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Factory Bastard
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Portuguese people seem to be the opposite. They will run to help strangers all the time. I have seen it so, so many times. It's one of the many reasons I love it here. The people's attitude is really great.

The problem is that many here simply are too afraid.

If you decide to interfere, you might end up dead, like it happens often.

If you interfere and help the victim, the cops will want you to witness and if you don't you're in trouble.

If you witness, they won't protect you if the criminal wants revenge

I actually know someone, a cousin of a friend, who broke into a neighbor's apartment to stop the husband from beating the wife. The asshole swore to kill him and tried to ambush him one day, but the guy was expecting it and shot him first.

Spent 2 months in jail because he wasn't supposed to be carrying a gun on the street. So the justice is literally telling him to die like a coward.

That's all very fucked up. Fortunately there is very little violence here. Very little. I saw a fistfight once, in the entire time I've been here, and all the many parts of the country I've been in. It was obviously a couple of drunk guys, and ten people ran to break them up.

There can be a lot of yelling, though. LOL

LOL when I got to the US, I saw two portuguese dudes getting on each other faces like rabid dogs, pointing fingers and yelling like crazy and I thought "these fuckers will kill each other" and 2 minutes later, they're laughing and embracing each other drinking Sagres.


We were on a ferry once, and there were all these biker guys, with leather and tattoos, making a lot of noise. They got up and were standing on the ledge of the ferry and acting really stupid. A ferry employee walked over and told them to stop, and they immediately jumped off the ledge and quieted down. No arguing, no attitude, nothing. Just suddenly good boys.


Beaner coffee farmer
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Yeah, the Portuguese tend to get noisy and even a little menacing, but they always know when to stop and very rarely they get physical.

Brazilians don't know when to stop and always want to have the last word in an argument and if things get physical, it's not rare for one of the parts to get a hold of a knife or gun to make things deadly.


Factory Bastard
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No. I don't know it. That's nice. I love Brazilian music. Now that the Brazilian cafe below me is gone, I don't hear much. Mostly it's Portuguese -- traditional and contemporary -- and American.

All during September and October, there were free concerts every Friday and Saturday. It was all Portuguese and American jazz. At least, we were never there on a night when they had Brazilian. But I think there are a lot of Brazilian musicians here.

The one Brazilian musician I know is way into American music, though.


Factory Bastard
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The other thing I love about Portugal is that everything opens up late and stays open late. You can get dinner out at 11. Being a night owl, I love that! None of this "The workday starts at 7am" crap!


Factory Bastard
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Portuguese people seem to be the opposite. They will run to help strangers all the time. I have seen it so, so many times. It's one of the many reasons I love it here. The people's attitude is really great.

The problem is that many here simply are too afraid.

If you decide to interfere, you might end up dead, like it happens often.

If you interfere and help the victim, the cops will want you to witness and if you don't you're in trouble.

If you witness, they won't protect you if the criminal wants revenge

I actually know someone, a cousin of a friend, who broke into a neighbor's apartment to stop the husband from beating the wife. The asshole swore to kill him and tried to ambush him one day, but the guy was expecting it and shot him first.

Spent 2 months in jail because he wasn't supposed to be carrying a gun on the street. So the justice is literally telling him to die like a coward.

That's all very fucked up. Fortunately there is very little violence here. Very little. I saw a fistfight once, in the entire time I've been here, and all the many parts of the country I've been in. It was obviously a couple of drunk guys, and ten people ran to break them up.

There can be a lot of yelling, though. LOL

In fact, funny story. I was walking alone once, and there were maybe three guys yelling at each other in the praça. Where they were, I knew I would be able to hear them when I went inside my apartment. So I told them to shut up.

They all just immediately shut the fuck up! It was a riot.

Actually, I never would have done that in Los Angeles. It could have been very dangerous.

Here, I wasn't worried about them hurting me, at all. But I sure as shit did not think they'd shut up! LMAO.


Beaner coffee farmer
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No. I don't know it. That's nice. I love Brazilian music. Now that the Brazilian cafe below me is gone, I don't hear much. Mostly it's Portuguese -- traditional and contemporary -- and American.

All during September and October, there were free concerts every Friday and Saturday. It was all Portuguese and American jazz. At least, we were never there on a night when they had Brazilian. But I think there are a lot of Brazilian musicians here.

The one Brazilian musician I know is way into American music, though.

That song is one my favorites, lyrics, melody, everything.

It was made for that poor hardworking person who toils the whole day to make a measly 15 dollars, arriving home after one of those days, feeling desperate, hopeless and depressed. Very few songs are so befitting to the Brazilian people like that one.


Factory Bastard
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United States
Any of yoo remembers the old school microwave pizzas where yoo had the build that square thing with the grey foil thing on top then cook the pizza on it?


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weeg, how comes you try to be boring instead of an exciting force like me


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Down by the seashore.