Seaboobs is a bitchtits...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Where does it state you cannot "hurt the feelings of a cross dressing homo who should have been dead a century ago?"

Well? Point that out to me Bea Arthur.
You want people to hurt you? Masochistic?
The Flynn's are all dudes, and also faggots.
They like to project their tendencies upon others and then ridicule, but really, they're ridiculing only themselves.

Which is why you asked this "faggot" to woop Dovey's ass.
Where exactly did I approach you to whoop on anybody's ass?
You are a faggot, tho.
Good call!

Wasn't it when you tried to entice me to rip off Dovey's ugly face? Why play stupid? Everyone read how it went down.

No, I asked you if she was a liar.
Which you ignored and is now a stale bit.
Move on, dumbass-

You forgot to add the 23 other posts trying to goad me to fight YOUR OWN battles for YOU.

Okay, faggot-

Have you asked Seamajor if he would kick Dovey's ass for you?

Id kick your ass, but I dont pick on women.
Flynn aint 11 years old you fucking degenerate child raping spazz


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
All I know is...anyone cries to BF to ban Flynn, it ain’t happening. I’ve secured her stay here :ThumbsUp3:

Oh JESUS fucking Christ, will you stop already Godfather?

Show some appreciation, dope fiend.

How the fuck are you going to "secure my place here," when you couldn't even "secure my place" at your own fucking forum, when you let Bonesaw ban me and let Biggie Semen delete my account?

I didn’t “let” them do anything, moron. They did it and I wanted you back in. Despite your meth riddled tendencies, Flynn...I think you’re hilarious and a good poster. My thing is, people might try to go the “Maxis” route after seeing what happened, thus thinking this will work to shut you up.

One thing about me...I’m honest and don’t have a rep for being grimey or doing people dirty. Sure I was foul back in the day, however I did dirt out in the open and owned it. I don’t play that way anymore. My opinion seems to be respected here and I’ve let it be known that you’re a good asset to this forum:rightON:

You know what? Telling you something that really happened here on planet Earth meaning it's fact, still has you blithering on about how "you didn't ban or have my account deleted" is about as truthful as truthful as BEnzo claiming there isn't a plastic tube running up his urethra.

Maybe i'm confused. Again, let me reiterate. How is sitting on your cottage cheese textured ass and eating 99 avocados and doing nothing "not wanting me banned or not wanting my account jerked off on?" Besides "objecting" to the panel abuse levied against me, did you ACTUALLY do anything to remedy the situation? To this day my account at SG still isn't back to full permissions.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
All I know is...anyone cries to BF to ban Flynn, it ain’t happening. I’ve secured her stay here :ThumbsUp3:

Oh JESUS fucking Christ, will you stop already Godfather?

Show some appreciation, dope fiend.

How the fuck are you going to "secure my place here," when you couldn't even "secure my place" at your own fucking forum, when you let Bonesaw ban me and let Biggie Semen delete my account?

I didn’t “let” them do anything, moron. They did it and I wanted you back in. Despite your meth riddled tendencies, Flynn...I think you’re hilarious and a good poster. My thing is, people might try to go the “Maxis” route after seeing what happened, thus thinking this will work to shut you up.

One thing about me...I’m honest and don’t have a rep for being grimey or doing people dirty. Sure I was foul back in the day, however I did dirt out in the open and owned it. I don’t play that way anymore. My opinion seems to be respected here and I’ve let it be known that you’re a good asset to this forum:rightON:

You know what? Telling you something that really happened here on planet Earth meaning it's fact, still has you blithering on about how "you didn't ban or have my account deleted" is about as truthful as truthful as BEnzo claiming there isn't a plastic tube running up his urethra.

Maybe i'm confused. Again, let me reiterate. How is sitting on your cottage cheese textured ass and eating 99 avocados and doing nothing "not wanting me banned or not wanting my account jerked off on?" Besides "objecting" to the panel abuse levied against me, did you ACTUALLY do anything to remedy the situation? To this day my account at SG still isn't back to full permissions.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
All I know is...anyone cries to BF to ban Flynn, it ain’t happening. I’ve secured her stay here :ThumbsUp3:

Oh JESUS fucking Christ, will you stop already Godfather?

