a skirt or a convicted child rapist like Rosenbuam before even talking to any of us.

They dont even see the authoritarian marxist rot in academia. They have absolutely zero street smarts. If he doesnt want to see how he is being duped and manipulated, he wont. Even if his "side" comes out and tells us all point blank that the truth doesnt matter. Only their victory matters.

You know in a way I'm kinda glad to know what it's like to be hated so passionately from people who do not know me at all. It deepens my ability to connect empathetically with other humans who have likewise been hated by those who dont know them. Like innocent homosexual people, or what it's like to be hated over skin color. I've heard gay Republicans say "coming out" as right wing was scarier and harder then coming out gay. I can see why.

But it's also disheartening because so much has to suffer because of their blindness and ignorance. Like the real needs for poor minorities. Education needs for children. Single sex spaces and sex based rights for women and girls and the rights of homosexuals to he openly homosexual (rejecting opposite sex partners who "identify" as the same sex). Violence and infringement. This horrific division that nothing seems to be able to bridge.

I have no idea what the solution is, and I dont see how there can be solutions when we have so many activists and people so full of pure hatred they wont even hear people anymore.

I have absolutely NO hope, at all.....but that doesnt mean I wont oppose and speak and do what I can to defend what's right and compassionate.

We wont ever get Admin to hear anything or interact in any productive way. If he hasnt bothered once in years to understand anyone else ....he probably never will. He would rather think the worst of us, no matter how dishonest....because that is what he is supposed to do. His own hypocrisy, hatred and contradictions dont concern him because he is one of the "good guys".

As much as all the people in this cult bubble....the blatant contradictions and hypocrisy dont matter because they have no real stance or convictions. Their only foundation js hatred of the country and any whatever they need to say or do to oppose any of us they say and do. They simply dont care if they contradict themselves.

There is a whole ass Twitter page that shows these contradictions they all make. Its ghoulish as fuck.....but they dont care they do it.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.


Domestically feral
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United states
Yes, yes you are. We have found common ground.

Oak you are a fat worthless cunt. You cant even discuss politcs with your partner without shutting it down and being a cunt.

Just because you see yourself as "intelligent and intuitive" doesnt mean you actually are. In fact, most all lying narcissists claim to be things they are not.

People actually believing you are intelligent or intuitive is the same as people believing Poofer actually buys 300 dollar t shirts. The ones who dont openly mock you for it are just being nice. They dont even believe it, though.

Intelligent people can handle opposition. You bat for a team that actually throws feces at people and mails used tampons to SC Justices. You call the murder of innocent human beings "karma".

Why don't you just go shove some fried twinkies down your gullet and be glad and embrace the reality the ONLY thing you have on the rest of us is 500 pounds of access fat layers?

Do you actually have anything to add to this thread?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh I see.

Leftwing activist mobs are just asking people to show others the "smallest amount of human empathy".

If we just all expressed our human empathy the way the sociopaths demand they would cease beating people, threatening people, doxxing people, threatening women with rape, burning down communities and murdering people.

That's all we have to do. Show "human empathy"(meet their demands and do what they want) and theyll stop the violence. Got it.

Never gonna happen.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Oak you are a fat worthless cunt. You cant even discuss politcs with your partner without shutting it down and being a cunt.

Just because you see yourself as "intelligent and intuitive" doesnt mean you actually are. In fact, most all lying narcissists claim to be things they are not.

People actually believing you are intelligent or intuitive is the same as people believing Poofer actually buys 300 dollar t shirts. The ones who dont openly mock you for it are just being nice. They dont even believe it, though.

Intelligent people can handle opposition. You bat for a team that actually throws feces at people and mails used tampons to SC Justices. You call the murder of innocent human beings "karma".

Why don't you just go shove some fried twinkies down your gullet and be glad and embrace the reality the ONLY thing you have on the rest of us is 500 pounds of access fat layers?

Do you actually have anything to add to this thread?

You are talking out of your ass, as usual.

You just have werdz of hate.