The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.


Domestically feral
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United states
The usual Antifa threats of murder for nonsensical reasons. It must be a day ending in "y".

Notice how they claim a key bit of information which debunks their entire claim is some how unimportant? That is how dishonest they are. It is all lies with Antifa and similar radical leftists.

They are all over on socail media openly calling for violence and death to anyone they deem "far right".

In Denver, "Denver communists" were all giddy about vandalizing Focus on the Families sign. Then they were all posting about how because of the crusades and all these unnamed "atrocities" committed by "white supremacists" (Christians...they call Christian's white supremacists and facists) need to die, be "abolished", "dispatched once and for all". They go on and on.

And the TRAs and antifa openly post about beating, raping and murdering women. Lesbians who dont agree biomales can be lesbians are a real problem for them.

I could start a thread and fill pages with violent and hateful posts from these people calling for death and brutality against everyone .....EVERYONE who so much as questions them. There was a transman who told them their violent speech was over the top....and a few told her (him?) That they hope he gets beaten or killed by a "right wing facist"(and the right are not even the violent ones anywhere expect for in the minds of these unhinged, radical psychopaths).

They are following in the foot steps exactly of murderous and violent regimes of yesterday and it's truly horrible to see. This cant end well.


Domestically feral
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United states
You need to pay more attention

They are a great example of how anyone who opposes the monoparty government will be criminalized for that opposition. While those who commit acts of violence and terrorize innocent people on the "acceptable" side of the spectrum will be enabled and tolerated.

Violent activists were bailed out of jail by democrat politicians after attacking police and setting buildings on fire.

Sadly our rights here are compromised and we are only allowed to protest a certain way. If we protest against the establishment....we are regarded as traitors and terrorists.

If you go riot on behalf of the can beat people to the point of hospitalization, shoot people, bomb buildings....and it's not at all considered terror or extremism.

Here in MI in 2012....Whitmer led an "insurrection" at the capital in Langsing when Republicans were signing Right to Work. It turned very violent and they occupied the capital. Most people havent heard of that one....but if that had been people opposing the democrats signing something it would have been labeled a far right insurrection with terrorists and radicals storming the capital.

This "democracy" only goes one way. That's the problem.

This is video is a tamed down....kinda glorified version but these people were throwing things, getting violent with counter protesters, rushing up into the building and trying to disrupt the process.....even though most people supported and wanted this law. It's just democracy only going one way. It's never okay when it goes against what the democrats want....or think they want.

And this was because people were being freed from union fees being forcibly taken from them. It was giving people the damn choice to join a union or not. And Michigan democrats still want to get rid of this law protecting our individual choices and start forcing people to join unions and pay for them again.....when we dont need them. They dont want us to opt out and still have benefits. They want to force it.

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Factory Bastard
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The Antifa account "It's going down!" has been permantly banned from Twitter for promoting violence and criminal activity. Elon is doing a great job finally holding the left to Twitter's terms of service.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
The Antifa account "It's going down!" has been permantly banned from Twitter for promoting violence and criminal activity. Elon is doing a great job finally holding the left to Twitter's terms of service.

You are such a moran Elon deleted a dead account from 2019. Just when I thought you couldn’t get any lamer!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Deleting a sock account unused for 2-3 years is making Twitter more "balanced" Explain your novel idea. It's akin to deleting "Bot Accounts" that Elon was trying to make as issue out of, when he was trying to renege on the agreement he entered into to buy the business.

The best people want to make sure White Supremacists get heard too, Admin. What are you "virtue signaling" by wanting to see a platform where voices of hate for huge swaths of Americans aren't heard?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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The best people want to make sure White Supremacists get heard too, Admin. What are you "virtue signaling" by wanting to see a platform where voices of hate for huge swaths of Americans aren't heard?
Being ashamed of yourself because 'those people' over there have it better than you think you have it, is so self defeating.


Domestically feral
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United states
Deleting a sock account unused for 2-3 years is making Twitter more "balanced" Explain your novel idea. It's akin to deleting "Bot Accounts" that Elon was trying to make as issue out of, when he was trying to renege on the agreement he entered into to buy the business.
Dude BEFORE Elon sock accounts that were "right wing" or at least pretending to be were banned for "incitement" for much less than that antifa account.

Babylon Bee has been bullied and moderated. It's a SATIRE site.

We are all used to this.


Domestically feral
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United states
The best people want to make sure White Supremacists get heard too, Admin. What are you "virtue signaling" by wanting to see a platform where voices of hate for huge swaths of Americans aren't heard?

What "white supremacists", Oak? Because you guys literally label everyone who doesnt support democrats "white supremacists".

You guys call black people "white supremacists".

Now to most of us....a white supremacists is someone who believes being white makes them superior. To YOU....a white supremacists is everyone who is not a dem/prog. It means absolutely nothing anymore. People roll their damn eyes everytime one you blathers that buzzword.

And yes we DO think voices need to be heard. Do you understand that anything can be labeled hate? When you censor and silence people you drive them underground and that's where people become radicalized. All ideas should be brought into the light and open to scrutiny. That's why free speech is so important. You battle bad ideas with good ideas.