Show some appreciation, dope fiend.

How the fuck are you going to "secure my place here," when you couldn't even "secure my place" at your own fucking forum, when you let Bonesaw ban me and let Biggie Semen delete my account?

I didn’t “let” them do anything, moron. They did it and I wanted you back in. Despite your meth riddled tendencies, Flynn...I think you’re hilarious and a good poster. My thing is, people might try to go the “Maxis” route after seeing what happened, thus thinking this will work to shut you up.

One thing about me...I’m honest and don’t have a rep for being grimey or doing people dirty. Sure I was foul back in the day, however I did dirt out in the open and owned it. I don’t play that way anymore. My opinion seems to be respected here and I’ve let it be known that you’re a good asset to this forum:rightON:

You know what? Telling you something that really happened here on planet Earth meaning it's fact, still has you blithering on about how "you didn't ban or have my account deleted" is about as truthful as truthful as BEnzo claiming there isn't a plastic tube running up his urethra.

Maybe i'm confused. Again, let me reiterate. How is sitting on your cottage cheese textured ass and eating 99 avocados and doing nothing "not wanting me banned or not wanting my account jerked off on?" Besides "objecting" to the panel abuse levied against me, did you ACTUALLY do anything to remedy the situation? To this day my account at SG still isn't back to full permissions.

I sure did. I left and took my certificate with me. That’s all I could do.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
All I know is...anyone cries to BF to ban Flynn, it ain’t happening. I’ve secured her stay here :ThumbsUp3:

Oh JESUS fucking Christ, will you stop already Godfather?

Show some appreciation, dope fiend.

How the fuck are you going to "secure my place here," when you couldn't even "secure my place" at your own fucking forum, when you let Bonesaw ban me and let Biggie Semen delete my account?

I didn’t “let” them do anything, moron. They did it and I wanted you back in. Despite your meth riddled tendencies, Flynn...I think you’re hilarious and a good poster. My thing is, people might try to go the “Maxis” route after seeing what happened, thus thinking this will work to shut you up.

One thing about me...I’m honest and don’t have a rep for being grimey or doing people dirty. Sure I was foul back in the day, however I did dirt out in the open and owned it. I don’t play that way anymore. My opinion seems to be respected here and I’ve let it be known that you’re a good asset to this forum:rightON:

You know what? Telling you something that really happened here on planet Earth meaning it's fact, still has you blithering on about how "you didn't ban or have my account deleted" is about as truthful as truthful as BEnzo claiming there isn't a plastic tube running up his urethra.

Maybe i'm confused. Again, let me reiterate. How is sitting on your cottage cheese textured ass and eating 99 avocados and doing nothing "not wanting me banned or not wanting my account jerked off on?" Besides "objecting" to the panel abuse levied against me, did you ACTUALLY do anything to remedy the situation? To this day my account at SG still isn't back to full permissions.

I sure did. I left and took my certificate with me. That’s all I could do.

Because you are an idiot. You let the RL drama of a few wingnuts and the need to be liked by virtual strangers on a funky forum cloud your judgement; which incidently won't be the first or last time this happens.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
All I know is...anyone cries to BF to ban Flynn, it ain’t happening. I’ve secured her stay here :ThumbsUp3:

Oh JESUS fucking Christ, will you stop already Godfather?

Show some appreciation, dope fiend.

How the fuck are you going to "secure my place here," when you couldn't even "secure my place" at your own fucking forum, when you let Bonesaw ban me and let Biggie Semen delete my account?

I didn’t “let” them do anything, moron. They did it and I wanted you back in. Despite your meth riddled tendencies, Flynn...I think you’re hilarious and a good poster. My thing is, people might try to go the “Maxis” route after seeing what happened, thus thinking this will work to shut you up.

One thing about me...I’m honest and don’t have a rep for being grimey or doing people dirty. Sure I was foul back in the day, however I did dirt out in the open and owned it. I don’t play that way anymore. My opinion seems to be respected here and I’ve let it be known that you’re a good asset to this forum:rightON:

You know what? Telling you something that really happened here on planet Earth meaning it's fact, still has you blithering on about how "you didn't ban or have my account deleted" is about as truthful as truthful as BEnzo claiming there isn't a plastic tube running up his urethra.

