Anyone know where I can find "Teh Poark"?

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Ironically he was posting about how he bought a new high caliber pistol because he wants to selectively kill white homeless drug addicts whom he claims are "Nazis" but he wrongly claims everyone who is not him is a Nazi.

Mentally ill people like him shouldn't even be allowed to have guns. That is one group (along with felons) I am fine with not being armed.
I thought guns were maga man bad according to these troons and leftist turds


Factory Bastard
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I thought guns were maga man bad according to these troons and leftist turds

He uses communist Antifa talking points so it seems fair to assume he is a transtifa lunatic. They think they will use their guns to fight a communist revolution but at the end of the day they just shoot innocent black teenage boys and one random Trump supporter walking down the sidewalk whom they shot in the surprise attack from behind. Oh, I forgot, there was also the Antifa troon who tried to shoot up his kid's elementary school because s/he/it was made his ex got sole custody on account he was a criminal loon. Luckily the school police officer put that dog down. Then there was the Antifa gunman in Seattle who tried to shoot up an INS facility but was incompetent and then quickly got put down.