But you guys really dont understand that. You cant have discussions without anger and hate yourselves. You see something you dont like, you can call it "hate speech" and just shut it down just like the nazis punished and shut down speech that went against them and their ideology.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
To YOU....a white supremacists is everyone who is not a dem/prog

False to fact.

White Supremacists are people that believe that every other culture is inferior to their own. They are on this very forum and all over the internet and real life.


Awww, that's so sweet. They're going to reclaim America for all the Native American people. I knew there were good people on both sides! Just like Trump says.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
False to fact.

White Supremacists are people that believe that every other culture is inferior to their own. They are on this very forum and all over the internet and real life.


Awww, that's so sweet. They're going to reclaim America for all the Native American people. I knew there were good people on both sides! Just like Trump says.

Which you call EVERYONE who opposes dems/progs.

Considering how many people in the country feel the country has been taken over by marxists and elites... people saying things like "take back" or "reclaim" or "make America great again" MOST of the time are not talking about fucking RACE. They dont CARE about race.

Why do you continually throw around natives as if you are some mouth piece of savior for them? If you feel we all stole their land, why havent you found a native family and gave them your house? Or property? You know since it belongs to them?

I'm curious why if you guys supposedly care so much about black and brown people why you never go after the politcains responsible for the conditions of inner cities. I'd like to know what "justice"was accomplished in destroying minority communities and businesses and why none of you support letting inner city mothers send their children to better schools that are equipped to teach their children literacy. In fact Admin has mocked that a few times. It's a big joke to him.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
False to fact.

White Supremacists are people that believe that every other culture is inferior to their own. They are on this very forum and all over the internet and real life.


Awww, that's so sweet. They're going to reclaim America for all the Native American people. I knew there were good people on both sides! Just like Trump says.
Found your white sumpremicists


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Found your white sumpremicists

Oh she agrees with them. Her and Admin both argue the disgusting democrat racist logic that voter ID laws suppress the black vote. They claim Republican bills to make elections secure are some racist vote suppression.

Because black people dont have ID....dont understand how to get ID and cant afford ID. They also cant get to voting polls.

Never mind that welfare requires ID, SSN, birth certificates and three proofs of address.....they dont care if black people can access food and benefits.

Never mind starting an initiative to help all these poor and helpless black people get ID. Because we kinda need it.

Nope. We just need to make our elections so not secure that no one ever trusts them know, because those dumb and poor black people cant vote if they need to do the bare minimum.

I happen to know for fact how wrong and racist that is. They dont get it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
See how the left thinks they own gay people? They are so convinced that everyone who opposes them hates gay people.

They created a bullshit narrative that only they believe.

Everyone knows the Village People were gay. No one cares about who is gay anymore. That's not the issue.

It's like they intentionally lie and make shit up because they know they have no defense for the vile shit they do.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You gaslighting dweeb, the word Antifa is not in the report you posted, you fail again Gunga Dim.
The word gay didn't appear in the Florida legislation that you gaslighting groomers labeled as don't say gay either.

So the irony of your post is simply sublime.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are

Devils advocate here for just a second, at least this guy had the wherewithal to act on his believes, rather than cosplaying being a big bad Nazi in tiny chat rooms.

Says the Antifa fetishist. I'm sure you cream your panties with delight everytime some White guy snaps and targets ethnic minorities on a violent rampage, because it means you can do a little sassy dance and shout "Hey loooook, see we were right all along! Those right wingers are dangerous!!".


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Says the Antifa fetishist. I'm sure you cream your panties with delight everytime some White guy snaps and targets ethnic minorities on a violent rampage, because it means you can do a little sassy dance and shout "Hey loooook, see we were right all along! Those right wingers are dangerous!!".

That's exactly what they do. By the time people figure out the dude was a leftwing activist or nonbinary theyve been blathering about "right wing extremism" for weeks.

Remember that guy who shot up a grocery store who literally wrote in his manifesto that he absolutely LEFT WING? That he HATED Trump? In his own damn words?

They are the only violent people in the country right now. Even their rhetoric is violent. In their minds everyone who doesnt support them is an extremist. While they want to "dismantle" the liberal order and put us all under the full rule of government.

Another thing that is pretty incredible is they dont understand the various stances. They dont the difference between holocaust denial and actual "neo nazism". And while Admin blathers about rando fringe people in the country and his team is openly militant and violent....he doesnt care about the actual nazi connections in our own damn government. You know....because America literalky brought actual nazis here to America and employed them in very important fields. High levels of government. NASA. The medical field.

We literally learned propaganda from legit nazis and all the mind control experiments happened after WW2.

But that's all a conspiracy. Even though it's been declassified and is right there documented. Because Admins holy and flawless government would never ever lie or manipulate. They would never be authoritarian scum who would attack our constitution. All they want is to take away the rights we have that complicate "effective government" and to provide every American(except evil right wingers) with everything they need to live and love and acceptance and all that. They just wanna bring utopia. And progress.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The son of David Depape said he father was very left wing, has been addicted to hard drugs for decades, and works as a gay prostitute to pay for his drug habit. Depape specialized in being a "slave" for older, rich, gay men.

Democrats are still hiding all of the video while the left wing media has gone silent on the whole story.