But Somehow Duhv isn't Exiled


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

Settle down, nerd. I made a mistake.

You're fine. No ones mad.

Situational awareness ftw

I can admit when I make a mistake. I don't see many here that can.

Several of us regularly do.

I suppose I haven't run across those posts. Good to know though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D


"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

Good to see you aren't even trying anymore.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D

You don't threaten me. You don't threaten anyone. What you do is exhaust people with your book long posts about inanities and your constant political attacks that are hyperbolic and melodramatic.

It's as if you only have 1 or 1000 and no speed in between.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D

You don't threaten me. You don't threaten anyone. What you do is exhaust people with your book long posts about inanities and your constant political attacks that are hyperbolic and melodramatic.

Maybe you guys should start a hashtag about it.


At least I know you are reading it!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D

You don't threaten me. You don't threaten anyone. What you do is exhaust people with your book long posts about inanities and your constant political attacks that are hyperbolic and melodramatic.

Maybe you guys should start a hashtag about it.


At least I know you are reading it!

You're not worth the trouble. I'm a scoot along now and post a thread about something I find interesting.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D

You don't threaten me. You don't threaten anyone. What you do is exhaust people with your book long posts about inanities and your constant political attacks that are hyperbolic and melodramatic.

Maybe you guys should start a hashtag about it.


At least I know you are reading it!

You're not worth the trouble. I'm a scoot along now and post a thread about something I find interesting.

Listen here nut.

You are the one busted in here butt fucking hurt and bitching over how I post claiming you "read the forum extensively".....which that only calls your intelligence level to the plate. We dont even read this board "extensively".

If you dont want to read my posts, use the gotdamn ignore feature, take your fucking meds, or go post somewhere where you DONT have some idiotic bitchy problem with half the population.

This is supposed to be a silly forum with few rules. Not some Doctor Phil bitchfest for someone to come in and throw their metaphorical tiny nutsack all over whining about how other people post.

Chill your gotdamn jets.

You dont like it? You handle it. You think you can "wipe the floor" with me? You cant even wipe your own eyes long enough to breath in between your emo flare ups.

Can Lily make it 5 posts without having some schizo episode?

We shall see lol.

Ain't no one gonna walk on eggshells for you, cupcake. Buck up.

Welcome to BASTARD FACTORY. I suggest you get used to feeling offended.

Now step aside so we can continue laughing at Hollowrectums raw clit. There are only so many menopausal meltdowns these threads can handle.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D

You don't threaten me. You don't threaten anyone. What you do is exhaust people with your book long posts about inanities and your constant political attacks that are hyperbolic and melodramatic.

Maybe you guys should start a hashtag about it.


At least I know you are reading it!

You're not worth the trouble. I'm a scoot along now and post a thread about something I find interesting.

Listen here nut.

You are the one busted in here butt fucking hurt and bitching over how I post claiming you "read the forum extensively".....which that only calls your intelligence level to the plate. We dont even read this board "extensively".

If you dont want to read my posts, use the gotdamn ignore feature, take your fucking meds, or go post somewhere where you DONT have some idiotic bitchy problem with half the population.

This is supposed to be a silly forum with few rules. Not some Doctor Phil bitchfest for someone to come in and throw their metaphorical tiny nutsack all over whining about how other people post.

Chill your gotdamn jets.

You dont like it? You handle it. You think you can "wipe the floor" with me? You cant even wipe your own eyes long enough to breath in between your emo flare ups.

Can Lily make it 5 posts without having some schizo episode?

We shall see lol.

Ain't no one gonna walk on eggshells for you, cupcake. Buck up.

Welcome to BASTARD FACTORY. I suggest you get used to feeling offended.

Now step aside so we can continue laughing at Hollowrectums raw clit. There are only so many menopausal meltdowns these threads can handle.

