Why didn't Trump send himself to Guantanamo?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
desantis 2024 - hes sharp, young and making sense.....everything the left fails at

I think he'd be a much more formidable foe for the Democrats than Trump,

Looks very sharp and can hold his own:

Biden is clearly too old and that would be a huge liability for the Democrats in 2024 if he had to face someone as young, capable and experienced as de Santis.

And Kamala Harris seems like too much of a lightweight to be taken seriously.

Like the Republicans, the Democrats should clean house in 2024 and serve up a new crop of candidates.

However, the one thing which might hold back this transition for the Republicans are party divisions and staunch Trump supporters stubbornly clinging to him. The achiles heel of the GOP are factions and grudges which could tear them in the next election.

But if they manage to unite and patch up their differences The Republicans could be very much in the running next time.

Trump 2024.

no. too much bs n drama. every week he was hiring and firing ppl like a reality show then making me worry what he would say


Those early times of Trump's Presidency were appalling... BUT he did a good job up until the covid crisis. He taught me a few things and some of his quotes will go down in history.

i either hated or loved what he did/said

tbh i think the world needed 4 yrs of trump, he shook the establishment up and got ppl talking

I like how he dealt with foreign policy. I like that he tried to keep peace.

I think he was pretty successful doing that.

Even Putin liked him. On TV the other day Putin (of all people) loved and admired Trump.

One of the off-putting things about Trump, he did act childish and vain.... but so what? It's not a crime and the comics made a meal of it so I got a good laugh from their gigs.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
desantis 2024 - hes sharp, young and making sense.....everything the left fails at

I think he'd be a much more formidable foe for the Democrats than Trump,

Looks very sharp and can hold his own:

Biden is clearly too old and that would be a huge liability for the Democrats in 2024 if he had to face someone as young, capable and experienced as de Santis.

And Kamala Harris seems like too much of a lightweight to be taken seriously.

Like the Republicans, the Democrats should clean house in 2024 and serve up a new crop of candidates.

However, the one thing which might hold back this transition for the Republicans are party divisions and staunch Trump supporters stubbornly clinging to him. The achiles heel of the GOP are factions and grudges which could tear them in the next election.

But if they manage to unite and patch up their differences The Republicans could be very much in the running next time.

De Santis is terrible. No, thanks.

'president desantis.....president desantis......'

get used 2 it lotus, its gonna be a legitimate landlside

who else is there? bernie 'comb my with a balloon' sanders?

There are plenty of other people. Desantis is a dangerous piece of shit.

no, theres not 'plenty' there is nothing

u dont vote for ppl u dont like, u vote for those u like least
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In my opinion for what it is worth, we have to start calling out lies and lying and demand our factions of politics are TRUTHFUL...

Both camps are outrageous liars.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
desantis 2024 - hes sharp, young and making sense.....everything the left fails at

I think he'd be a much more formidable foe for the Democrats than Trump,

Looks very sharp and can hold his own:

Biden is clearly too old and that would be a huge liability for the Democrats in 2024 if he had to face someone as young, capable and experienced as de Santis.

And Kamala Harris seems like too much of a lightweight to be taken seriously.

Like the Republicans, the Democrats should clean house in 2024 and serve up a new crop of candidates.

However, the one thing which might hold back this transition for the Republicans are party divisions and staunch Trump supporters stubbornly clinging to him. The achiles heel of the GOP are factions and grudges which could tear them in the next election.

But if they manage to unite and patch up their differences The Republicans could be very much in the running next time.

Trump 2024.

no. too much bs n drama. every week he was hiring and firing ppl like a reality show then making me worry what he would say


Those early times of Trump's Presidency were appalling... BUT he did a good job up until the covid crisis. He taught me a few things and some of his quotes will go down in history.

i either hated or loved what he did/said

tbh i think the world needed 4 yrs of trump, he shook the establishment up and got ppl talking

I like how he dealt with foreign policy. I like that he tried to keep peace.

I think he was pretty successful doing that.

Even Putin liked him. On TV the other day Putin (of all people) loved and admired Trump.

One of the off-putting things about Trump, he did act childish and vain.... but so what? It's not a crime and the comics made a meal of it so I got a good laugh from their gigs.

it was funnest time in politics ever, but once was enough lol

with weak prensident biden im sure china smells blood in the water


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.
i didnt at first but loved the way he cut up the mainstream bs

Just as Obama is given credit for hunting down Osama bin Laden, I give Trump credit for destroying ISIS.
This is something rarely mentioned by the news media, especially Democratic leaning news organizations.

