Blazor, there was also a nice petite teen, serving us beer!! She was eyeing on me. Damn that felt good. Pussy is bestest!!! I was too sissy and arrogant to ask for number, lol
I know, but there were like 3 other elderly females. And to be honest I am fine. I hunt no girls. Only when I see clear signs. Lolololo!!! But she was cute!!!
Blazor, same here!!! Me and best buddy drank too much!!! My buddy was even sleeping during the game. Then the swine friend smashed his hand on his leg and he was PARA SHOCKED!!! Hillarious!!! But we had too much. My meAT was weak for anything with pussys
I had no alcohol at the room. Party was on. And he had this bottle all the time on the stand. So I drank that!!! The next day, I cant remember what happened!!!!