Maybe i'm confused. Again, let me reiterate. How is sitting on your cottage cheese textured ass and eating 99 avocados and doing nothing "not wanting me banned or not wanting my account jerked off on?" Besides "objecting" to the panel abuse levied against me, did you ACTUALLY do anything to remedy the situation? To this day my account at SG still isn't back to full permissions.

I sure did. I left and took my certificate with me. That’s all I could do.

Because you are an idiot. You let the RL drama of a few wingnuts and the need to be liked by virtual strangers on a funky forum cloud your judgement; which incidently won't be the first or last time this happens.
^^^^^ Hangover after an all night pesticide party at Flynn's trailer park


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
All I know is...anyone cries to BF to ban Flynn, it ain’t happening. I’ve secured her stay here :ThumbsUp3:

Oh JESUS fucking Christ, will you stop already Godfather?

Show some appreciation, dope fiend.

How the fuck are you going to "secure my place here," when you couldn't even "secure my place" at your own fucking forum, when you let Bonesaw ban me and let Biggie Semen delete my account?

I didn’t “let” them do anything, moron. They did it and I wanted you back in. Despite your meth riddled tendencies, Flynn...I think you’re hilarious and a good poster. My thing is, people might try to go the “Maxis” route after seeing what happened, thus thinking this will work to shut you up.

One thing about me...I’m honest and don’t have a rep for being grimey or doing people dirty. Sure I was foul back in the day, however I did dirt out in the open and owned it. I don’t play that way anymore. My opinion seems to be respected here and I’ve let it be known that you’re a good asset to this forum:rightON:

You know what? Telling you something that really happened here on planet Earth meaning it's fact, still has you blithering on about how "you didn't ban or have my account deleted" is about as truthful as truthful as BEnzo claiming there isn't a plastic tube running up his urethra.

Maybe i'm confused. Again, let me reiterate. How is sitting on your cottage cheese textured ass and eating 99 avocados and doing nothing "not wanting me banned or not wanting my account jerked off on?" Besides "objecting" to the panel abuse levied against me, did you ACTUALLY do anything to remedy the situation? To this day my account at SG still isn't back to full permissions.

I sure did. I left and took my certificate with me. That’s all I could do.

Because you are an idiot. You let the RL drama of a few wingnuts and the need to be liked by virtual strangers on a funky forum cloud your judgement; which incidently won't be the first or last time this happens.
^^^^^ Hangover after an all night pesticide party at Flynn's trailer park

Tell me short stuff. Has putting Miracle Grow plant fertilizer up your ass worked in getting you past the three foot mark, yet?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.

No. I was "droning" on about the fact you're no bigger than a G.I. Joe action figure. But, dumber.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
All I know is...anyone cries to BF to ban Flynn, it ain’t happening. I’ve secured her stay here :ThumbsUp3:

Oh JESUS fucking Christ, will you stop already Godfather?

Show some appreciation, dope fiend.

How the fuck are you going to "secure my place here," when you couldn't even "secure my place" at your own fucking forum, when you let Bonesaw ban me and let Biggie Semen delete my account?

I didn’t “let” them do anything, moron. They did it and I wanted you back in. Despite your meth riddled tendencies, Flynn...I think you’re hilarious and a good poster. My thing is, people might try to go the “Maxis” route after seeing what happened, thus thinking this will work to shut you up.

One thing about me...I’m honest and don’t have a rep for being grimey or doing people dirty. Sure I was foul back in the day, however I did dirt out in the open and owned it. I don’t play that way anymore. My opinion seems to be respected here and I’ve let it be known that you’re a good asset to this forum:rightON:

You know what? Telling you something that really happened here on planet Earth meaning it's fact, still has you blithering on about how "you didn't ban or have my account deleted" is about as truthful as truthful as BEnzo claiming there isn't a plastic tube running up his urethra.

