The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.


Factory Bastard
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It reminds me of when Antifa had a "end homelessness" riot and they burned down a public housing building. They are just violent criminals and very stupid ones at that.


Factory Bastard
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You will notice the violent Antics terrorists scream at and threaten to attack non-antifa protesters who tried to prevent violent attacks upon police officers.


Domestically feral
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United states

Its vile when pro aborts attack and vandalize Crisis Pregnancy centers.

And yeah for years people have seen the "choice" hypocrisy.

The yell about her body her choice but they do not mean it. Women are regularly controlled with abortion by family members, the "fathers", et. The pressure laid on women to not "ruin your life" with a baby is real. Many women say (myself included) that by the time people are done beating you down with all the reasons why you should abort that you feel stupid and foolish if you dont.

Women who do not abort when others think she should are often treated like shit. Parents kick them out. Family treats them with disgust.

The leading cause of death for pregnant women is homicide. The men will sometimes dump her. Or they hurt her. Or they try to drug her to induce miscarriage.

And pro abortion activists do their best to make sure that women do not have any other resources to help her avoid abortion. They are violent and destructive and hateful. They do not care about force, coercion to abort. Do not care if rapists drag in under age victims for abortions and walk out with the victim with no report of rape made. They dont care that women are not given accurate information.

So it's not about a womans choice at all. It's about pushing abortion for politcal reasons and marketing it. Abortion brings in a ghoulish amount of money and have their hooks in politcs and government.

If women have more options than abortion easily available.....they will often go with that. If you ask a woman going in for abortion why shes getting it? She will almost always say "I dont really have a choice".

When abortion activists and supporters say "choice" doesnt mean a choice. It's a euphemism for abortion and that's all they care about. You can go and kill yourself after an abortion and they would go after any news reporter who reported on it. They would shit on a womans corpse long before having any real care, compassion for her.

So it shouldnt be shock that antifa would attack and destroy crisis pregnancy centers in response to Roe being overturned. They are too stupid to know that all overturning Roe does is turn it over to the legislature in the states. And states that endure and tolerate antifa are blue states where abortion would remain legal. So they respond by destroying resources for women in crisis who do not want an abortion.

They really do not care one single bit about anyone. They would rather a woman have NO help at all. This is out of pure spite of women who have made a choice THEY didnt want her to make. So they want women who are refusing abortion to suffer with no help.

They are a platform of hatred and destruction.


Domestically feral
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United states
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Look at these thugs.

Once again punishing and lashing out at innocent people for no reason except they dont want states to make their own laws. Throwing violent tantrums in their own "progressive" states where nothing will even change because they want to run the country and stomp the will of the people.

Its "teh right" they hate. Gotta wonder why instead of terrorizing innocent people who already vote for leftwing bullshit and punishing women and children by attacking fucking charity and outreaches that serve women and children and taking away from the vulnerable....why dont they bring their violent bullshit to "teh right"?

Why dont they leave innocent women and children the fuck alone and bring their violent tantrums to the people they hate?

Probably because they know this wouldnt be tolerated anywhere else. Theyll attack and bully their own "side" in their own cities because they know the citizens are not armed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I found this rather funny. A left wing reporter from UK channel 4 news goes to Rotherham (home of the infamous Pakistani rape gangs who targeted white girls as young as 5 years old for decades and the evil labor government refused to protect the young girls or bring charges for the rapists in the name of anti-racism). He wanted to create a hit piece on the "far right" but instead gets attacked and beaten up by Antifa for trying to film.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I found this rather funny. A left wing reporter from UK channel 4 news goes to Rotherham (home of the infamous Pakistani rape gangs who targeted white girls as young as 5 years old for decades and the evil labor government refused to protect the young girls or bring charges for the rapists in the name of anti-racism). He wanted to create a hit piece on the "far right" but instead gets attacked and beaten up by Antifa for trying to film.

LOL! What a pussy!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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In Down fucking Town Portland Oregon his past Saturday, thousands of people held a peaceful protest, for Women's rights. Since there were no Proud Boys or Or other Fascists, the so called "Antifa's" went to the bar and drank IPA and watched Sports on TV.
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