They were a real blight on the World and they sent their terror to all 4 corners of the earth.

What amazed me was that nations with advanced military technology such as France and Britain couldn't bring them down. France especially was getting hammered by their terror network & ISIS had them on their knees.

So, in large part it actually took the firepower of the United States to destroy ISIS.

Trump said he was gonna 'bomb he shit out of ISIS' and he did :

But like Obama, Trump had to mop up the mess of W Bush.
ISIS was born out of the mayhem of the Iraq War and the US invasion ordered by W Bush which was opposed by the 2 men who later succeded him as President.

I think both Obama inherited a big mess in the Middle East from Dubya.

ISIS was born out of obamas inaction and joke red lines, asshat.

No. Even your St. Trump stated that W Bush's ill-fated invasion of Iraq was the cause of ISIS being in existence.

Trump said a lot of negative things about Obama, but he never blamed him for the Iraq War nor the birth of ISIS.

Trump even stated that the refugee crisis flooding Europe was Bush's fault.

Your St. Trump hammered W Bush quite hard....worse in fact than Obama.

And that's a big reason he was able to unite the Republican Party because he made them feel good about being Republicans again and he helped absolve them of the guilt and shame of the W Bush years.

And his Hit Man, Steve Bannon more or less said the same thing, Lokmeer:



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
In my opinion for what it is worth, we have to start calling out lies and lying and demand our factions of politics are TRUTHFUL...

Both camps are outrageous liars.
there was a law that said the US press need 2 be accurate and prove what they said but it expired some yrs ago

if they couldnt back it up the FCC pulled their plug and they lost their license


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
desantis 2024 - hes sharp, young and making sense.....everything the left fails at

I think he'd be a much more formidable foe for the Democrats than Trump,

Looks very sharp and can hold his own:

Biden is clearly too old and that would be a huge liability for the Democrats in 2024 if he had to face someone as young, capable and experienced as de Santis.

And Kamala Harris seems like too much of a lightweight to be taken seriously.

Like the Republicans, the Democrats should clean house in 2024 and serve up a new crop of candidates.

However, the one thing which might hold back this transition for the Republicans are party divisions and staunch Trump supporters stubbornly clinging to him. The achiles heel of the GOP are factions and grudges which could tear them in the next election.

But if they manage to unite and patch up their differences The Republicans could be very much in the running next time.

Trump 2024.

no. too much bs n drama. every week he was hiring and firing ppl like a reality show then making me worry what he would say


Those early times of Trump's Presidency were appalling... BUT he did a good job up until the covid crisis. He taught me a few things and some of his quotes will go down in history.

i either hated or loved what he did/said

tbh i think the world needed 4 yrs of trump, he shook the establishment up and got ppl talking

Whether one loves or hates Trump, he certainly had an impact & he changed the world.

Not sure if that was for the better or not. Maybe for the worse because I get the feeling that China intentionally released the coronavirus to get id of him. But in the process, Trump may have unwittingly exposed China for what it is. Tho I have no solid foundation for my belief, I still think that the coronavirus is a bioweapon that China was developing as part of its arsenal.

It's also notable that Biden continued many of Trump's policies which whether a Democrat or Republican succeeds him in the future, will be the foundation of USA's blueprint for quite some to come. ie - the emphasis upon an America First economic and military policies.

So while Trump's supporters mourn his departure, his legacy is still there.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
it was funnest time in politics ever, but once was enough lol

with weak prensident biden im sure china smells blood in the water

if they touch one yellow foot on your soil, its on

new zealand too

In South Australia, they built an illegal 10 manned Chinese Consulate less than 30 minutes from where we are building submarines. And fucking dumb fucking Australian government aren't doing anything about it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
hes gonna be like a british king and endorse swing votes

thats more power than he ever had as potus


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
desantis 2024 - hes sharp, young and making sense.....everything the left fails at

I think he'd be a much more formidable foe for the Democrats than Trump,

Looks very sharp and can hold his own:

Biden is clearly too old and that would be a huge liability for the Democrats in 2024 if he had to face someone as young, capable and experienced as de Santis.

And Kamala Harris seems like too much of a lightweight to be taken seriously.

