Wild Animals That You Wish You Could Have As Pets?


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I would love to be this guy. Probably because I'm a leo ♡

And he isnt a fucking dumb ass like that grizzly guy was. He actually understands and respects the animals.

I bonk my kitties on the nose when they are over doing it too. And that works really well....that's what they do with eachother when they want the other cat to stop what it's doing. Not hard....just bonk them and they get it.
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Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
How would you like that charging toward you? I'm pissing my pants just thinking about it. Damn

You wouldnt even see it coming lol.

You know the real reason cats have those spikes on their tongues? It's not to groom fur....its to help rip meat off bones. Yes even house cats.

They are perfect predators. If they COULD be tamed (and be happy that way)....that would be awesome. But they cant and people who bought black market tiger cubs are the biggest fucking retards ever. The Gomer Piles of society. We had a jack ass here in MI who did that and it turned out how you would expect. Dumbass had the tiger....a grown ass tiger....in HIS GARAGE. It took a whole fucking team to get that tiger out of there and somewhere safe and yeah....homeboy went to jail lol.

This went down in a residential area where kids lived and everything. Stupid fuck endangered not just himself but the whole town AND the tiger.

People getting wolf cubs was an issue for a while there as well because wolves really are NOT dogs. They are but...they aren't. They are very large, very fucking strong, and have the wild in them pretty strong. I LOVE them. At a distance. There are people here in MI who get would hybrids and theyll howl....its cool to hear.
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Mr. Excitement
☠️Private Forum Access
Hi Dove :)

Yeah, people do some pretty dumb shit. When Mike Tyson was younger he had two young white tigers that he had to get rid of when they got older because they got big enough to kill him. Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent species on earth but we do the dumbest things. Look at how many circus animals that have attacked and killed trainers. That's God telling us that it's dangerous and inappropriate to treat wild animals, or any animal for that matter, that way. Also, I saw a video years ago of two men in a jeep getting way too close to a hippo to get a good picture. The hippo charged and slammed their jeep leaving a huge dent in it.

If God intended wild animals to be pets, they wouldn't be a danger to us. There are some exceptions I guess. This guy in the video has bears as pets. If memory serves he's had them for like 13+ years and they haven't hurt him. I'm guessing God is protecting him because an animal at any time could get it in their head that you are a threat and attack.



Factory Bastard
Mike Tyson prolly treated the animals like shit, like he treated women ..
people keep tigers their whole natural lives without incident


Mr. Excitement
☠️Private Forum Access
Mike Tyson prolly treated the animals like shit, like he treated women ..
people keep tigers their whole natural lives without incident
Hello X

Well no, he treated them well. They were well fed, their coats were in good shape. They exercised also. It's just that animals like that are unpredictable and shouldn't be pets.

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Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Hi Dove :)

Yeah, people do some pretty dumb shit. When Mike Tyson was younger he had two young white tigers that he had to get rid of when they got older because they got big enough to kill him. Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent species on earth but we do the dumbest things. Look at how many circus animals that have attacked and killed trainers. That's God telling us that it's dangerous and inappropriate to treat wild animals, or any animal for that matter, that way. Also, I saw a video years ago of two men in a jeep getting way too close to a hippo to get a good picture. The hippo charged and slammed their jeep leaving a huge dent in it.

If God intended wild animals to be pets, they wouldn't be a danger to us. There are some exceptions I guess. This guy in the video has bears as pets. If memory serves he's had them for like 13+ years and they haven't hurt him. I'm guessing God is protecting him because an animal at any time could get it in their head that you are a threat and attack.

It's really stupid and disrespectful of nature. That bear isnt gonna ever be tame....all it takes is a few seconds and that guy is dead. And the bear ends up getting killed. Not to mention he has those bears habituated so they have no problem walking into peoples yards and such...they dont fear humans and that is a dangerous situation. I cant stand people like this. Why...WHY fuck with nature like that?

I was looking for a video of this but I cant find it. I dont remember where this was....one of our US. Maybe TX. Some people had a few tiger cubs they raised. The tigers grew up and became ....well they became tigers. So these people had them out in a field (with residential areas just a few miles away) in an enclosure made from a chain link fence. The tigers had became too hostile to feed and water. So they were just left there and became severely dehydrated and emaciated. It was so sad.

The crew that showed up to rescue them were worried because the tigers were VERY stressed, pacing around and fully capable of taking down that wimpy chain link enclosure had they figured out they could. And the vets that were there said the tigers were in such bad shape that tranquilizing them could kill them.

But they had no choice but to tranq them. So they had two teams of vets and vet techs...tranquilized them at the same time and intubated both as soon as they zonked. It was a huge ordeal.

Poor things. They were nursed back to health and taken to some reserve or zoo....I cant remember which but they were not able to be released into the wild.

I'm pretty sure the idiot assholes who did this were arrested but I cant find it. I saw this on animal planet a LONG time ago and it was so sad i never forgot it. The tigers were starving too death :/


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states

Tiger gets loose in a neighborhood. Owner gets it in his SUV and takes off with it LOL.

People are so dumb. This asshole was renting and told the landlord he had no pets and snuck a fucking TIGER in there LOL


Mr. Excitement
☠️Private Forum Access
It's really stupid and disrespectful of nature. That bear isnt gonna ever be tame....all it takes is a few seconds and that guy is dead. And the bear ends up getting killed. Not to mention he has those bears habituated so they have no problem walking into peoples yards and such...they dont fear humans and that is a dangerous situation. I cant stand people like this. Why...WHY fuck with nature like that?

I was looking for a video of this but I cant find it. I dont remember where this was....one of our US. Maybe TX. Some people had a few tiger cubs they raised. The tigers grew up and became ....well they became tigers. So these people had them out in a field (with residential areas just a few miles away) in an enclosure made from a chain link fence. The tigers had became too hostile to feed and water. So they were just left there and became severely dehydrated and emaciated. It was so sad.

The crew that showed up to rescue them were worried because the tigers were VERY stressed, pacing around and fully capable of taking down that wimpy chain link enclosure had they figured out they could. And the vets that were there said the tigers were in such bad shape that tranquilizing them could kill them.

But they had no choice but to tranq them. So they had two teams of vets and vet techs...tranquilized them at the same time and intubated both as soon as they zonked. It was a huge ordeal.

Poor things. They were nursed back to health and taken to some reserve or zoo....I cant remember which but they were not able to be released into the wild.

I'm pretty sure the idiot assholes who did this were arrested but I cant find it. I saw this on animal planet a LONG time ago and it was so sad i never forgot it. The tigers were starving too death :/
What you're saying is disturbing but sadly, true. Way I look at it, God knows what He's doing. He created the animals and placed them where He knows is right. We can still have some pets. Just not wild ones. I truly believe that God created dogs and cats specifically for pets. You're very right about fucking with nature. All of those wild animals have a purpose and we should respect that if not for God, but for our safety.


Mr. Excitement
☠️Private Forum Access

Tiger gets loose in a neighborhood. Owner gets it in his SUV and takes off with it LOL.

People are so dumb. This asshole was renting and told the landlord he had no pets and snuck a fucking TIGER in there LOL

Could you imagine someone breaking into that dude's apartment and running into that tiger? lol