I love your long psycho melties. Those you can keep up. More please.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D

You don't threaten me. You don't threaten anyone. What you do is exhaust people with your book long posts about inanities and your constant political attacks that are hyperbolic and melodramatic.

Maybe you guys should start a hashtag about it.


At least I know you are reading it!

You're not worth the trouble. I'm a scoot along now and post a thread about something I find interesting.

Listen here nut.

You are the one busted in here butt fucking hurt and bitching over how I post claiming you "read the forum extensively".....which that only calls your intelligence level to the plate. We dont even read this board "extensively".

If you dont want to read my posts, use the gotdamn ignore feature, take your fucking meds, or go post somewhere where you DONT have some idiotic bitchy problem with half the population.

This is supposed to be a silly forum with few rules. Not some Doctor Phil bitchfest for someone to come in and throw their metaphorical tiny nutsack all over whining about how other people post.

Chill your gotdamn jets.

You dont like it? You handle it. You think you can "wipe the floor" with me? You cant even wipe your own eyes long enough to breath in between your emo flare ups.

Can Lily make it 5 posts without having some schizo episode?

We shall see lol.

Ain't no one gonna walk on eggshells for you, cupcake. Buck up.

Welcome to BASTARD FACTORY. I suggest you get used to feeling offended.

Now step aside so we can continue laughing at Hollowrectums raw clit. There are only so many menopausal meltdowns these threads can handle.

I love your long psycho melties. Those you can keep up. More please.

We did the NO YUO in 2006.

The year you lost your last egg.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D

You don't threaten me. You don't threaten anyone. What you do is exhaust people with your book long posts about inanities and your constant political attacks that are hyperbolic and melodramatic.

Maybe you guys should start a hashtag about it.


At least I know you are reading it!

You're not worth the trouble. I'm a scoot along now and post a thread about something I find interesting.

Listen here nut.

You are the one busted in here butt fucking hurt and bitching over how I post claiming you "read the forum extensively".....which that only calls your intelligence level to the plate. We dont even read this board "extensively".

If you dont want to read my posts, use the gotdamn ignore feature, take your fucking meds, or go post somewhere where you DONT have some idiotic bitchy problem with half the population.

This is supposed to be a silly forum with few rules. Not some Doctor Phil bitchfest for someone to come in and throw their metaphorical tiny nutsack all over whining about how other people post.

Chill your gotdamn jets.

You dont like it? You handle it. You think you can "wipe the floor" with me? You cant even wipe your own eyes long enough to breath in between your emo flare ups.

Can Lily make it 5 posts without having some schizo episode?

We shall see lol.

Ain't no one gonna walk on eggshells for you, cupcake. Buck up.

Welcome to BASTARD FACTORY. I suggest you get used to feeling offended.

Now step aside so we can continue laughing at Hollowrectums raw clit. There are only so many menopausal meltdowns these threads can handle.

I love your long psycho melties. Those you can keep up. More please.

We did the NO YUO in 2006.

The year you lost your last egg.

Why are you attacking my femininity? Are you feeling threatened and decided to go with ageist, not knowing my age at that?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

I think that's a wonderful use of your time.

You should bring all the gems you find in my post history for immediate review!

How is it anymore wasteful than posting a book about a bird in the road?

Well it's really not.

I guess it's what we waste our time doing, eh?

I waste mine on silly threads and you waste yours locking horns with random women who make you feel threatened. It's kinda cute, though.

To each there own, Lily.

Now go fetch :D

You don't threaten me. You don't threaten anyone. What you do is exhaust people with your book long posts about inanities and your constant political attacks that are hyperbolic and melodramatic.

Maybe you guys should start a hashtag about it.


At least I know you are reading it!

You're not worth the trouble. I'm a scoot along now and post a thread about something I find interesting.

Listen here nut.

You are the one busted in here butt fucking hurt and bitching over how I post claiming you "read the forum extensively".....which that only calls your intelligence level to the plate. We dont even read this board "extensively".

