Who cried to BF?


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
You haven't actually proven a thing, other than you're a shit stirrer who fights with almost everyone on the forum, accuses people of being child sex offenders, and you pat yourself on the back for being such a great insult giver.

The flame board people are so easy and they don't even know it.

A handful came out normal. Flynntini....not so much.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
That's great, but then...


You seem to forget that I'm not American.

I guess that explains why I'm not obese or have a meth habit.

I could care less where you're from, that should show much I care about you. The only thing I care about is you staying the fuck out of the upper forums and not tardjacking threads and not calling posters "groomers...etc." Otherwise, I'm happy to use your face as my own personal tennis ball.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
You gonna rub my "n*gger nose" in it, are you?

What other black features do you find ugly, Flynn?

You must really be ashamed of that nigger nose. You also must be deeply affected by it or you wouldnt keep trying to garner sympathy from it. Your nose looks like it mated with an octopus and a black nigger dick.

Hell, girl, your nose screams nigger soo loud even the astronauts can see your nigger nose from the International Space Station. Maybe you should rent it out as an Airbnb.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
You must really be ashamed of that nigger nose. ..it. Your nose looks like it mated with an octopus and a black nigger dick.
Would you speak to a woman like this offline? Of course not.

So why do it on here? Because you can? Because you're safely protected by the anonymity provided by your big strong keyboard?

I've seen a lot of good natured back and forth on these boards, and some solid debates.

But you? Angry (to the point of blind fury), nasty, and just plain mean.

Whatever your demons offline might be, you should address them. They won't go away without intervention.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Would you speak to a woman like this offline? Of course not.

So why do it on here? Because you can? Because you're safely protected by the anonymity provided by your big strong keyboard?

I've seen a lot of good natured back and forth on these boards, and some solid debates.

But you? Angry (to the point of blind fury), nasty, and just plain mean.

Whatever your demons offline might be, you should address them. They won't go away without intervention.

Would you say, "you don't don't give a fuck about the Jews" in a synagogue full of Jewish people on Hanukkah and to the congregation?

No, you wouldn't. You just did it because you're behind a keyboard.

You must like contradicting yourself!

Whatever adult diaper you're wearing today surely needed to be changed 4 hours ago.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Would you say, "you don't don't give a fuck about the Jews" in a synagogue full of Jewish people on Hanukkah and to the congregation?
Surely you see the difference between leveling cruel insults directly at a member here based on photos she's posted and me making a general statement about a group of individuals not specifically targeting any one of them, given that they aren't even here to read it.

Or maybe you don't. Maybe you really are that obtuse.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Surely you see the difference between leveling cruel insults directly at a member here based on photos she's posted and me making a general statement about a group of individuals not specifically targeting any one of them, given that they aren't even here to read it.

Or maybe you don't. Maybe you really are that obtuse.

Oh? Now there are "levels."

Funny, this sounds like a poorly thought out rationalization excusing your comments. So, you wanna jump on everyone else but when it comes to you bashing your own kind, then that's different?

I have no idea where you get your logic from, but it's about as off base as you can get.

So making a blanketed statement means you're including all the Jews in you not giving a fuck about them. I love how you're trying to rationalize you shitty fucking comment.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
I tried to explain it to you. I made it as clear and as simple as I possibly can.

Insulting a person directly is nowhere near the same as a general statement about a group of individuals who aren't even aware the statement existed.

Since you cannot grasp that simple concept I've got nothing further to say other than you are either a really bad troll or a really stupid individual.

A few more of your posts should have me convinced one way or the latter.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I tried to explain it to you. I made it as clear and as simple as I possibly can.

Insulting a person directly is nowhere near the same as a general statement about a group of individuals who aren't even aware the statement existed.

Since you cannot grasp that simple concept I've got nothing further to say other than you are either a really bad troll or a really stupid individual.

A few more of your posts should have me convinced one way or the latter.

No...no....you're trying find a way out of the box, you, yourself created. No amount of foot stomping or weird rationalizations is going to change that fact. Now you're trying to include levels of severity. :LOL3:

Just stop. You really need to stop. You're only looking more desperate as you keep posting.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
You're only looking more desperate as you keep posting.
Maybe to you. Although probably not to you. You're just saying that because you don't have a good response so you say stupid shit like "You are sooooo desperate!".

Coming from the guy who believes he wins every single exchange he has with someone on the internet.

And we know what that's worth.



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Maybe to you. Although probably not to you. You're just saying that because you don't have a good response so you say stupid shit like "You are sooooo desperate!".

Coming from the guy who believes he wins every single exchange he has with someone on the internet.

And we know what that's worth.


My responses showed how you openly contradicted yourself. If you're too proud or stupid to figure that out, it's not my fucking problem is it?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
You've clearly got much bigger problems to work through.

You're right. My "problems" consist of whether I'll have steak or ribs tonight along with what kind of ice cream to get as I watch the new Indiana Jones movie. Yep, I got huuuge "problems."


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
But thanks for finally admitting you're a racist.
I saw the post in question.

I'm an unbiased 3rd party observer.

Once again @Flynn is completely making shit up about another member, who said nothing of the sort that even remotely could be construed as an admission of being a rascist.

Yet @Flynn directly referred to a member here as a child sexual predator.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You are a pussy.

As weak as they all said you are.

NOW I see it. Set you off with a simple move of your posts and you will not have it? Huh? GTFOver it... but you shoot the horse when its hungry you dumb fuck.. choose your battles.

Im gonna move more of your shit and anyone elses that runs on 5 fucking posts of hating... See that Drama Free? WTF doent you understnad? Oh.. You're King Fuckinging Martini? Means Nothing to me... Never heard of Poofer... you are all talk.. now you wanna threaten.. scream Panel abuse? Thats not abuse friend.. you know.

Sensitve fucker .. GTFO thin skinned Blowhard
His sense of entitlement was off the g'damn charts.... JUST WOW!:OhGawd:


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I saw the post in question.

I'm an unbiased 3rd party observer.

Once again @Flynn is completely making shit up about another member, who said nothing of the sort that even remotely could be construed as an admission of being a rascist.

Yet @Flynn directly referred to a member here as a child sexual predator.

That would make sense had you not openly contradicted yourself TWICE!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
I saw the post in question.

I'm an unbiased 3rd party observer.

Once again @Flynn is completely making shit up about another member, who said nothing of the sort that even remotely could be construed as an admission of being a rascist.

Yet @Flynn directly referred to a member here as a child sexual predator.

Wait, what? People make things up about other people on troll forums?

Well, I never!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
So accusing another member of being a child sexual predator is ok around here?

Well, it was allowed for the longest time. I don't think it's encouraged at all, but people still do it from time to time.

I missed it, where was that?