

Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

wait up

so you think wishing death, wishful thinking, is worse than actually threatening to murder someone’s child? Is that what you’re saying?

No, threatening a child is worse....but no threat that anyone has made towards Flynn on this forum is worse than the shit she is spitting out of her mouth on a daily basis.

Finally...someone with some damn sense. You had me scared for a minute there.

Flynn is going ham using kids and she hasn’t received any threats. I didn’t threaten or attack anyone’s kids and Breakfag threatened to put a bullet in my kids head. I wonder why that is....

Flynn is white. I’m not.

Yeah I'm not cool with that shit. I don't care whose mouth it comes out, white, Hispanic, asian....idgaf. Threatening a child in any manner, flaming or not, is just fucking immoral. Wishing death on any child is immoral. I'm sorry Breaky said that shit to you and that's BS on his end....I would matter how mad I am at someone....use a child to flame someone else in any manner or threaten a child in any way. Motherfuckers that do that shit should be hung upside down and gutted like a fucking wild animal.

Shaddup you stupid whale. I hope your kids get run over by a fucking tractor.

Why don't you bring your bitch ass to the south and I'll show you what I'd do with that fucking tractor you're talking about. I don't have "niggers" for kids. I'm not YOU, Flynn. You look like a fucking old crusty piece of deodorant hanging from the jungle vines growing under your mom's armpits. Parasite. You're a pile of dog shit infested with parasitic worms. All you are is "mouth". At the end of the day, in a one on one, I would fucking mutilate you. Go to prison with a big ass smile on my face. Bust the fucking prison gates wide ass open. I FANTASIZE about meeting you in person. I ENVY motherfuckers that see you on a daily basis. Come see how FAT this cow is, bitch. I want you to. I want to fucking prove how wrong you've been about EVERYTHING you've said about me. I'm a GD SOLDIER COMPARED TO YOU LITTLE MISS MUFFET THAT SUCKS ON HER GLASS DICK. Animal fucker.

Why would I go South? I'm not the one wanting to physically harm another poster. I'm not the one talking about being incarcerated after committing a fucking crime, that's why you cross-eyed bloated marshmallow.

I hope your children get eaten by a pod of Orcas.

There are worse things that someone would do to you for less than half the shit that comes out your mouth.....far worse. You will reap wtf you sow.

Hello fat cunt. Awww....are you mad?


Mad??? Nah bitch. That's MISDEMEANOR compared to wtf I am....

Yeah. Right.

I saw your post in the general forums you fucking bovine. I got you so rattled you want me gone.

$1000 cow and I'll never post here again lard ass.

I have too much fun with you. If you wanna fantasize that I am a lard ass and you masturbate to that....then ok....whatever gets your rocks off. Try not to scream my name while you're doing it, though. I'd hate for your significant other to beat the meth rotted teeth our your mouth for lusting after me.

I'm still waiting for your bucket ass to "find me."

You'd shit yourself if I revealed your location, wouldn't you? Hahahaha
Ignore the child-killing cunt. It has less than three years to live anyway.

Yeah. I can find her in 2.5 seconds. Once I do, it only takes a split second to pull a trigger. You do the math. Hahahahaha


Don't forget to include your half nigger children.

I won't. They can use you for target practice. I take them to the range on weekends, too.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Tell me more Succubus, how you're going to "seduce" the board owner to get people booted.

Seduction is a powerful thing. Something you would never know about.

That's because it's code for cheap fat whore.

I think BF holds himself to a higher standard. ;) You know just won't admit it.

So. He said "no" to you and your pudding-like body?
Nah....just the opposite.....he'd love for me to interrogate him.... ;)

Like you said, Moby Dick. He has "better standards."

Isn't there a 34 pound watermelon your nigger loving ass should be tearing into?
Ask him what his standards are. He'd fuck me before he'd even glance at you. Guaranteed.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Tell me more Succubus, how you're going to "seduce" the board owner to get people booted.

Seduction is a powerful thing. Something you would never know about.

That's because it's code for cheap fat whore.

I think BF holds himself to a higher standard. ;) You know just won't admit it.

So. He said "no" to you and your pudding-like body?
Nah....just the opposite.....he'd love for me to interrogate him.... ;)

Like you said, Moby Dick. He has "better standards."

Isn't there a 34 pound watermelon your nigger loving ass should be tearing into?
Ask him what his standards are. He'd fuck me before he'd even glance at you. Guaranteed.

