The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
H needs to stop hating himself and just spread his right wings and fly already.

We are here for ya, bruh.

Holliday Unchained

Then, of course there is the sad case of Caster Semenya who had her right to run denied because her testosterone levels were too high through no fault of her own. That seems odd since she is a biological woman.

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GENEVA (AP) — The sports world’s highest court ruled Wednesday that Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya and other female runners like her with unusually high testosterone must take medication to reduce their levels of the male sex hormone if they want to compete in certain events — a landmark decision with far-reaching ramifications for other women’s sports.

Women are not all created equal in terms of femininity any more that they are with regard to other attributes. Men either, of course. But why put limits on it? What if a motion picture committee had deemed Brigitte Bardot too feminine in the competition for screen siren roles?

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
He's a troll god dammit! lol fs
He wishes
Nobody is that stupid, he contradicts himself on the reg...

He's a feckin con. What do you expect?
Lol. How quickly lotus garbage throws holidunce under a bus at the slightest dissent from the hive mind

I was talking about Caitlyn, dumb ass. I have a couple people (You included) on ignore, so sometimes I don't see the stupid shit that gets posted here, which is confusing to you morons, I know.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
He's a troll god dammit! lol fs
He wishes
Nobody is that stupid, he contradicts himself on the reg...

He's a feckin con. What do you expect?
Lol. How quickly lotus garbage throws holidunce under a bus at the slightest dissent from the hive mind

I was talking about Caitlyn, dumb ass. I have a couple people (You included) on ignore, so sometimes I don't see the stupid shit that gets posted here, which is confusing to you morons, I know.
So basically you’re a retard who cannot follow the conversation flow

not surprised actually


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Omg. You agree that males shouldn’t be playing in female sports? Because they have an unfair advantage? You’re a science denier! You’re a racist!!! A transphobe!!! An evil alien from the evil space cult! You’re the devil! You need to be canceled right now

Someone ferry this over to Cindy so he can ban you for 5 million more years

His claimed "side" would roast him for being transphobic for saying transwomen are not real women alone. The sports thing would him labeled a nazi.

And his immigration stance makes him xenophobic.

This dummy just repeats positions more in line with those of us he calls "cOnS" when he actually starts discussing points.

Outside of that.....he just blathers nonsense and media propaganda. Oh and supports politicains who do the opposite of what his stances are and think we dumb for not voting against our interests like he does.
Admin is going to make him sleep on the couch tonight for these evil views

Just occurEd to me. Is you bed sized for a dwarf? Crib size, with stairs


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
These people are idiots. They bust up and destroy affordable housing to protest the lack of affordable housing. The problem is Seattle uses zoning to heavily restrict density and new housing construction; it is a regulation problem.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Btw, lotusbirdbrain. Jenner is not a CON

Cons don’t go around cutting their cocks off pretending to be women. Bruce is just not as mentally deranged as you’d like him to be and realizes the male hormone testosterone which is produced in much larger quantities in males than females provides males an unfair advantage in strenuous sports activities.

follow the science you dumb fucking ditz

I thought you were all for women’s rights ? Guess in regality you are only for the grouping of degenerates that can proves themselves the most depraved

Holliday Unchained

Btw, lotusbirdbrain. Jenner is not a CON

Cons don’t go around cutting their cocks off pretending to be women.
. Apparently they do now - maybe not in the 90s.
. But you see - as I've pointed out numerous times, cons eventually get dragged kicking and screaming into the not too ancient past, as for example they did with that EVIL Rock n Roll
.and weed
and I even hear that some have given up the CheezeWiz and Blunder Bread for healthier dietary choices
.and are exploring alternative medicine, supplements and whatnot.
So you see - eventually cons always get to where more liberal people were some decades earlier.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
He's a troll god dammit! lol fs
He wishes
Nobody is that stupid, he contradicts himself on the reg...

He's a feckin con. What do you expect?
Lol. How quickly lotus garbage throws holidunce under a bus at the slightest dissent from the hive mind

I was talking about Caitlyn, dumb ass. I have a couple people (You included) on ignore, so sometimes I don't see the stupid shit that gets posted here, which is confusing to you morons, I know.

Apparently its confusing for you because you are making comments without even knowing what is being said and who is saying it.

If you are just going to ignore so many people that you cannot follow threads, why bother? Why come here if you dont want to read a good portion of the board?

