MTF Trannie, Forces "her" Tranny agenda onto Jeopardy, steals 3 games from heteroes, so far!


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
So this is how stupid Admin is. He views womens only spaces, prisons and sports the same as rAcaIl segregation

He doesnt care about rape or assault or womens opportunities stolen by men. Doesnt care how dangerous it is for us. Nope. It's the same as any other segregation.

If memory serves me right, the fear that women (read: White women) would be raped and assaulted by the Black man served as justification for racial segregation.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
So this is how stupid Admin is. He views womens only spaces, prisons and sports the same as rAcaIl segregation

He doesnt care about rape or assault or womens opportunities stolen by men. Doesnt care how dangerous it is for us. Nope. It's the same as any other segregation.

If memory serves me right, the fear that women (read: White women) would be raped and assaulted by the Black man served as justification for racial segregation.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


off topic

I wish I could hear you speaking French...rawr


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Funny thing is, I know exactly what my gender is. It's everybody else that seems confused.

A guy wearing women's clothes is naturally gonna cause confusion.

Imagine the confusion that must've reigned some four or five hundred years ago when male dress included high heels, silk stockings, garters, ruffles, makeup, and powdered and perfumed wigs! Nobody could possibly know who had a dick and who had a vagina anymore! No wonder the peasants revolted!

What about those tunics the Romans wore? Damn. And all that thigh.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
So this is how stupid Admin is. He views womens only spaces, prisons and sports the same as rAcaIl segregation

He doesnt care about rape or assault or womens opportunities stolen by men. Doesnt care how dangerous it is for us. Nope. It's the same as any other segregation.

If memory serves me right, the fear that women (read: White women) would be raped and assaulted by the Black man served as justification for racial segregation.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


off topic

I wish I could hear you speaking French...rawr

Heh. I haz sexy voice. Ask Freud!

Here comes Blazor asking me to post a froggy Vocaroo...


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Funny thing is, I know exactly what my gender is. It's everybody else that seems confused.

A guy wearing women's clothes is naturally gonna cause confusion.

Imagine the confusion that must've reigned some four or five hundred years ago when male dress included high heels, silk stockings, garters, ruffles, makeup, and powdered and perfumed wigs! Nobody could possibly know who had a dick and who had a vagina anymore! No wonder the peasants revolted!

What about those tunics the Romans wore? Damn. And all that thigh.

Well, at least you could be sure that whoever wore their hair in tresses had a veej.

So there's that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
triggered :LOL3:

Evidently something triggered her last night. She must have spent ages trawling through my posts, just so she could leave a neg rep LOL.

Total P4WNAGE. You'd think by now that she'd have learned to log out when she's upset, rather than make a butthurt spectacle of herself.
So, is this thread about sexual deviants then?

No, but I see the sexual deviants such as yourself are flocking to it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This is going to sound corny, but I honestly believe it. There are so many different kinds of people in the world, and so much to learn and experience. Why waste one's time hating someone for being different or unfamiliar or difficult to categorize? Appreciate the wonder of all this difference. It's fantastic.

And picture me saying that while I'm whirling around in a snow bank, with the snow gently falling down on on me as I spin.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
So this is how stupid Admin is. He views womens only spaces, prisons and sports the same as rAcaIl segregation

He doesnt care about rape or assault or womens opportunities stolen by men. Doesnt care how dangerous it is for us. Nope. It's the same as any other segregation.

If memory serves me right, the fear that women (read: White women) would be raped and assaulted by the Black man served as justification for racial segregation.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


off topic

I wish I could hear you speaking French...rawr

Heh. I haz sexy voice. Ask Freud!

Here comes Blazor asking me to post a froggy Vocaroo...

I believe it.


An Claidheam Anam
So this is how stupid Admin is. He views womens only spaces, prisons and sports the same as rAcaIl segregation

He doesnt care about rape or assault or womens opportunities stolen by men. Doesnt care how dangerous it is for us. Nope. It's the same as any other segregation.

If memory serves me right, the fear that women (read: White women) would be raped and assaulted by the Black man served as justification for racial segregation.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


Wait! I thought, according to CRT, that black womens were always being raped by racist white men?

