Trump has more indictments and impeachments than any US President!



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I find it odd they didn't say specifically what he was being charged with.
Why drag it out like that unless this is just another bout of theatrics to get people worked up and not looking at something else they're doing, or have done ("debt ceiling" deal?). More manufactured drama so the establishment media pundits can blather on continuously for days/weeks based on naught but conjecture and wishful thinking.

Is it the beginning of the end yet?
We've been promised a beginning of the end for 6+ years now. The modern chicken little isn't concerned about the sky falling... it's convinced that the walls are closing in.

Stupid bird.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I find it odd they didn't say specifically what he was being charged with.
Why drag it out like that unless this is just another bout of theatrics to get people worked up and not looking at something else they're doing, or have done ("debt ceiling" deal?). More manufactured drama so the establishment media pundits can blather on continuously for days/weeks based on naught but conjecture and wishful thinking.

Is it the beginning of the end yet?
We've been promised a beginning of the end for 6+ years now. The modern chicken little isn't concerned about the sky falling... it's convinced that the walls are closing in.

Stupid bird.
Is it 3:00 PM 6/13 already?


Factory Bastard
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Trump will win 2024. Because retards like Murdy and Admin don't know how to be logical or truthful.
Trump will win 2024. Because retards like Murdy and Admin don't know how to be logical or truthful.

I love your ignorance DD. Hot fresh orange make up make sends your Hermaphrodite ass to the moon. Still buying Bitcoin?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Yeah Murd why don't YOU explain to us how Trump "fucked" the US exactly?

I want to hear from the privileged bimbo who lives in a bubble about how Trump fucked the US by making people like you feel bad. Because we both know you don't even LOOK at policies or care about the working class at all right?

Let's hear how Republicans "lost the civil war" and how you are a "conservative communist"

I'm so fucking glad you don't vote. You say it's a form of protest but we both know it's because you are too fucking stupid to full out a ballot.

It says everything about people like you that you actually think a warmonger is a step up from Trump. Shows how completely soulless and selfish and narcissistic you guys truly are. How can you say that disgusting shit and NOT feel like the vile shit you are?

Unfuckingreal. I guess if it's brown kids getting blown up in third's something you are willing to live with so long as you won't have 4 years of Trump, right? Just fucking gross.
Don’t look now but Big murdy the whale was trying to say it’s trumps fault that Biden is a fuck up

Lmao. These idiots are really that gullible

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Well we know their "existence" is being threatened unless they are allowed to come into women's spaces, change the definition of woman, and medically mutilate minors.

In order for them to "exist" women can't exist and children have to be assaulted.
Listen -- if we're not going to let them do dick swinging acrobatics in front of children in fishnet stockings and high heels we might as well be tossing them off of rooftops like the towel heads most prudently do

the oppression is that bad.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I find it odd they didn't say specifically what he was being charged with.
Why drag it out like that unless this is just another bout of theatrics to get people worked up and not looking at something else they're doing, or have done ("debt ceiling" deal?). More manufactured drama so the establishment media pundits can blather on continuously for days/weeks based on naught but conjecture and wishful thinking.

Is it the beginning of the end yet?
We've been promised a beginning of the end for 6+ years now. The modern chicken little isn't concerned about the sky falling... it's convinced that the walls are closing in.

Stupid bird.

I’ll speculate…

Because you’re dealing with a high profile Defendant with deep pockets.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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You know Jack Smith dotted every I and crossed every T
....just heard Maddow say he’s “not a man who plays with his food” …spot on

Trump's Espionage Attorney's both quit this morning, things that make you go ha ha ha.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I find it odd they didn't say specifically what he was being charged with.
He kept newspaper clippings!!

read about it here

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oh, and like every other high treasonous Russian double dog secret spy he kept stuff he didn't want anyone to see in his SHOWER!!!

Now you see, I've had this theory that libtards don't like to bathe for a while now, ever since LotusBowlsmell flipped the fuck out on me for showering twice a day and this seems to support my theory

don't want nasty smelly libs finding something? Put it in a shower, or next to a bar of soap

Trump was on to something there

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I’ll speculate…

Because you’re dealing with a high profile Defendant with deep pockets.
But wait... according to your mongoloid brethren like sewage he's flat fucking broke. Which one is it you fucking retard?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I’ll speculate…

Because you’re dealing with a high profile Defendant with deep pockets.

Meaning what?
How does that affect anything now?

I could understand keeping the indictments sealed *during* the investigative phase but we're past that now. Why would they not have a press conference and lay out the charges along with whatever rationales and evidence they could reveal without complicating the trial (if there is one) especially since they KNEW Donnie would be talking about it himself?

It's weird and stupid and whiffs of strategic narrative control rather than a legal process.

They can claim this whole thing isn't political but unless they stop acting like it's very much political why should we believe that or anything else they say?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Anyone else get a kick outta Moby starting her brain fart with -- when did we become a country that shifts blame before immediately going on to shift blame

LMAO I mean, God damn that was Irony to the submax!


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Meaning what?
How does that affect anything now?

I could understand keeping the indictments sealed *during* the investigative phase but we're past that now. Why would they not have a press conference and lay out the charges along with whatever rationales and evidence they could reveal without complicating the trial (if there is one) especially since they KNEW Donnie would be talking about it himself?

It's weird and stupid and whiffs of strategic narrative control rather than a legal process.

They can claim this whole thing isn't political but unless they stop acting like it's very much political why should we believe that or anything else they say?

Meaning that the press is so thirsty for this story that they are grilling their office for info on a daily basis and are probably camped out there daily and we’re thrown a bone. The DA will not announce what the charges are until it’s been filed and becomes a matter of public record.

What is clear is that they have enough to file the case, which means they are confident it won’t get bounced by the judge.

You have a background in law and should know that cases against high profile people are always given extra special due diligence.

I am confident he will get a fair trial on these issue… which is more than most are afforded.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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When are idiots who think they know law going to understand that the running joke among prosecutors both federal and state is that you can effectively indict a ham sandwich if you wanted to

the stupidity around here is un-fucking-believable

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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So .. uh.. is America at big risk or little risk now that Trump held on to the White house lunch menu and stored it in his fish tank?

asking for a friend

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Is that 37 representative of the 37 times you tried to get him and failed or the 37 million you spent on an investigation that went absolutely no where?