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Reminder: My car is RED


The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
My car does it in less than half the time.
If it was twice as fast it could look like crap in a quarter time.
.See - the problem here (yours) is that you have no sense of style, taste or history.
All you have is some juvenile desire for 0-60 speed.
I mean - you do know that when you roll by at lower speeds in a beautiful timeless work of art and technology, there's a better chance that the chicks will actually see YOU and not some poser doobag in a styleless piece of modern crap. right?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
A lot more than you based on your post count, pedro. LoLz

Wow, you really are a little slow.

I have been here about three times as long as you and have only a little more than 3x the posts. i.e. Our posting frequency is pretty close.

And I do a lot of real quick ones just to torment people like Fat @Lily.

It takes seconds.

We have a lot of car shows around here. No one even presents run-o-the-mill stuff like that.

Do you go to a lot of car shows?



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Do you go to a lot of car shows?

But it's still a depreciating asset that will be worth significantly less in 5 years than what you paid for it Lex @The Prowler. There's really nothing special about it as it can be found on most street corners in North America.

Why would anyone go to an auto show to see a common car like yours? Plus it isn't new. It's LAST YEAR'S MODEL, Lex Prowler. They don't put 'OLD' cars on display at Car Shows Prowler. Maybe in somebody's garage or backyard. But not a REAL Car show. At best, it belongs in a used car lot for the purposes of displaying it with its REDUCED STICKER PRICE, but not a show.

Meanwhile, this vehicle could be worth 50% more and in 5 years & a person could potentially sell it for more than they paid for it, Lex.

This Vehicle belongs in and is regularly featured in Car shows, Prowler:


The more you idle boast, the more it becomes apparent that you paid too much for the wrong car. You bought the wrong Corvette, Lex.

While your late model will soon be worth only $60,000 Canadian, the 57 model will be worth well over $120,000 in the same time period.

Funny how that works, eh Lex? The Older, slower car will be worth substantially more than yours Lex.

Isn't that what they call an Inverse Relationship or Correlation?
Last edited:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
But it's still a depreciating asset that will be worth significantly less in 5 years than what you paid for it Lex @The Prowler. There's really nothing special about it as it can be found on most street corners in North America.

Why would anyone go to an auto show to see a common car like yours? Plus it isn't new. It's LAST YEAR'S MODEL, Lex Prowler. They don't put 'OLD' cars on display at Car Shows Prowler. Maybe in somebody's garage or backyard. But not a REAL Car show. At best, it belongs in a used car lot for the purposes of displaying it with its REDUCED STICKER PRICE, but not a show.

Meanwhile, this vehicle could be worth 50% more and in 5 years & a person could potentially sell it for more than they paid for it, Lex.

This Vehicle belongs in and is regularly featured in Car shows, Prowler:


The more you idle boast, the more it becomes apparent that you paid too much for the wrong car. You bought the wrong Corvette, Lex.

While your late model will soon be worth only $60,000 Canadian, the 57 model will be worth well over $120,000 in the same time period.

Funny how that works, eh Lex? The Older, slower car will be worth substantially more than yours Lex.

Isn't that what they call an Inverse Relationship or Correlation?

Last edited: Today at 9:48 AM

Nice one, Senile @Joe.


My car was not an investment. I do not care what its market value is.

If I did, though, it would be good to know....

"The iconic Corvette is one of the best models out there for holding its value over the long term. Out of over 100 popular models, it consistently ranks in the Top 10 in years 5 and 7. The longer you own it, the better it does in holding its value versus the competition. If you are looking for a domestic muscle car that will maintain its value over the years, the Corvette should definitely be high on the list."

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Do you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself, Senile @Joe?