If you dont want to read my posts, use the gotdamn ignore feature, take your fucking meds, or go post somewhere where you DONT have some idiotic bitchy problem with half the population.

This is supposed to be a silly forum with few rules. Not some Doctor Phil bitchfest for someone to come in and throw their metaphorical tiny nutsack all over whining about how other people post.

Chill your gotdamn jets.

You dont like it? You handle it. You think you can "wipe the floor" with me? You cant even wipe your own eyes long enough to breath in between your emo flare ups.

Can Lily make it 5 posts without having some schizo episode?

We shall see lol.

Ain't no one gonna walk on eggshells for you, cupcake. Buck up.

Welcome to BASTARD FACTORY. I suggest you get used to feeling offended.

Now step aside so we can continue laughing at Hollowrectums raw clit. There are only so many menopausal meltdowns these threads can handle.

I love your long psycho melties. Those you can keep up. More please.

We did the NO YUO in 2006.

The year you lost your last egg.

Why are you attacking my femininity? Are you feeling threatened and decided to go with ageist, not knowing my age at that?
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively.

Probably better to address it and do this weird female forum alpha challenge thing women enjoy doing on one of THOSE threads rather than do it on one that literally IS about me. Yeah?

Just go ahead and piss where you need to. Dont let my scent deter you......its a friendly place.

Great idea, I will post about it in those threads too. I'm not worried about your piss or any other thing, kid. I can wipe the floor with you should I choose to do so.


And. .....I'm sure ;)

You should be. I'm sure I can find more inane threads about cranes and whatever the else your troglodyte mind finds terrifying. I mean really, if you're afraid of a bird in the middle of the road.

Bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha that's funny shit.

Good to see you aren't even trying anymore.

Right on schedule.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.


Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.



"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".

Now, that's unusual.


"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".

Now, that's unusual.

The management here is fair.

Unlike cbt and other leftist dens.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".

Now, that's unusual.

The management here is fair.

Unlike cbt and other leftist dens.

Hmm. I don't know about that. The whole Q thing was ridiculous. And Breakfall's incessant whinging about politics that only started when he had to contend with three lefties instead of one. You know. The whinging that got all political posts expelled to the assbox. Before that, it was pretty much all CONs, all the time.


"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".

Now, that's unusual.

The management here is fair.

Unlike cbt and other leftist dens.

Hmm. I don't know about that. The whole Q thing was ridiculous. And Breakfall's incessant whinging about politics that only started when he had to contend with three lefties instead of one. You know. The whinging that got all political posts expelled to the assbox. Before that, it was pretty much all CONs, all the time.

Complaining is complaining, but the only boards where people are banned forever for their ideas are run by leftists.

Personally I would never ban anyone or moderate anything, like BadYahoo was way back when. A board so healthy it spontaneously rejected oak's attempts at infecting it. Extraordinary.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
How long is the burrito bovine gonna keep up this retarded charade?

The only users not calling her out are the people who were previously on good terms with her LOL...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".

Now, that's unusual.

The management here is fair.

Unlike cbt and other leftist dens.

Hmm. I don't know about that. The whole Q thing was ridiculous. And Breakfall's incessant whinging about politics that only started when he had to contend with three lefties instead of one. You know. The whinging that got all political posts expelled to the assbox. Before that, it was pretty much all CONs, all the time.

Liberals are cockroaches


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".

Now, that's unusual.

The management here is fair.

Unlike cbt and other leftist dens.

Hmm. I don't know about that. The whole Q thing was ridiculous. And Breakfall's incessant whinging about politics that only started when he had to contend with three lefties instead of one. You know. The whinging that got all political posts expelled to the assbox. Before that, it was pretty much all CONs, all the time.

Complaining is complaining, but the only boards where people are banned forever for their ideas are run by leftists.

Personally I would never ban anyone or moderate anything, like BadYahoo was way back when. A board so healthy it spontaneously rejected oak's attempts at infecting it. Extraordinary.

