The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
This is pure comedy gold. You should have an HBO special.

Do you write your own stuff?

You'll see.

The "it cant happen in America" is what is fucking us. I'm not being funny or dramatic. That's directly the end goal of this subversion and division. Its deeper today than it's ever been and Gen Z is final bullet in the constitutional Republic.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Put down the viagra and fasten your pants back up.

Hey now! You guys agree with me most of the time and is that because you got your pants down?!

Please dont answer. I did watch a video today that claimed right wing women are spreading extremism with their sexiness LOL


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Oak Bay
I agree with her now and then. She’s pretty smart.
Agree or not, this individual IS funny with the combination of drama, victimhood and expert comedic timing. The others in this thread are also funny but none of them sellout to the schtick like this "Dove" person. Other comedians should take note.

The victim card is almost alway hilarious if you know how to play it.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
How do these weirdos always see "victimhood" in everything?

Where the fuck is ANYONE engaging in "victimhood"?

All I can conclude from these sorts of claims is that anytime someone condemns bad, dishonest and unethical behaviour the people who are doing it or supporting it try to deflect from that by claiming the ones condemning are somehow claiming "victimhood".

Gabbo can you manage to explain where you see this victimhood? Is this because I'm openly opposing the ideological molestation of children in the pushing of revised history? Because I dont even use public schools. They are total trash. So this isnt some personal complaint I'm making and even if it was....i can definately say "hey, this behaviour is wrong" without being a victim of it.

And you are calling me dramatic....interesting. I am a Leo and I do have a flare for drama, however....I'm not indulging in that right now. It seems you are though, seeing victims that dont exist?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Oak Bay
You'll see.

The "it cant happen in America" is what is fucking us. I'm not being funny or dramatic. That's directly the end goal of this subversion and division. Its deeper today than it's ever been and Gen Z is final bullet in the constitutional Republic.
Oh well, you know the old adage, adapt or die.

Dinosaurs didn't and they be dead.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Oh well, you know the old adage, adapt or die.

Dinosaurs didn't and they be dead.

How did that work in Maost China? Or Russia?

All those millions just didnt adapt?

Is that also your view of nazi Germany? They just failed to adapt?

Imagine what human history would look like if your sentiment here was universal. We wouldnt have freed the slaves. Adapt or die. Why resist anything?

You can be as spineless and double minded as you wish. Dont expect others to do likewise.

You are demonstrating the fruits of decades worth of subversion and consumerism. A first world bubble where saying "meh....who cares" is the battle cry of the status quo.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I oppose human trafficking pretty passionately as well.

Does that also make me a victim?

Just ridiculous. I think some people get off on a fantasy of having victims. They see victims in every opposition because they get pumped up on a feeling of power and superiority.

Just a guess though. I also wonder....if I indeed was a victim, does that automatically make me wrong? If people are victims....are they just wrong because of it?

Because that logic kinda fucks the narrative of CRT. Consistency isnt really a thing anymore though.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Oak Bay
Will somebody think of the children.

LOL, I love that one.

You still seem to have a whole deck of victim cards ready to play.

Let laughs continue!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
God damn, others are starting to say what only a few have been willing to say.

What none of you can say is WHAT victim cards.

Mindlessly blathering shit you cant back and being unwilling to unpack your delusions dont really make them credible.

You are just a weak ass bitch saying saying weak ass bitch shit. It's like crying "Uncle".


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
What none of you can say is WHAT victim cards.

Mindlessly blathering shit you cant back and being unwilling to unpack your delusions dont really make them credible.

You are just a weak ass bitch saying saying weak ass bitch shit. It's like crying "Uncle".

You're constantly virtue signaling with the "lets save the chilrins, wimmenz" bullshit.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Will somebody think of the children.

LOL, I love that one.

You still seem to have a whole deck of victim cards ready to play.

Let laughs continue!

Okay so because I'm in opposition of brainwashing children into a racist, marxist ideology ....that's a victim card?

So "intelligent" isnt how people in your life would describe you. Got it. Dishonest and cowardly it is!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
You're constantly virtue signaling with the "lets save the chilrins, wimmenz" bullshit.

So how is forcing tax payers to fund teaching children YOUR ideology ....which is rooted in how "pocs" are victims....even valid? Since your baseline logic here is "people have to be okay with everything or else they are VIRTUE SIGNALING VICTIMS omg!"

Why dont you take a pause and think this through? You are a philosophical trainwreck right now desperate to avoid the issue that you cannot defend.

Isnt your whole gender queer bullshit based on stopping all these mass suicides of gay and trans kids....that isnt even happening?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
So how is forcing tax payers to fund teaching children YOUR ideology ....which is rooted in how "pocs" are victims....even valid? Since your baseline logic here is "people have to be okay with everything or else they are VIRTUE SIGNALING VICTIMS omg!"

Why dont you take a pause and think this through? You are a philosophical trainwreck right now desperate to avoid the issue that you cannot defend.

Isnt your whole gender queer bullshit based on stopping all these mass suicides of gay and trans kids....that isnt even happening?

Accurate history is not MY IDEOLOGY. Facts are facts and American history has been devoid of many facts to make white people feel good about their shitty ancestors.



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
You guys see this?

The people who are fighting imaginary white supremacy and rescuing "pocs"....and saving gay and "trans" kids very lives are claiming now that people who oppose their stupid abusive ideologies are "victims" who are "virtue signaling".

This is why we need to shut down the DOE on a state and fed level. No more tax funding. They blast in and try to use children to alter the fabric of society and cant even engage in any honest or civil discourse.

They just spew hate and resentment, blaming people they dont know for socail ills that do not exist.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
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De donde me da la gana.
You guys see this?

The people who are fighting imaginary white supremacy and rescuing "pocs"....and saving gay and "trans" kids very lives are claiming now that people who oppose their stupid abusive ideologies are "victims" who are "virtue signaling".

This is why we need to shit down the DOE on a state and fed level. They blast in and try to use children to alter the fabric of society and cant even engage in any honest or civil discourse.

They just spew hate and resentment, blaming people they dont know for socail ills that do not exist.

No, my good dummy...

YOU are virtue signaling.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Accurate history is not MY IDEOLOGY. Facts are facts and American history has been devoid of many facts to make white people feel good about their shitty ancestors.

63 different genders is not accurate history.

By the way, in the Talmud 8 different genders are referenced.... no wonder jews overwhelmingly push and promote the trans nonsense.



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
63 different genders is not accurate history.

By the way, in the Talmud 8 different genders are referenced.... no wonder jews overwhelmingly push and promote the trans nonsense.


Opposing toxic ideology being pushed in public schools is the new virtue signaling and if you dont want people teaching your kids blatant falsehoods you are a victim.

I bet that will be used to protect child rapists. Theyll be accusing people of hysterics, claiming pedos are marginalized, that is we want to protect children we will help MAPs "come out" and "get the help they need" and it's a sexual orientation they cant help and oh man ......we are really playing that victim card.

It's easy to think your opponent is just the flip side of yourself when you are a brainwashed twit who has no real convictions and is just using tactics to gain "points". Which is what virtue signaling is. They dont know how else to be.

Instead of actually considering facts and thinking, it's just a series of tactics used to "better" your opponent. It's a whole party of cluster b narcissists. When you cant deal with the topic, shut it down by flinging feces and taking personal shots with no argument or point.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
That fuckers got a nazi hair do like you. Plus he’s a pussy. Rica puta