Another anti-vaxxer, dead dead dead at 46


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I just try to look at the situation objectively.

If Pfizer, Moderna and others had managed to get this Pandemic under control, then great.

Continue on the same course.

However...after 1 year, millions of jabs later, 70% of the USA vaxxed...and still no improvement in the numbers, perhaps it's time to give somebody or another company's vaccines or treatments a chance.

When the old model aint cuttin' out, fire the old one, introduce a new one to see if it can do better.
Probably won't make a difference, since the vaccine isn't effective against the new variant.

That said, I'm not vaccinated and am 100% A-OK! My life goes on as usual.

Not saying another vaccine is the magic bullet, Mel.

Maybe it's something not yet invented but completely different which could be that licks the Pandemic & gets it under control.

I'm just noting that if the current treatments are ineffective then it's time to fire the old ones & give something else a chance.

Maybe a new & improved Ivermectin?

Never know what's up & coming which might be the solution .

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Anways @The Prowler you gotta bad temper and an attitude problem.

so fixit.

A bad temper means someone gets angry.

I get a little frustrated with you, Joe. I do not get angry.

Instead of getting angry, I release my frustration by telling you what a fuckin' idiot you are.

This is a basic Anger Management technique. Something else in the long list of topics of which you have no fucking clue.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Anways @The Prowler you gotta bad temper and an attitude problem.

so fixit.
josephine, you always dodge questions and obfuscate. When challenged, you just repeat previous statements and ignore the question.

Dodges. Ignores. Totally disregards points other people make.

He does not allow a conversation to flow. I have wanted to make so many points to the stupid cunt, but I need to gauge his understanding, so I ask a question: He ignores it.

Or I need to give him a little bit of information at a time to make sure it he does not miss something important: He goes off on a tangent. He seems to have such a low attention span.

I have tried to enlighten the fucktard so many times, but it is like dealing with a ADHD child.

What makes you say that I disregard what you say.

Ie - you mentioned something about depopulation as a motive.

Now....I haven't dismissed your assumption.

It's an interesting theory so look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it just research it further.

Same with a Cuban vaccine. Looks great on paper but who knows once it is tested more. Worth looking into but no sense in jumping to conclusions yet.

Just like your depopulation theory.

More data/information is needed before concluding that it is true or not.

In which case I'm sitting on the fence choosing to remain neutral at this point.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It's an interesting theory so look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it just research it further.

Are you actually telling me to research it further?


What makes you think that?

I was implying that I would research those claims further in order to verify them.

Anything wrong with that?

You see once again you start making accusations about others that you've mistaken or are not true.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
What makes you think that?

I never said I thought that.

My question indicates that I thought it was a possibility.

So what makes me question it is exactly what I quoted.

You said

"It's an interesting theory so look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it just research it further."

That sounds like you are giving directions, not saying what you are planning to do.

I was implying that I would research those claims further in order to verify them.

If that is what you were trying to do, then say something like

"It's an interesting theory so I will look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it I will just research it further."

Do you think when someone says to you "Suck my nuts." that they are saying they will suck their nuts? No, Joe. They are telling you to suck their nuts.

Anything wrong with that?

As I just told you, the problem is that you communicated your thoughts very poorly and actually said something that you are now indicating you did not mean.

You see once again you start making accusations about others that you've mistaken or are not true.

No. Wrong Joe.

I asked a question.

Asking a question is not "making an accusation".

This entire post I have been correcting your errors in communication, Joe.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What makes you think that?

I never said I thought that.

My question indicates that I thought it was a possibility.

So what makes me question it is exactly what I quoted.

You said

"It's an interesting theory so look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it just research it further."

That sounds like you are giving directions, not saying what you are planning to do.

I was implying that I would research those claims further in order to verify them.

If that is what you were trying to do, then say something like

"It's an interesting theory so I will look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it I will just research it further."

Do you think when someone says to you "Suck my nuts." that they are saying they will suck their nuts? No, Joe. They are telling you to suck their nuts.

Anything wrong with that?

As I just told you, the problem is that you communicated your thoughts very poorly and actually said something that you are now indicating you did not mean.

You see once again you start making accusations about others that you've mistaken or are not true.

No. Wrong Joe.

I asked a question.

Asking a question is not "making an accusation".

This entire post I have been correcting your errors in communication, Joe.

No idiot.

And I'll clarify what I meant.

Those were general statements or colloquialisms. The absence of the subject 'I' or 'You' does not qualify them as full sentences or commands and as such they were not directed at you, me or specifically anyone. Essentially they are phrases or equivalent to expressions directed to no one in particular.

An equivalent phrase is 'It's worth looking into', which does not imply that anyone specially must or should.

They were not and are not intended as Imperative statements, ordering you to do this or that.

Perhaps you become agitated so easily because your comprehension of English grammar and its intent is poor. You interpret something as being an affront when a remark wasn't directed to you at all.

