What you should expect is that just because you choose to 'assign' an emotional condition to someone else based purely on your own perceptions, that doesn't obligate the subject to agree with your perception. In short: Just 'cause you say it don't make it so.
Does my style convey a certain... acerbic flavor? Maybe. Does that mean that's literally how I am? Not if you understand the concept of a writing style, it doesn't.
And then there's X... who writes like a functionally illiterate, hydrocephalic twat. Is he really one, away from the context of this place? Wouldn't bet money for or against it.
Yeah, evidently my dust and pollen allergies, which I thought I had grown out of, have re-emerged. Which is 'fun.' So I bought a bottle of Claritin tablets. But the things are so fuckin' paltry that just one iss ze gogglez (It duzz nussing!)
Me, too. Okay, so it's high-rye bourbon and creme soda. Doesn't really suppress the histamine response at all, but... I call it Idontevennoticethatshitatol.