Anyone here actually friends with CW- ??


Factory Bastard
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Now we're getting down to the nitty gritty....

Careful dropping such potent truth bombs, the resident leftards will brand you a "far right extremist".

Are you willing to go a step further and acknowledge the fact that rich influential jews essentially control both the Democrat and Republican Parties?

Hell, even when good goy Trump was in office, his constant shilling and pandering to Israel and Zionist interests wasn't enough to satisfy American jewry, these people demand complete and utter subservience, without any form of dissent.

The 2 party system is severely outdated and has to go, the same can be said here in England with our Labour/Conservative shitshow... but this is never going to happen unless the jewish powerbase is toppled.

So you think if Jews disappeared off the planet mankind would somehow right itself?



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
The major problem as I see it here in 'Murica is that the "left" and the "right" (as exemplified by democrats and republicans) are little more than two different marketing divisions for the same oligarchs and the military industrial complex.

Their opposition to each other is fake; a microns-thin veneer of identity politics and tribal virtue signalling.

They've employed the ratchet effect with truly astounding success: The republicans crank everything toward neo-feudalism and the democrats prevent any actual movement back in the other direction.

They've been doing it for decades now and it's finally starting to fray at the edges because it's becoming impossible to hide the fact that our political duopoly is only a facade behind which oligarchs and dominionists pull the levers and turn the knobs that control the flows of propaganda and policy.

Their best advantage is the amount of time they've been allowed to run this scheme; some of the cultural engineering is now helped along by being generational: indoctrinated parents pass along the conditioning with little or no need for the establishment to do anything except a bit of reinforcement.

Their worst disadvantage is that we've reached the point where the lies are too ridiculous to be believed anymore; the establishment is so blatantly captured by and subservient to the oligarchs and dominionists that more and more people can't possibly believe their hollow platitudes and plainly see their systemic corruption.

It's why almost half of eligible voters in 'Murica can't even be arsed.
The political puppet shows exist to keep the other half more or less evenly divided and loyal to their tribes.

In any given election roughly 25% of eligible voters literally pick a candidate who "wins".

That's not a "democracy in trouble".
That's a "democracy" that doesn't even exist.

All the 'culture war' bullshit, including racist fearmongering, is a distraction. A diversion. Just an ugly pattern on the veneer of opposition designed to keep the plebs so mad at each other that they don't/can't do anything about the real dangers to their self-determination until it's too late.

The next big question to be answered is whether or not enough people have accepted the programming and self-regulate their own thinking into manageable narrow limits of what can even be questioned, much less altered.

Personally I think sheep so vastly outnumber the shepherds and hounds that the establishment wolves' ultimate victory is only a matter of time- and numbers slaughtered before the end.

People would rather cling to broken processes and meaningless rituals than have to change anything at all.

That's what will determine our future, or lack of one.

What are you willing to give up to live in the world you'd like to see?

This is where the rubber meets the road. There are 8 billion people on the planet and to make everyone live in some kind of non-capitalist paradise will take a lot of giving up.

What are people like you willing to let go of?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
All the 'culture war' bullshit, including racist fearmongering, is a distraction. A diversion. Just an ugly pattern on the veneer of opposition designed to keep the plebs so mad at each other that they don't/can't do anything about the real dangers to their self-determination until it's too late.

Easy to say when you're not on the receiving end isn't it?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA

The religious affiliations of oligarchs are ultimately incidental.
If we YEET all the oligarchs, no matter their genealogy, into the nearest volcano their superstitious cult preferences won't matter; if we only YEET the ones with "jewish" names the problem will still exist.

The jewish zionists alone aren't numerous enough to effectively oversee much less enact an entire global operation (and it need not even be a "conspiracy" in the traditional sense of meetings in dark rooms and swapping coded messages since people acting independently for their own self-interests can have the cumulative effect of benefits to a particular group who may or may not ever communicate directly with each other); lucky for them the fundagelical christian cults are more than happy to lend a hand because their Big Book o' Lies kinda sorta tells them to, if you hold the Book at the correct angle and squint a little.

That's what I meant by dominionists and they are at least as responsible for 'Murica propping up Israel as any Israeli. Apparently Israel *has* to exist (among other prerequisites) because end times something or other blah blah blah.

Having a theocracy of whatever flavor is only another way of saying an authoritarian repressive fascistic regime.

It's not one brand of bronze-age fairy tale believers that have to be transcended...'s all of them.

Anything less is setting the stage for a repeat of history.
We'll end up right back where we are now and probably even worse.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Apparently Israel *has* to exist (among other prerequisites) because end times something or other blah blah blah.

Israel has to exist for two reasons:

1) They had to put the Jews somewhere after the mess in Nazi Germany, France, Poland, Austria, etc. It's not as if the US or other Europeans wanted them either.

2)As my undergrad Professor said...propping Israel is the way to prevent a Pan-Arab alliance in the ME...and maintain our access to the oil.


Have kink will travel.
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On most issues yes, but to the 'left' of Jill Stein which throws me right out of "liberal" territory into the kind of political hinterlands that neither have nor want a label.

