Jacking off with Vic's Vapor Rub and sand...
Feeling nauseous. Been happening off and on since my procedure.
I just took a shot of baking soda water and I'm waiting for it to work.
Heart burn sucks. I rarely get it thankfully.
I just took a shot of baking soda water and I'm waiting for it to work.
Heart burn sucks. I rarely get it thankfully.
Feeling nauseous. Been happening off and on since my procedure.
Hope ya feel better. Shoulda stuck with squats lol.
Feeling nauseous. Been happening off and on since my procedure.
Hope ya feel better. Shoulda stuck with squats lol.
Thanks. It has to do with the most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! transfer. I’ll be like this for the next six months.
I just took a shot of baking soda water and I'm waiting for it to work.
Heart burn sucks. I rarely get it thankfully.
My wife does the same thing for heartburn, says baking soda taste like crap tho. lol
I jump up and down in the hallway and hit my back on the wall, winding myself like a baby, but then I’m a savage ...I just took a shot of baking soda water and I'm waiting for it to work.
Heart burn sucks. I rarely get it thankfully.
My wife does the same thing for heartburn, says baking soda taste like crap tho. lol
Once you get it down....it is nasty af......you burp and the heartburn is gone.
I learned this during pregnancies. :)
Oh that reminded me....weeed...and it’s Friday evening already!Feeling nauseous. Been happening off and on since my procedure.
Hope ya feel better. Shoulda stuck with squats lol.
Thanks. It has to do with the most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! transfer. I’ll be like this for the next six months.
Oh dang!!! Smoke some weed to help your nausea lol, helps me. 6 months is too long to deal with that.
It’s so gross dawg lolTis King for fry ups...After last night's whiskey, I needed a pick me up... Breakfast and lunch in one go... Time to chill for the rest of the day until I decide it's time to start on a leg of lamb... Still deciding whether to go for morrocan style or just plain ole rosemary and garlic...
Get rid of the Tommy O, and add some mushies and spinach and that would be grouse...
Someone really likes HP's brown sauce.
Ketchup is acceptable so long as there's chips on the plate too...
Ketchup is the devil's semen...
I would have agreed a while back but then I found this... >Game changer<
Pineapple on pizza, ketchup on hot dogs, and ketchup on anything are abominations that should be rewarded by firing squad...
I actually married someone who puts ketchup on his EGGS.
He didnt even tell me until after the legalities were established.
I never realized how bad I never want to see people since I’ve been working from home and I really do love people. People aren’t the same. Even my friends starting to suck. Covid fears has changed the world.I actually really hate people well enough as it is, but its certainly an interesting topic.
I want to keep this place but who knows what the future brings.
I never realized how bad I never want to see people since I’ve been working from home and I really do love people. People aren’t the same. Even my friends starting to suck. Covid fears has changed the world.I actually really hate people well enough as it is, but its certainly an interesting topic.
I want to keep this place but who knows what the future brings.
Oh that reminded me....weeed...and it’s Friday evening already!Feeling nauseous. Been happening off and on since my procedure.
Hope ya feel better. Shoulda stuck with squats lol.
Thanks. It has to do with the most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! transfer. I’ll be like this for the next six months.
Oh dang!!! Smoke some weed to help your nausea lol, helps me. 6 months is too long to deal with that.
The gambling excuse reminds me of my late mother. My dad enjoys a drink or three, but my mother never drank or smoked. But she gambled like a woman possessed. The same scenario: never heard about the losses only the wins. And if at any time we were to bring up the gambling, it was, “oh, I don’t drink or smoke and this is just a little entertainment”. LolToday I got the whole family (wife plus both stepsons) to take a six mile hike to a local waterfall. There were so many people there, like 60-80, when I was a kid we'd be the only ones there but now the park is being loved to death. Anyway we had a nice lunch (subway sandwiches plus potato chips with bottled water) and got to play in the cool water before drying off and walking back. It was fun.
After words we picked up some boba tea to refresh ourselves then went home to cook a Costco quiche for dinner. Now both books are showered, rested, and clean so we're watching movies on netflix.Netflix. my wife keeps saying she wants to go to an Indian casino but I think of gambling as a waste of money. I will let her go by herself because if I go I will spend $60, decide it is a waste, then spend the next three hours bored of watching her play a slot machine. She has said she will only use her money and not money from our common account so I said ok.
Eventually we will have to have a discussion about this because I really think gambling is a waste but she brings up that I smoke and drink and also thinks those are a waste. It can be hard to reach a compromise.