Hi. Earth to Big Bertha. Do you know how fucking stupid you sound?

No wonder your children are mutants with tails.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

wait up

so you think wishing death, wishful thinking, is worse than actually threatening to murder someone’s child? Is that what you’re saying?

No, threatening a child is worse....but no threat that anyone has made towards Flynn on this forum is worse than the shit she is spitting out of her mouth on a daily basis.

Finally...someone with some damn sense. You had me scared for a minute there.

Flynn is going ham using kids and she hasn’t received any threats. I didn’t threaten or attack anyone’s kids and Breakfag threatened to put a bullet in my kids head. I wonder why that is....

Flynn is white. I’m not.

Yeah I'm not cool with that shit. I don't care whose mouth it comes out, white, Hispanic, asian....idgaf. Threatening a child in any manner, flaming or not, is just fucking immoral. Wishing death on any child is immoral. I'm sorry Breaky said that shit to you and that's BS on his end....I would matter how mad I am at someone....use a child to flame someone else in any manner or threaten a child in any way. Motherfuckers that do that shit should be hung upside down and gutted like a fucking wild animal.

Shaddup you stupid whale. I hope your kids get run over by a fucking tractor.

Why don't you bring your bitch ass to the south and I'll show you what I'd do with that fucking tractor you're talking about. I don't have "niggers" for kids. I'm not YOU, Flynn. You look like a fucking old crusty piece of deodorant hanging from the jungle vines growing under your mom's armpits. Parasite. You're a pile of dog shit infested with parasitic worms. All you are is "mouth". At the end of the day, in a one on one, I would fucking mutilate you. Go to prison with a big ass smile on my face. Bust the fucking prison gates wide ass open. I FANTASIZE about meeting you in person. I ENVY motherfuckers that see you on a daily basis. Come see how FAT this cow is, bitch. I want you to. I want to fucking prove how wrong you've been about EVERYTHING you've said about me. I'm a GD SOLDIER COMPARED TO YOU LITTLE MISS MUFFET THAT SUCKS ON HER GLASS DICK. Animal fucker.

Why would I go South? I'm not the one wanting to physically harm another poster. I'm not the one talking about being incarcerated after committing a fucking crime, that's why you cross-eyed bloated marshmallow.

I hope your children get eaten by a pod of Orcas.

There are worse things that someone would do to you for less than half the shit that comes out your mouth.....far worse. You will reap wtf you sow.

Hello fat cunt. Awww....are you mad?


Mad??? Nah bitch. That's MISDEMEANOR compared to wtf I am....

Yeah. Right.

I saw your post in the general forums you fucking bovine. I got you so rattled you want me gone.

$1000 cow and I'll never post here again lard ass.

I have too much fun with you. If you wanna fantasize that I am a lard ass and you masturbate to that....then ok....whatever gets your rocks off. Try not to scream my name while you're doing it, though. I'd hate for your significant other to beat the meth rotted teeth our your mouth for lusting after me.

I'm still waiting for your bucket ass to "find me."

You'd shit yourself if I revealed your location, wouldn't you? Hahahaha
Ignore the child-killing cunt. It has less than three years to live anyway.

Yeah. I can find her in 2.5 seconds. Once I do, it only takes a split second to pull a trigger. You do the math. Hahahahaha


Don't forget to include your half nigger children.

I won't. They can use you for target practice. I take them to the range on weekends, too.

Is that after they get molested by your nigger boyfriend?


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

wait up

so you think wishing death, wishful thinking, is worse than actually threatening to murder someone’s child? Is that what you’re saying?

No, threatening a child is worse....but no threat that anyone has made towards Flynn on this forum is worse than the shit she is spitting out of her mouth on a daily basis.

Finally...someone with some damn sense. You had me scared for a minute there.

Flynn is going ham using kids and she hasn’t received any threats. I didn’t threaten or attack anyone’s kids and Breakfag threatened to put a bullet in my kids head. I wonder why that is....

Flynn is white. I’m not.

Yeah I'm not cool with that shit. I don't care whose mouth it comes out, white, Hispanic, asian....idgaf. Threatening a child in any manner, flaming or not, is just fucking immoral. Wishing death on any child is immoral. I'm sorry Breaky said that shit to you and that's BS on his end....I would matter how mad I am at someone....use a child to flame someone else in any manner or threaten a child in any way. Motherfuckers that do that shit should be hung upside down and gutted like a fucking wild animal.

