Another anti-vaxxer, dead dead dead at 46


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Trouble is, you morons continue to push the lie that only unvaxed die. Also, we dont have a reliable list of people that died from the vax. Tell ya what, we'll keep claiming that the vax doesnt work, you keep claiming it does! Cool?

Obviously Covid is a nasty fucker and more people are dying of it than the flu, by far. Also, it's new, so all the science is not in. And yes, Big Pharma lies about shit. But I think the fact remains, if you're vaxxed, you're better off. Go with the odds.

And for those who choose not to get vaxxed, you people should leave them the fuck alone....

Only if you wear a mask whenever you are out in public.

Riiiiiight... because those flimsy paper things make a crucial difference.

You could actually save someone's life. Don't be a prick.
Fuk em. They should have got vaxed. Right?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things. @Aryan.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things. @Aryan.
Fuck that, bitch! YOU wear one! Me, I just came back from shopping WITHOUT one! MURDER!!!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

I think it's a fucking riot when yet another anti-vaxxer croaks from Covid. If you don't see the irony there, well, more proof you've got an almost empty brain pan there, buster.

I DO see a major difference in left and right mentalities.

You dont see right wingers tracking deaths of people to post them as some funny "riot" example of irony.

This isnt irony at all. How has it become this hair brained authoritarian logic that its IRONY when people who fight MANDATES die of Covid?

So its irony because you have been groomed to view the government as such a god like entity that opposing government coercion of medical intervention now makes death an irony.

The message here is irrational and terrible. "Welp there goes another one who opposed government force. See what happens when you make your own decisions?"

Really Lotus?

Do you see us posting about vaccinated people dying as a FUNNY example of "irony"?

You SURE this guy wasnt vaccinated? Because in REALITY? I strongly oppose mandates AND I'm vaccinated and support vaccination. I just assert it's not the governments place to decide anyones medical decisions FOR them. So where is the irony here? Cut off all that propaganda and let's talk about the issue.

Ya can't stand up to what is essentially a Bioweapon Dovey.

It's like standing in the doorway of a house on fire expecting ta come out alive.

Joe, my medical decisions are up to me. It's not anyones business what i do to protect myself from Covid and it's not okay for the government to force any medical intervention. Its medical rape.

If someone wants to take the risk of declining a vaccination, that is THEIR decision. You guys can laugh and have a party when people die from a virus to your black and hateful hearts content.....but the FACT is the government has no place forcing vaccines on people.

I dont understand how peoples brains are so scrambled that the difference between opposing government force of a vaccine and opposing a vaccine doesnt even exist to them.

You guys are so full of spite and hatred that you find it funny when people die because you think they should supported your authoritarian policies. That's really sick and shows why the left should not have any power over other human beings. We wouldnt let Casey Anthony run a daycare....and for the same reasons we shouldnt let leftists run the government.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?

Because their politicains want people to be forced to take the they want that as well. And they hate anyone who opposes the government force.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

OMG. Read something that's not propaganda now and then. Everyone knows you can still get covid even when vaccinated, fool. The fact is, your chances of dying are lower if you're vaccinated. You can still get it and spread it, fool.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

OMG. Read something that's not propaganda now and then. Everyone knows you can still get covid even when vaccinated, fool. The fact is, your chances of dying are lower if you're vaccinated. You can still get it and spread it, fool.
So how does me not having the vax impact your chances of dying since you do have the vax? :Popcorn:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?

Because their politicains want people to be forced to take the they want that as well. And they hate anyone who opposes the government force.

I don't hate people for opposing the government. You have no idea what you are talking about. I call out the government on the daily. Stop being a tool.

You people are the ones with hate in your hearts. I was walking down the street wearing a mask and some maskless woman called me out. I didn't call her out, and she was the one who was being ignorant and selfish. She called me out for trying to be considerate of other people. That is a hate-filled heart.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

I think it's a fucking riot when yet another anti-vaxxer croaks from Covid. If you don't see the irony there, well, more proof you've got an almost empty brain pan there, buster.

I DO see a major difference in left and right mentalities.

You dont see right wingers tracking deaths of people to post them as some funny "riot" example of irony.

This isnt irony at all. How has it become this hair brained authoritarian logic that its IRONY when people who fight MANDATES die of Covid?

So its irony because you have been groomed to view the government as such a god like entity that opposing government coercion of medical intervention now makes death an irony.

The message here is irrational and terrible. "Welp there goes another one who opposed government force. See what happens when you make your own decisions?"

Really Lotus?

Do you see us posting about vaccinated people dying as a FUNNY example of "irony"?

