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Have kink will travel.
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Frood, we shiuld ignore his tantrums and talk about positive and fun stuff. We are funsters. Would we give a salty and angry bum kn the streets attention?

I dunno.... I had a gypsy utter an insult in a different language as I was walking by... but I understood instantly and fired back in his own language for everyone in the town square to hear.

Me and my girlfriend were followed by foot after... this guy wouldn't give up. He wanted to kill us.

I made us zig zag between focal points, then when he got close, we escaped behind a keypad locked gate. Seconds later I saw him sheath a hunting knife into his pants behind a car from the first story window.

I don't give a fuck how I reply to fuckwits.
He wanted to kill you?

Gallium is a sick man. First panty sniffing and now murder.

Beware mate.

The gypsy did.... he tried getting at me for weeks after but it was my gf's gated community... not my residence.

I mentioned it to my boss and the gypsy suddenly disappeared one day.... no explanation..... just "pooof"...


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Factory Bastard
MeNs tOiLEts
Basics too brother. Here I use delivery services because I am lazy. LoL. Yiu get 10 Euro voucher all the time. A boi cums and I give them 1 Euro tip to GTFO. Time saved. But I must go old school to Aldi. It is the best. Yiu have everything for cheap.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Factory Bastard
MeNs tOiLEts
We need to save money as long we can. Gas price is no words. Car in the garage. Basic stuff on Aldi. All good. No clothes or tech. I have everything


Beaner coffee farmer
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Factory Bastard
A man sitting next to me on the bus today showed me a picture of his wife. He says to me "Isn't she beautiful"? I replied to him "If you think she's pretty, you should see my wife" He then asked "Oh, is your wife beautiful too"?, to which I replied "No, she's an optometrist".