Shaddup you stupid whale. I hope your kids get run over by a fucking tractor.

Why don't you bring your bitch ass to the south and I'll show you what I'd do with that fucking tractor you're talking about. I don't have "niggers" for kids. I'm not YOU, Flynn. You look like a fucking old crusty piece of deodorant hanging from the jungle vines growing under your mom's armpits. Parasite. You're a pile of dog shit infested with parasitic worms. All you are is "mouth". At the end of the day, in a one on one, I would fucking mutilate you. Go to prison with a big ass smile on my face. Bust the fucking prison gates wide ass open. I FANTASIZE about meeting you in person. I ENVY motherfuckers that see you on a daily basis. Come see how FAT this cow is, bitch. I want you to. I want to fucking prove how wrong you've been about EVERYTHING you've said about me. I'm a GD SOLDIER COMPARED TO YOU LITTLE MISS MUFFET THAT SUCKS ON HER GLASS DICK. Animal fucker.

Why would I go South? I'm not the one wanting to physically harm another poster. I'm not the one talking about being incarcerated after committing a fucking crime, that's why you cross-eyed bloated marshmallow.

I hope your children get eaten by a pod of Orcas.

There are worse things that someone would do to you for less than half the shit that comes out your mouth.....far worse. You will reap wtf you sow.

Hello fat cunt. Awww....are you mad?


Mad??? Nah bitch. That's MISDEMEANOR compared to wtf I am....

Yeah. Right.

I saw your post in the general forums you fucking bovine. I got you so rattled you want me gone.

$1000 cow and I'll never post here again lard ass.

I have too much fun with you. If you wanna fantasize that I am a lard ass and you masturbate to that....then ok....whatever gets your rocks off. Try not to scream my name while you're doing it, though. I'd hate for your significant other to beat the meth rotted teeth our your mouth for lusting after me.

I'm still waiting for your bucket ass to "find me."

You'd shit yourself if I revealed your location, wouldn't you? Hahahaha
Ignore the child-killing cunt. It has less than three years to live anyway.

Yeah. I can find her in 2.5 seconds. Once I do, it only takes a split second to pull a trigger. You do the math. Hahahahaha


Don't forget to include your half nigger children.

I won't. They can use you for target practice. I take them to the range on weekends, too.

Is that after they get molested by your nigger boyfriend?
What was that? You have a nigger boyfriend you say???

Mr. 5050

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...

Exactly! I agree 100%. I would never attack anyone's children in a verbal matter how angry I am at said person. Children are innocent and need to stay out of adult conversations. Especially when it comes to flaming. Some people have bad morals if any at all. The only thing I've mentioned about anyone's children if anything is the fact that I feel sorry for them knowing who their parents are. I pity Flynn's children by the way that she talks and shit she says about other people's kids.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

wait up

so you think wishing death, wishful thinking, is worse than actually threatening to murder someone’s child? Is that what you’re saying?

No, threatening a child is worse....but no threat that anyone has made towards Flynn on this forum is worse than the shit she is spitting out of her mouth on a daily basis.

Finally...someone with some damn sense. You had me scared for a minute there.

Flynn is going ham using kids and she hasn’t received any threats. I didn’t threaten or attack anyone’s kids and Breakfag threatened to put a bullet in my kids head. I wonder why that is....

Flynn is white. I’m not.

Yeah I'm not cool with that shit. I don't care whose mouth it comes out, white, Hispanic, asian....idgaf. Threatening a child in any manner, flaming or not, is just fucking immoral. Wishing death on any child is immoral. I'm sorry Breaky said that shit to you and that's BS on his end....I would matter how mad I am at someone....use a child to flame someone else in any manner or threaten a child in any way. Motherfuckers that do that shit should be hung upside down and gutted like a fucking wild animal.

Shaddup you stupid whale. I hope your kids get run over by a fucking tractor.

