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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
It was not a complaint.

I was just pointing out that he misused the word "your" in a post.

No, it was an observation and was the opposite of a complaint: It was more like a celebration!!!!
Is English even your first language?...or is Hoser your mother tongue?

Your (incorrect) observation and mention of it is a complaint.

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    a statement that a situation is
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    "I intend to make an official complaint"


    Please learn English. It's our common language here on theBadTardFagtory.


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
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Is English even your first language?...or is Hoser your mother tongue?

Your (incorrect) observation and mention of it is a complaint.

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  1. 1.
    a statement that a situation is
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    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    "I intend to make an official complaint"


    Please learn English. It's our common language here on theBadTardFagtory.

The situation was completely and entirely satisfactory and acceptable!!!

I enjoy watching people use either "your" or "you're" incorrectly!!!

Try to get it through that thick skull of yours!


The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
I enjoy watching people use either "your" or "you're" incorrectly!!!
Except that you incorrectly stated that it had been incorrectly used.
Let's review. Where in the following quote was your misused?
Weak tard is weak.. watch your tone your character is showing.. (#2002)
You complained in #2003 that he "did it again", meaning misused "your" (quoting #2002).
. How did he misuse it again in that sentence?
Should one or both of the "your"s be you're?


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Goderator ☠️



ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Goderator ☠️
Seems a rather large departure from your usual fare.

. I faithfully watch Murdock Mysteries and X Files every night, with a move thrown in on occasion.
I was hooked on X Files when it came out even had an X File group, we'd all gather every Friday and watch the whole line up.. got most that series on old VHS , I'll watch the Eugene Toombs and that Home episode everytime it's on but usaully it leads to a desire for Millennium .. never bothered with Murdock Mysteries that lead guy , the one from Sue Thomas FB Eye irks me.. what a pip squeak

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
I was hooked on X Files when it came out even had an X File group, we'd all gather every Friday and watch the whole line up.. got most that series on old VHS , I'll watch the Eugene Toombs and that Home episode everytime it's on but usaully it leads to a desire for Millennium .. never bothered with Murdock Mysteries that lead guy , the one from Sue Thomas FB Eye irks me.. what a pip squeak
. I still have not seen all of the season 10 and 11 X Files. Gillian and David look like they'd been hung in a closet for 15 years, but the stories are good. I love the WerLizard one. Hilarious stuff.
. Murdock is supposed to be a bit stiff socially, I suppose, but he always gets his man even if his women get away. George is a great character, and many of the guest chicks are adorable. Love the late Victorian stuff.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Goderator ☠️
. I still have not seen all of the season 10 and 11 X Files. Gillian and David look like they'd been hung in a closet for 15 years, but the stories are good. I love the WerLizard one. Hilarious stuff.
. Murdock is supposed to be a bit stiff socially, I suppose, but he always gets his man even if his women get away. George is a great character, and many of the guest chicks are adorable. Love the late Victorian stuff.
Ahhh yes I tend to navigate to the period just after Victorian era early 1900 ... eg..The Knick ,Deadwood(Falls into that time period).. etc .. I enjoy a more graphic time , riding the coattails of the social unrest

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Ahhh yes I tend to navigate to the period just after Victorian era early 1900 ... eg..The Knick ,Deadwood(Falls into that time period).. etc .. I tend to enjoy a more graphic time , riding the coattails of the social unrest
Edwardian/post-Edwardian. Do you know the series Vienna Blood - that one is interesting though not American.