Like the Republicans, the Democrats should clean house in 2024 and serve up a new crop of candidates.

However, the one thing which might hold back this transition for the Republicans are party divisions and staunch Trump supporters stubbornly clinging to him. The achiles heel of the GOP are factions and grudges which could tear them in the next election.

But if they manage to unite and patch up their differences The Republicans could be very much in the running next time.

Trump 2024.

no. too much bs n drama. every week he was hiring and firing ppl like a reality show then making me worry what he would say


Those early times of Trump's Presidency were appalling... BUT he did a good job up until the covid crisis. He taught me a few things and some of his quotes will go down in history.

i either hated or loved what he did/said

tbh i think the world needed 4 yrs of trump, he shook the establishment up and got ppl talking

Whether one loves or hates Trump, he certainly had an impact & he changed the world.

Not sure if that was for the better or not. Maybe for the worse because I get the feeling that China intentionally released the coronavirus to get id of him. But in the process, Trump may have unwittingly exposed China for what it is. Tho I have no solid foundation for my belief, I still think that the coronavirus is a bioweapon that China was developing as part of its arsenal.

It's also notable that Biden continued many of Trump's policies which whether a Democrat or Republican succeeds him in the future, will be the foundation of USA's economic blueprint for quite some to come. ie - the emphasis upon an America First economic and military policies.

So while Trump's supporters mourn his departure, his legacy is still there.

Nah... he (Trump) has no impact whatsoever on anything now. He cannot even use the internet.

He has pretty much been forgotten.

Indian descended Kamala Harris will be the one to watch.

Her mother was Indian, her father was half a Jamaican black and half European and she has decided to call herself black so there is one conniving monster in the making I believe.

Does she look like a person who is all up on foreign policy?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.

But the irony is, W Bush was much worse & yet so many American llberals gave him a pass and turned a blind eye to his excesses. Fucker should be hung upside down like Mussolini and spat on like a pig.

Perhaps Trump in part, is paying for the excesses of the W Bush years so now they're taking it all out on Trump?
No they didnt, liar! They lambasted W 24/7/365! Called him the chimp, typed "TRY,CHIMPEACH,EXECUTE" on yahoo chat boards non stop, said he was retarded, his wife was a murderer, cheney ran the country, he was evil, hated gays, was too religious, etc, etc, etc. I swear, its like your dumb ass was born yesterday.

It was over the top alright but for their punishment they got an Alzheimer's victim and an Indian whore... holy shit, you guys are lucky.

NO ONE on my side of the planet can believe out of 300 million people, you came up with those two but look at the bright side... no riots so far so keep your fingers crossed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
trust me, trump can swing a hundred million votes and dictate policy through promises of endorsement

the saudis were going 2 take ownership of a huge port in NY harbor after 9-11 and bush was all cool with it. the scumbag. after the outrage the deal fell through, thank god


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
desantis 2024 - hes sharp, young and making sense.....everything the left fails at

I think he'd be a much more formidable foe for the Democrats than Trump,

Looks very sharp and can hold his own:

Biden is clearly too old and that would be a huge liability for the Democrats in 2024 if he had to face someone as young, capable and experienced as de Santis.

And Kamala Harris seems like too much of a lightweight to be taken seriously.

Like the Republicans, the Democrats should clean house in 2024 and serve up a new crop of candidates.

However, the one thing which might hold back this transition for the Republicans are party divisions and staunch Trump supporters stubbornly clinging to him. The achiles heel of the GOP are factions and grudges which could tear them in the next election.

But if they manage to unite and patch up their differences The Republicans could be very much in the running next time.

Trump 2024.

no. too much bs n drama. every week he was hiring and firing ppl like a reality show then making me worry what he would say


Those early times of Trump's Presidency were appalling... BUT he did a good job up until the covid crisis. He taught me a few things and some of his quotes will go down in history.

i either hated or loved what he did/said

tbh i think the world needed 4 yrs of trump, he shook the establishment up and got ppl talking

Whether one loves or hates Trump, he certainly had an impact & he changed the world.

Not sure if that was for the better or not. Maybe for the worse because I get the feeling that China intentionally released the coronavirus to get id of him. But in the process, Trump may have unwittingly exposed China for what it is. Tho I have no solid foundation for my belief, I still think that the coronavirus is a bioweapon that China was developing as part of its arsenal.