You don't appear to be able to distinguish between general non committal comments directed at nobody in particular and imperative statements.

Given this situation I highly suggest that you contact @LotusBud to correct your language comprehension deficiencies. She was a teacher so that might help.

Good Luck to you @The Prowler.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
What makes you think that?

I never said I thought that.

My question indicates that I thought it was a possibility.

So what makes me question it is exactly what I quoted.

You said

"It's an interesting theory so look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it just research it further."

That sounds like you are giving directions, not saying what you are planning to do.

I was implying that I would research those claims further in order to verify them.

If that is what you were trying to do, then say something like

"It's an interesting theory so I will look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it I will just research it further."

Do you think when someone says to you "Suck my nuts." that they are saying they will suck their nuts? No, Joe. They are telling you to suck their nuts.

Anything wrong with that?

As I just told you, the problem is that you communicated your thoughts very poorly and actually said something that you are now indicating you did not mean.

You see once again you start making accusations about others that you've mistaken or are not true.

No. Wrong Joe.

I asked a question.

Asking a question is not "making an accusation".

This entire post I have been correcting your errors in communication, Joe.

No idiot.

And I'll clarify what I meant.

Those were general statements or colloquialisms. The absence of the subject 'I' or 'You' does not qualify them as full sentences or commands and as such they were not directed at you, me or specifically anyone.

An equivalent phrase is 'It's worth looking into', which does not imply that anyone specially must or should.

They were not and are not intended as Imperative statements, ordering you to do this or that.

Perhaps you become agitated so easily because your comprehension of English grammar and its intent is poor. You interpret something as being an affront when a remark wasn't directed to you at all.

You don't appear to be able to distinguish between general non committal comments directed at nobody in particular and imperative statements.

Given this situation I highly suggest that you contact @LotusBud to correct your language comprehension deficiencies. She was a teacher so that might help.

Good Luck to you @The Prowler.

That seems to be Prowler's thing. He's not too bright, but he thinks he knows what he's talking about. Those kinds of people are next to impossible to teach. He can't pay me enought to deal with his bullshit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What makes you think that?

I never said I thought that.

My question indicates that I thought it was a possibility.

So what makes me question it is exactly what I quoted.

You said

"It's an interesting theory so look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it just research it further."

That sounds like you are giving directions, not saying what you are planning to do.

I was implying that I would research those claims further in order to verify them.

If that is what you were trying to do, then say something like

"It's an interesting theory so I will look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it I will just research it further."

Do you think when someone says to you "Suck my nuts." that they are saying they will suck their nuts? No, Joe. They are telling you to suck their nuts.

Anything wrong with that?

As I just told you, the problem is that you communicated your thoughts very poorly and actually said something that you are now indicating you did not mean.

You see once again you start making accusations about others that you've mistaken or are not true.

No. Wrong Joe.

I asked a question.

Asking a question is not "making an accusation".

This entire post I have been correcting your errors in communication, Joe.

No idiot.

And I'll clarify what I meant.

Those were general statements or colloquialisms. The absence of the subject 'I' or 'You' does not qualify them as full sentences or commands and as such they were not directed at you, me or specifically anyone.

An equivalent phrase is 'It's worth looking into', which does not imply that anyone specially must or should.

They were not and are not intended as Imperative statements, ordering you to do this or that.

Perhaps you become agitated so easily because your comprehension of English grammar and its intent is poor. You interpret something as being an affront when a remark wasn't directed to you at all.

You don't appear to be able to distinguish between general non committal comments directed at nobody in particular and imperative statements.

Given this situation I highly suggest that you contact @LotusBud to correct your language comprehension deficiencies. She was a teacher so that might help.

Good Luck to you @The Prowler.

That seems to be Prowler's thing. He's not too bright, but he thinks he knows what he's talking about. Those kinds of people are next to impossible to teach. He can't pay me enought to deal with his bullshit.

Maybe he came from a culture or family which demanded obedience or a reply in the affirmative to every sentence he heard?

So he misinterprets general phrases from actual commands or orders.

Therefore a person needs to be careful what they say around people l8ke that because they become offended very easily.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
What makes you think that?

I never said I thought that.

My question indicates that I thought it was a possibility.

So what makes me question it is exactly what I quoted.

You said

"It's an interesting theory so look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it just research it further."

That sounds like you are giving directions, not saying what you are planning to do.

I was implying that I would research those claims further in order to verify them.

If that is what you were trying to do, then say something like

"It's an interesting theory so I will look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it I will just research it further."

Do you think when someone says to you "Suck my nuts." that they are saying they will suck their nuts? No, Joe. They are telling you to suck their nuts.

Anything wrong with that?

As I just told you, the problem is that you communicated your thoughts very poorly and actually said something that you are now indicating you did not mean.

You see once again you start making accusations about others that you've mistaken or are not true.

No. Wrong Joe.

I asked a question.

Asking a question is not "making an accusation".

This entire post I have been correcting your errors in communication, Joe.

