Yet another reason to eat the rich


Factory Bastard
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The world's super-rich are responsible for more emissions than more than half the global population, a
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has claimed.

A stark study of
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by the World Inequality Database (WID) found the richest 1% of people in the world emitted 17% of all carbon emissions - compared to just 12% being emitted by the bottom 50%.

The biggest emitters over all are the top 10%, responsible for 48% of all emissions.

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Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
My boyfriend is a huge culprit. I don’t even want to know what he is paying in gas right now to fuel the Tahoe.


Domestically feral
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United states
Well they will soon be responsible for all of it as gas and energy become unaffordable for regular people.

So chin up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The world's super-rich are responsible for more emissions than more than half the global population, a
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has claimed.

A stark study of
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by the World Inequality Database (WID) found the richest 1% of people in the world emitted 17% of all carbon emissions - compared to just 12% being emitted by the bottom 50%.

The biggest emitters over all are the top 10%, responsible for 48% of all emissions.

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No doubt whatsoever that this is cherry picked bullshit. BTW hypocrite, you're probably in the top 1%.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.
Like the one the BIden appointed climate Zsar rides around in?

News flash, Jethro: I am not a Biden supporter.
You're not a criticizer either. Which is something you're pretty good at when the flip side is doing the policy making

I detest Joe. I've said it here dozens of times. He sucks. So does Pelosi. I've said it again and agina. Learn to read.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.
Like the one the BIden appointed climate Zsar rides around in?

News flash, Jethro: I am not a Biden supporter.
You're not a criticizer either. Which is something you're pretty good at when the flip side is doing the policy making

I detest Joe. I've said it here dozens of times. He sucks. So does Pelosi. I've said it again and agina. Learn to read.
A dozen times when compared to the 3,564,679 times you whined about trump is a drop in the bucket

Learn to count


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.
Like the one the BIden appointed climate Zsar rides around in?

News flash, Jethro: I am not a Biden supporter.
You're not a criticizer either. Which is something you're pretty good at when the flip side is doing the policy making

I detest Joe. I've said it here dozens of times. He sucks. So does Pelosi. I've said it again and agina. Learn to read.
A dozen times when compared to the 3,564,679 times you whined about trump is a drop in the bucket

Learn to count

What bothers me is that you never see them pointing out any policies and actions of any of these politicains.

It's like they picked a "side" or team they liked. Got the script down of who they like and who they dont like. And a list of things about thier opposition that isnt even true.

You dont see them worried or upset at all that the country is unraveling and deeply divided and that division is intentional as part of a fascist take over. That it's becoming more 3rd world every week. That the justice system is being weaponized and the media lies.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.
Like the one the BIden appointed climate Zsar rides around in?

News flash, Jethro: I am not a Biden supporter.
You're not a criticizer either. Which is something you're pretty good at when the flip side is doing the policy making

I detest Joe. I've said it here dozens of times. He sucks. So does Pelosi. I've said it again and agina. Learn to read.
A dozen times when compared to the 3,564,679 times you whined about trump is a drop in the bucket

Learn to count

What bothers me is that you never see them pointing out any policies and actions of any of these politicains.

It's like they picked a "side" or team they liked. Got the script down of who they like and who they dont like. And a list of things about thier opposition that isnt even true.

You dont see them worried or upset at all that the country is unraveling and deeply divided and that division is intentional as part of a fascist take over. That it's becoming more 3rd world every week. That the justice system is being weaponized and the media lies.


"They" again? Knock off that shit, @Dove.

I have said this a million times, @Biggie Smiles and Dove. Fucking grow a brain between you.

Biden is pretty much the fucking same as Clinton, Bush I, Bush II, and Obama. They are all bought poiticians who serve the war machine and the corporate masters. I despise that from the depths of my soul. I don't comment much on it because it is business as usual. Trump was not business as usual. He was a new kind of stupid, and the reverance you idiots had for him was irritating, so he made for a lot of good posts and threads. That doesn't make my hatred of BOTH neocons and neolibs any less virulent.

Now, please save this post somewhere so I don't have to repeat it again and again and again. It's boring.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.

Comrade Commissar Lotusbutt has spoken, eh? Just a lot of assertions with no reasoning or logic behind them. How dare people want clothes! :mad:

Next thing you are going to be telling us is privately owned cars are terrible, that we must all live in Stalinist apartment blocks where Comrade Political Officer can monitor what we say and read, and that we must all report for "work" at state shoe factory #19 or else we lose our ration cards.

Yeah, fuck that and fuck idiots like you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.

Comrade Commissar Lotusbutt has spoken, eh? Just a lot of assertions with no reasoning or logic behind them. How dare people want clothes! :mad:

Next thing you are going to be telling us is privately owned cars are terrible, that we must all live in Stalinist apartment blocks where Comrade Political Officer can monitor what we say and read, and that we must all report for "work" at state shoe factory #19 or else we lose our ration cards.