Why don't you bring your bitch ass to the south and I'll show you what I'd do with that fucking tractor you're talking about. I don't have "niggers" for kids. I'm not YOU, Flynn. You look like a fucking old crusty piece of deodorant hanging from the jungle vines growing under your mom's armpits. Parasite. You're a pile of dog shit infested with parasitic worms. All you are is "mouth". At the end of the day, in a one on one, I would fucking mutilate you. Go to prison with a big ass smile on my face. Bust the fucking prison gates wide ass open. I FANTASIZE about meeting you in person. I ENVY motherfuckers that see you on a daily basis. Come see how FAT this cow is, bitch. I want you to. I want to fucking prove how wrong you've been about EVERYTHING you've said about me. I'm a GD SOLDIER COMPARED TO YOU LITTLE MISS MUFFET THAT SUCKS ON HER GLASS DICK. Animal fucker.

Why would I go South? I'm not the one wanting to physically harm another poster. I'm not the one talking about being incarcerated after committing a fucking crime, that's why you cross-eyed bloated marshmallow.

I hope your children get eaten by a pod of Orcas.

There are worse things that someone would do to you for less than half the shit that comes out your mouth.....far worse. You will reap wtf you sow.

Hello fat cunt. Awww....are you mad?


Mad??? Nah bitch. That's MISDEMEANOR compared to wtf I am....

Yeah. Right.

I saw your post in the general forums you fucking bovine. I got you so rattled you want me gone.

$1000 cow and I'll never post here again lard ass.

I have too much fun with you. If you wanna fantasize that I am a lard ass and you masturbate to that....then ok....whatever gets your rocks off. Try not to scream my name while you're doing it, though. I'd hate for your significant other to beat the meth rotted teeth our your mouth for lusting after me.

I'm still waiting for your bucket ass to "find me."

You'd shit yourself if I revealed your location, wouldn't you? Hahahaha
Ignore the child-killing cunt. It has less than three years to live anyway.

Yeah. I can find her in 2.5 seconds. Once I do, it only takes a split second to pull a trigger. You do the math. Hahahahaha


Don't forget to include your half nigger children.

I won't. They can use you for target practice. I take them to the range on weekends, too.

Is that after they get molested by your nigger boyfriend?
What was that? You have a nigger boyfriend you say???

You said he killed your children with half a toothpick?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...

That'll happen the day you grow a fucking dick.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...

Exactly! I agree 100%. I would never attack anyone's children in a verbal matter how angry I am at said person. Children are innocent and need to stay out of adult conversations. Especially when it comes to flaming. Some people have bad morals if any at all. The only thing I've mentioned about anyone's children if anything is the fact that I feel sorry for them knowing who their parents are. I pity Flynn's children by the way that she talks and shit she says about other people's kids.

Maybe lose some weight before you fall on your piglets and kill them, "accidentally."


Site Supporter
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

wait up

so you think wishing death, wishful thinking, is worse than actually threatening to murder someone’s child? Is that what you’re saying?

No, threatening a child is worse....but no threat that anyone has made towards Flynn on this forum is worse than the shit she is spitting out of her mouth on a daily basis.

Finally...someone with some damn sense. You had me scared for a minute there.

Flynn is going ham using kids and she hasn’t received any threats. I didn’t threaten or attack anyone’s kids and Breakfag threatened to put a bullet in my kids head. I wonder why that is....

Flynn is white. I’m not.

Yeah I'm not cool with that shit. I don't care whose mouth it comes out, white, Hispanic, asian....idgaf. Threatening a child in any manner, flaming or not, is just fucking immoral. Wishing death on any child is immoral. I'm sorry Breaky said that shit to you and that's BS on his end....I would matter how mad I am at someone....use a child to flame someone else in any manner or threaten a child in any way. Motherfuckers that do that shit should be hung upside down and gutted like a fucking wild animal.
Listen to her shit and you’re off my team!

Well, did you threaten to shoot her kid????
I can’t recall...where’s the post? Are you getting sucked in? Do you want to fight? Is the honeymoon over?
These are all questions that may turn the balance...are you ready?

So now you’re threatening anyone with enough sense to point out that threatening to murder kids is WRONG. You’re a straight PUSSY
You’re a stuck pig...I hope you get slaughtered as one you miserable worthless piglet! Lololol

Why are you getting angry at members who don’t condone you threatening children? You do realize that behavior is not normal and downright illegal, right?
You’re sick in the head stuck pig!

So when did you last faggOOOOTTT ... let's hear it .
did you bring your surfbored
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...

That'll happen the day you grow a fucking dick.

LOL ... well if you'd stop sucking them go bye bye

Mr. 5050

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...

That'll happen the day you grow a fucking dick.

That's the kind of reply I'd expect from a shit tier troll... You have nothing on me and it shows... You couldn't handle my ding dong... xD

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...