You could be using the time here to understand other points of view. But it seems you have such little tolerance for others that you wont even try. You dont like the same scrutiny that you regularly put on others put back on you and you get angry very easily.

Why have beliefs that even cause you to have that amount of anger and impatience? It's as if you are determined to have bad feelings towards people and wont have any effort to build bridges. You put the obligation to understand on everyone else but wont do it yourself.

How is that fair?

I've never been shitty to you. You just dont like my positions. And I think if you understood them you would dislike them less and you dont want that. Jmho. You WANT to have a poor view of us.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Btw, lotusbirdbrain. Jenner is not a CON

Cons don’t go around cutting their cocks off pretending to be women.
. Apparently they do now - maybe not in the 90s.
. But you see - as I've pointed out numerous times, cons eventually get dragged kicking and screaming into the not too ancient past, as for example they did with that EVIL Rock n Roll
.and weed
and I even hear that some have given up the CheezeWiz and Blunder Bread for healthier dietary choices
.and are exploring alternative medicine, supplements and whatnot.
So you see - eventually cons always get to where more liberal people were some decades earlier.

Jenner is not a conservative. Jenner is a Republican.

The burden of understanding the differences is on you, we are not obligated to inform you and you dont listen to fuck all anyway.

You are completely ill informed and ironically the only one clinging to outdated views.

No one has been drug "kicking and screaming" into the future. Most of us were not even fucking alive when ultra conservative Republicans had the cultural influence and called your music devil music. We are to the point now decades later where we are seeing the full blown rotted fruits of your hippie revolution. Poverty. Crime. Broken homes and higher levels of depression and mental illness. Looking at how your side handled the "future", the mess we guys fucked up horribly and it's time for introspection.

Time for YOU to enter 2021 and realize your positions are more in line with ours than the far left you are trying to identify with. You are a confused person for sure. Trying hard to hold onto that counter culture feeling and not realizing the shift. It also shows you dont get informed on what you vote for.....which is irresponsible as fuck.

But then.....boomers such as you guys have shown us being irresponsible as fuck is your MO. You majorly fucked up the "future" as seen by the state of things present day. We are far worse off on every level.....maybe stop. All you guys gave the future was STIs, broken single parent homes, poverty, inflation and war. Oh and radical leftism once again starting the rise of an authoritarian one party government. And all you guys do is close your eyes, plug your ears and complain about what you think other people are.

I mean thanks for the break down of the family and school shootings. I guess. Oh and working to destroy race relations. I guess when something is going good you guys cant stand that. Yeah you guys make an awesome future to drag people into kicking and screaming, dont you? Now China will be the world super power. Maybe people kicked and screamed for a good fucking reason? Ever think of that?

You guys are all gonna be dead when your grandchildren and great grandchildren are living with the consequences of your choices. It's not right that you guys could care less about what kind of miserable country you are leaving to future generations. Ripping the liberties and freedoms you've enjoyed and take for granted away from them and leaving a shattered and divided, hateful environment.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
He's a troll god dammit! lol fs
He wishes
Nobody is that stupid, he contradicts himself on the reg...

He's a feckin con. What do you expect?
Lol. How quickly lotus garbage throws holidunce under a bus at the slightest dissent from the hive mind

I was talking about Caitlyn, dumb ass. I have a couple people (You included) on ignore, so sometimes I don't see the stupid shit that gets posted here, which is confusing to you morons, I know.

Apparently its confusing for you because you are making comments without even knowing what is being said and who is saying it.

If you are just going to ignore so many people that you cannot follow threads, why bother? Why come here is you dont want to read a good portion of the board?

You could be using the time here to understand other points of view. But it seems you have such little tolerance for others that you wont even try. You dont like the same scrutiny that you regularly put on others put back on you and you get angry very easily.

Why have beliefs that even cause you to have that amount of anger and impatience? It's as if you are determined to have bad feelings towards people and wont have any effort to build bridges. You put the obligation to understand on everyone else but wont do it yourself.

How is that fair?

I've never been shitty to you. You just dont like my positions. And I think if you understood them you would dislike them less and you dont want that. Jmho. You WANT to have a poor view of us.
Lotus. Like all fucking liberals is a piece of shit. You cannot have civil discourse with these rodents


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
He's a troll god dammit! lol fs
He wishes
Nobody is that stupid, he contradicts himself on the reg...

