The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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And that is why they are super pissed right now. elon noiw controls a great chunk of their communication infrastructire and makes their organizing near impossible, because other platforms do not put up with their violent extremist bullshit like twitter did.
You two are loons.Since 2017, far-right groups have flocked to notoriously liberal Portland to march, yell, and engage in violent clashes with left-wing activists. Most of these demonstrations were planned by Patriot Prayer, a small coalition of Trump-supporting provocateurs based in Vancouver, WA.

Another person he includes in the “grifter” category: Andy Ngo, a conservative writer who’s built a Twitter persona around filming fights between antifa and right-wing extremists (that, and trying to convince people that hate crime allegations
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are simply “hoaxes”).

Ngo tags along with Patriot Prayer during demonstrations, hoping to catch footage of an altercation. Ben says Ngo doesn’t film Patriot Prayer protesters discussing strategies or motives. He only turns his camera on when members of antifa enter the scene.

“There’s an understanding,” he says, “that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them.”

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Ngo was only interested in his "Antifa Narrative" and selling his book "Antifa is bad, mmkay"


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You two are loons.Since 2017, far-right groups have flocked to notoriously liberal Portland to march, yell, and engage in violent clashes with left-wing activists. Most of these demonstrations were planned by Patriot Prayer, a small coalition of Trump-supporting provocateurs based in Vancouver, WA.

Another person he includes in the “grifter” category: Andy Ngo, a conservative writer who’s built a Twitter persona around filming fights between antifa and right-wing extremists (that, and trying to convince people that hate crime allegations
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are simply “hoaxes”).

Ngo tags along with Patriot Prayer during demonstrations, hoping to catch footage of an altercation. Ben says Ngo doesn’t film Patriot Prayer protesters discussing strategies or motives. He only turns his camera on when members of antifa enter the scene.

“There’s an understanding,” he says, “that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them.”

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Ngo was only interested in his "Antifa Narrative" and selling his book "Antifa is bad, mmkay"
If I haven't said it before, it shouldn't need to be said but Ngo is a non entity, a ghost no one, he is not a go to guy for hot news stories either locally or nationally, he's just a guy that had a hair brained idea and had some very modest success among the Internet Ignoranti

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
When did anyone on the left agree with how Muslims related to gays, transgender or women in their societies?

Please cite evidence that the "left" or "extreme left" agreed with them.
Over the years the left has railed against the right for being anti-immigration, accusing them of "Islamophobia" , largely due to the fact that many of these immigrants arriving in Europe are of the muslim variety.

I recall Sweden and Germany going pretty hard with the Islamophobia rhetoric due to both nations receiving such a high volume of Islamic immigration, but it has also been commonly used by libtards here in the UK to stifle anti-immigration sentiment.

Whenever cases of Islamic "homophobia" have cropped up, where muslims have beaten the shit out of some queer or called them a faggot, the silence from the typically outspoken left has been deafening. The media too is predictably coy when 2 so called victim groups clash with one another.

Recently however, the LGBT brigade seems to have lurched ahead in the oppression rankings, outside of Europe at least.
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Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I'm aware of it. You are going back to WW2 times where the commie thugs antifa had the balls to street fight nazis. They were still authoritarian pieces of shit fighting other authoritarian pieces of shit on who the most right totalitarian murderers were.

Our scrawny and unhinged "antifa" only attacks INNOCENT people. Elderly. Families. Women protesting for their rights. And they defend child predators.

Not really a great reboot....tbh.
Pretty much, but the Nazis were opposing degeneracy in society, much like we are and the Antifa Commies were supporting it.

Weimar Germany was an absolute cesspit, where mothers would whore themselves and their underage daughters to wealthy merchants because they were starving. The "horrors" of the mass book burnings which we've all been taught about, were in fact the burning of gay pornographic material, gender reassignment literature and other indecent crap which was being peddled by jews.

Hitler targeted jews for good reason, they were behind the societal decay and economic problems which were crushing Germany at the time. The German people eventually learned the truth, Hitler quickly rose to power, the jews pushed back with threats of boycott etc and things spiralled out of control...

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
If I haven't said it before, it shouldn't need to be said but Ngo is a non entity, a ghost no one, he is not a go to guy for hot news stories either locally or nationally, he's just a guy that had a hair brained idea and had some very modest success among the Internet Ignoranti
The gay gook makes you SJW's seethe, so he must be doing something right.

Antifa should have been branded a terrorist organisation years ago, but it's jewish roots and support from the Democrat party means this is likely never going to happen.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You two are loons.Since 2017, far-right groups have flocked to notoriously liberal Portland to march, yell, and engage in violent clashes with left-wing activists. Most of these demonstrations were planned by Patriot Prayer, a small coalition of Trump-supporting provocateurs based in Vancouver, WA.

Another person he includes in the “grifter” category: Andy Ngo, a conservative writer who’s built a Twitter persona around filming fights between antifa and right-wing extremists (that, and trying to convince people that hate crime allegations
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are simply “hoaxes”).

