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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Crimea didn't want to be part of Ukraine anymore and who could blame them.

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The Donbas region (mostly Russian-speaking people) also wanted independence and got shelled/bombed by the Ukrainian forces for eight years (in spite of the Minsk Accords, now known to be a bad-faith negotiation on the part of Ukraine and NATO to give Ukraine time to upgrade its military) until Russia stepped in. Even then Russia agreed to a peace deal that would have made Donbas independent, not part of Russia, but NATO (specifically Boris Johnson) interfered so they could get the proxy war they wanted all along.

Ukraine was never getting Crimea back and now they've lost the Donbas as well.

I hope Taiwan learns that lesson and stops being NATO's little bitch or their fate will be just as regrettable.

Could it be because Russians, during the Soviet Union era, moved a lot of Russians there? History matters.


Factory Bastard
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"According to Wikipedia" LULZ

Fuck outta here with that bullshit.
But thanks for reminding me why I have you on Ignore.

Sometimes the truth is a mother fucker Gary. Yeah keep me on ignore too. Best for your mimdset


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
The Russians admitted that this alleged "Referendum" done during the Russian occupation that only 15% of the electorate voted for the Moscow Rubber Stamp.
The Russians had an empire, they are very much an imperialist State. Crimea became part of Russia (Soviet Union) in 1921.

Interesting that people think that Russia is some kind of innocent player in world events.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Could it be because Russians, during the Soviet Union era, moved a lot of Russians there? History matters.

What exactly are you accusing someone of...

That an unnamed official(s) had the uncanny ability to predict the future and knew not only that the Soviet Union would collapse but that its new borders would be exactly here, here, here, and there so a bunch of people needed to be moved around in order to facilitate a pretext for re-absorbing those areas at some later date?

Source? Citation? Documentation?

Because otherwise your complaint is that during a time period when the whole region was just The Soviet Union some folk from one part wandered over into another part that was still in The Soviet Union.

<scratches head>


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
What exactly are you accusing someone of...

That an unnamed official(s) had the uncanny ability to predict the future and knew not only that the Soviet Union would collapse but that its new borders would be exactly here, here, here, and there so a bunch of people needed to be moved around in order to facilitate a pretext for re-absorbing those areas at some later date?

Source? Citation? Documentation?

Because otherwise your complaint is that during a time period when the whole region was just The Soviet Union some folk from one part wandered over into another part that was still in The Soviet Union.

<scratches head>

It was Ukraine before that. We don't need to complicate matters.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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What exactly are you accusing someone of...

That an unnamed official(s) had the uncanny ability to predict the future and knew not only that the Soviet Union would collapse but that its new borders would be exactly here, here, here, and there so a bunch of people needed to be moved around in order to facilitate a pretext for re-absorbing those areas at some later date?

Source? Citation? Documentation?

Because otherwise your complaint is that during a time period when the whole region was just The Soviet Union some folk from one part wandered over into another part that was still in The Soviet Union.

<scratches head>
Hey you fucked up, no need to cry about it. Or are you a paid Tass Poster?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Maybe if Ukraine hadn't oppressed terrorized and murdered so many of its own Russian-speaking citizens those citizens wouldn't have opted to join Russia.

We don't need to complicate matters.

You must have forgotten Stalin existed. You have a selective historical memory, apparently.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
^Something a Russian stooge would say. In the 50's you would have been black listed.

The Russians have never oppressed anyone, YO.

But wait, maybe we should ask Hungarians, Lithuanians, Georgians, Chechens, Afghanis, Germans...or maybe not. It won't fit the narrative.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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The Russians have never oppressed anyone, YO.

But wait, maybe we should ask Hungarians, Lithuanians, Georgians, Chechens, Afghanis, Germans...or maybe not. It won't fit the narrative.
We needn't ask the American "Spies" being held for ransom. Or Russias own citizens and generals falling out of windows or being poisoned...Vladimir is a nice friendly guy without any Tzarist Imperial Ambitions at all!!! eye roll smiley.


