It's a good thing that this guy had a gun in his truck


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So, wait, @SHAMPAIN. You are in legal trouble because you're a wife beater? Holy shit.

Wife Beaters

All of an ilk.
It's never been known except in the diddlers burnt out brain... Haha fuckin wife beater :facepalm:

It's never been known? What does that mean? Does that mean no one knows about it, but you did do it?
Dunnos whether you're actually thick or just pretending?

"It's never been known" has very little meaning. You're the one who's thick, Mr Incorrect Grammar cop.
It's a saying here, anyway by your logic my "wife" must've known if I hit her so therefore it would've been known if I did... You think what you like Joey...

Hey bitch, you wanna talk to a wife beater, thats me!!!! My ex wife is lucky I didnt snap her fukin head off her shoulders when she threatened to kill the kids! I snatched that bitch up by her hair, pinned her head to the console in the car, and told her some shit about being dead. Is she happy now? Fuk no! That miserable psych medicated skank is as miserable as ever! She's especially pissed because I make about 3X or more than she does, most likely cause I'm a man and all. I know how you dumb bitches love that meme! TATA!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.

I'm delighted that your 2nd Ammendment Rights were confirmed in your country, Lokmeer.

So is he:


....the Ends Justify the Means y'know.... @Lokmar
Hey dummy, he DISARMED his people. Dumb assed josephine!

The little 3 year old girl's death by a gun confirmed your 2nd ammendment rights...Lokmeer.


Someone HAD to die to protect those rights.

She died so you could have yours.

The was necessary.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.

I'm delighted that your 2nd Ammendment Rights were confirmed in your country, Lokmeer.

So is he:


....the Ends Justify the Means y'know.... @Lokmar
Hey dummy, he DISARMED his people. Dumb assed josephine!

The little 3 year old girl's death by a gun confirmed your 2nd ammendment rights...Lokmeer.


Someone HAD to die to protect those rights.

She died so you could have yours.

The was necessary.
Imagine how many children have died to protect your right to drive josephine! YOU WIN! LOL!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.
You are a sniveling coward, no wonder you have 20 guns.

He's afraid. People that buy lots of weapons are fearful people. Cowards indeed.
He probably has a Poster of Stephen Paddock on his wall.


Vegas whacko?
Yup the current mass shooting record holder in the USA, so far.


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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.
You are a sniveling coward, no wonder you have 20 guns.

He's afraid. People that buy lots of weapons are fearful people. Cowards indeed.

but, but surely you've heard ... ''they're'' coming :LOL3: :LOL3:

Ssssh, they may be here now.

bahahahahahahaaa ..

Why can't our two countries just switch out the morons?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.
You are a sniveling coward, no wonder you have 20 guns.

He's afraid. People that buy lots of weapons are fearful people. Cowards indeed.

but, but surely you've heard ... ''they're'' coming :LOL3: :LOL3:

Ssssh, they may be here now.

bahahahahahahaaa ..

Why can't our two countries just switch out the morons?
I kinda wish the dipsticks would launch a civil war, then after it's over we could deport all their dumb asses to Midway or Diego Garcia or some other isolated rock in the water like that.


Site Supporter
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.
You are a sniveling coward, no wonder you have 20 guns.

He's afraid. People that buy lots of weapons are fearful people. Cowards indeed.

but, but surely you've heard ... ''they're'' coming :LOL3: :LOL3:

Ssssh, they may be here now.

bahahahahahahaaa ..

Why can't our two countries just switch out the morons?
LMAO yours seem to be on the bit extra side of moronic, Loktard for example is the perfect caricature we wonder why no one strangled in the crib


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.
You are a sniveling coward, no wonder you have 20 guns.

He's afraid. People that buy lots of weapons are fearful people. Cowards indeed.

but, but surely you've heard ... ''they're'' coming :LOL3: :LOL3:

Ssssh, they may be here now.

bahahahahahahaaa ..

Why can't our two countries just switch out the morons?
LMAO yours seem to be on the bit extra side of moronic, Loktard for example is the perfect caricature we wonder why no one strangled in the crib

We do have the best morons in the world. #usa #usa #usa


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.
You are a sniveling coward, no wonder you have 20 guns.