That said, I'd rather be called a socialist or even a communist (the actual meanings, not the establishment propaganda designed to manufacture consent for constant wars) than a "liberal". Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi are considered "liberals" by people who don't know any better and the only thing I have in common with those sociopaths is we were all born on the same fucked-up planet.

I don't subscribe to any particular -ism and believe the tendency of people wanting to categorize themselves like that is part of the problem. My political philosophy is actually closest to the Wiccan creed: 'And it harm none, do as though wilt.'

Of course the arguments always start over the definition of "harm", but that's it in a nutshell.

Socialism and Communism are disgusting....


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
What are you willing to give up to live in the world you'd like to see?

A better question with a much shorter answer is what wouldn't I do?

If it had a chance of succeeding.

This is where the rubber meets the road. There are 8 billion people on the planet and to make everyone live in some kind of non-capitalist paradise will take a lot of giving up.

Neither you nor I can "make" people do anything.
You can't legislate opinions or thoughts.

I said it (or something very like it) recently in another post:
You can force people through violence or coercion to *act* a certain way, but to change their thinking you can only show them the path and hope they take it.

And there is no lack of signposts or maps.
In the information age ignorance is almost ubiquitously a choice. It's neither my fault people are lazy/greedy/deluded/etc. nor my responsibility to *force* anyone to upgrade their mental software.

It will happen organically or it won't happen at all.

It's people like you, apparently, with your savior complexes and your "that's not my job" attitudes who want one random person to magically transform the entire fucking world. That will never happen.

That. Will. Never. Happen.

You're not even asking me to be a harbinger or a keystone...'re demanding I make some grandiose and ultimately meaningless sacrifice before you'll so much as consider anything I've been saying and I don't know it for a fact but I'm 100% certain that even if I did commit an outlandish act of sacrifice for the nebulous goal of a "greater good" you'd immediately find some excuse not to follow in my footsteps.

Because you'd rather be part of the problem than admit you've been lied to and exploited for your entire fucking life.

And by "you" I mean the vast majority of shaved apes knuckling around on this tiny mudball circling an unremarkable sun in a backwater galaxy of a universe that gives zero fucks about any of this.

It isn't and never can be what will *I* do.
It only has the slightest chance of mattering when that becomes what can *we* do.

Personally I doubt humans have the capacity to evolve further than this.
Not all of them. Not nearly enough.

So I'll tell you what I can and will do:

Point. Laugh. Shake my head. Occasionally state the obvious (to me).

What the fuck else *should* I do?


> you
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. o O
There will be a test:



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
A better question with a much shorter answer is what wouldn't I do?

If it had a chance of succeeding.

Neither you nor I can "make" people do anything.
You can't legislate opinions or thoughts.

I said it (or something very like it) recently in another post:
You can force people through violence or coercion to *act* a certain way, but to change their thinking you can only show them the path and hope they take it.

And there is no lack of signposts or maps.
In the information age ignorance is almost ubiquitously a choice. It's neither my fault people are lazy/greedy/deluded/etc. nor my responsibility to *force* anyone to upgrade their mental software.

It will happen organically or it won't happen at all.

It's people like you, apparently, with your savior complexes and your "that's not my job" attitudes who want one random person to magically transform the entire fucking world. That will never happen.

That. Will. Never. Happen.

You're not even asking me to be a harbinger or a keystone...'re demanding I make some grandiose and ultimately meaningless sacrifice before you'll so much as consider anything I've been saying and I don't know it for a fact but I'm 100% certain that even if I did commit an outlandish act of sacrifice for the nebulous goal of a "greater good" you'd immediately find some excuse not to follow in my footsteps.

Because you'd rather be part of the problem than admit you've been lied to and exploited for your entire fucking life.

And by "you" I mean the vast majority of shaved apes knuckling around on this tiny mudball circling an unremarkable sun in a backwater galaxy of a universe that gives zero fucks about any of this.

It isn't and never can be what will *I* do.
It only has the slightest chance of mattering when that becomes what can *we* do.

Personally I doubt humans have the capacity to evolve further than this.
Not all of them. Not nearly enough.

So I'll tell you what I can and will do:

Point. Laugh. Shake my head. Occasionally state the obvious (to me).

What the fuck else *should* I do?

I will ask you to speak for yourself and not for me. Period. If you think I have a savior complex, you don't know shit.

You may not like the way I ask a question, but nevertheless it is simply a question. I used the word "you" because you were the one I was responding quibbling over my pronous is not going to distract me from how very difficult it is for humans to rise above their instincts.

There is only one leader, anywhere, that I've ever seen walk the talk. His name is Mujica and he was President of Uruguay. Everyone else has been fully full of shit.

We needs millions of leaders like Mujica.


Have kink will travel.
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Die, Socialist pieces of shit.... just die, you scummy lil thieving motherfuckers.


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  1. [IMG alt="cw_"][/IMG]
    cw_ reacted to your post in the thread Anyone here actually friends with CW- ?? with
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    56 minutes ago
  3. [IMG alt="cw_"][/IMG]
    cw_ reacted to your post in the thread Anyone here actually friends with CW- ?? with Haha.
  4. She knows I exist
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  6. playing hard tah git