Do you believe in god?


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MeNs tOiLEts
So after the Rona and inflation, do you believe in god?

This question goes especially to these new age hipsters, wanna be free without leadership etc.

A laugh riot.

Any good Christians here?

I believe in Jesus Christ and read the bible daily. It is my daily driver.

Do you guys believe in god? Or do you believe in your government, Apple and Netflix???

Let us pray: Jeminus Pacem el fidibus et santi!!!


Also, many here believe in HELLywood. Thank god they put a hidden message here. This goes for the consumers of filth on TV and social media. Whoring around, consuming LeftFlix, drugs, alcohol, sex , etc.

We need guidance. I found it at the bible. Because there are no atheists in foxholes:

So do you found god or live more a live without god?


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If god doesn’t exist, then life is meaningless.

We are to believe the Bible was written as a fictitious epic by the Roman’s where Cesar didn’t shoot laser beams out his eyes to thwart Jesus?

Certain aspects of religion don’t make sense. Certain aspects of the Bible don’t make sense. But the idea of God and good and evil make perfect sense.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
If god doesn’t exist, then life is meaningless.

We are to believe the Bible was written as a fictitious epic by the Roman’s where Cesar didn’t shoot laser beams out his eyes to thwart Jesus?

Certain aspects of religion don’t make sense. Certain aspects of the Bible don’t make sense. But the idea of God and good and evil make perfect sense.

Very hard facts . But true. At end god exists. Poor @Garraty_47 . I guess you convinced him. Hope he comes back to bring dome facts.

Even in porn they moan "oh my god" all the time. Ever noticed?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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If god doesn’t exist, then life is meaningless.

We are to believe the Bible was written as a fictitious epic by the Roman’s where Cesar didn’t shoot laser beams out his eyes to thwart Jesus?

Certain aspects of religion don’t make sense. Certain aspects of the Bible don’t make sense. But the idea of God and good and evil make perfect sense.

Very hard facts . But true. At end god exists. Poor @Garraty_47 . I guess you convinced him. Hope he comes back to bring dome facts.

Even in porn they moan "oh my god" all the time. Ever noticed?
There’s no point in trying to talk to an atheist.

The chances they were molested as a child and wondered why god would let something like that happen are relatively high.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
If god doesn’t exist, then life is meaningless.

We are to believe the Bible was written as a fictitious epic by the Roman’s where Cesar didn’t shoot laser beams out his eyes to thwart Jesus?

Certain aspects of religion don’t make sense. Certain aspects of the Bible don’t make sense. But the idea of God and good and evil make perfect sense.

Very hard facts . But true. At end god exists. Poor @Garraty_47 . I guess you convinced him. Hope he comes back to bring dome facts.

Even in porn they moan "oh my god" all the time. Ever noticed?
There’s no point in trying to talk to an atheist.

The chances they were molested as a child and wondered why god would let something like that happen are relatively high.
In a nutshell, yes.

Or when many of these so called atheist argument, about the wars and pains in the world.

So we 4 believers and 1 non believer according to this thread?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Do you have proof that god does NOT exist?

Unless you, the one making the claim, can prove gods/godesses exist isn't that proof they do not?

If I claimed I had discovered the secret of nuclear fusion energy production but refused to show you proof you'd rightly presume I was talking bollocks.

The same applies to superstitious nonsense.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Do you have proof that god does NOT exist?

Unless you, the one making the claim, can prove gods/godesses exist isn't that proof they do not?

If I claimed I had discovered the secret of nuclear fusion energy production but refused to show you proof you'd rightly presume I was talking bollocks.

The same applies to superstitious nonsense.

Again, where is your proof that god doesn’t exist?

Here are 5 that he do!

As mentioned earlier, evidence for God's existence is widely available through creation, conscience, rationality and human experience.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Again, where is your proof that god doesn’t exist?

I know you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer but if you're just going to ignore whatever I poast in response to your stupid question there's no reason for me to bother, is there?

Here are 5 that he do!

As mentioned earlier, evidence for God's existence is widely available through creation, conscience, rationality and human experience.

1) What actual proof (proof is verifiable and reproducible evidence, ya know)?

2) thru 5) Those are just vague terms with wildly differing meanings even among similarly-indoctrinated individuals.

So it looks like the problem here is you don't even know what the fuck "proof" is, or are using a subjective and biased definition of it in order to make your nebulous claims fit your pre-selected conclusion.


Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Again, where is your proof that god doesn’t exist?

I know you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer but if you're just going to ignore whatever I poast in response to your stupid question there's no reason for me to bother, is there?

Here are 5 that he do!

As mentioned earlier, evidence for God's existence is widely available through creation, conscience, rationality and human experience.

1) What actual proof (proof is verifiable and reproducible evidence, ya know)?