You SURE this guy wasnt vaccinated? Because in REALITY? I strongly oppose mandates AND I'm vaccinated and support vaccination. I just assert it's not the governments place to decide anyones medical decisions FOR them. So where is the irony here? Cut off all that propaganda and let's talk about the issue.

Ya can't stand up to what is essentially a Bioweapon Dovey.

It's like standing in the doorway of a house on fire expecting ta come out alive.

Joe, my medical decisions are up to me. It's not anyones business what i do to protect myself from Covid and it's not okay for the government to force any medical intervention. Its medical rape.

If someone wants to take the risk of declining a vaccination, that is THEIR decision. You guys can laugh and have a party when people die from a virus to your black and hateful hearts content.....but the FACT is the government has no place forcing vaccines on people.

I dont understand how peoples brains are so scrambled that the difference between opposing government force of a vaccine and opposing a vaccine doesnt even exist to them.

You guys are so full of spite and hatred that you find it funny when people die because you think they should supported your authoritarian policies. That's really sick and shows why the left should not have any power over other human beings. We wouldnt let Casey Anthony run a daycare....and for the same reasons we shouldnt let leftists run the government.

Your fucking ilk laugh all the time about murdering lefties. And you rec them. Don't give me your hypocritical bullshit.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?

Because their politicains want people to be forced to take the they want that as well. And they hate anyone who opposes the government force.

I don't hate people for opposing the government. You have no idea what you are talking about. I call out the government on the daily. Stop being a tool.

You people are the ones with hate in your hearts. I was walking down the street wearing a mask and some maskless woman called me out. I didn't call her out, and she was the one who was being ignorant and selfish. She called me out for trying to be considerate of other people. That is a hate-filled heart.
THat shit doesn't happen here in florida. We live and let live. You wanna be a silly idiot and wear a worthless mask have at it


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?

Because their politicains want people to be forced to take the they want that as well. And they hate anyone who opposes the government force.

I don't hate people for opposing the government. You have no idea what you are talking about. I call out the government on the daily. Stop being a tool.

You people are the ones with hate in your hearts. I was walking down the street wearing a mask and some maskless woman called me out. I didn't call her out, and she was the one who was being ignorant and selfish. She called me out for trying to be considerate of other people. That is a hate-filled heart.
THat shit doesn't happen here in florida. We live and let live. You wanna be a silly idiot and wear a worthless mask have at it

I'm a silly idiot for wanting to protect others.

You, pal, are a mean-spiritied, low-IQ, useless user of oxygen.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

OMG. Read something that's not propaganda now and then. Everyone knows you can still get covid even when vaccinated, fool. The fact is, your chances of dying are lower if you're vaccinated. You can still get it and spread it, fool.
So how does me not having the vax impact your chances of dying since you do have the vax? :Popcorn:

OMG. Are you serious?

I am not afraid of dying of Covid. I already had it and didn't die. But obviously, Covid is doing some weird shit to all kinds of people with immune system issues. You never know who it's going to kill. I don't want that on my conscience, so I wear a mask. I don't even want to be responsible for killing a hater like you. But I guess you need a soul to bother with a mask. I can't buy a soul for you.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?
That is a question that induces rage, they can't even bend an answer to that question, hence the rage...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?
That is a question that induces rage, they can't even bend an answer to that question, hence the rage...
Read my answer to that, tool. Yeah, I answered it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?

Because their politicains want people to be forced to take the they want that as well. And they hate anyone who opposes the government force.

I don't hate people for opposing the government. You have no idea what you are talking about. I call out the government on the daily. Stop being a tool.

You people are the ones with hate in your hearts. I was walking down the street wearing a mask and some maskless woman called me out. I didn't call her out, and she was the one who was being ignorant and selfish. She called me out for trying to be considerate of other people. That is a hate-filled heart.
THat shit doesn't happen here in florida. We live and let live. You wanna be a silly idiot and wear a worthless mask have at it

I'm a silly idiot for wanting to protect others.

You, pal, are a mean-spiritied, low-IQ, useless user of oxygen.
Dispense with the run around crying you dyslexic idiot wombat.

How does me increasing my chances of dying impact YOU negatively since YOU got the vax and allegedly have a low chance of dying as a result?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

And if a vax and mask works, why do these cunts GAF about anyone unvaxed or unmasked since we're just hurting ourselves?
That is a question that induces rage, they can't even bend an answer to that question, hence the rage...
Read my answer to that, tool. Yeah, I answered it.
Where did you answer that? Answer it now... If the vaccination doesn't stop you catching it but stops you dying then what difference does it make to a vaxxed person whether the person next to them is jabbed or not? Why wear a mask if the jab works?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Notice how the worthless fucking commie can't answer the question

fucking dutiful lemming


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

OMG. Read something that's not propaganda now and then. Everyone knows you can still get covid even when vaccinated, fool. The fact is, your chances of dying are lower if you're vaccinated. You can still get it and spread it, fool.
So how does me not having the vax impact your chances of dying since you do have the vax? :Popcorn:

OMG. Are you serious?

