Florida Governor Signs into Law a bill restricting Stubby's usage of Gayspeak.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I bet you believe the age of consent should be lowered or scrapped completely, right?

Oh, you dropped your NAMBLA membership....
Sorry douche nozzle, your harboring of dark thoughts, doesn't mean everyone else does too. Talk to your therapist.

Says the guy who wants to talk to 5 yr olds about sex....
Your ability to express simple mindedness so faciley is amazing, good for you

That's exactly what the bill you havent read is stopping.

You are opposing a bill that prevents teachers from initiating and teaching about adult sexuality and gender to k-3 year olds.

Thats 5 through 9 years old.

You are slamming a bill that's designed to protect little children from PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

How can you reject or support legislation and bills without even reading it and then insult people who did read it and are telling you what it is?

I swear you guys would vote away the Constitution if it was a dem/prog bill.
Aidsman is all for kids being "loved" by adults.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The point is it's not the schools job to teach these topics to children who are not old enough and developed mentally/emotionally enough to properly process it and it creates a situation very ideal for sexual AND politcal PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

That's an issue. It's not an either/or. Saying that these topics shouldnt be pressedon children by school staff in primary is definately not the same as "keeping them in the dark". That's a false dichotomy.

If you havent noticed? The "racial issues" in this country are a matter of partisan political opinion.

I dont know a single homosexual, including my own daughter, who needed their 3rd grade teacher to discuss adult sexuality with them.

Do you see how this is being presented in a fallacy? Its saying that if teachers are not going beyond the developmental abilities of children to discuss adult sexuality with them or provide them with a partisan narrative on race, then will be never learn anything. That is CLEARLY a false dichotomy.

This is playing into the whole "children belong to the state" mentality.

Almost think that ALL of these humanities & social issues classes should be outsourced to 3rd party providers @Dove . Then the parents can screen these couses & their content to decide if they are suitable for their children or not.

And if they are, then their children could sign up or learn these topics online as an option not a requirement. But they could also refuse as well. Schools just stick to the basics like math sciences & English. Reading writing rithmatic.

It's evident that the US is so divided socially right now.

So this is/would be a compromise solution. Don't stifle/censor it. But let the parents decide what's best for their kids & if they want to participate or not.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I bet you believe the age of consent should be lowered or scrapped completely, right?

Oh, you dropped your NAMBLA membership....
Sorry douche nozzle, your harboring of dark thoughts, doesn't mean everyone else does too. Talk to your therapist.

Says the guy who wants to talk to 5 yr olds about sex....
Your ability to express simple mindedness so faciley is amazing, good for you

That's exactly what the bill you havent read is stopping.

You are opposing a bill that prevents teachers from initiating and teaching about adult sexuality and gender to k-3 year olds.

Thats 5 through 9 years old.

You are slamming a bill that's designed to protect little children from PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

How can you reject or support legislation and bills without even reading it and then insult people who did read it and are telling you what it is?

I swear you guys would vote away the Constitution if it was a dem/prog bill.
Aidsman is all for kids being "loved" by adults.
That’s what liberal fairies are all about

Just look at pedofall and scummajor


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I bet you believe the age of consent should be lowered or scrapped completely, right?

Oh, you dropped your NAMBLA membership....
Sorry douche nozzle, your harboring of dark thoughts, doesn't mean everyone else does too. Talk to your therapist.

Says the guy who wants to talk to 5 yr olds about sex....
Your ability to express simple mindedness so faciley is amazing, good for you

That's exactly what the bill you havent read is stopping.

You are opposing a bill that prevents teachers from initiating and teaching about adult sexuality and gender to k-3 year olds.

Thats 5 through 9 years old.

You are slamming a bill that's designed to protect little children from PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

How can you reject or support legislation and bills without even reading it and then insult people who did read it and are telling you what it is?

I swear you guys would vote away the Constitution if it was a dem/prog bill.
Aidsman is all for kids being "loved" by adults.
That’s what liberal fairies are all about

Just look at pedofall and scummajor

Im looking at your photo. You really are a short chubby little Puerto Rican. That fake gold chain and your Woolworth wrist watch, really set your stubby frame off.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Hey Stubby please point it out Stubby. I can easily prove youre a short fat wanker. Wanna see?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is the bill being lied about. What exactly is wrong here?

Getting mad because you are required to involves parents and you cant just start teaching young (5 to 8 year olds) topics about gender and sexuality is groomer shit.

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CS/CS/HB 1557 - Parental Rights in Education

General Bill by Judiciary Committee and Education & Employment Committee and Harding (CO-SPONSORS) Borrero; Fernandez-Barquin; Fine; Latvala; Maggard; Roach; Roth; Snyder
Parental Rights in Education: Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents."

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It didn’t provide any provisions for free gloryhole access

and admong don’t like that


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
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United states
And admin is a retard

They dont bother reading bills or paying attention to anything going on. If democrats have a bill....its good no matter what cuz dems. If Republicans have a bill.....bad and evil no matter what. They flat out LIE about it.

And they claim to care about democracy while destroying democracy. They dont want democracy. They want to be the only party.

At least I support good Democrat bills like the one presented that stops insider trading of people in office. They probably don't even fucking know about it. They just oppose everything just because other parties did it.

I'm convinced they would rather the country burn to the ground under the party they blindly shill for than see it do well under another party because hate.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It didn’t provide any provisions for free gloryhole access

and admong don’t like that

Listen to the Paranoid dwarf. Kinda funny.
Funny, but in a sad pathetic way.
You suck cock in a sad pathetic way, noodle neck
That's like your opinion, man!
Are you saying you suck cock in a happy gleeful way instead?

I can believe that if you insist