Factory Bastard
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Maybe if Ukraine hadn't oppressed terrorized and murdered so many of its own Russian-speaking citizens those citizens wouldn't have opted to join Russia.

We don't need to complicate matters.

Complicate matters? Fatso and Putin complicated matters 5 years ago. The Ukraine wouldn’t exist today, if Fatso was re elected.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
You must have forgotten Stalin existed. You have a selective historical memory, apparently.

And what, prey tell, does Stalin have to do with Ukraine killing its own citizens for the crime of being ethnic Russians; an act of unprovoked aggression and ethnic cleansing that they'd perpetrated up until a couple of years ago?

Ancient history doesn't excuse modern atrocities.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
And what, prey tell, does Stalin have to do with Ukraine killing its own citizens for the crime of being ethnic Russians; an act of unprovoked aggression and ethnic cleansing that they'd perpetrated up until a couple of years ago?

Ancient history doesn't excuse modern atrocities.

The history of Ukraine didn't start last week, yo. Or in 2014...

Just like the Israeli settlers want to squeeze out Palestinians from their homes, so have Russians. If these settlers want to live in Russia...there's a whole country they can return to...just like Israeli settlers can return to Israel.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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And what, prey tell, does Stalin have to do with Ukraine killing its own citizens for the crime of being ethnic Russians; an act of unprovoked aggression and ethnic cleansing that they'd perpetrated up until a couple of years ago?

Ancient history doesn't excuse modern atrocities.
You misspelled Russian Occupiers. Be Best!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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And what, prey tell, does Stalin have to do with Ukraine killing its own citizens for the crime of being ethnic Russians; an act of unprovoked aggression and ethnic cleansing that they'd perpetrated up until a couple of years ago?

Ancient history doesn't excuse modern atrocities.
How many Nazi's have the Rooskies eliminated so far in Ukraine? You commie symp.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
How many Nazi's have the Rooskies eliminated so far in Ukraine? You commie symp.

My point is that Russian history is full of regimes, Tsarist emperors than have been expansionist. No one likes being occupied, no one.

They've been fucking over people in other lands for 500 years. Fuck the Russians, they're as bad if not worse, than any other empire.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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My point is that Russian history is full of regimes, Tsarist emperors than have been expansionist. No one likes being occupied, no one.

They've been fucking over people in other lands for 500 years. Fuck the Russians, they're as bad if not worse, than any other empire.
The "Denazification" was one of the excuses for the Putin's attack on Ukraine.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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@Garraty_47 Why did Trump kick out the routine American Interpreter From his "secret" one on one meeting with Putin in Helsinki, why are there no transcripts (again routine) of his secret meeting with a foreign leader?

Why is the highly classified eyes only report on Russian election meddling missing since the final days of Trump's term?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
You're twisting yourself into a pretzel to avoid admitting Russia did the right thing. That's blatant and irrational bias.

While Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union there was a lot of migration throughout the Soviet Union's territories including ethnic Ukrainians *out* of Ukraine and ethnic Russians *in*, but they were still all citizens of the Soviet Union. Not unlike people moving from one state to another here in 'Murica.

So... if somebody moves from California to Texas do Texans have the right to kill them or force them back out to keep their "identity" pure? Should southern border states have the right to shoot border-crossers from Mexico to prevent them from "polluting" 'Murican cultural norms?

Should Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine be rounded up and placed in an open-air prison where their food, water, electricity, etc. can be withheld on a whim, given no rights to travel freely, and routinely abused or killed simply because they're ethnic Russians?

See how you apparently GET IT in one conflict but your blind irrational bias makes you ass-backward if Russia is involved?

Fuck it.
You have zero objectivity where Russia is concerned, for whatever reason, and that means it's pointless to discuss this shit with you. Last word is yours.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You're twisting yourself into a pretzel to avoid admitting Russia did the right thing. That's blatant and irrational bias.

While Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union there was a lot of migration throughout the Soviet Union's territories including ethnic Ukrainians *out* of Ukraine and ethnic Russians *in*, but they were still all citizens of the Soviet Union. Not unlike people moving from one state to another here in 'Murica.

