Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid


Factory Bastard
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So I read the entire thing and this cunt libtard gets the entire fucking thing wrong after 1/3 the way through. Also, he cant stop himself getting into a bashfest on Orange man, Newt, and every other CON right of squishy shitbags like Collins of Maine. Boohoo, the big bad inferwebs makes everyone distrust nanny gubsmints! No assholes, libtarded fucking censorship caused this problem!!!!!!

I'll tell you the REAL problem:
By 2004, libtards who were regularly threatening Bush with "TRY, CHIMPEACH, EXECUTE" couldnt deal with CON's typing "NIGGERS!" and "I JACKED OFF IN A LIBERALS SALAD" so they cried until they got Neil Buddie to start the first round of CON banishment from the most popular inferwebs boards. Eventually, Yahoo pretty much banned CON opinion altogether. Eventually eventually, it went so far off the fucking rails, even moderate libtards were ejected and the whole fuking thing shut down. Rinse and repeat with Twitter and Facebook and every fucking college campus and most large corporations.

I deleted facebook over the continuous and ridiculous bannings. Several times, my 30 day ban was followed with another for shit I said 12 months before!

Look, YOU LIBERAL CUNTS on planet earth created this entire mess and its all your fault, 1001%!!!! Fix it? Fuck that noise! Its killin time!

If you were genuine about fixing it, make the internet comments like they were in 1998. Dont cry faggits, that aint gonna happen!


Philosopher King
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West Coast
Good article, thanks @Kitty Zhang for the poast.

While I think it's well written and of course the Babel analogy is lots of fun for a writer to riff on, I find myself not quite agreeing on the idea of 2012 being the tipping point, nor for that matter with the notion that the tipping point was "sudden."

In my understanding of recent US history, the big turd appeared in the punchbowl about 15 years before that, with Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party exercising a few "nuclear options" in congress that opened Pandora's Box which can never be closed again. The late nineties are when HATE became fashionable.

Never mind Leakmore's bullshit. Yahoo tossed the discussion boards in 2006 but it was a bipartisan tossing since there were at least as many libs as cons poasting there. Yahoo's concern was the legal risk of continuing to provide such a platform for haters of all stripes.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Good article, thanks @Kitty Zhang for the poast.

While I think it's well written and of course the Babel analogy is lots of fun for a writer to riff on, I find myself not quite agreeing on the idea of 2012 being the tipping point, nor for that matter with the notion that the tipping point was "sudden."

In my understanding of recent US history, the big turd appeared in the punchbowl about 15 years before that, with Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party exercising a few "nuclear options" in congress that opened Pandora's Box which can never be closed again. The late nineties are when HATE became fashionable.

Never mind Leakmore's bullshit. Yahoo tossed the discussion boards in 2006 but it was a bipartisan tossing since there were at least as many libs as cons poasting there. Yahoo's concern was the legal risk of continuing to provide such a platform for haters of all stripes.
^^^ Another liberal liar. Notice how its once again big bad CON meanies that fucked it all up, meanwhile in Real-ville, the ACTUAL censorship was all done by the left on the right, including on social media. Yahoo became an exclusive left wing echo chamber after 2006.


Domestically feral
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United states
Leftism. Fuck up the country and then blame people who didnt vote for leftists.

Yeah makes sense. I mean if the corporate media sidnt spit out this propaganda, people might figure out some shit and we cant have that before voting times.


Domestically feral
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United states
Good article, thanks @Kitty Zhang for the poast.

While I think it's well written and of course the Babel analogy is lots of fun for a writer to riff on, I find myself not quite agreeing on the idea of 2012 being the tipping point, nor for that matter with the notion that the tipping point was "sudden."

In my understanding of recent US history, the big turd appeared in the punchbowl about 15 years before that, with Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party exercising a few "nuclear options" in congress that opened Pandora's Box which can never be closed again. The late nineties are when HATE became fashionable.