Ngo tags along with Patriot Prayer during demonstrations, hoping to catch footage of an altercation. Ben says Ngo doesn’t film Patriot Prayer protesters discussing strategies or motives. He only turns his camera on when members of antifa enter the scene.

“There’s an understanding,” he says, “that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them.”

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Ngo was only interested in his "Antifa Narrative" and selling his book "Antifa is bad, mmkay"

Horse shit. I see you are lying the same as always. The reality is virtually every time it is Antifa who starts violence and the patriot groups only responded to Antifa violence. If Antifa wasn't attacking random innocent people or religious events then none of them would be there. Fact.

Andy Ngo posts all of his video full and unedited on his various websites plus routinely links to other journalists who were also there and who also post unedited hours long conti ous videos/live streams. Antifa ALWAYS attacks anyone with a camera except pro-Antifa propagandists who heavily edit shots, normally removing all content, so they can promote false narratives and hide the violence and incitement which Antifa does. Antifa also openly encourages theor members to lie for the cause. Anything to drum up theor false narrative which you just regurgitate like the lying pile of dog shit that you are.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Do your “step sons” still call you a cuck?

No, they call me dad, you pile of dog shit. Notice how when I have something to say to you I give specific examples then call you shit directly to you? I don't talk negatively about family members but speak directly to you because I am not a cowardly piece of sog shit like you. It is called being a man; you should try it sometime you cuck sucking faggot.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
You two are loons.Since 2017, far-right groups have flocked to notoriously liberal Portland to march, yell, and engage in violent clashes with left-wing activists. Most of these demonstrations were planned by Patriot Prayer, a small coalition of Trump-supporting provocateurs based in Vancouver, WA.

Another person he includes in the “grifter” category: Andy Ngo, a conservative writer who’s built a Twitter persona around filming fights between antifa and right-wing extremists (that, and trying to convince people that hate crime allegations
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are simply “hoaxes”).

Ngo tags along with Patriot Prayer during demonstrations, hoping to catch footage of an altercation. Ben says Ngo doesn’t film Patriot Prayer protesters discussing strategies or motives. He only turns his camera on when members of antifa enter the scene.

“There’s an understanding,” he says, “that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them.”

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Ngo was only interested in his "Antifa Narrative" and selling his book "Antifa is bad, mmkay"
So you choose a rag that is even less known and even more biased than Andy Ngo to make some slanted and incoherent rambling that has nothing to back it up.
He only turns his camera on when members of antifa enter the scene.
Read that back slowly and loudly, because you're making an admission that you really didn't want to make. Remember, you were shitting up this thread with this claim:
YOU claim "Antifa is an idea" rather than an identifiable group, so how the fuck does Andy know when an "idea" enter the scene?
Think very carefully before you even try to answer, because your own words are about to betray you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
No, they call me dad, you pile of dog shit. Notice how when I have something to say to you I give specific examples then call you shit directly to you? I don't talk negatively about family members but speak directly to you because I am not a cowardly piece of sog shit like you. It is called being a man; you should try it sometime you cuck sucking faggot.

Are you taking lessons from Stubby?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Pretty much, but the Nazis were opposing degeneracy in society, much like we are and the Antifa Commies were supporting it.

Weimar Germany was an absolute cesspit, where mothers would whore themselves and their underage daughters to wealthy merchants because they were starving. The "horrors" of the mass book burnings which we've all been taught about, were in fact the burning of gay pornographic material, gender reassignment literature and other indecent crap which was being peddled by jews.

Hitler targeted jews for good reason, they were behind the societal decay and economic problems which were crushing Germany at the time. The German people eventually learned the truth, Hitler quickly rose to power, the jews pushed back with threats of boycott etc and things spiralled out of control...

Ever seen the movie The Devils Rejects?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So you choose a rag that is even less known and even more biased than Andy Ngo to make some slanted and incoherent rambling that has nothing to back it up.

Read that back slowly and loudly, because you're making an admission that you really didn't want to make. Remember, you were shitting up this thread with this claim:
YOU claim "Antifa is an idea" rather than an identifiable group, so how the fuck does Andy know when an "idea" enter the scene?
Think very carefully before you even try to answer, because your own words are about to betray you.

If you dont buy what they are saying they get mad at you.

Left wing violence is a much problem and always has been for decades.

When ANY people try to stand up to them and their political bully groups like antifa....they get labeled "far right extremists". Kyle Rittenhouse was "the right" and all because he didnt let leftist rioters beat and kill him. Admin also claimed "only the right brought guns".....even while one of the men Kyle shot had a gun illegally.

The residents of Kenosha were under a violent attack and police were told to stand down. And when people defended was labeled "far right violence".

It's all gas lighting.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Patriot Prayer was just some guys who went to go pray for people and push back against violence with paint ball guns.

And leftwing activists shot and murdered one of they probably should have brought real guns.

But there we go with the same logic that leftists have that gives them permission to be violent and destructive and to smear and lie and about any other people who blow back against their violence. They gotta be "far right extremists" because regular people all believe that leftists should be able to destroy communities unchallanged. Right?

