Welcome to Hell, Elon


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Of course not and he won't free speech is what it is. Grown people will make their own decisions

Its bizzare to see people who are blatantly saying only Hitler would support free speech.

Censorship is what the free world does. Only nazis allow people to freely speak.

Make it make sense.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Factory Bastard
Its bizzare to see people who are blatantly saying only Hitler would support free speech.

Censorship is what the free world does. Only nazis allow people to freely speak.

Make it make sense.
Well it's obvious that the crazed liberals have to actually brain wash people to their narrative that's why they want to shut down free speech they don't want people to think on their own because they would lose power and support. The less crazy liberals are beginning to see this now I believe that's why we are so divided they don't believe with the conservatives but they don't believe with the crazies either.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Well it's obvious that the crazed liberals have to actually brain wash people to their narrative that's why they want to shut down free speech they don't want people to think on their own because they would lose power and support. The less crazy liberals are beginning to see this now I believe that's why we are so divided they don't believe with the conservatives but they don't believe with the crazies either.


And god forbid anyone hears others out. They legit coach eachother to not even hear from or talk to anyone outside their cult.

I see conservatives and others on the right always open to discuss issues. It's the establishment cucks who break off family, end friendships, silence and censor, label, beat up and run people over with cars whenever someone opposes them. They are all telling eachother to block people. They really hate and shut down any dissent or opposition.

Its cowardice.

God forbid one of them actually hears out someone else and loses some of that hysterical hate.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
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Dear Elon Musk. Some free advice from the world’s consigliere. You will be making the biggest mistake of your life if you put Adolf Hitler back on the most effective means of communication in the modern world. The kind of mistake you will never, ever be forgiven for.
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Just wait until Hitler 2.0 emerges, then you leftards will have something to cry about...


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Well it's obvious that the crazed liberals have to actually brain wash people to their narrative that's why they want to shut down free speech they don't want people to think on their own because they would lose power and support. The less crazy liberals are beginning to see this now I believe that's why we are so divided they don't believe with the conservatives but they don't believe with the crazies either.

Nazi Germany was full of people that "thought with their own heads" and people were exterminated.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Fat Lily was bitching about you trying to send her cawk pics recently. LOL

Probs a good thing she refused, she'd have only sent them to Aidsman...

I wasn't bitching. Bastard Factory posted about it and I responded because I was surprised so many women had gone through it too and no one was saying anything.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Nazi Germany was full of people that "thought with their own heads" and people were exterminated.


And your side of the spectrum here is walking in those foot steps without a single shred of self awareness.

Must be easy when you ignore all the politcal violence, destruction of communities and the killing and beating of innocent people over politcs because you brainwashed wack jobs think everyone who opposes your side of politcs is a "clear and present danger to dEmOcRaCy" while it's your people who are coercing, forcing, attacking rights,and calling half th4 country "extremists".


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
And your side of the spectrum here is walking in those foot steps without a single shred of self awareness.

Must be easy when you ignore all the politcal violence, destruction of communities and the killing and beating of innocent people over politcs because you brainwashed wack jobs think everyone who opposes your side of politcs is a "clear and present danger to dEmOcRaCy" while it's your people who are coercing, forcing, attacking rights,and calling half th4 country "extremists".

Why did your people try to murder him?



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Elon already letting advertisers know that Twitter won't be a free for all.

Also, and interestingly, I saw Yuval Harari posit that Musk is wrong, Twitter isn't the virtual "town square"; it's the gladiators arena.

Harari comment was spot on. I'll say it again, Musk doesn't do "people" too good.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
No shit, Admin. When you start banning free speech all you do is inflame and even radicalize people.

That's why fucking free speech is so important. You cant have any "democracy" without it.

Bad ideas NEED to brought out into the light and held the fire if scrutiny, you know that ancient and terrifying practice of civil discourse? And for slurs, public shaming is adequate.

When you start censoring and punishing people all you do is drive them underground.

You are actually the ones who want 4chan level shit to thrive. 4chan is what happens when you censor and literally try to punish speech.

And it's really sad that adults dont get this.

People are gonna run up on there and shit test and intentionally try to piss off the people who were pro censorship. Your authoritarian views cause this.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
This political b/s in this sub is boring as fuck.

Post your boring gibberish in the politics section ffs.


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the things you own end up owning you
No shit, Admin. When you start banning free speech all you do is inflame and even radicalize people.

That's why fucking free speech is so important. You cant have any "democracy" without it.

Bad ideas NEED to brought out into the light and held the fire if scrutiny, you know that ancient and terrifying practice of civil discourse? And for slurs, public shaming is adequate.

When you start censoring and punishing people all you do is drive them underground.

You are actually the ones who want 4chan level shit to thrive. 4chan is what happens when you censor and literally try to punish speech.

And it's really sad that adults dont get this.

People are gonna run up on there and shit test and intentionally try to piss off the people who were pro censorship. Your authoritarian views cause this.
Stfu nigger!