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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol
How very open minded of her..
Hahahaha...is she a keeper?
Maybe, butt I feel a chimp out brewing...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Cheers for the avatar change by the way...Arum Lilies are awesome. I sell the golden ones as a hobby; they’re semi-aquatic.

I changed it again. LOL! I though it still looked too much like a Lily. So, I went with the Fleur de Lis. And diamonds are a girl's second best friend.

I do so love the Arum lilies though. Aren't they originally from southern Africa? They come in so many beautiful colors.
Yes...but careful planting them around livestock as they’re poisonous.
“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” is probably one of the world’s best marketing slogans. Lol

Indeed. Though DeBeers has cornered the market on some of the best marketing campaigns.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...
I know that for a fact, but it always hard convincing others. In South Africa they call it “reverse racism”....hahahahahaaa...racism is fucking racism. Mandela was a massive racist: fact.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Cheers for the avatar change by the way...Arum Lilies are awesome. I sell the golden ones as a hobby; they’re semi-aquatic.

I changed it again. LOL! I though it still looked too much like a Lily. So, I went with the Fleur de Lis. And diamonds are a girl's second best friend.

I do so love the Arum lilies though. Aren't they originally from southern Africa? They come in so many beautiful colors.
Yes...but careful planting them around livestock as they’re poisonous.
“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” is probably one of the world’s best marketing slogans. Lol

Indeed. Though DeBeers has cornered the market on some of the best marketing campaigns.
Aaaaaah...you know of DeBeers! Very good. A big legacy of apartheid, in which the world invested.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.

How about this one and the "model"?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Cheers for the avatar change by the way...Arum Lilies are awesome. I sell the golden ones as a hobby; they’re semi-aquatic.

I changed it again. LOL! I though it still looked too much like a Lily. So, I went with the Fleur de Lis. And diamonds are a girl's second best friend.

I do so love the Arum lilies though. Aren't they originally from southern Africa? They come in so many beautiful colors.
Yes...but careful planting them around livestock as they’re poisonous.
“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” is probably one of the world’s best marketing slogans. Lol

Indeed. Though DeBeers has cornered the market on some of the best marketing campaigns.
Aaaaaah...you know of DeBeers! Very good. A big legacy of apartheid, in which the world invested.

Yes, I know of De Beers and which the world did invest.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.
Hahahahaa...the one on the left will ensure your survival, the one on the right will steal your soul!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.
Hahahahaa...the one on the left will ensure your survival, the one on the right will steal your soul!
The left one is yours then...


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.
Hahahahaa...the one on the left will ensure your survival, the one on the right will steal your soul!
The left one is yours then...
No no...I’m the devil!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.

How about this one and the "model"?



Is she the same species as the aboriginal woman or the model?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.

How about this one and the "model"?



Is she the same species as the aboriginal woman or the model?
The model
She's clearly raveged her looks with drugs...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.

How about this one and the "model"?



Is she the same species as the aboriginal woman or the model?
The model
She's clearly raveged her looks with drugs...

I think she was ugly before the drugs.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
@Lily ... Lotusbutt: in a nutshell, could you describe her mindset?

Not really. I haven't read a whole lot of what she's posted. She sounds like she's a progressive from the US. It seems to be a thing these days.
I think regressive is more apt. She’s moved to Portugal and berates the States on a daily basis.
Most of her knowledge comes from fake news and the media. She has very little experience of “behind-the-scene” corruption and shenanigans of political parties. She thinks you’re Oak. Who is Oak?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.

How about this one and the "model"?



Is she the same species as the aboriginal woman or the model?
The model
She's clearly raveged her looks with drugs...

I think she was ugly before the drugs.
Did you get your crystal ball out? It's not about looks it's about facial features and build, all abo women look like the first one...
Real blacks with no white in them look like this...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.

How about this one and the "model"?



Is she the same species as the aboriginal woman or the model?
The model
She's clearly raveged her looks with drugs...

I think she was ugly before the drugs.
Looks like a bloke to me, but who knows ...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
@Lily ... Lotusbutt: in a nutshell, could you describe her mindset?

Not really. I haven't read a whole lot of what she's posted. She sounds like she's a progressive from the US. It seems to be a thing these days.
I think regressive is more apt. She’s moved to Portugal and berates the States on a daily basis.
Most of her knowledge comes from fake news and the media. She has very little experience of “behind-the-scene” corruption and shenanigans of political parties. She thinks you’re Oak. Who is Oak?

I've heard of her, but don't know her. Clearly it's someone that she doesn't like or is suspicious of. Her comments haven't been positive in any way about Oak. At least the one's she's posted since I got here.

It's not my job to convince anyone of anything. We're all free to believe whatever we want.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Is Aus in lockdown again? (I don't watch the Jews, I mean news)

I know what you mean about the politics overload, but at least it's confined to one section. Meltdown has gone quiet with Dilf taking a break, so I find myself drawn to politics when there's no TROLOLOL'ing action on the menu.
Victoria...it had a bit of a spike recently. 7 day lockdown.

The Politics is just one repetitive flavour that orientates itself around American politics. It’s not the way moving forward. I might change my name back to Gallium and go out with a bang. I’ve got tired of the people endlessly discussing crap; and most of them are churning out recycled twoddle from google. Recently I had that @Lily cunt telling me that I know nothing about African politics!? I’ll take her around a corner and throw her to the animals that speak goonie-goo-goo. Fucking fat bitch!

Who said you didn't know anything about African politics? I said you didn't know anything about African native writing and proto-writing systems.

I think you should go back and read that when you're sober.
Fuck off you muppet!

Are you having a bad night? I'm having a great one. I have a three day weekend coming up.
Nice one...I’m semi-retired so I have a three or four day weekend most weeks. It’s fantastic since I’ve spent most of my life protecting plebs in society like you.

You really don't know the first thing about me. Well, except that I'm not a racist asshole.
OOOOhhhhh she called someone a racist!!!! lolol

I didn't. I said that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm not a racist asshole.
You don't like white people clearly... Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, everythings about race with them all the time...

It's not clear at all. I like anyone that is decent, kind, open-minded, contributes to their community or society, etc. I don't like people that have a mentality that there's only so much "pie" and no one else, especially someone different, should get a slice of pie. All the while they let the wealthy get away with stealing everyone's pie by buying politicians.

Color isn't the issue, hatred in the heart is, buddy.

How about this one and the "model"?



Is she the same species as the aboriginal woman or the model?
The model
She's clearly raveged her looks with drugs...

I think she was ugly before the drugs.
Did you get your crystal ball out? It's not about looks it's about facial features and build, all abo women look like the first one...
Real blacks with no white in them look like this...

It's my opinion that when the gene pool is shallow, frequently there are a lot of unattractive people. But if you pay attention while you're out and about in public, most people are average at best. Are you aware that most Miss Universe's are from the Americas? It's the mixing of the gene pool, even among "whites".