Maybe i'm confused. Again, let me reiterate. How is sitting on your cottage cheese textured ass and eating 99 avocados and doing nothing "not wanting me banned or not wanting my account jerked off on?" Besides "objecting" to the panel abuse levied against me, did you ACTUALLY do anything to remedy the situation? To this day my account at SG still isn't back to full permissions.

I sure did. I left and took my certificate with me. That’s all I could do.

Because you are an idiot. You let the RL drama of a few wingnuts and the need to be liked by virtual strangers on a funky forum cloud your judgement; which incidently won't be the first or last time this happens.

I probably did. Lesson learned and no, it won’t be repeated. I’m here to have fun, not get caught up in anyone’s drama.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.

No. I was "droning" on about the fact you're no bigger than a G.I. Joe action figure. But, dumber.
But the 3.5K sure made your unibrow go into full V mode.

that's for damn sure.

what's 3.5K to you in terms of income? 2 years? 3? The remainder of your life?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.


Let me ask you this Dances With Dorks. If none of this is "really any of my business" then why before I even commented on the subject, were there already 28 fucking pages detailing in graphic details regarding Martini AND his dirty mattress AND how you like missionary style sex in the back seat of Biggie's Hyundai authored by you?

All the facts that I post were posted by you. Again. Why are we going down this dark road of intellect when you don't even have enough mental power to light a lantern to navigate through this darkness of intelligence?

"If this truly was really none of my business" then you wouldn't have splayed open your RL hijinks on a forum for all to see, like you do with your legs to anyone with a five-dollar bill.

So. If you don't like it, stop being an attention whore and stop putting out intimate details of your private life on a public forum.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.

No. I was "droning" on about the fact you're no bigger than a G.I. Joe action figure. But, dumber.
But the 3.5K sure made your unibrow go into full V mode.

that's for damn sure.

what's 3.5K to you in terms of income? 2 years? 3? The remainder of your life?

Yes. That's it. You fucking caught me. I'm jealous that I didn't get to have vaginal sex with a leprechaun in a fucking clown car for $3.5k.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.

No. I was "droning" on about the fact you're no bigger than a G.I. Joe action figure. But, dumber.
But the 3.5K sure made your unibrow go into full V mode.

that's for damn sure.

what's 3.5K to you in terms of income? 2 years? 3? The remainder of your life?

Yes. That's it. You fucking caught me. I'm jealous that I didn't get to have vaginal sex with a leprechaun in a fucking clown car for $3.5k.
you cry about the 3.5K often enough


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.

No. I was "droning" on about the fact you're no bigger than a G.I. Joe action figure. But, dumber.
But the 3.5K sure made your unibrow go into full V mode.

that's for damn sure.

what's 3.5K to you in terms of income? 2 years? 3? The remainder of your life?

Yes. That's it. You fucking caught me. I'm jealous that I didn't get to have vaginal sex with a leprechaun in a fucking clown car for $3.5k.
you cry about the 3.5K often enough

Tell me genius. How much EXACTLY is "often enough?"

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.

No. I was "droning" on about the fact you're no bigger than a G.I. Joe action figure. But, dumber.
But the 3.5K sure made your unibrow go into full V mode.

that's for damn sure.

what's 3.5K to you in terms of income? 2 years? 3? The remainder of your life?

Yes. That's it. You fucking caught me. I'm jealous that I didn't get to have vaginal sex with a leprechaun in a fucking clown car for $3.5k.
you cry about the 3.5K often enough

Tell me genius. How much EXACTLY is "often enough?"
enough to make you look like a complete fuckhead with various mental disabilities


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.

No. I was "droning" on about the fact you're no bigger than a G.I. Joe action figure. But, dumber.
But the 3.5K sure made your unibrow go into full V mode.

that's for damn sure.

what's 3.5K to you in terms of income? 2 years? 3? The remainder of your life?

Yes. That's it. You fucking caught me. I'm jealous that I didn't get to have vaginal sex with a leprechaun in a fucking clown car for $3.5k.
you cry about the 3.5K often enough

Tell me genius. How much EXACTLY is "often enough?"
enough to make you look like a complete fuckhead with various mental disabilities

If that were true, then I can fucking say that I am in good company.

