Another anti-vaxxer, dead dead dead at 46


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

That only works if the person you are mocking is actually a Covid denier tho.

That's a pretty critical point, Admin.
Please I've asked you politely several times to read my posts before popping off with some whacky non sequitur

Admin I DO read your posts. Sometimes more than once because I'm genuinely TRYING here.

Is this no longer about the woman in the OP?
The meme is self explanatory among my people.

Its cryptic to all the normal people though.

Help a Trumptarded bitch out!

Is this still about the OP?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

That only works if the person you are mocking is actually a Covid denier tho.

That's a pretty critical point, Admin.
Please I've asked you politely several times to read my posts before popping off with some whacky non sequitur

Admin I DO read your posts. Sometimes more than once because I'm genuinely TRYING here.

Is this no longer about the woman in the OP?

Since when does anyone on this forum stay on topic in a thread? Yourself included, there, Dove, I hate to say. *cough* Trannies in bathrooms. Abortion. Hateful leftists. *cough*


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

That only works if the person you are mocking is actually a Covid denier tho.

That's a pretty critical point, Admin.
Please I've asked you politely several times to read my posts before popping off with some whacky non sequitur

Admin I DO read your posts. Sometimes more than once because I'm genuinely TRYING here.

Is this no longer about the woman in the OP?

Since when does anyone on this forum stay on topic in a thread? Yourself included, there, Dove, I hate to say. *cough* Trannies in bathrooms. Abortion. Hateful leftists. *cough*

That SHOULD add validity to my question, yeah?

Why you guys being shits? I'm not even mouthy today!


An Claidheam Anam
Picking on retards can actually be a fun activity.

Oh look, a moral man!

:LOL3: Yo Reggie. You missed one of monster’s best meltdowns

So I was making fun of the navy cause they’re all gay and pussies and what not right? And he got so mad he went crying to Edna about it.

He wasn't Gayvy, I think he was some kind of Army grunt gassing up helicopters and whatnot, why should he care?

And where's Edna these days? Still hanging out on Facebook pretending to be a man?
So it was a helicopter blade that turned his big jew nose into a big bay window for his brain?


I don't know where Edna is. I think he might be on facebook still crying about Trump and wut not

The story I heard was that he and some injunction were snorting what they thought was angel dust off the top of a barrel of Agent Orange that they were loading onto helicopters to spray on the gooks, but it turned out it was Draino™ and it fucked up his nose real bad.

Have you no class? I try to differentiate you from your brethren but it's becoming impossible anymore.

You never heard that story? It was all over Bad Yahoo back in the day. Wolfie, the injun, even kinda confirmed it when he talked about how he never got any bad dust in Nam.

He who?

The injun, Wolfie, does basic punctuation elude your grasp?

No, but if you're talking about Spoon, what does Wolf have anything to do with it? I'm waiting for you to address your shittiness.

Wolf got Spoon the bad dust that they snorted on top of an Agent Orange barrel back in Nam. Good Gods it was a major story back then when I trolled the fuck out of it on Bad Yahoo.

Maybe that was one of the times you ran away after a melt down.

Who trolls stuff like that? Are you 12? Good God, man.

Look who's talking, 8th grade Karen.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Cuba's vaccine looks better than all those ones Capitalist Big Pharma overcharged for.

Why do you say that, Joe? You cannot look at the low point of a wave and attribute that to the vaccine.

If you have not noticed, Cuba's case count is going up and it looks like the start of a new wave...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Cuba's vaccine looks better than all those ones Capitalist Big Pharma overcharged for.

Why do you say that, Joe? You cannot look at the low point of a wave and attribute that to the vaccine.

If you have not noticed, Cuba's case count is going up and it looks like the start of a new wave...

True. it went down for a while, but news reports say its going back up again slightly.

And their vaccine has not been reviewed or tested for efficay or safety yet by health agencies.

So it's too early to tell.

Nevertheless, it would be good if different vaccines/competition came out to challenge Pfizer because it might actually put a dent into the Pandemic numbers if better treatments were available.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
US based Novavax is better and safer than Pfizer, but Pfizer and the powers that be in your country won't let your fellow Americans have it.