Exactly! I agree 100%. I would never attack anyone's children in a verbal matter how angry I am at said person. Children are innocent and need to stay out of adult conversations. Especially when it comes to flaming. Some people have bad morals if any at all. The only thing I've mentioned about anyone's children if anything is the fact that I feel sorry for them knowing who their parents are. I pity Flynn's children by the way that she talks and shit she says about other people's kids.

I won’t attack kids either. Everyone else is on the table tho.

Worst thing I’ve done was say someone’s kid was ugly. It was true tho but I regretted it and apologized.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...

Exactly! I agree 100%. I would never attack anyone's children in a verbal matter how angry I am at said person. Children are innocent and need to stay out of adult conversations. Especially when it comes to flaming. Some people have bad morals if any at all. The only thing I've mentioned about anyone's children if anything is the fact that I feel sorry for them knowing who their parents are. I pity Flynn's children by the way that she talks and shit she says about other people's kids.

Maybe lose some weight before you fall on your piglets and kill them, "accidentally."

How about I "purposely" fall on YOU, instead? Sounds more fun. Or I could always run over you with that tractor you were talking about....I know how to drive one, would need a serious detail when I'm done using it to mutilate your ass


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Tell me more Succubus, how you're going to "seduce" the board owner to get people booted.

Seduction is a powerful thing. Something you would never know about.

That's because it's code for cheap fat whore.

I think BF holds himself to a higher standard. ;) You know just won't admit it.

So. He said "no" to you and your pudding-like body?
Nah....just the opposite.....he'd love for me to interrogate him.... ;)

Like you said, Moby Dick. He has "better standards."

Isn't there a 34 pound watermelon your nigger loving ass should be tearing into?
Ask him what his standards are. He'd fuck me before he'd even glance at you. Guaranteed.

It isn't any reward to have breakfart want to have sex with you. He's bragged about being bisexual and comes from Sth Africa which is an AIDS infested shithole... I'd bet 10 bucks he has herpes. ewww.

What is wrong with you?
  • Funny
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The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Tell me more Succubus, how you're going to "seduce" the board owner to get people booted.

Seduction is a powerful thing. Something you would never know about.

That's because it's code for cheap fat whore.

I think BF holds himself to a higher standard. ;) You know just won't admit it.

So. He said "no" to you and your pudding-like body?
Nah....just the opposite.....he'd love for me to interrogate him.... ;)

Like you said, Moby Dick. He has "better standards."

Isn't there a 34 pound watermelon your nigger loving ass should be tearing into?
Ask him what his standards are. He'd fuck me before he'd even glance at you. Guaranteed.

It isn't any reward to have breakfart want to have sex with you. He's bragged about being bisexual and comes from Sth Africa which is an AIDS infested shithole... I'd bet 10 bucks he has herpes. ewww.

What is wrong with you?

Wait, Breakfag is really on the down low?
  • Funny
Reactions: X


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Tell me more Succubus, how you're going to "seduce" the board owner to get people booted.

Seduction is a powerful thing. Something you would never know about.

That's because it's code for cheap fat whore.

I think BF holds himself to a higher standard. ;) You know just won't admit it.

So. He said "no" to you and your pudding-like body?
Nah....just the opposite.....he'd love for me to interrogate him.... ;)

Like you said, Moby Dick. He has "better standards."

Isn't there a 34 pound watermelon your nigger loving ass should be tearing into?
Ask him what his standards are. He'd fuck me before he'd even glance at you. Guaranteed.

It isn't any reward to have breakfart want to have sex with you. He's bragged about being bisexual and comes from Sth Africa which is an AIDS infested shithole... I'd bet 10 bucks he has herpes. ewww.

What is wrong with you?

Wait, Breakfag is really on the down low?

Well not since the 90s he reckons.... Ask Flynn. She is the one he confessed it to.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Tell me more Succubus, how you're going to "seduce" the board owner to get people booted.

Seduction is a powerful thing. Something you would never know about.

That's because it's code for cheap fat whore.

I think BF holds himself to a higher standard. ;) You know just won't admit it.

So. He said "no" to you and your pudding-like body?
Nah....just the opposite.....he'd love for me to interrogate him.... ;)

Like you said, Moby Dick. He has "better standards."

Isn't there a 34 pound watermelon your nigger loving ass should be tearing into?
Ask him what his standards are. He'd fuck me before he'd even glance at you. Guaranteed.