It's also notable that Biden continued many of Trump's policies which whether a Democrat or Republican succeeds him in the future, will be the foundation of USA's economic blueprint for quite some to come. ie - the emphasis upon an America First economic and military policies.

So while Trump's supporters mourn his departure, his legacy is still there.

Nah... he (Trump) has no impact whatsoever on anything now. He cannot even use the internet.

He has pretty much been forgotten.

Indian descended Kamala Harris will be the one to watch.

Her mother was Indian, her father was half a Jamaican black and half European and she has decided to call herself black so there is one conniving monster in the making I believe.

Does she look like a person who is all up on foreign policy?

I think she lacks credibilty and I've often heard/read that she slept her way to the Top.

Even progressive pro-Democratic publications openly stated this.

So, if many of her followers don't take her seriously, how will those who are her staunch opponents?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I actually object to people saying she, "slept her way to the top," because that is extremely sexist. It basically implies if she didn't have sex with so and so, her talent alone couldn't get her there to the top.

I hope other people here watch that video because I like that guys idea about constipation verses diarrhea. There are 4 people here that need to chill.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.
i didnt at first but loved the way he cut up the mainstream bs

Just as Obama is given credit for hunting down Osama bin Laden, I give Trump credit for destroying ISIS.
This is something rarely mentioned by the news media, especially Democratic leaning news organizations.

They were a real blight on the World and they sent their terror to all 4 corners of the earth.

What amazed me was that nations with advanced military technology such as France and Britain couldn't bring them down. France especially was getting hammered by their terror network & ISIS had them on their knees.

So, in large part it actually took the firepower of the United States to destroy ISIS.

Trump said he was gonna 'bomb he shit out of ISIS' and he did :

But like Obama, Trump had to mop up the mess of W Bush.
ISIS was born out of the mayhem of the Iraq War and the US invasion ordered by W Bush which was opposed by the 2 men who later succeded him as President.

I think both Obama inherited a big mess in the Middle East from Dubya.

ISIS was born out of obamas inaction and joke red lines, asshat.

No. Even your St. Trump stated that W Bush's ill-fated invasion of Iraq was the cause of ISIS being in existence.

Trump said a lot of negative things about Obama, but he never blamed him for the Iraq War nor the birth of ISIS.

Trump even stated that the refugee crisis flooding Europe was Bush's fault.

Your St. Trump hammered W Bush quite hard....worse in fact than Obama.

And that's a big reason he was able to unite the Republican Party because he made them feel good about being Republicans again and he helped absolve them of the guilt and shame of the W Bush years.

And his Hit Man, Steve Bannon more or less said the same thing, Lokmeer:

Sorry dickhead but these muhzie groups were sprouting up WAY before the gulf wars. Ever heard of Al Qaeda? As far as ISIS, the head nigger in charge had his chance to deal with the JV Team. He chose NOT to. Saint Trump butchered em tho!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sorry dickhead but these muhzie groups were sprouting up WAY before the gulf wars. Ever heard of Al Qaeda? As far as ISIS, the head nigger in charge had his chance to deal with the JV Team. He chose NOT to. Saint Trump butchered em tho!

...and that's why Saddam warned the United States that if Bush invaded Iraq, he'd syc their 'secret weapon' on them.

Which he did. All those terrorists in Iraqi prisions.

Saddam was doing the job for the West containing those terrorists and Trump also agrred that it was a mistake to invade. Saddam was doing a favor for the United States by incarcerating them.

Essentially, you've only shown so far why Trump would disagree with you on every aspect of the Iraq invasion, Lokmeer.

YOu may have thought it was a good idea, but Trump didn't.

And many Republicans have come to regret it too.

So you are off-base with many in your own party.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.

But the irony is, W Bush was much worse & yet so many American llberals gave him a pass and turned a blind eye to his excesses. Fucker should be hung upside down like Mussolini and spat on like a pig.

Perhaps Trump in part, is paying for the excesses of the W Bush years so now they're taking it all out on Trump?
I agree that the Bush administration with Cheney and the others was far worse than anything we've ever seen. But electing someone as stupid and narcissistic as Trump is just inexcusable. He did nothing for working Americans. Why do these people have allegiance to him? For what? Temporarily lowering their taxes, while permanently lowering the taxes of the uber rich?

He did nothing for working Americans? Except get rid of useless regations and burdensome taxes causing the economy to boom so everyone who wanted a job could get a job. Those who had a job often hopped to a better paying job. That is why we had record median income and record low unemployment.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.