No idiot.

And I'll clarify what I meant.

Those were general statements or colloquialisms. The absence of the subject 'I' or 'You' does not qualify them as full sentences or commands and as such they were not directed at you, me or specifically anyone. Essentially they are phrases or equivalent to expressions directed to no one in particular.

An equivalent phrase is 'It's worth looking into', which does not imply that anyone specially must or should.

They were not and are not intended as Imperative statements, ordering you to do this or that.

Perhaps you become agitated so easily because your comprehension of English grammar and its intent is poor. You interpret something as being an affront when a remark wasn't directed to you at all.

You don't appear to be able to distinguish between general non committal comments directed at nobody in particular and imperative statements.

Given this situation I highly suggest that you contact @LotusBud to correct your language comprehension deficiencies. She was a teacher so that might help.

Good Luck to you @The Prowler.
What makes you think that?

I never said I thought that.

My question indicates that I thought it was a possibility.

So what makes me question it is exactly what I quoted.

You said

"It's an interesting theory so look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it just research it further."

That sounds like you are giving directions, not saying what you are planning to do.

I was implying that I would research those claims further in order to verify them.

If that is what you were trying to do, then say something like

"It's an interesting theory so I will look into it further.

But rather than cast judgement on it I will just research it further."

Do you think when someone says to you "Suck my nuts." that they are saying they will suck their nuts? No, Joe. They are telling you to suck their nuts.

Anything wrong with that?

As I just told you, the problem is that you communicated your thoughts very poorly and actually said something that you are now indicating you did not mean.

You see once again you start making accusations about others that you've mistaken or are not true.

No. Wrong Joe.

I asked a question.

Asking a question is not "making an accusation".

This entire post I have been correcting your errors in communication, Joe.

No idiot.

And I'll clarify what I meant.

Those were general statements or colloquialisms. The absence of the subject 'I' or 'You' does not qualify them as full sentences or commands and as such they were not directed at you, me or specifically anyone.

An equivalent phrase is 'It's worth looking into', which does not imply that anyone specially must or should.

They were not and are not intended as Imperative statements, ordering you to do this or that.

Perhaps you become agitated so easily because your comprehension of English grammar and its intent is poor. You interpret something as being an affront when a remark wasn't directed to you at all.

You don't appear to be able to distinguish between general non committal comments directed at nobody in particular and imperative statements.

Given this situation I highly suggest that you contact @LotusBud to correct your language comprehension deficiencies. She was a teacher so that might help.

Good Luck to you @The Prowler.

That seems to be Prowler's thing. He's not too bright, but he thinks he knows what he's talking about. Those kinds of people are next to impossible to teach. He can't pay me enought to deal with his bullshit.

Maybe he came from a culture or family which demanded obedience or a reply in the affirmative to every sentence he heard?

So he misinterprets general phrases from actual commands or orders.

Therefore a person needs to be careful what they say around people l8ke that because they become offended very easily.
He's wound up and full of rage, is what I see. You gotta feel sorry for him.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Those were general statements or colloquialisms. The absence of the subject 'I' or 'You' does not qualify them as full sentences or commands and as such they were not directed at you, me or specifically anyone. Essentially they are phrases or equivalent to expressions directed to no one in particular.

Suck my nuts.

An equivalent phrase is 'It's worth looking into', which does not imply that anyone specially must or should.

No, an equivalent phrase would be "Look into it."

They were not and are not intended as Imperative statements, ordering you to do this or that.

That may not have been your intent, but that is how they were phrased.

That is why I asked, to give you a chance to explain your intent.

Perhaps you become agitated so easily because your comprehension of English grammar and its intent is poor. You interpret something as being an affront when a remark wasn't directed to you at all.

You don't appear to be able to distinguish between general non committal comments directed at nobody in particular and imperative statements.

Hahaha!!! You were replying to me and addressing me in every sentence before the sentence that you made what looked like a direction of command to me.

First sentence: "you" twice

Second sentence: "you"

Third sentence" "your"

Forth sentence: "a remark wasn't directed to you at all"

Hahahaha!!! You are a very bad liar, Joe.

Given this situation I highly suggest that you contact @LotusBud to correct your language comprehension deficiencies. She was a teacher so that might help.


Dumb is calling Dumber to help him out!!

Good Luck to you @The Prowler.

Suck my nuts.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Maybe he came from a culture or family which demanded obedience or a reply in the affirmative to every sentence he heard?

That was a statement; not a question. Do you know the difference?

So he misinterprets general phrases from actual commands or orders.





"Nobody in particular"





Therefore a person needs to be careful what they say around people l8ke that because they become offended very easily.

Suck my nuts.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
He's wound up and full of rage, is what I see. You gotta feel sorry for him.

Passive-aggressive tactics do not work against me.

I beat you with superior intelligence and logic.

I have no need to play mind games.

But if I ever do decide to play mind games with you, you will come to know more rage than you have ever thought possible.