So... if somebody moves from California to Texas do Texans have the right to kill them or force them back out to keep their "identity" pure? Should southern border states have the right to shoot border-crossers from Mexico to prevent them from "polluting" 'Murican cultural norms?

Should Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine be rounded up and placed in an open-air prison where their food, water, electricity, etc. can be withheld on a whim, given no rights to travel freely, and routinely abused or killed simply because they're ethnic Russians?

See how you apparently GET IT in one conflict but your blind irrational bias makes you ass-backward if Russia is involved?

Fuck it.
You have zero objectivity where Russia is concerned, for whatever reason, and that means it's pointless to discuss this shit with you. Last word is yours.


Russia occupied lots of territory, it seems we can agree upon that.

Yay! for Occupiers!!

Yay for mother Russia, may the Tsars blessings be upon you and take more and more territory.

Yippe kay yay motherfuckers...


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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You're twisting yourself into a pretzel to avoid admitting Russia did the right thing. That's blatant and irrational bias.

While Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union there was a lot of migration throughout the Soviet Union's territories including ethnic Ukrainians *out* of Ukraine and ethnic Russians *in*, but they were still all citizens of the Soviet Union. Not unlike people moving from one state to another here in 'Murica.

So... if somebody moves from California to Texas do Texans have the right to kill them or force them back out to keep their "identity" pure? Should southern border states have the right to shoot border-crossers from Mexico to prevent them from "polluting" 'Murican cultural norms?

Should Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine be rounded up and placed in an open-air prison where their food, water, electricity, etc. can be withheld on a whim, given no rights to travel freely, and routinely abused or killed simply because they're ethnic Russians?

See how you apparently GET IT in one conflict but your blind irrational bias makes you ass-backward if Russia is involved?

Fuck it.
You have zero objectivity where Russia is concerned, for whatever reason, and that means it's pointless to discuss this shit with you. Last word is yours.

Too fucking Trumptarded, get the fuck out of my Country Tumputinist!

So explanation please, if Russia is the land of milk and honey and 72 virgins, why are you stuck inside of Murica with the Russia blues again?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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You're twisting yourself into a pretzel to avoid admitting Russia did the right thing. That's blatant and irrational bias.

While Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union there was a lot of migration throughout the Soviet Union's territories including ethnic Ukrainians *out* of Ukraine and ethnic Russians *in*, but they were still all citizens of the Soviet Union. Not unlike people moving from one state to another here in 'Murica.

So... if somebody moves from California to Texas do Texans have the right to kill them or force them back out to keep their "identity" pure? Should southern border states have the right to shoot border-crossers from Mexico to prevent them from "polluting" 'Murican cultural norms?

Should Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine be rounded up and placed in an open-air prison where their food, water, electricity, etc. can be withheld on a whim, given no rights to travel freely, and routinely abused or killed simply because they're ethnic Russians?

See how you apparently GET IT in one conflict but your blind irrational bias makes you ass-backward if Russia is involved?

Fuck it.
You have zero objectivity where Russia is concerned, for whatever reason, and that means it's pointless to discuss this shit with you. Last word is yours.

I nominate Gayyity_47 for the Basterd Factory Vidkun Quisling Award for perfidious complicity in the face of the Enemy.

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The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
The Russians had an empire, they are very much an imperialist State. Crimea became part of Russia (Soviet Union) in 1921.

Interesting that people think that Russia is some kind of innocent player in world events.
Close your eyes and imagine a world where a strong foreign policy works to stabilize rather than destabilize.

This reference here is gold.

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This, from one of the chief propaganda wings of the DNC.....The Washington Post!

4 more years of Obama after the 2012 election where Obama minimized the Russian threat, and the threat even by proxy, thwarting efforts to stem violence. Crimea, Syria Iran.......the list goes on.

Here is another gem.......again........from a mouthpiece of the DNC

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Remember everyone that voted for Obama......voted for Covid 19 after his administration handed GOF research over to the Chinese in 2014.......a tragedy so many had to die........

Again......all this for the casual reader that may stumble thru here and gain another perspective other than Orange man bad