Violence begets violence right?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Patriot Prayer was just some guys who went to go pray for people and push back against violence with paint ball guns.

And leftwing activists shot and murdered one of they probably should have brought real guns.

But there we go with the same logic that leftists have that gives them permission to be violent and destructive and to smear and lie and about any other people who blow back against their violence. They gotta be "far right extremists" because regular people all believe that leftists should be able to destroy communities unchallanged. Right?

Violence begets violence right?

I believe their origin was their was a Christian prayer group which had public rallies to encourage people to pray more and attend church. Basically a public out reach to encourage people to attend church. Such revival events have been common in America since the 18th century. Yet violent Antifa terrorists would show up and attack Christians so Patriot Prayer was a group of volunteers who said they would act as security to protect attendees of the revival event.

Atifa showed up, attacked the security, then lied and tried to pretend it was "far right violence". The unavoidable truth is if Antifa didn't show up to attack perfectly legal and licensed public events no co flict would have occurred just as the Christians never sought out Antifa events to attack. All the violence was one way as always.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I believe their origin was their was a Christian prayer group which had public rallies to encourage people to pray more and attend church. Basically a public out reach to encourage people to attend church. Such revival events have been common in America since the 18th century. Yet violent Antifa terrorists would show up and attack Christians so Patriot Prayer was a group of volunteers who said they would act as security to protect attendees of the revival event.

Atifa showed up, attacked the security, then lied and tried to pretend it was "far right violence". The unavoidable truth is if Antifa didn't show up to attack perfectly legal and licensed public events no co flict would have occurred just as the Christians never sought out Antifa events to attack. All the violence was one way as always.

That's what antifa does.

Wasnt it you that posted that video of them attacking families at an outdoor church service?

You so much as defend yourself against these violent thugs and they call is "far right violence" and push that nonsense in the media.

It's funny how Admin parroted the lies this org pushed gaslighting the country saying it's just an "idea" and how it's not them engaging in violence. It was police and "far right extremists".

When in reality its THEM who are violent. Them who lie and gaslight. Its them who use violence and intimidation against media...and who edits videos to make themselves look innocent. They label everyone "far right" who says anything negative about them or tells the truth. And people like Admin just believe it because they hate everyone not left.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
I believe their origin was their was a Christian prayer group which had public rallies to encourage people to pray more and attend church. Basically a public out reach to encourage people to attend church. Such revival events have been common in America since the 18th century. Yet violent Antifa terrorists would show up and attack Christians so Patriot Prayer was a group of volunteers who said they would act as security to protect attendees of the revival event.

Atifa showed up, attacked the security, then lied and tried to pretend it was "far right violence". The unavoidable truth is if Antifa didn't show up to attack perfectly legal and licensed public events no co flict would have occurred just as the Christians never sought out Antifa events to attack. All the violence was one way as always.
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Lets just remove patriot prayer and Andy Ngo from the equation all together. Remember last february when the freedom convoy went to Ottawa to protest Trudeau's mandates? Antifa were there causing damage and trying to destroy trucks by slashing tires and brake lines because they were all big mad they were there to protest Trudeau's vaccine mandates. The entire world was dragging Trudeau for his actual fascist behavior for freezing bank accounts to participants to a lawful protest and later sicking police on them with the emergencies act, and those masked goons were trying to ack like brownshirts to said Trudeau regigme. The keyword is "try", because the freedom convoy had their own strategy to deal with violent antifa extremists AND remain peaceful. it was a huge success. Now the emergencies act inquiry is going very poorly for trudeau as him and his ministers are getting absolutely clowned on and even been caught lying(perjury) AT the inquiry and UNDER OATH!
The criticism from around the world was that Trudeau acted like a fascist for invoking the emergencies act and sicking the police on a PEACEFUL and LAWFUL protest! We're now finding out that nobody was asking for it and the police already had it handled and a deal in place to end it peacefully, and that wasn't good enough for castro junior.

Now the question remains: if Antifa is an "idea" like admiin claim, wouldn't that make the freedom convoy Antifa and the black-clad goons-doing the work for said fascist,the fascist?
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Antifa also went to Wi Spa and attacked women and they go to ever womans gathering where women speak on women's rights to harrass them and use intimidation.

senior penor

Factory Bastard

Well look at that! Biden strongarmed the blkackfaced cuck into doing it. why is it that Antifa always seems to do the bidding of the establishment DNC? So I retract my previous statement of nobody asking for it. JOE BIDEN was asking for it, and junior did it
Wait a minute, didn't somebody want another president impeached for getting a foreign leader to do their bidding?
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Given what trudeau has done, both will get away with it.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The usual Antifa threats of murder for nonsensical reasons. It must be a day ending in "y".

Notice how they claim a key bit of information which debunks their entire claim is some how unimportant? That is how dishonest they are. It is all lies with Antifa and similar radical leftists.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It looks like the Oath Keepers who are being locked up Scouse. As always you a day late, a dollar short.