2) thru 5) Those are just vague terms with wildly differing meanings even among similarly-indoctrinated individuals.

So it looks like the problem here is you don't even know what the fuck "proof" is, or are using a subjective and biased definition of it in order to make your nebulous claims fit your pre-selected conclusion.


Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.
@Garraty_47 this one is fairly easy for me since I have two favorites I think are relatively easy to follow and are really powerful evidences for God.

Let me introduce the first one—my favorite—with a question: What is the most frequently raised objection against theism of any sort? If you answered “the problem of evil,” you’d be right. There’s a reason for this. There is one thing every person knows, no matter where he lived or when he lived. Everyone knows the world is broken. Things are not the way they’re supposed to be. That’s the complaint. And they don’t simply mean that things happen they don’t like. That’s relativism. They mean there really are evil, wicked things that take place (objectivism).

Since this awareness is universal—it’s an obvious and undeniable feature of reality—we can use it as an ally to make our case for God. Contrary to popular belief, the problem of evil is not a good argument against God. It’s actually one of the best arguments for God. The problem with the problem of evil is that if God does notexist, there can be no real evil to object to. Here’s why.

The complaint about evil itself requires transcendent, universal laws that govern the world—objective morality—in order for real evil to exist as a violation of those laws. Transcendent moral laws require a transcendent lawmaker—God. Saying the world is “supposed” to be a certain way requires a “sposer,” so to speak—someone who intended the world to be much better than it is.

If there is no God, then there is no transcendent moral lawmaker. If no lawmaker, then no universal moral laws we’re all obligated to obey. If no moral laws, then no broken laws. If no broken laws, then no problem of evil. Simply put, then, if there is no God, there can be no evil (or good, for that matter).
Yet there is a problem of evil (we all know this), so there must be broken laws, so there must be laws, so there must be a transcendent law maker, so there must be a God.

If you want the philosophic mumbo jumbo, here it is. This approach is classically called the moral argument for God’s existence. Stated as a syllogism, it looks like this:
  • If there is no God, then there is no objective morality (no lawmaker, then no laws).
  • But there is objective morality (evidenced by the problem of evil).
  • Therefore, there is a God.
The form of the syllogism is valid (modus tollens), and the premises are true. Therefore, the argument is sound.
My second favorite argument for God’s existence is a little easier. It has a fancy name—the Kalam cosmological argument—but it’s really easy to understand. By the way, a “cosmological” argument is any argument for God’s existence that’s based on the mere existence of the cosmos, the universe.
Here’s the basic idea.
  • First, for anything that came into existence, there must have been something that caused it to come into existence. Clearly, effects have causes. Pretty basic, and entirely consistent with our common-sense experience of the world.
  • Second, the material universe (the cosmos) came into existence sometime in the past. Virtually everyone affirms this point because of the widespread and, I think, justified belief in the Big Bang.
  • Therefore, the material universe must have had a cause.
Put most simply, “a Big Bang needs a big Banger.” The bang didn’t bang itself. Note, by the way, that this line of thinking puts the cause of the cosmos outside of the material universe. So the cause would have to be immaterial, intelligent, powerful, and personal—since only persons can start a causal chain of events.
This argument doesn’t prove the God of the Bible, of course, but it gets us pretty close, and it’s a great springboard to other arguments and other evidences for Christianity.

Will you come up with another insult now? Or maybe some arguments to have a proper discussion as adults?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
God is a social concept and tool used for control and obedience ..

Oh Noes the guy in the sky.. with the judgemental eye..

Use faith when your weak that's what religion was invented by man for ..

To give the weak guidance and strength in times of woe

Social engineering and a control mechanism (especially over women) is how it's used today, certainly.

But an objective look at the progression, proliferation and similarities between religions going all the way back as far as recorded history can take us shows clearly that religions are absolutely human constructs and steal stories/concepts from each other like bandits. Often traditions and rituals from previous iterations are folded into the "new" mythology to ease transition and stifle rebellion.

That's presuming one is even capable of looking at such things objectively, of course.

Most cultists do not fall into that category.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
That entire screed is specious (and that's being generous) bullshit.

I, a life-long atheist, already rape murder and thieve as much as I want.
And the amount of all three is: Zero.

If you need the threat an angry sky fairy's disapproval to prevent you from doing bad things you're not only a monster, you're a cowardly monster.

That's not how any of this works.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
If god doesn’t exist, then life is meaningless.

Your life would be meaningless, perhaps.
But that would be entirely your fault.

Those of us with neither gods nor masters don't need the petty "meaning" granted by a bronze-age fairy tale.
All life would be meaningless.

If your living your best life only to end up in a grave then your the one living a nasty, fruitless life.