I can't see it, myself, since I find African women very unappealing sexually, but you never know. I understand you old Navy perverts would fuck a knothole in the wardroom wall when there weren't any officers around.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So this is how stupid Admin is. He views womens only spaces, prisons and sports the same as rAcaIl segregation

He doesnt care about rape or assault or womens opportunities stolen by men. Doesnt care how dangerous it is for us. Nope. It's the same as any other segregation.

If memory serves me right, the fear that women (read: White women) would be raped and assaulted by the Black man served as justification for racial segregation.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


Wait! I thought, according to CRT, that black womens were always being raped by racist white men?

I can't see it, myself, since I find African women very unappealing sexually, but you never know. I understand you old Navy perverts would fuck a knothole in the wardroom wall when there weren't any officers around.

No one gets raped or assaulted now Reg. Not when we are talking about womens rights.

Men never prey on women. Except when they need to lie about a Republican to get him out of office or off SCOTUS. That's the only "real" violence against women.

A girl being anally raped in school is just....well Admin doesnt care. They think that's funny.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is going to sound corny, but I honestly believe it. There are so many different kinds of people in the world, and so much to learn and experience. Why waste one's time hating someone for being different or unfamiliar or difficult to categorize? Appreciate the wonder of all this difference. It's fantastic.

And picture me saying that while I'm whirling around in a snow bank, with the snow gently falling down on on me as I spin.

It's like you guys are mentally ill and you are either intentionally ignoring the problem or you are too stupid to understand the problem.

So you start blathering about shit like this that has NOTHING to do with it.

Okay Lotus so because there are so mang different people in the world... let's just let rapists and murderers into womens prison. Let predatory men into womens spaces. If they say they are women....well dammit it's TRUE and our daughter can just get raped cuz there are so many different people in the world!

Fucking hell. You people are clearly way behind mentally and you shouldnt be forcing the rest of us into your learning processes. Innocent women and girls get to suffer from the niave bullshit from people like you.

I dont want anything bad to happen to anyone. But I really hope the only ones who get hurt are the ones who wanted this.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
This is going to sound corny, but I honestly believe it. There are so many different kinds of people in the world, and so much to learn and experience. Why waste one's time hating someone for being different or unfamiliar or difficult to categorize? Appreciate the wonder of all this difference. It's fantastic.

And picture me saying that while I'm whirling around in a snow bank, with the snow gently falling down on on me as I spin.

It's like you guys are mentally ill and you are either intentionally ignoring the problem or you are too stupid to understand the problem.

So you start blathering about shit like this that has NOTHING to do with it.

Okay Lotus so because there are so mang different people in the world... let's just let rapists and murderers into womens prison. Let predatory men into womens spaces. If they say they are women....well dammit it's TRUE and our daughter can just get raped cuz there are so many different people in the world!

Fucking hell. You people are clearly way behind mentally and you shouldnt be forcing the rest of us into your learning processes. Innocent women and girls get to suffer from the niave bullshit from people like you.

I dont want anything bad to happen to anyone. But I really hope the only ones who get hurt are the ones who wanted this.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Here's the America the CONZ on this forum wanna take us back to.... my Gram's America. Everybody went to church, women couldn't have a credit card, no safe abortion, etc etc.


This is the last pic we have of Gramp. He died a few hours later. Gram
made it look like he fell off a ladder. We knew but were sworn to secrecy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.
I admit, it is confusing, but I just try to live and let live.

I do. I want to live my life without being relegated to second class status because I was actually born a female.

I don’t understand the logic here that you become second class. Being a woman should give you an advantage over any male living as a female. Mostly because of the negative attitude towards the LGBTQ* community.

I watched a documentary showing that it’s mostly straight when men who are into pre-op trans pornography and the stars who still have their “junk” attached.

Lesbians want the L dropped off LGBTQ because they do not accept transgender.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lil, the answer is, they don't.

The difficulty lies, precisely, in living in a world where everyone (or nearly everyone) believes that all square pegs should be destined for square holes and all round pegs for round ones.

It's a cookie-cutter mentality that suits boiler-plate identities but, truth is, selfhood isn't like a pair of dollar store pantyhose: one size doesn't fit all.

