Oh thats interesting
Ive rarely read/heard accounts of women who went on POF. Mostly disappointed guys like Mel or @DKG. usu guys outnumber women by 3 or 4 to 1.
BTW I know/met the CEO of POF who I drove as a Limo driver.
Yeah I never did dating sites ever. I suppose if I were single I would consider it but..eeehhh.
I literally had to be trolling to score a date on a dating site lol. And it wasnt even a good date.
He was a nice looking guy who worked as a machinist. Had three sons and owned his home. Had two dogs. Wife took off on him and the boys.
He built an extension on the house for his mother in law. So she lived with them....and was still there even after the wife took off. And she passed away and he found her.
I wasnt feeling him at all and wasnt gonna see him again. So I kinda blew off his texts the next day. 3 days later I was treated to a very long email about how he is sick of coming home to an empty house (the kids and dogs I guess were chapped liver here) and how he will stop talking to the other women he was dating.
Waaayyy too much way too soon.
I'm guessing he was an aloof sort that women chased so when he went out with someone who didnt vibe well for him and wasnt very available he went kinda nuts and turned me into a challange. It's a red flag of codependency. Neediness. Low self esteem.
So I wrote him back and went into how it was just one date and told him that I thought he should into some grief counseling and get more emotionally healthy or he is gonna end up getting taken advantage of.
I think he saw my constructive feedback as just a simple rejection and a "no" and disregarded everything I said.....BUT he stopped trying to chase.
I tend to enjoy my connections happening organically under neutral context. The dating site doesnt provide that because everyone there is looking for a partner. Not that I think that's a bad thing....I dont. And I'm obvious not against meeting people on the internet....I'm not.
I just feel like two people meeting under the context of looking for it, that sets a tone and dynamic that complicates things. People want to impress and want to find a connection and like the guy I went out with....imagine a connection that isnt there because you WANT one badly.
I met my husband on FB on a mutual friends FB page. Neither of us was looking for a serious relationship. It just happened genuinely and naturally....that's how I like it. I also feel like when people have all these options ....or at least believe they do....chosing one is hard.
Women fall into that trap easily because with all these options they are always on the hunt for a fairytale. Generally....not saying all. There are a lot of unrealistic expectations.