He's a feckin con. What do you expect?
Lol. How quickly lotus garbage throws holidunce under a bus at the slightest dissent from the hive mind

I was talking about Caitlyn, dumb ass. I have a couple people (You included) on ignore, so sometimes I don't see the stupid shit that gets posted here, which is confusing to you morons, I know.

Apparently its confusing for you because you are making comments without even knowing what is being said and who is saying it.

If you are just going to ignore so many people that you cannot follow threads, why bother? Why come here is you dont want to read a good portion of the board?

You could be using the time here to understand other points of view. But it seems you have such little tolerance for others that you wont even try. You dont like the same scrutiny that you regularly put on others put back on you and you get angry very easily.

Why have beliefs that even cause you to have that amount of anger and impatience? It's as if you are determined to have bad feelings towards people and wont have any effort to build bridges. You put the obligation to understand on everyone else but wont do it yourself.

How is that fair?

I've never been shitty to you. You just dont like my positions. And I think if you understood them you would dislike them less and you dont want that. Jmho. You WANT to have a poor view of us.
Lotus. Like all fucking liberals is a piece of shit. You cannot have civil discourse with these rodents

When civil discourse becomes as impossible as it is today, we really are truly screwed.

I guess is easier to hate. That's all the left ever does, hate and spread hate. They dont even understand any of our positions or ideas but they are angry and hateful. They dont even want to do anything else. It's truly cult behaviour.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Seeing these people try to get M4A and a 15.00 minimum wage is hysterical.

Their chances of getting that with Trump were FAR BETTER than they are now. They may as well give up on any sort of "progress" and enjoy bringing back the bullshit. It was too important for them to mindlessly hate based on establishment propaganda without even asking themselves WHY media was so devoted to slamming him nonstop.

And with their devotion to making sure none of our elections are up to us anymore and our votes will mean nothing.....we are just losing our country to the wealthy and powerful by making sure we can never vote them out or make any changes that benefits us again. Trump was very willing to work across the aisle for things that would help us.

But yeah how about them dummy dum Trumptards being so DUPED?! Even their precious "progressive" squad sold out. Smh.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Omg. You agree that males shouldn’t be playing in female sports? Because they have an unfair advantage? You’re a science denier! You’re a racist!!! A transphobe!!! An evil alien from the evil space cult! You’re the devil! You need to be canceled right now

Someone ferry this over to Cindy so he can ban you for 5 million more years

His claimed "side" would roast him for being transphobic for saying transwomen are not real women alone. The sports thing would him labeled a nazi.

And his immigration stance makes him xenophobic.

This dummy just repeats positions more in line with those of us he calls "cOnS" when he actually starts discussing points.

Outside of that.....he just blathers nonsense and media propaganda. Oh and supports politicains who do the opposite of what his stances are and think we dumb for not voting against our interests like he does.

Jenner obviously knows.

He/She was the Top decathlete in the world

So Jenner understands the meaning of male anerobic strength vs. that ow women.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
He's a troll god dammit! lol fs
He wishes
Nobody is that stupid, he contradicts himself on the reg...

He's a feckin con. What do you expect?
Lol. How quickly lotus garbage throws holidunce under a bus at the slightest dissent from the hive mind

I was talking about Caitlyn, dumb ass. I have a couple people (You included) on ignore, so sometimes I don't see the stupid shit that gets posted here, which is confusing to you morons, I know.

Apparently its confusing for you because you are making comments without even knowing what is being said and who is saying it.

If you are just going to ignore so many people that you cannot follow threads, why bother? Why come here is you dont want to read a good portion of the board?

You could be using the time here to understand other points of view. But it seems you have such little tolerance for others that you wont even try. You dont like the same scrutiny that you regularly put on others put back on you and you get angry very easily.

Why have beliefs that even cause you to have that amount of anger and impatience? It's as if you are determined to have bad feelings towards people and wont have any effort to build bridges. You put the obligation to understand on everyone else but wont do it yourself.

How is that fair?

I've never been shitty to you. You just dont like my positions. And I think if you understood them you would dislike them less and you dont want that. Jmho. You WANT to have a poor view of us.
Lotus. Like all fucking liberals is a piece of shit. You cannot have civil discourse with these rodents

When civil discourse becomes as impossible as it is today, we really are truly screwed.