Never mind Leakmore's bullshit. Yahoo tossed the discussion boards in 2006 but it was a bipartisan tossing since there were at least as many libs as cons poasting there. Yahoo's concern was the legal risk of continuing to provide such a platform for haters of all stripes.
^^^ Another liberal liar. Notice how its once again big bad CON meanies that fucked it all up, meanwhile in Real-ville, the ACTUAL censorship was all done by the left on the right, including on social media. Yahoo became an exclusive left wing echo chamber after 2006.

Lok everything sucks because other parties exist and bad dem/prog policies ONLY work well when there are no other parties around.

We are actual terrorists because not supporting the corporate/politcal establishment is violence. Problematic views you know?

We know where this is all going.


Good article, thanks @Kitty Zhang for the poast.

While I think it's well written and of course the Babel analogy is lots of fun for a writer to riff on, I find myself not quite agreeing on the idea of 2012 being the tipping point, nor for that matter with the notion that the tipping point was "sudden."

In my understanding of recent US history, the big turd appeared in the punchbowl about 15 years before that, with Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party exercising a few "nuclear options" in congress that opened Pandora's Box which can never be closed again. The late nineties are when HATE became fashionable.

Never mind Leakmore's bullshit. Yahoo tossed the discussion boards in 2006 but it was a bipartisan tossing since there were at least as many libs as cons poasting there. Yahoo's concern was the legal risk of continuing to provide such a platform for haters of all stripes.

Fukk yahoo and Neil Budde, regardless of your political stripe.


Really what happened is they tried to make the internets moar like real life and they ended up making real life moar like the internets.


Factory Bastard
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I think it all started first with Reagan, and then when Clinton decided to take the Democratic party into Con light territory. It's been a quick downhill race since those two fuckers were in charge. I believe when Clinton took the party right, and made it almost analogous to the corporate whoring right, there was nowhere to go other than this Coke/Pepsi, wedge issue bullshit paradigm that the country has become.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think it all started first with Reagan, and then when Clinton decided to take the Democratic party into Con light territory. It's been a quick downhill race since those two fuckers were in charge. I believe when Clinton took the party right, and made it almost analogous to the corporate whoring right, there was nowhere to go other than this Coke/Pepsi, wedge issue bullshit paradigm that the country has become.
It aint like the country was fucking libtarded before Reagan.


Domestically feral
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United states
It's like dems/progs have absolutely no idea what the right wing even is.

You really have to be far on the left to say Clinton "took the party right". There has been such a hard shift to the left.

This shows it well



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It's like dems/progs have absolutely no idea what the right wing even is.

You really have to be far on the left to say Clinton "took the party right". There has been such a hard shift to the left.

This shows it well



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's like dems/progs have absolutely no idea what the right wing even is.

You really have to be far on the left to say Clinton "took the party right". There has been such a hard shift to the left.

This shows it well


And if you disagree with them at all they immediately call you a right winger. Alt right. Far right. Teh right.

Yeah its bullshit paradigm....but they are very quickly put people in it based on whether or not that person agrees with them. They will literally shut down discussing by using "right winger" as a slur anytime they are challanged.

And once they have labeled you, they act like you approve of every single Republican no matter what.

Lol Admin bringing up Mark Foley for a few days after he found out child marriage is legal in CA and several other dem states. Like instead of condemning child marriage because its fucking wrong, abusive and revolting, a form of slavery.....when dem/prog politicains fail on that he just starts repeating "Mark Foley".

Like if Mark Foley was sexting minors, that means we all agree with sexting minors and we are just big hypocrites for criticizing and opposing sex abuse of children done by democrats.

Not only do they reinforce a paradigm that is bullshit by making sure everyone is labeled and treated accordingly, but they also think their opposition is one giant monolith and that everything done by a Republican was done or approved of by all of us.

And we all know that sex abuse isnt a deal breaker for them and if Mark Foley had been a democrat, his sexting minors would have been ignored or denied. It takes A LOT to hold a dem accountable. At least most republicans will be held accountable when theyve been caught doing disgusting and illegal things.

Bleh. Sorry I'm just horrified this week with how these people will flat out ignore abuse and rape if its being done within their ranks. Seeing the whole lie dems were telling about the TN HB233 making child marriage legal (it doesnt) and that fake outrage only to see it dropped and forgotten as soon as they found out its been legal in 44 states including CA is just revolting.