But the irony is, W Bush was much worse & yet so many American llberals gave him a pass and turned a blind eye to his excesses. Fucker should be hung upside down like Mussolini and spat on like a pig.

Perhaps Trump in part, is paying for the excesses of the W Bush years so now they're taking it all out on Trump?
No they didnt, liar! They lambasted W 24/7/365! Called him the chimp, typed "TRY,CHIMPEACH,EXECUTE" on yahoo chat boards non stop, said he was retarded, his wife was a murderer, cheney ran the country, he was evil, hated gays, was too religious, etc, etc, etc. I swear, its like your dumb ass was born yesterday.

It was over the top alright but for their punishment they got an Alzheimer's victim and an Indian whore... holy shit, you guys are lucky.

NO ONE on my side of the planet can believe out of 300 million people, you came up with those two but look at the bright side... no riots so far so keep your fingers crossed.

There are still multiple riots per week in places like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, and New York City. I mean it. The MSM has just decided to not cover them as it embarrasses Democrats and makes potato Biden look bad.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.

But the irony is, W Bush was much worse & yet so many American llberals gave him a pass and turned a blind eye to his excesses. Fucker should be hung upside down like Mussolini and spat on like a pig.

Perhaps Trump in part, is paying for the excesses of the W Bush years so now they're taking it all out on Trump?
I agree that the Bush administration with Cheney and the others was far worse than anything we've ever seen. But electing someone as stupid and narcissistic as Trump is just inexcusable. He did nothing for working Americans. Why do these people have allegiance to him? For what? Temporarily lowering their taxes, while permanently lowering the taxes of the uber rich?

He did nothing for working Americans? Except get rid of useless regations and burdensome taxes causing the economy to boom so everyone who wanted a job could get a job. Those who had a job often hopped to a better paying job. That is why we had record median income and record low unemployment.

Thing is, that could have been Obama had he the common sense to lower the income tax of certain income brackets.

I think Warren Buffet said $1 million and above & Obama refused to budge on his $250,000 mark for top marginal tax rate.

That was a mistake because a lot of those people in that income bracket are small business owners and job creators.

So I think Biden realized the mistake Obama made, and didn't he put the bar at $1 million?

Anyways I think one flaw in the US tax system is that there should be different standard for the merely rich and The SUper Super Rich like Jeff Bezos, bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

The latter should have a much much higher tax rate than everybody else.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The problem with that is the ultra rich mostly make their money via stock investments. Capital gains taxes generally do not work as people can move their money to other countries with the click of a mouse.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The problem with that is the ultra rich mostly make their money via stock investments. Capital gains taxes generally do not work as people can move their money to other countries with the click of a mouse.

However, I think there may be universal 15% global tax rate coming.

The wealthiest countries seem to be on the verge of implementing it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sorry dickhead but these muhzie groups were sprouting up WAY before the gulf wars. Ever heard of Al Qaeda? As far as ISIS, the head nigger in charge had his chance to deal with the JV Team. He chose NOT to. Saint Trump butchered em tho!

...and that's why Saddam warned the United States that if Bush invaded Iraq, he'd syc their 'secret weapon' on them.

Which he did. All those terrorists in Iraqi prisions.

Saddam was doing the job for the West containing those terrorists and Trump also agrred that it was a mistake to invade. Saddam was doing a favor for the United States by incarcerating them.

Essentially, you've only shown so far why Trump would disagree with you on every aspect of the Iraq invasion, Lokmeer.

YOu may have thought it was a good idea, but Trump didn't.

And many Republicans have come to regret it too.

So you are off-base with many in your own party.

Saddam should have kept his place and he'd still be alive. Instead, he fucked around and found out. You barely know whats up in your own back yard. Dont try to understand world affairs josephine. They're way over your head.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The problem with that is the ultra rich mostly make their money via stock investments. Capital gains taxes generally do not work as people can move their money to other countries with the click of a mouse.

However, I think there may be universal 15% global tax rate coming.

The wealthiest countries seem to be on the verge of implementing it.
Sounds like a fabulous opportunity to butcher some politicians!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.

But the irony is, W Bush was much worse & yet so many American llberals gave him a pass and turned a blind eye to his excesses. Fucker should be hung upside down like Mussolini and spat on like a pig.

