1,000,000 Post Thread


Vape Nation
Factory Bastard
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I swear, one of the best and most disturbing films about nukes is "Threads"... It's about the Russians dropping Nukes on the UK, you can find it free online it's from the 80s...


Vape Nation
Factory Bastard
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
The whole nuclear thing plays a part in the Drake equation when used for the existence of extra terrestrial life... We don't know the answer to "L" which means longevity of civilisations i.e after a species becomes to a certain advanced state it tends to destroy itself like with nuclear explosions etc and that could also be the answer as to why we haven't officially heard or been visited by any aliens... We'll never know the answer to that until we're able to reach distant planets or until we destroy ourselves and by then it won't be worth knowing lol

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Factory Bastard
Happy Valley
The Earth is being destroyed anyway. I don't think we need a calamitous event. Maybe the real test is how far we can go with Tech before using the natural rescources of the world completely. It's a race between being self sufficient and ruining the planet.


Vape Nation
Factory Bastard
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
If humans want to survive forever then we'll need to be able to move planets then solar systems then galaxies because our earth and sun won't last forever... It's still way too early for us to be needing to think about moving, you're right we need to be thinking about the planet and being waaay more efficient with her resources... At this point in time we're like a plague to our planet and we're the new kids on the block as far as life goes...


Beaner coffee farmer
Factory Bastard
I'm pretty sure there'll be no war

Russia is putting troops there only to keep the fear flowing and to send gas prices up

After all, they profit a lot with it. Just observe how things are "calm" in the middle east. Not many bombings, Iran is quiet, Iraq has not much going on. The war in Yemen is being forgotten. Palestine is quiet too, same with Israel

They are doing this to make some money with high crude prices

They want the population gone, but they don't want major wars that cost a lot of money and destroy the environment,

They want people dying of disease, famine and localized civil wars. And more important, they want to make sure that the number of births is shadowed by the number of deaths.

When population numbers start dwindling they'll applaud and say that humanity is on the right path


Vape Nation
Factory Bastard
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Like I said, the green party would be a no brainer for me if they didn't swing left, I'd prefer if they were much more neutral but the world isn't a perfect place... Perhaps I will vote for them though as we've got no real right party in the UK... The cons and labour are two peas in the same pod and the SNP can go fuck themselves completely!


Vape Nation
Factory Bastard
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
How are we opposed to working people? If we had our way everyone born in our country would have employment CHOICES and those positions certainly wouldn't be filled withh foreigners unless they have desirable skills...