Wild Animals That You Wish You Could Have As Pets?


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
What you're saying is disturbing but sadly, true. Way I look at it, God knows what He's doing. He created the animals and placed them where He knows is right. We can still have some pets. Just not wild ones. I truly believe that God created dogs and cats specifically for pets. You're very right about fucking with nature. All of those wild animals have a purpose and we should respect that if not for God, but for our safety.

People who do this get some fucked up thrill out of it. They claim they love the animals but....love is not just warm feelings. Its action. If you love something you do what's best for it.

Men who take hostages to rape and abuse "love" their victims. This isn't much different IMO.

I dont ever feel bad for people who act like this with wild animals and end up getting killed. Like that grizzly guy. This asshole set up camp right where the bears traverse to fish and travel....so he gave the bears no way to avoid him. And he had no safety equipment. Nothing around his camp. No bear mace. No gun. Nothing. Just ignorant and irresponsible.

The park rangers even told him that if they have to kill a bear because of him, they would never forgive him. Because that's what happens....the bear ends up having to be killed so the idiots remains can be retrieved. The bears will cache the body and guard it so...they get shot. And this asshole inspired other people to go and be stupid with bears and people (and bears) were killed as a result.

I'm not irked by people who know what they are doing interacting with dangerous wild animals. Like that lion guy. It's people who delude themselves into believing they have some spiritual connection to the animals so they do shit like.....camp out on a bear path or keep a tiger in their house and shit like that. I dont feel bad when they get killed or injured.

Imagine your children playing in their own yard in a subdivision and a tiger suddenly pounces out of nowhere. Uhg.


Factory Bastard
Hello X

Well no, he treated them well. They were well fed, their coats were in good shape. They exercised also. It's just that animals like that are unpredictable and shouldn't be pets.

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My bad, didn't know you were there


Factory Bastard
I would like a Pet Blazor



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Not to mention Whoopi is a fatty who would eat you out of house and home. Oh, and you know she regularly chimps out and starts throwing feces.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
How can anyone not want one of these?
Just look at that face. Look at it!

I don’t know if you were aware of this, but the cute Quokka is endemic to a small island off mainland Perth, Western Australia, called Rottnest Island. The early Dutch explorers saw them and thought that they were large rats, hence “Rat Nest Island”.
Very cute and quite tame. Happiest little marsupial around.


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
I don’t know if you were aware of this, but the cute Quokka is endemic to a small island off mainland Perth, Western Australia, called Rottnest Island. The early Dutch explorers saw them and thought that they were large rats, hence “Rat Nest Island”.
Very cute and quite tame. Happiest little marsupial around.

Yeah I've read a bit about them but wouldn't call myself any kind of expert.

They're supposed to be one of the few cases where becoming an internet sensation worked out well for them as far as conservation efforts go. I'm generally not a fan of bothering wild animals but I too woud love having a selfie or three with a Quokka.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Yeah I've read a bit about them but wouldn't call myself any kind of expert.

They're supposed to be one of the few cases where becoming an internet sensation worked out well for them as far as conservation efforts go. I'm generally not a fan of bothering wild animals but I too woud love having a selfie or three with a Quokka.
They can be very tame and will eat out of your hand. Their main predators on the Island are single species of snake and a few predatory birds like the Sea Eagle. They are a very loved little marsupial.



Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I've always wanted to have a Monkey as a pet, but if I did, I would always go "Strapped" as our resident dwarf likes to say....cuz I'd put that lil Monkey mofo down if it did any monkey shines around me!


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
Hi Dove :)

Yeah, people do some pretty dumb shit. When Mike Tyson was younger he had two young white tigers that he had to get rid of when they got older because they got big enough to kill him. Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent species on earth but we do the dumbest things. Look at how many circus animals that have attacked and killed trainers. That's God telling us that it's dangerous and inappropriate to treat wild animals, or any animal for that matter, that way. Also, I saw a video years ago of two men in a jeep getting way too close to a hippo to get a good picture. The hippo charged and slammed their jeep leaving a huge dent in it.

If God intended wild animals to be pets, they wouldn't be a danger to us. There are some exceptions I guess. This guy in the video has bears as pets. If memory serves he's had them for like 13+ years and they haven't hurt him. I'm guessing God is protecting him because an animal at any time could get it in their head that you are a threat and attack.

I read online recently that far too many Humans are doing that same thing, it's like Animals serve as a warning to us "higher breeds"