He's afraid. People that buy lots of weapons are fearful people. Cowards indeed.

but, but surely you've heard ... ''they're'' coming :LOL3: :LOL3:

Ssssh, they may be here now.

bahahahahahahaaa ..

Why can't our two countries just switch out the morons?
Move, dumb ass.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.

I'm delighted that your 2nd Ammendment Rights were confirmed in your country, Lokmeer.

So is he:


....the Ends Justify the Means y'know.... @Lokmar

Joe.....Mao Zedong knew this and that's why he only wanted his army to have them.

The same way you guys seek to disarm the citizens so only the government has them. You every authoritarian regime only allowed the government to be armed. For purposes of power.

This thinking is WHY we have the 2A. To keep the balance of power between the people and the government. A disarmed people is a people easier to dominate and control.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.

I'm delighted that your 2nd Ammendment Rights were confirmed in your country, Lokmeer.

So is he:


....the Ends Justify the Means y'know.... @Lokmar
Hey dummy, he DISARMED his people. Dumb assed josephine!

Yeah. That whole part where only Maos thug government had guns because he knew political power came out of the barrel of a gun so removing guns from the people was a good way to keep power seems pretty challenging to them.

Mao was saying whoever has the guns has the political power. Somehow Joe thinks this is a good argument against the citizens being armed......when it's literally one the best arguments FOR the citizens being armed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.

I'm delighted that your 2nd Ammendment Rights were confirmed in your country, Lokmeer.

So is he:


....the Ends Justify the Means y'know.... @Lokmar
Hey dummy, he DISARMED his people. Dumb assed josephine!

Yeah. That whole part where only Maos thug government had guns because he knew political power came out of the barrel of a gun so removing guns from the people was a good way to keep power seems pretty challenging to them.

Mao was saying whoever has the guns has the political power. Somehow Joe thinks this is a good argument against the citizens being armed......when it's literally one the best arguments FOR the citizens being armed.

In that case, How about legislation to introduce 'smarter guns' ? Guns which don't fire accidentally in the presence of children? If I had children around I would probably not have guns around the house. But if it was a necessity, it would be those which could only be discharged by its owner. These kind of guns exist now. And it would prevent an assailant from potentially using the weapon against the owner if he or she was overpowered.

Anyways I hope the parents of that child descend into alcoholism & die of guilt that haunts them for the rest of their lives.

They royally deserve it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She's not worth my 2nd Amendment rights. Neither are my own children.

I'm delighted that your 2nd Ammendment Rights were confirmed in your country, Lokmeer.

So is he:


....the Ends Justify the Means y'know.... @Lokmar
Hey dummy, he DISARMED his people. Dumb assed josephine!

Yeah. That whole part where only Maos thug government had guns because he knew political power came out of the barrel of a gun so removing guns from the people was a good way to keep power seems pretty challenging to them.

Mao was saying whoever has the guns has the political power. Somehow Joe thinks this is a good argument against the citizens being armed......when it's literally one the best arguments FOR the citizens being armed.

In that case, How about legislation to introduce 'smarter guns' ? Guns which don't fire accidentally in the presence of children? If I had children around I would probably not have guns around the house. But if it was a necessity, it would be those which could only be discharged by its owner. These kind of guns exist now. And it would prevent an assailant from potentially using the weapon against the owner if he or she was overpowered.

Anyways I hope the parents of that child descend into alcoholism & die of guilt that haunts them for the rest of their lives.

They royally deserve it.

That would be nice but until those are invented(or available) people need to be responsible with their fire arms like the vast majority of gun owners and if they cause a death they need to be held accountable.

I have NEVER left a loaded gun unattended. Ever. Let alone around little children. This is common sense.

We should scourge this stupid fucker in the public square.

We should NOT start accommodating stupidity. Well.....accommodate it anymore than we already do.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Once again, in typical fashion, libtards descend on 1 instance of stupidity in an effort to deny the entire world the right to defend themselves from a tyrannical government.