No, complaining, and then getting the board owner to completely change the rules due to that constant complaining, and thus change the whole dynamic of the board, is pussy ass CON bullshit. CONs cannot take it when even a handful of libs join their site. They are ridiculous.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".

Now, that's unusual.

The management here is fair.

Unlike cbt and other leftist dens.

Hmm. I don't know about that. The whole Q thing was ridiculous. And Breakfall's incessant whinging about politics that only started when he had to contend with three lefties instead of one. You know. The whinging that got all political posts expelled to the assbox. Before that, it was pretty much all CONs, all the time.

Complaining is complaining, but the only boards where people are banned forever for their ideas are run by leftists.

Personally I would never ban anyone or moderate anything, like BadYahoo was way back when. A board so healthy it spontaneously rejected oak's attempts at infecting it. Extraordinary.

No, complaining, and then getting the board owner to completely change the rules due to that constant complaining, and thus change the whole dynamic of the board, is pussy ass CON bullshit. CONs cannot take it when even a handful of libs join their site. They are ridiculous.

Maybe "libs" should stop showing up just to shit post and insult people?

I know "libs" dont tolerate that at all on their boards. They'll ban that quick. Are they pussy ass libs?

Always with the double standards. You guys expect us to tolerate shit posts, name calling, spamming but no way is that allowed on leftist venues.


"New" girl mad that other female dominated her own trophy thread.

Good gawd what DOESNT piss off lefties?

I'm not mad. You do a lot of this on a lot of threads. I read the forum extensively. Th,at wasn't a political post. You can't shift to non political posting can you? Unless it's inane, like a crane on a road by a large body of water. Why would a crane be anywhere near water?

LMAO, you're GAF (goofy as fuck)

Yes. Reading the forum extensively is how the new poster has come to know so much about the other posters here. LMAO. I buy it.
Earth to Aidsmin, you're a Biden voting leftist, you libtards live and breath LGBT faggotry....

Right wingers and Nationalists hate that shit.
OK fucktard, do you need to be shown that long list of once closeted GOP Gay Men, AGAIN?

Look what Biden is doing to the military, dumb ass. Next, there'll be a transgender American general leading the 'war on terror' in the Middle East...

Liberals advocate LGBT shite way more than Conservatives, regardless of you cherry picking a few examples of closet case Republicans.

The Democrat party and political left wrote the book on homosexuality.

ONLY left wing gays though.

BLM fucktards hate crimes Brandon Straka and these animals cheered on. They will go after anyone not on their side and use homophobic and racist abuse.

They are just hypocrites who exploit and use.

They harrass Kitty Demure all the time.

That's NOT a political post at all, right?

smh @Bastard Factory

The truth is not political. It is just the truth. You should ask yourself why the truth makes you so angry?

I ask myself that all the time. And I wonder why, in this forum, it's only considered political when lefties speak the truth. Righties can say any damn thing any damn time -- truth or lies -- and it's never considered political.

Not true, I got kicked downstairs too.

Yesterday...look at my new "title".

Now, that's unusual.

The management here is fair.

Unlike cbt and other leftist dens.

Hmm. I don't know about that. The whole Q thing was ridiculous. And Breakfall's incessant whinging about politics that only started when he had to contend with three lefties instead of one. You know. The whinging that got all political posts expelled to the assbox. Before that, it was pretty much all CONs, all the time.

Complaining is complaining, but the only boards where people are banned forever for their ideas are run by leftists.

Personally I would never ban anyone or moderate anything, like BadYahoo was way back when. A board so healthy it spontaneously rejected oak's attempts at infecting it. Extraordinary.

No, complaining, and then getting the board owner to completely change the rules due to that constant complaining, and thus change the whole dynamic of the board, is pussy ass CON bullshit. CONs cannot take it when even a handful of libs join their site. They are ridiculous.

The most oppressive boards are all leftist. FACT!