Do some square pegs try to whittle themselves into round ones (presumably because they feel more affinity with a round hole over a square one)? Sure. Does this fact make you (as a round peg) any less of a round peg? No.

Ummmm, when they commit crimes and it is reported as a she, when it was born a he, I have big issues with that.

Formerly, people got away with murder if they were deemed insane... now they are locked up, as it should be.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"Only Transexuals rape and murder" Doh'v

There many, many, many more heterosexuals harming women every fucking day do you see her posting about that? It's all abhorrent, but she focuses her rage on transpeople.

Sick really.

Dovey is about prevention of crime. She is warning about the ramifications of giving into this new disease everyone wants to excuse or laugh off. If she tried to sound warnings on twitter, she would be banned.

Dressing as a female when you are male is a Biblical transgression incidentally... Deuteronomy 22:5 not that people care these days but it has been a transgression for 4,000 years. They didn't make rules like that for no reason. It would have been for the safety of the whole community.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I will never understand why people get so fucking worked up about this. It's pointless, and actually very pathetic.

It is only pointless to YOU because you may personally never have to encounter it.
Dovey and others know the ramification of rape and also know it is a very serious crime on people. A crime that lasts a lifetime.

Either you support women's issues or you are just another misogynistc virtue signaler.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lotta phobia in this thread, who'da thunk?

I know. Shocker, right?

We're in the great USofA now. Took our flight out of Lisbon. Had lunch in Lisbon the day of the covid tests. One of the wait staff was one of the most stunning humans I have ever seen. The thing is, I couldn't place their gender. At all. Just a very attractive person. Fascinating.

And, of course, again, everyone in the establishment was completely fine with this person.

I will never understand why people get so fucking worked up about this. It's pointless, and actually very pathetic.

Duhv got so worked up she wished assault upon my daughter...see post 160

Who thinks that way?

Oh, lord. I have to unblock her. I promised her I wouldn't read her drivel anymore.

It's revealing that someone that rants day after day about "liberal" hate wishes to see the kids of her "enemies" harmed.
Certainly she supported that with a Bible passage though.

Most certainly it's the Christian thing to do.

@Omnipotent. ..see why I look at these people with a jaundiced eyes...start at post 160

Yep... Dovey does get very emotional on some issues ESPECIALLY rape as all children of rape do.

I would take seriously what children of rape say, they grow up either two things, suicidal or homicidal a psychiatrist told me.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Lotta phobia in this thread, who'da thunk?

I know. Shocker, right?

We're in the great USofA now. Took our flight out of Lisbon. Had lunch in Lisbon the day of the covid tests. One of the wait staff was one of the most stunning humans I have ever seen. The thing is, I couldn't place their gender. At all. Just a very attractive person. Fascinating.

And, of course, again, everyone in the establishment was completely fine with this person.

I will never understand why people get so fucking worked up about this. It's pointless, and actually very pathetic.

Duhv got so worked up she wished assault upon my daughter...see post 160

Who thinks that way?

Oh, lord. I have to unblock her. I promised her I wouldn't read her drivel anymore.

It's revealing that someone that rants day after day about "liberal" hate wishes to see the kids of her "enemies" harmed.
Certainly she supported that with a Bible passage though.

Most certainly it's the Christian thing to do.

@Omnipotent. ..see why I look at these people with a jaundiced eyes...start at post 160

Yep... Dovey does get very emotional on some issues ESPECIALLY rape as all children of rape do.

I would take seriously what children of rape say, they grow up either two things, suicidal or homicidal a psychiatrist told me.
You’ve just encapsulated humanity as a whole.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Here's the America the CONZ on this forum wanna take us back to.... my Gram's America. Everybody went to church, women couldn't have a credit card, no safe abortion, etc etc.


This is the last pic we have of Gramp. He died a few hours later. Gram
made it look like he fell off a ladder. We knew but were sworn to secrecy.

What a truly horrible scene!!! 1950's America must have been unbearable!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah well Hans Fricke 8th Dan in Japanese swordmanship was a personal friend of my dead father-in-law, both of them came from Austria... I have no interest in martial arts.