Blovers in a dangerous time

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Shes trying to claim that picture of you in the white shirt when you and I met was when she met you.

It's like she keeps trying to replace ME in OUR story LOL. Right in front of us as if we arent here to call bullshit.

Its Poofer level delusion lol.
Meanwhile I was being called a steriod head for YEARS following her secretly handing out my facebook page to her angry buddies

lmao -- they don't know what to say anymore

The Countess

Hood with it
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Let me just go on record as saying I have never went down the path of posting PI but I can get pretty nasty should someone wish to go down that path with me

and it would appear someone with many damaging skeletons in their own closet wishes to follow that path. Okay. I'm your huckleberry

Years ago on MSN, these two fucktard military wives kept harassing my good friend about her child with cerebral palsy. All it took was one mention of me sending these posts where she took pics of herself at a bar with some dude, licking on his face and acting like a retard. That bitch shut up quicker than lightening.

The idiot had posted her hubby’s letter with envelope trying to show how “loved” she was. I gently reminded her of that and they never said peep about my friends baby ever again. Them mommy groups had some really stupid bitches in them.


Factory Bastard
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"Abviously" you're mistaken. You idiots accuse anyone on the right who you disagree with of being gay...

It's clear as day that you find homosexuality shameful but your libtard programming prevents you from admitting it.

The funniest part is you have a literal monkey pox-spreading homo among your ranks, but his cock lust gets a pass for some reason.

The leftists also usually turn out to be die hard racists despite claiming otherwise. They are a bundle of contradictions all to compensate for their own short comings which they constantly try to project on to other people.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Years ago on MSN, these two fucktard military wives kept harassing my good friend about her child with cerebral palsy. All it took was one mention of me sending these posts where she took pics of herself at a bar with some dude, licking on his face and acting like a retard. That bitch shut up quicker than lightening.

The idiot had posted her hubby’s letter with envelope trying to show how “loved” she was. I gently reminded her of that and they never said peep about my friends baby ever again. Them mommy groups had some really stupid bitches in them.
Let's just say I can see now your wisdom in wanting to keep that pi pushing cow off your forum. Pity I attempted so many times to get you to reconsider.

Oh man, I just went though some of my old text messages and **snickers** I'd really hate for such damaging information to wind up in the wrong hands.


Domestically feral
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United states
Meanwhile I was being called a steriod head for YEARS following her secretly handing out my facebook page to her angry buddies

lmao -- they don't know what to say anymore

Shes got this whole story that she met you on a relationship board and you led her to TV.

But here is the wacko shit.

She thinks for some reason she was at TV before I was and that she not only "knew" you before I did.....but that you guys became friends before I even met you at all.

By the time you made "friends" with her....we(me and you) already knew eachother from the 8 months I was at Vahalla BEFORE her drunk ass showed up. She pretends I somehow "stole" you from her.

Again. That first time you came to me, you sat me down and told me about her wacky ass late night pervert visits to your inbox and showed me ahead of time just in case she started getting really loony. You are her were NOT "friends" until she ran crying to you over some Wizer drama.

And shes STUCK on this shit. It's insane LOL.

It's as simple as this. I was a Valhallan for a long time. She hit on a guy who had a girl friend AND a wife and got blew off and she became obsessed with the guys that weren't interested. You being PR and a 6 figure earned made her more fixated. You were never a human being and individual to her. Just a conquest for her massive ego. She never got to truly know you. Hence why shes so twisted now.

It's not our fault we are friendly and cool, down to earth people who dont get jealous at all. How many years have people tried to get us fighting with eachother? Yeah.


Factory Bastard
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Her avi is a picture she took of him on her drop in. With Thanos's head on it.

So to this day.....Big consumes her existence and she thinks that upsets other people.

What type of crazy stalker shit is that? Merde sounds like a real bunny boiler in her obsession. Imagine still dwelling on shit and not being able to let it go a decade later. If she was truly happy with Alphonso (or what ever his name is) then why is she obsessing over the past?


Domestically feral
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United states
Years ago on MSN, these two fucktard military wives kept harassing my good friend about her child with cerebral palsy. All it took was one mention of me sending these posts where she took pics of herself at a bar with some dude, licking on his face and acting like a retard. That bitch shut up quicker than lightening.

The idiot had posted her hubby’s letter with envelope trying to show how “loved” she was. I gently reminded her of that and they never said peep about my friends baby ever again. Them mommy groups had some really stupid bitches in them.

Military wives are some of the biggest bitches imaginable.


Domestically feral
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United states
What type of crazy stalker shit is that? Merde sounds like a real bunny boiler in her obsession. Imagine still dwelling on shit and not being able to let it go a decade later. If she was truly happy with Alphonso (or what ever his name is) then why is she obsessing over the past?

I'm sayin!

Shes been trying to compete with ME for Big all these years. Everyone warned me too. Uhg. Even to this day apparently.

The Countess

Hood with it
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Let's just say I can see now your wisdom in wanting to keep that pi pushing cow off your forum. Pity I attempted so many times to get you to reconsider.

Oh man, I just went though some of my old text messages and **snickers** I'd really hate for such damaging information to wind up in the wrong hands.

Murdock made my anxiety flare up back then. Nowadays, she don’t bother me and I don’t bother her. I just wish the kid stuff would stop.


Domestically feral
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United states
Murdock made my anxiety flare up back then. Nowadays, she don’t bother me and I don’t bother her. I just wish the kid stuff would stop.

Well shes done blathered all the "PI" on all her "friends" she can at this point there is nothing left.

So its finished lol. Nothing to be anxious about. I cant stop this jealous pig from dragging families and kids into her hatefest.


