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Have kink will travel.
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Nazi Germant had no military base in Antarctica. Take it to the bank.

So why was a Uboat apprehended at the end of the war, in Argentina and coming up north from Antarctica?

Were they sightseeing? Lulz

There was definitely a base of operations there... we can dispute the size, but the nature of it is still too important to not keep secret.

When you understand that the Nazi's were keen researchers of ancient texts, mythology, and lore.... you'll be one step closer to understanding the significance of their presence there..... and why nations all subsequently agreed to keep unvetted civilians away from anything but the coastlines in compounds for menial jobs under the guise of science.

The best kept secrets are hidden in the open.


Beaner coffee farmer
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Libs are a funny bunch, they don't care about the unborn being killed, 100k dead from open borders fentanyl influx or their own country biting the dust, but God forbid their water being "dead".


Factory Bastard
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I'm not big on Pizza, its an open toasted sandwich. Now Lazanya? That stuff is God tier.
I never liked pizza when I was a kid. I didn't like tomato sauce because of my mom's spaghetti. She would always put green bell pepper in there and I didn't like it. I detest green bell peppers to this very day. Every Friday night, we would go to Pizza Hut and I would get the toasted ham and cheese sandwich.

Now, I can't do without pizza or spaghetti or lasagna or strombolis. I crave it.