Try again, Keebler Elf.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.


Let me ask you this Dances With Dorks. If none of this is "really any of my business" then why before I even commented on the subject, were there already 28 fucking pages detailing in graphic details regarding Martini AND his dirty mattress AND how you like missionary style sex in the back seat of Biggie's Hyundai authored by you?

All the facts that I post were posted by you. Again. Why are we going down this dark road of intellect when you don't even have enough mental power to light a lantern to navigate through this darkness of intelligence?

"If this truly was really none of my business" then you wouldn't have splayed open your RL hijinks on a forum for all to see, like you do with your legs to anyone with a five-dollar bill.

So. If you don't like it, stop being an attention whore and stop putting out intimate details of your private life on a public forum.


I didnt put intimate details about SHIT on the internet.

You got every bit of your stupid shit from Poopturd blasting shit all over the internet.

Good fucking Gawd. You could at least switch it up into something...anything else....because you havent sputtered out one single new thing you havent already posted literally HUNDREDS of times.

And where the fuck did you even get 3.5k? Because it's been known for like 10 fucking years that he bought a car for me. That's old old news. You probably got that from Poopshittini too, considering how that psychopath wailed and cried about Big and how I should "just go be with" Big and how unfair it was that I wouldnt accept the make believe "Escalade" the dumb fuck was trying to give me when he was busy trying to get a job at the Applebees by my house and I was busy trying to find a way to shake him nicely.

Big was gonna do a whole lot more for me after he "sent me packing" as well.

You hung up over this probably because the only time a man would drop thousands on you would be a divorce filing fee or a restraining order. Or a hitman....because no one would wanna hear your never ending stream of bitching every fucking day.

Gotdamn.....imagine living with this bitch. You dont get over anything. You just repeat the same damn shit nonstop like an ankle biter with a barbed pole up your ass.

Why dont try for some NEW material? Because you are literally posting the SAME posts over and over. Its actual spam.

If I put forth the effort and created a thread and brought all your posts on this topic to the like a showcase.....maybe that would give you the light bulb moment you need? Because it would be terrifyingly pretty much the same post over a hundred times.

Are you a bot, Flynn? You got the assburgers? And no, this is clearly NOT "what happens" when anyone posts anything personal. If it was, you wouldn't be the only fucking person doing it. No one....and I mean no one, cares.

This is what happens when a mentally ill assburger victim thinks it came across "intimate details" of someone's life on a forum and thinks spamming boards with the same bad posts over and over is "flaming" and "owning" people.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How is this PI, if someone posted their OWN IMAGE on this site?? IT ISN'T!! The rules don't state that either.. It states that you can not bring images in from an outside source.. Sorry.. but if you posted your image here on an open forum.. you should be fair game.. Have the rules changed @Bastard Factory ?

The image was imported. But, yeah Seamajor is a bitch. Look at it this way, it was only Freud. No big loss.
Ever get around to figuring out why your mouth smells like a dirty foot?

Yeah. Because I gotta breathe in your rotten smelling stupidity everytime I read one of your intelligence starved posts.

Now, Lotus that virgin hall monitor touched upon a good point. I see you foaming at the vagina again about the current political state of the USA.

Tell me Biggie Faggot, where DO YOU STAND in the political landscape, not counting the maxi pad box you're standing on to be seen?

Where do I stand in this political landscape?

Are you stupid?

Don't answer that.

Here, I'll let you try and figure it out for yourself. I make over 200K per year & have a considerable amount of assets.

How the fuck do you think I stand when it comes to redistribution of wealth?

See. I knew we would once again be transported into your little dream where you don't drive a shitty cab and you're a millionaire. It always amazes me with people that claim to be so well off would actually post on forums that they be repulsed by given their political affiliation.

Okay. I'll play your redundant little game. Based on your age, race and purported income; I see you as a Neo Conservative. There are just a few problems with this classification though. Mainly, because your actions speak louder than your dull and stupid words.