Why do you think that is, Joe?

I know, you think it is political corruption.

I think it just might be bigger than that.

All the other vaccines that have been approved are gene-based therapies. Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J, and AstraZeneca in Canada.

Something is fishy, Joe.
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Domestically feral
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United states
My mother in law is recovered and she has Squish today.

I was giving Squish a bath last week and she asked me if Babba was gonna die :( she knew babba was super sick.

She kicked it though and today was babba day.

My mother in law is definately one of the people these guys would laugh about dying and I hate that. You guys have no idea how stressful and worrisome it is to see people get this doubled down on political conspiracies and narratives and not be able to break through any of it.

And to clearly see the shit that fuels it.

Thank God she didnt die and she has immunity now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
US based Novavax is better and safer than Pfizer, but Pfizer and the powers that be in your country won't let your fellow Americans have it.

Why do you think that is, Joe?

I know, you think it is political corruption.

I think it just might be bigger than that.

All the other vaccines that have been approved are gene-based therapies. Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J, and AstraZeneca in Canada.

Something is fishy, Joe.

If there were better safer products on the market, maybe it would reduce the amount of apprehension from many who aren't getting the jab.

Even tho I was vaxxed I'm also reticent and resistant to getting jabbed further by any of those products you just mentioned.

I think if the governments don't bend a bit in allowing other treatments, more people are gonna resist. It's akin to Microsoft pushing Windows 11, while many of its users are fed up with unecessary upgrades and they likewise begin to resist the pressure by Big Tech cuz they as end users are tired of getting pushed around by them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Cuba's vaccine looks better than all those ones Capitalist Big Pharma overcharged for.

Why do you say that, Joe? You cannot look at the low point of a wave and attribute that to the vaccine.

If you have not noticed, Cuba's case count is going up and it looks like the start of a new wave...

True. it went down for a while, but news reports say its going back up again slightly.

And their vaccine has not been reviewed or tested for efficay or safety yet by health agencies.

So it's too early to tell.

Nevertheless, it would be good if different vaccines/competition came out to challenge Pfizer because it might actually put a dent into the Pandemic numbers if better treatments were available.
Their vaccine is likely a shot of espresso.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I'm still wondering who the covid denier is who died and it's funny because they were a Covid denier.

I do not know one "covid denier". I am sure there are a handful out there...maybe evern a dozen or so in the entire world.

Admin and LettuceButt and others are unable to think for themselves. Someone makes a meme, and they automatically think it must be based on reality.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm still wondering who the covid denier is who died and it's funny because they were a Covid denier.

I do not know one "covid denier". I am sure there are a handful out there...maybe evern a dozen or so in the entire world.

Admin and LettuceButt and others are unable to think for themselves. Someone makes a meme, and they automatically think it must be based on reality.

I dont know any either, there are none in the mainstream at all.

There is a denomination of Qanon least a year ago....were denying that Covid was real and calling it a false flag and cover story for a military operation to pull mole children out of the D.U.M.B.S.

I wish I was joking. I'm not.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Something is fishy, Joe.

I just try to look at the situation objectively.

If Pfizer, Moderna and others had managed to get this Pandemic under control, then great.

Continue on the same course.

However...after 1 year, millions of jabs later, 70% of the USA vaxxed...and still no improvement in the numbers, perhaps it's time to give somebody or another company's vaccines or treatments a chance.

When the old model aint cuttin' out, fire the old one, introduce a new one to see if it can do better.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
US based Novavax is better and safer than Pfizer, but Pfizer and the powers that be in your country won't let your fellow Americans have it.

Why do you think that is, Joe?

I know, you think it is political corruption.

I think it just might be bigger than that.

All the other vaccines that have been approved are gene-based therapies. Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J, and AstraZeneca in Canada.

Something is fishy, Joe.

If there were better safer products on the market, maybe it would reduce the amount of apprehension from many who aren't getting the jab.

Even tho I was vaxxed I'm also reticent and resistant to getting jabbed further by any of those products you just mentioned.