Perhaps Trump in part, is paying for the excesses of the W Bush years so now they're taking it all out on Trump?
No they didnt, liar! They lambasted W 24/7/365! Called him the chimp, typed "TRY,CHIMPEACH,EXECUTE" on yahoo chat boards non stop, said he was retarded, his wife was a murderer, cheney ran the country, he was evil, hated gays, was too religious, etc, etc, etc. I swear, its like your dumb ass was born yesterday.

It was over the top alright but for their punishment they got an Alzheimer's victim and an Indian whore... holy shit, you guys are lucky.

NO ONE on my side of the planet can believe out of 300 million people, you came up with those two but look at the bright side... no riots so far so keep your fingers crossed.

There are still multiple riots per week in places like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, and New York City. I mean it. The MSM has just decided to not cover them as it embarrasses Democrats and makes potato Biden look bad.

Well, well, well, I haven't heard about any riots. That means our news isn't reporting anything negative about the US of A because a democrat is in office.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sorry dickhead but these muhzie groups were sprouting up WAY before the gulf wars. Ever heard of Al Qaeda? As far as ISIS, the head nigger in charge had his chance to deal with the JV Team. He chose NOT to. Saint Trump butchered em tho!

...and that's why Saddam warned the United States that if Bush invaded Iraq, he'd syc their 'secret weapon' on them.

Which he did. All those terrorists in Iraqi prisions.

Saddam was doing the job for the West containing those terrorists and Trump also agrred that it was a mistake to invade. Saddam was doing a favor for the United States by incarcerating them.

Essentially, you've only shown so far why Trump would disagree with you on every aspect of the Iraq invasion, Lokmeer.

YOu may have thought it was a good idea, but Trump didn't.

And many Republicans have come to regret it too.

So you are off-base with many in your own party.

Saddam should have kept his place and he'd still be alive. Instead, he fucked around and found out. You barely know whats up in your own back yard. Dont try to understand world affairs josephine. They're way over your head.

I think it is fair enough to say world affairs are above most of our pointy heads...lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.

But the irony is, W Bush was much worse & yet so many American llberals gave him a pass and turned a blind eye to his excesses. Fucker should be hung upside down like Mussolini and spat on like a pig.

Perhaps Trump in part, is paying for the excesses of the W Bush years so now they're taking it all out on Trump?
I agree that the Bush administration with Cheney and the others was far worse than anything we've ever seen. But electing someone as stupid and narcissistic as Trump is just inexcusable. He did nothing for working Americans. Why do these people have allegiance to him? For what? Temporarily lowering their taxes, while permanently lowering the taxes of the uber rich?

He did nothing for working Americans? Except get rid of useless regations and burdensome taxes causing the economy to boom so everyone who wanted a job could get a job. Those who had a job often hopped to a better paying job. That is why we had record median income and record low unemployment.

You're delusional. Median income is not the same as mean income. The median income goes up when rich people's salaries go up. That doesn't mean average Americans are making more money. There were record numbers of very low paying jobs under Trump. 50% of Americans were earning under 35k per year. That's shameful for the richest country on Earth. And I am not saying Biden or Obama were any better. They are ALL motherfuckers, imo. But Trump is the worst of the worst.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't really like Trump or his personality much.

But the irony is, W Bush was much worse & yet so many American llberals gave him a pass and turned a blind eye to his excesses. Fucker should be hung upside down like Mussolini and spat on like a pig.

Perhaps Trump in part, is paying for the excesses of the W Bush years so now they're taking it all out on Trump?
I agree that the Bush administration with Cheney and the others was far worse than anything we've ever seen. But electing someone as stupid and narcissistic as Trump is just inexcusable. He did nothing for working Americans. Why do these people have allegiance to him? For what? Temporarily lowering their taxes, while permanently lowering the taxes of the uber rich?

He did nothing for working Americans? Except get rid of useless regations and burdensome taxes causing the economy to boom so everyone who wanted a job could get a job. Those who had a job often hopped to a better paying job. That is why we had record median income and record low unemployment.

You're delusional. Median income is not the same as mean income. The median income goes up when rich people's salaries go up. That doesn't mean average Americans are making more money. There were record numbers of very low paying jobs under Trump. 50% of Americans were earning under 35k per year. That's shameful for the richest country on Earth. And I am not saying Biden or Obama were any better. They are ALL motherfuckers, imo.

What are the average wages like in Europe?