Yeah, fuck that and fuck idiots like you.

Oh, god. Shut up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.

I heard there was an increase in small jets and planes so the ultra rich could get around with the new Covid restrictions in place now.

That's probably true.

I know that to be true.

Plus the private jet carriers are doing a brisk business while the major airlines have suffered.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My boyfriend is a huge culprit. I don’t even want to know what he is paying in gas right now to fuel the Tahoe.
When I went racing last weekend, I went through hundreds of dollars worth of 93 octane. BFD.

Everyone knows you don't care about anyone or anything but yourself. Big shocker, pal.
Anyone with common sense knows India and China pollute way way way more than all the rich in America, stupid cunt. Fuk off and die! Oh, and I created 4 worn out tires also!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.

I heard there was an increase in small jets and planes so the ultra rich could get around with the new Covid restrictions in place now.

I drove those kinda people who came off or used private jets.

When i was doing limo, I drove that guy Tony Robbins. He is a billionaire with his own private jet.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.

I heard there was an increase in small jets and planes so the ultra rich could get around with the new Covid restrictions in place now.

I drove those kinda people who came off or used private jets.

When i was doing limo, I drove that guy Tony Robbins. He is a billionaire with his own private jet.
My mom bumped into Cary Grant at The Magic Castle in the 60's and about knocked him over. BFD.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
ppl who whine about the rich tend 2 be marxists who dont own anything

every month, they pay - for their car, rent, tuition, by the balls


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.

I heard there was an increase in small jets and planes so the ultra rich could get around with the new Covid restrictions in place now.

I drove those kinda people who came off or used private jets.

When i was doing limo, I drove that guy Tony Robbins. He is a billionaire with his own private jet.
My mom bumped into Cary Grant at The Magic Castle in the 60's and about knocked him over. BFD.

Just pointing out who rides in those things.

However the 1 time use of a private jet is actually cheaper and more affordable than a private yacht.

If I wanted to travel the world in style, it'd be a jet not a yacht.

A return trip on a private jet might even be affordable.

But a private yacht is like $100,000 for a ride from North America to Europe.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I imagine private jets spew a huge amount of pollution.

Private jets are terrible. So are mansions. So is fast fashion.
Like the one the BIden appointed climate Zsar rides around in?

News flash, Jethro: I am not a Biden supporter.
You're not a criticizer either. Which is something you're pretty good at when the flip side is doing the policy making

I detest Joe. I've said it here dozens of times. He sucks. So does Pelosi. I've said it again and agina. Learn to read.
A dozen times when compared to the 3,564,679 times you whined about trump is a drop in the bucket

Learn to count

What bothers me is that you never see them pointing out any policies and actions of any of these politicains.

It's like they picked a "side" or team they liked. Got the script down of who they like and who they dont like. And a list of things about thier opposition that isnt even true.

You dont see them worried or upset at all that the country is unraveling and deeply divided and that division is intentional as part of a fascist take over. That it's becoming more 3rd world every week. That the justice system is being weaponized and the media lies.


"They" again? Knock off that shit, @Dove.

I have said this a million times, @Biggie Smiles and Dove. Fucking grow a brain between you.

Biden is pretty much the fucking same as Clinton, Bush I, Bush II, and Obama. They are all bought poiticians who serve the war machine and the corporate masters. I despise that from the depths of my soul. I don't comment much on it because it is business as usual. Trump was not business as usual. He was a new kind of stupid, and the reverance you idiots had for him was irritating, so he made for a lot of good posts and threads. That doesn't make my hatred of BOTH neocons and neolibs any less virulent.

Now, please save this post somewhere so I don't have to repeat it again and again and again. It's boring.

Yes "they". Meaning you, Admin, H, Oak.

I hear you. You despise them. But what's unclear is WHY.

Because we directly address things these politicains do that we despise. That harm regular people.

All this stuff you guys despise but NEVER do any of you actually point out damaging despise worthy policies that actually impact regular people and none of you care to understand WHY regular people supported Trump. It's just smearing people as racists and dehumanizing opposition.

The only conclusion we can draw it's not about what's good for the people. It's about turning the whole into what you yourself thinks it should be and anyone who has a problem with that is just flawed as a person. We all have to live the way YOU guys dictate. No talks no compromise. We have to give up whatever rights and liberties YOU guys find harmful(speech, our 2A, our medical privacy, our private property, our freedom of expression, womens sex based rights...our ability to defend ourselves from attackers), we have to welcome whatever ideologies you guys think is appropriate into our schools. In fact we need to shut up and stay out of it BUT still pay for it.

That's a good theme here. We need to shut up and stop having a say in anything but we need to still work and foot the bill for whatever the cost is.

Otherwise we are stupid racists and domestic terrorists.

I mean, you got to leave and go live in a country more suited to your values. Most of us dont get to do that.