I guess is easier to hate. That's all the left ever does, hate and spread hate. They dont even understand any of our positions or ideas but they are angry and hateful. They dont even want to do anything else. It's truly cult behaviour.
You cant do anything but hate filth like lotus who is herself filled with so much hate.

Cunts like her are on a race to the bottom of the degeneracy totem pole.

Bruce Jenner was woman of the year according to her and her ilk UNTIL he expressed a view that deviates from the degenerate hive mind. Now he's lost all the praise and glory and rights to tolerance and has become a ""CON"". Just like that. No need to cook, prep .. nothing. Just add hot water and stir. These people turn my fucking stomach

Just like Cadence owens, Ben Carson and Tim Scott have lost the right to be black because they have formulated opinions based on what their own minds are telling them instead of the preprogramming propaganda.

And filth like this wants to pontificate to me about Black Lives Matter? pfft...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Omg. You agree that males shouldn’t be playing in female sports? Because they have an unfair advantage? You’re a science denier! You’re a racist!!! A transphobe!!! An evil alien from the evil space cult! You’re the devil! You need to be canceled right now

Someone ferry this over to Cindy so he can ban you for 5 million more years

His claimed "side" would roast him for being transphobic for saying transwomen are not real women alone. The sports thing would him labeled a nazi.

And his immigration stance makes him xenophobic.

This dummy just repeats positions more in line with those of us he calls "cOnS" when he actually starts discussing points.

Outside of that.....he just blathers nonsense and media propaganda. Oh and supports politicains who do the opposite of what his stances are and think we dumb for not voting against our interests like he does.

Jenner obviously knows.

He/She was the Top decathlete in the world

So Jenner understands the meaning of male sanerobic strength vs. that ow women.

Hormones play a huge role in athletic ability. Its understandable that higher testosterone levels would provide an unfair advantage.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
He's a troll god dammit! lol fs
He wishes
Nobody is that stupid, he contradicts himself on the reg...

He's a feckin con. What do you expect?
Lol. How quickly lotus garbage throws holidunce under a bus at the slightest dissent from the hive mind

I was talking about Caitlyn, dumb ass. I have a couple people (You included) on ignore, so sometimes I don't see the stupid shit that gets posted here, which is confusing to you morons, I know.

Apparently its confusing for you because you are making comments without even knowing what is being said and who is saying it.

If you are just going to ignore so many people that you cannot follow threads, why bother? Why come here is you dont want to read a good portion of the board?

You could be using the time here to understand other points of view. But it seems you have such little tolerance for others that you wont even try. You dont like the same scrutiny that you regularly put on others put back on you and you get angry very easily.

Why have beliefs that even cause you to have that amount of anger and impatience? It's as if you are determined to have bad feelings towards people and wont have any effort to build bridges. You put the obligation to understand on everyone else but wont do it yourself.

How is that fair?

I've never been shitty to you. You just dont like my positions. And I think if you understood them you would dislike them less and you dont want that. Jmho. You WANT to have a poor view of us.
Lotus. Like all fucking liberals is a piece of shit. You cannot have civil discourse with these rodents

When civil discourse becomes as impossible as it is today, we really are truly screwed.

I guess is easier to hate. That's all the left ever does, hate and spread hate. They dont even understand any of our positions or ideas but they are angry and hateful. They dont even want to do anything else. It's truly cult behaviour.
You cant do anything but hate filth like lotus who is herself filled with so much hate.

Cunts like her are on a race to the bottom of the degeneracy totem pole.

Bruce Jenner was woman of the year according to her and her ilk UNTIL he expressed a view that deviates from the degenerate hive mind. Now he's lost all the praise and glory and rights to tolerance and has become a ""CON"". Just like that. No need to cook, prep .. nothing. Just add hot water and stir. These people turn my fucking stomach

Just like Cadence owens, Ben Carson and Tim Scott have lost the right to be black because they have formulated opinions based on what their own minds are telling them instead of the preprogramming propaganda.

And filth like this wants to pontificate to me about Black Lives Matter? pfft...

They spew hatred and venom at everyone who doesnt agree with their views.

They want their way forced on everyone, no compromise, if you dont agree they smear, shame and gaslight. Then accuse their opposition of everything.....whether it's true or not.

They are modern nazis and dont even see it.