It isn't any reward to have breakfart want to have sex with you. He's bragged about being bisexual and comes from Sth Africa which is an AIDS infested shithole... I'd bet 10 bucks he has herpes. ewww.

What is wrong with you?

Wait, Breakfag is really on the down low?

Well not since the 90s he reckons.... Ask Flynn. She is the one he confessed it to.

Not since the WHAT? That fool was busting it open?? Bwah haha


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Tell me more Succubus, how you're going to "seduce" the board owner to get people booted.

Seduction is a powerful thing. Something you would never know about.

That's because it's code for cheap fat whore.

I think BF holds himself to a higher standard. ;) You know just won't admit it.

So. He said "no" to you and your pudding-like body?
Nah....just the opposite.....he'd love for me to interrogate him.... ;)

Like you said, Moby Dick. He has "better standards."

Isn't there a 34 pound watermelon your nigger loving ass should be tearing into?
Ask him what his standards are. He'd fuck me before he'd even glance at you. Guaranteed.

It isn't any reward to have breakfart want to have sex with you. He's bragged about being bisexual and comes from Sth Africa which is an AIDS infested shithole... I'd bet 10 bucks he has herpes. ewww.

What is wrong with you?

Wait, Breakfag is really on the down low?

Well not since the 90s he reckons.... Ask Flynn. She is the one he confessed it to.

Not since the WHAT? That fool was busting it open?? Bwah haha

He is too repulsive... I don't don't want to think about it.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Tell me more Succubus, how you're going to "seduce" the board owner to get people booted.

Seduction is a powerful thing. Something you would never know about.

That's because it's code for cheap fat whore.

I think BF holds himself to a higher standard. ;) You know just won't admit it.

So. He said "no" to you and your pudding-like body?
Nah....just the opposite.....he'd love for me to interrogate him.... ;)

Like you said, Moby Dick. He has "better standards."

Isn't there a 34 pound watermelon your nigger loving ass should be tearing into?
Ask him what his standards are. He'd fuck me before he'd even glance at you. Guaranteed.

It isn't any reward to have breakfart want to have sex with you. He's bragged about being bisexual and comes from Sth Africa which is an AIDS infested shithole... I'd bet 10 bucks he has herpes. ewww.

What is wrong with you?

Wait, Breakfag is really on the down low?

Well not since the 90s he reckons.... Ask Flynn. She is the one he confessed it to.

Not since the WHAT? That fool was busting it open?? Bwah haha

He is too repulsive... I don't don't want to think about it.

It all makes sense now! That’s why he’s so bitch like


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flaming can be a laugh if done with intelligence, humour and a little style... Or just a fuck ton of genuine drama...

Petty flaming is shit and boring... Using someone's kids to attempt to hurt their feelings is shit tier trolling, unimaginative and it lowers the tone of a forum...

I think comments about people's children should fall under the PI rule and earn a ban... Resorting to comments about family members just means you've run out of ammo for your chosen target and you're looking elsewhere to try and get an angle... At that point, you've lost...

Exactly! I agree 100%. I would never attack anyone's children in a verbal matter how angry I am at said person. Children are innocent and need to stay out of adult conversations. Especially when it comes to flaming. Some people have bad morals if any at all. The only thing I've mentioned about anyone's children if anything is the fact that I feel sorry for them knowing who their parents are. I pity Flynn's children by the way that she talks and shit she says about other people's kids.

Maybe lose some weight before you fall on your piglets and kill them, "accidentally."

How about I "purposely" fall on YOU, instead? Sounds more fun. Or I could always run over you with that tractor you were talking about....I know how to drive one, would need a serious detail when I'm done using it to mutilate your ass

Oh, OK. So now you're some Jason or Freddy Krueger, except obese and fucking stupid?

The only way your lard ass would EVER "Fall on me" is if Dovey actually got custody of her children that should die in a tragic car accident, and I was standing there with my jaw wide fucking open.

You're not going to do shit you white trash piece of fucking shit. First off you're too fucking dumb to memorize your own fucking zip code. Secondly, when you walk you register on the richter scale. So EVERYONE will know when they drop you from a C-35 cargo plane. And lastly you just don't have the required funds to pull off a stupid endeavor like that.

Save the meaningless threats for your own fucking rat faced children, that I hope soon get run over by an out of control school bus.
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