Case in point. You "giving/loaning" Dovey $3.5K would be deemed not as a Conservative ideology unless you tacked on a variable interest rate with no ceiling. Instead you allege you gave it to her. Which if true would be more of a Socialist dynamic where everyone works for the good of everyone else. Socialists are only as strong as their weakest link.

Secondly, you paying taxes is another form of Socialism/Communism as part of that money goes to fund schools and many other liberal programs that do not align with the Conservative agenda.

Third. If you ever used emergency services such as local law enforcement, Fire Houses and Medical first aid you have benefitted from a Communist/Socialist ideal.

He likes to buy things for his girlfriend, you fucking doofus.

Hi. Could you shut the fuck up now attention whore? Or are you going to tard jack this thread too until I pay a "ransom?"

Nah not so much. If you are bent on discussing a gift Big gave me when him and I were a couple, we are both free to correct you.

If you dont like that, dont discuss it.

A "couple," huh? After you ran to him. Didn't he send you packing right when you got there? But felt bad that you had dropped everything/nothing so you got $3.5k.

How come you always preface this subject with lies?

Okay so your version is that I "ran to him" and then we became a couple and then he just paid me 3.5k and sent me "packing".

And if either of us "preface" your fixation on our lived experience in a way that contradicts your fantasies, we are the liars.

And that's entertaining your bizzare entitlement issues. Really it's none of you business what other people do, but you dont really possess any creative talent as a "flamer" so you gotta whine about stuff that happened ten years ago.

I feel like you are mad because if we put him between us and both started calling him, he would come to me. And give me 4k if I wanted it.

Flynn still droning on about the 3.5K?

She be on the side of her mountain with the other yokels talking bout "that's a whole lotta moonshine right thar" before spitting pure petroleum into a tin cup.

No. I was "droning" on about the fact you're no bigger than a G.I. Joe action figure. But, dumber.
But the 3.5K sure made your unibrow go into full V mode.

that's for damn sure.

what's 3.5K to you in terms of income? 2 years? 3? The remainder of your life?

Yes. That's it. You fucking caught me. I'm jealous that I didn't get to have vaginal sex with a leprechaun in a fucking clown car for $3.5k.
you cry about the 3.5K often enough

Tell me genius. How much EXACTLY is "often enough?"

Maybe later if I cannot sleep I'll start a thread here that involves all your hundreds of repetitive yelping posts involving Big giving me 3.5k.

Maybe you need to SEE it to understand you have a serious problem?

And maybe after that I can submit it to one of those YouTubers that makes content about scary, dark and disturbing things on the internet. It really qualifies.

I could probably get about 50 pages of you demanding to know if Pooptini fucked me in ass, as well. Then the all cap meltdowns and lawsuit threats lol.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Seaboobs and the Fivehead Consortium still bitching, I see...

I told you Freud. Your crappy photochops were going to get your sorry ass banned one day. At this point you should offer to suck on Caskur's dick and see if she will ghostchop some faces for you.


I'm sorry we tormented you nearly 15 years ago, but you haven't exactly improved by any real KPI's...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Seaboobs and the Fivehead Consortium still bitching, I see...

I told you Freud. Your crappy photochops were going to get your sorry ass banned one day. At this point you should offer to suck on Caskur's dick and see if she will ghostchop some faces for you.


I'm sorry we tormented you nearly 15 years ago, but you haven't exactly improved by any real KPI's...

The only thing you "tormented for 15 years" is your self dignity everytime your monkey ass posts more of your canned tripe.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
DAMN.. I wish I would have seen the photoshop that made SeaMajor throw a hissy fit.. Darn :)


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
DAMN.. I wish I would have seen the photoshop that made SeaMajor throw a hissy fit.. Darn :)

It was more of a hissy than a full blown hissy fit

Nahh... it was a full blown hissy because he actually doubled down about posting his own images not just outside this forum but did it in THIS forum and the very same thread I quoted his image and chopped it mere minutes.

Seaboobs lost his shit after I said days before what I would do if he posted his images on BF... I would quote it and chop it...

He thought, wrongly at that, I wouldn't or couldn't do it so quickly.

He was wrong...

....and now he's known as the forum rat.... lulz