If you don’t have hope, you have what? Internet message boards?


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
God is a social concept and tool used for control and obedience ..

Oh Noes the guy in the sky.. with the judgemental eye..

Use faith when your weak that's what religion was invented by man for ..

To give the weak guidance and strength in times of woe

Social engineering and a control mechanism (especially over women) is how it's used today, certainly.

But an objective look at the progression, proliferation and similarities between religions going all the way back as far as recorded history can take us shows clearly that religions are absolutely human constructs and steal stories/concepts from each other like bandits. Often traditions and rituals from previous iterations are folded into the "new" mythology to ease transition and stifle rebellion.

That's presuming one is even capable of looking at such things objectively, of course.

Most cultists do not fall into that category.
Not that you also are out of valid arguments (see POWER POST above), now you have the audacity to talk about CULTIST????

The real cultist are here. But I guess you are also too dumb to decider that!


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
God is a social concept and tool used for control and obedience ..

Oh Noes the guy in the sky.. with the judgemental eye..

Use faith when your weak that's what religion was invented by man for ..

To give the weak guidance and strength in times of woe

Social engineering and a control mechanism (especially over women) is how it's used today, certainly.

But an objective look at the progression, proliferation and similarities between religions going all the way back as far as recorded history can take us shows clearly that religions are absolutely human constructs and steal stories/concepts from each other like bandits. Often traditions and rituals from previous iterations are folded into the "new" mythology to ease transition and stifle rebellion.

That's presuming one is even capable of looking at such things objectively, of course.

Most cultists do not fall into that category.

Check out the big brains on Brad.. funny people cry out for freedoms and independence while letting some government version of the Bible bait their hooks


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
That entire screed is specious (and that's being generous) bullshit.

I, a life-long atheist, already rape murder and thieve as much as I want.
And the amount of all three is: Zero.

If you need the threat an angry sky fairy's disapproval to prevent you from doing bad things you're not only a monster, you're a cowardly monster.

That's not how any of this works.
So you would be fine raping and murdering even if there would be no god? Are you serious???


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
If god doesn’t exist, then life is meaningless.

Your life would be meaningless, perhaps.
But that would be entirely your fault.

Those of us with neither gods nor masters don't need the petty "meaning" granted by a bronze-age fairy tale.
All life would be meaningless.

If your living your best life only to end up in a grave then your the one living a nasty, fruitless life.

If you don’t have hope, you have what? Internet message boards?
Maybe iPhone, Netflix and video games. LOL!!!
That Buddy Garrity guy has not shown us any proof that god does not exist!

He is avoiding facts and insults. Really sad.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
That entire screed is specious (and that's being generous) bullshit.

I, a life-long atheist, already rape murder and thieve as much as I want.
And the amount of all three is: Zero.

If you need the threat an angry sky fairy's disapproval to prevent you from doing bad things you're not only a monster, you're a cowardly monster.

That's not how any of this works.
So you would be fine raping and murdering even if there would be no god? Are you serious???
You shouldn't need a book to tell you that hurts others. Bad moral fibre and jaded upbringings make those traits develop.. again which God are you referring sir and how heavy the brainwash.. old testament depicts it all and is the bestest version with all the Sodom carnality and morbid tidbits..


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
All life would be meaningless.

If your living your best life only to end up in a grave then your the one living a nasty, fruitless life.

If you don’t have hope, you have what? Internet message boards?

Who gets to define "meaning", "nasty", "fruitless", and "hope"?


<quick breath>

That was fun. You should do that more often.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
That entire screed is specious (and that's being generous) bullshit.

I, a life-long atheist, already rape murder and thieve as much as I want.
And the amount of all three is: Zero.

If you need the threat an angry sky fairy's disapproval to prevent you from doing bad things you're not only a monster, you're a cowardly monster.

That's not how any of this works.
So you would be fine raping and murdering even if there would be no god? Are you serious???
You shouldn't need a book to tell you that hurts others. Bad moral fibre and jaded upbringings make though traits develop.. again which God are you referring sir and how heavy the brainwash.. old testament depicts it all and us the bestest version with all the Sodom carnality and morbid tidbits..
MY friend Realgrimm, I know deep in your heart, you believe in god. trust me, I have seen GRUESOME things. With the help of Jeminus Pacem, I found life and love. There are no atheists in foxholes.

Please switch to the right side. Will ya?



Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
All life would be meaningless.

If your living your best life only to end up in a grave then your the one living a nasty, fruitless life.

If you don’t have hope, you have what? Internet message boards?

Who gets to define "meaning", "nasty", "fruitless", and "hope"?


<quick breath>

That was fun. You should do that more often.
You haven’t brought 1 (!!!) valid point here.

All you do is actually insulting and derailing. Noticed that?