I am not afraid of dying of Covid. I already had it and didn't die. But obviously, Covid is doing some weird shit to all kinds of people with immune system issues. You never know who it's going to kill. I don't want that on my conscience, so I wear a mask. I don't even want to be responsible for killing a hater like you. But I guess you need a soul to bother with a mask. I can't buy a soul for you.

Honey we are not the ones who laugh when people die.

You people are laughing about people who oppose government force of a vaccine dying.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

OMG. Read something that's not propaganda now and then. Everyone knows you can still get covid even when vaccinated, fool. The fact is, your chances of dying are lower if you're vaccinated. You can still get it and spread it, fool.
So how does me not having the vax impact your chances of dying since you do have the vax? :Popcorn:

OMG. Are you serious?

I am not afraid of dying of Covid. I already had it and didn't die. But obviously, Covid is doing some weird shit to all kinds of people with immune system issues. You never know who it's going to kill. I don't want that on my conscience, so I wear a mask. I don't even want to be responsible for killing a hater like you. But I guess you need a soul to bother with a mask. I can't buy a soul for you.

Honey we are not the ones who laugh when people die.
I laugh when liberals die

but they're not human beings to begin with


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

I think it's a fucking riot when yet another anti-vaxxer croaks from Covid. If you don't see the irony there, well, more proof you've got an almost empty brain pan there, buster.

I DO see a major difference in left and right mentalities.

You dont see right wingers tracking deaths of people to post them as some funny "riot" example of irony.

This isnt irony at all. How has it become this hair brained authoritarian logic that its IRONY when people who fight MANDATES die of Covid?

So its irony because you have been groomed to view the government as such a god like entity that opposing government coercion of medical intervention now makes death an irony.

The message here is irrational and terrible. "Welp there goes another one who opposed government force. See what happens when you make your own decisions?"

Really Lotus?

Do you see us posting about vaccinated people dying as a FUNNY example of "irony"?

You SURE this guy wasnt vaccinated? Because in REALITY? I strongly oppose mandates AND I'm vaccinated and support vaccination. I just assert it's not the governments place to decide anyones medical decisions FOR them. So where is the irony here? Cut off all that propaganda and let's talk about the issue.

Ya can't stand up to what is essentially a Bioweapon Dovey.

It's like standing in the doorway of a house on fire expecting ta come out alive.

Joe, my medical decisions are up to me. It's not anyones business what i do to protect myself from Covid and it's not okay for the government to force any medical intervention. Its medical rape.

If someone wants to take the risk of declining a vaccination, that is THEIR decision. You guys can laugh and have a party when people die from a virus to your black and hateful hearts content.....but the FACT is the government has no place forcing vaccines on people.

I dont understand how peoples brains are so scrambled that the difference between opposing government force of a vaccine and opposing a vaccine doesnt even exist to them.

You guys are so full of spite and hatred that you find it funny when people die because you think they should supported your authoritarian policies. That's really sick and shows why the left should not have any power over other human beings. We wouldnt let Casey Anthony run a daycare....and for the same reasons we shouldnt let leftists run the government.

Your fucking ilk laugh all the time about murdering lefties. And you rec them. Don't give me your hypocritical bullshit.

This OP is exactly why we do that.

The hypocrisy is ENTIRELY yours.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wear one of these, you selfish fucks.


Oh, wait, I forgot about my new year's resolution. I meant, Wear one of these, you misguided yet innocent, sweet things.

Is that the Israeli endorsed super duper Covidz mask which retails at $19.99?
Oh, lord. STFU. When you wear it, you can tell it's a better mask than the flimsy surgical ones.
If the vaccine works what do you need this mask for?

OMG. Read something that's not propaganda now and then. Everyone knows you can still get covid even when vaccinated, fool. The fact is, your chances of dying are lower if you're vaccinated. You can still get it and spread it, fool.
So how does me not having the vax impact your chances of dying since you do have the vax? :Popcorn:

OMG. Are you serious?

I am not afraid of dying of Covid. I already had it and didn't die. But obviously, Covid is doing some weird shit to all kinds of people with immune system issues. You never know who it's going to kill. I don't want that on my conscience, so I wear a mask. I don't even want to be responsible for killing a hater like you. But I guess you need a soul to bother with a mask. I can't buy a soul for you.

Fuckwit. I already answered. Read it. Im not going to keep typing it over and over because of your low IQ issues. Get a special ed teacher for that.