I think if the governments don't bend a bit in allowing other treatments, more people are gonna resist. It's akin to Microsoft pushing Windows 11, while many of its users are fed up with unecessary upgrades and they likewise begin to resist the pressure by Big Tech cuz they as end users are tired of getting pushed around by them.

You never address what is said to you. You just go off on your little tangents saying the same old shit.

They have not approved anything that is not gene-based. There is a bigger reason for that.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Something is fishy, Joe.

I just try to look at the situation objectively.

If Pfizer, Moderna and others had managed to get this Pandemic under control, then great.

Continue on the same course.

However...after 1 year, millions of jabs later, 70% of the USA vaxxed...and still no improvement in the numbers, perhaps it's time to give somebody or another company's vaccines or treatments a chance.

When the old model aint cuttin' out, fire the old one, introduce a new one to see if it can do better.

You just keep repeating yourself.

That is not being objective. That is being obsessive.

Joe, what you are saying is basic common sense. There is no need to repeat it.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
I just try to look at the situation objectively.

If Pfizer, Moderna and others had managed to get this Pandemic under control, then great.

Continue on the same course.

However...after 1 year, millions of jabs later, 70% of the USA vaxxed...and still no improvement in the numbers, perhaps it's time to give somebody or another company's vaccines or treatments a chance.

When the old model aint cuttin' out, fire the old one, introduce a new one to see if it can do better.
Probably won't make a difference, since the vaccine isn't effective against the new variant.

That said, I'm not vaccinated and am 100% A-OK! My life goes on as usual.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
BTW, notice how I can answer a question, Joe? You fuckin' idiot.

You're a nasty man.

You must from Ontario.
Because all the aresholes I've met in canada come from there.
You are the real asshole here, Joe.

I just call it as I see it.

I have pointed this out several times over the past several months:

You are a disrespectful cunt who does not take the time to read and understand what other people type here.

I see people take the time to read what you say, then give thoughtful replies, only to have you completely dismiss/ignore what they have said and continue on with your ramblings.

There are two sides to a conversation, but you are only interested in listening to yourself talk about what is already on your mind.

That is why you virtually never answer a question. You are not interesed in giving any thought to anything anyone else might want to discuss.

You do it to everyone that you engage with.

It is rude and disrespectful.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You are a disrespectful cunt who does not take the time to read and understand what other people type here.

...but have you ever thought that you may be?

I read people's posts here, sometimes I agree, sometimes I disagree.
But I think no less of them for it.

I don't try overpower them like you do.

You clearly have an anger management problem.
And you can't tolerate dissenting POV.
You're an angry gaslighting belligerent fella.

then you start hurling personal ad hominen attacks at other s you don't agree with.

In a formal debate you'd lose on points, @The Prowler.

The one that loses his cool loses.

That's the way it is in real life too.

I've saved myself many a time irl because I know who to keep my cool.

You should learn that skill too, Prowler.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You are a disrespectful cunt who does not take the time to read and understand what other people type here.

...but have you ever thought that you may be?

I read people's posts here, sometimes I agree, sometimes I disagree.
But I think no less of them for it.

I don't try overpower them like you do.

You clearly have an anger management problem.
And you can't tolerate dissenting POV.
You're an angry gaslighting belligerent fella.

then you start hurling personal ad hominen attacks at other s you don't agree with.

In a formal debate you'd lose on points, @The Prowler.

The one that loses his cool loses.

That's the way it is in real life too.

I've saved myself many a time irl because I know who to keep my cool.

You should learn that skill too, Prowler.

There you go again, not listening.

It has nothing to do with your point of view.

You do not take the time to understand and address anyone else's point of view.

You must have a learning disability.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Anways @The Prowler you gotta bad temper and an attitude problem.

so fixit.
josephine, you always dodge questions and obfuscate. When challenged, you just repeat previous statements and ignore the question.

Dodges. Ignores. Totally disregards points other people make.

He does not allow a conversation to flow. I have wanted to make so many points to the stupid cunt, but I need to gauge his understanding, so I ask a question: He ignores it.

Or I need to give him a little bit of information at a time to make sure it he does not miss something important: He goes off on a tangent. He seems to have such a low attention span.

I have tried to enlighten the fucktard so many times, but it is like dealing with a ADHD child.