Domestically feral
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United states
These pigs are going way back . They have been saving stuff for years apparently.

What's gets me is how rejection is so hard for some women. Maybe I'm used to rejection because of my "shady history" as a stripper but not every male is gonna like you and that's okay. We dont like everyone either.

Look at me. You see how I look. How I talk. What interests me. Do you think the kind of men who like women like me are gonna also like women like her?

There was never competition here. Ever.

No One

Factory Bastard
What's gets me is how rejection is so hard for some women. Maybe I'm used to rejection because of my "shady history" as a stripper but not every male is gonna like you and that's okay. We dont like everyone either.

Look at me. You see how I look. How I talk. What interests me. Do you think the kind of men who like women like me are gonna also like women like her?

There was never competition here. Ever.
You never can know....look at Kimberly Gillfoil going from Newsome to TRUMP jr...

The Countess

Hood with it
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Well shes done blathered all the "PI" on all her "friends" she can at this point there is nothing left.

So its finished lol. Nothing to be anxious about. I cant stop this jealous pig from dragging families and kids into her hatefest.

Poofer used to give me the same anxiety lol.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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What type of crazy stalker shit is that? Merde sounds like a real bunny boiler in her obsession. Imagine still dwelling on shit and not being able to let it go a decade later. If she was truly happy with Alphonso (or what ever his name is) then why is she obsessing over the past?
Listen. the poor thing has been trying to garner my romantic attention for almost TWO decades now. There are dozens of personalities past which can attest to this fact. Some of which still post here and others who can be called in as eye witnesses to this fact rather easily as they all personally believe she is a bat shit crazy dunce with a drinking problem and would delight at the prospects of further embarrassing her. I truly hope it does not come to that though and she manages to come to her senses and realizes how toxic a friendship with the Pig On two feet has been to her own mental well being. Of course, that ball is in her court though.

But I digress. I never wanted her in that way. Ever.

She's just not my type. And that's me being kind about it. And after all else failed on the electronic pressure front finally, when she felt her chances were ripe after being a very close & helpful friend to me during my rather unsavory and drama filled second divorce she decided to board a plane and visit me in person immediately following my breakup with my post divorce girlfriend whom she coincidentally got very cosy with. So If she does posses pictures of me they have been swiped off my 2017 era face book presence which would clearly show where all the "roido" and "meat head" digs about me were coming from.

Remember the showering three times a day thing that sent Lotus straight into the nuthouse? What do you think necessitated showering that often? And the shortness and bathroom brothel stuff so popularized by Benzo due to his own penchant for taking it up the ass regularly? Where would one get those ideas had a picture of me standing by a mirror clearly showing off a rather lovely physique in the Iphone 6 stage of development not surfaced mysteriously as soon as she got the idea I was not being helpful enough on her quest to get back into Stomping groundz?

Now let me go on record and say I've been rather patient with her and her PI peddling treachery up until now, but she should not be mislead into believing I don't have in my possession THOUSANDS of embarrassing texts, emails, DMs, photos etc. All of which trying to get me to respond favorably to her advances. Not because I made it a point to save such unwanted gestures of obsession but because database backups and icloud backups are merely a standard operating procedure among IT people.

I'd really hate to be taken down that path and be forced to use them as fodder and possibly even a warning signal to a certain someone but hey, if that's how some people want to allow themselves to be used as a dupe in yet another of Oak's petty conflicts that's on her. I'll be happy to play along.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Nothing more he can do either.

Poor bastards picked the wrong woman to try to bully though.
why is it that the people with the most hang ups in their own lives feel they can bully others on the 10th of such hangups in their own?

I mean, what's a fat girl who's been the most desperate sloth on these forums for 15 years running going to tell me about myself? That in the history of my life I have had fluctuating weight? That I am divorced twice? that I had to give up nearly half a million dollars in a drama riddled divorce? I have two kids I raised on my own after their mom decided to go right off the reservation instead of raising them? That, despite having to fork off half a million in unearned funds I STILL manage to live in a home three times the size of hers which didn't require the death of a loved one to obtain?

Or is she really going to dig deep and say I clearly wasn't attracted to her 500 lbs of melting ice cream by nature of the fact that I had a most difficult time getting aroused in her presence?

Gosh, don't go threatening me the prospects of announcing to the world that I am cut above all of the losers you've ever consorted with dear.

Haw Haw


Domestically feral
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United states
Listen. the poor thing has been trying to garner my romantic attention for almost TWO decades now. There are dozens of personalities past which can attest to this fact. Some of which still post here and others who can be called in as eye witnesses to this fact rather easily as they all personally believe she is a bat shit crazy dunce with a drinking problem and would delight at the prospects of further embarrassing her. I truly hope it does not come to that though and she manages to come to her senses and realizes how toxic a friendship with the Pig On two feet has been to her own mental well being. Of course, that ball is in her court though.

But I digress. I never wanted her in that way. Ever.

She's just not my type. And that's me being kind about it. And after all else failed on the electronic pressure front finally, when she felt her chances were ripe after being a very close & helpful friend to me during my rather unsavory and drama filled second divorce she decided to board a plane and visit me in person immediately following my breakup with my post divorce girlfriend whom she coincidentally got very cosy with. So If she does posses pictures of me they have been swiped off my 2017 era face book presence which would clearly show where all the "roido" and "meat head" digs about me were coming from.

Remember the showering three times a day thing that sent Lotus straight into the nuthouse? What do you think necessitated showering that often? And the shortness and bathroom brothel stuff so popularized by Benzo due to his own penchant for taking it up the ass regularly? Where would one get those ideas had a picture of me standing by a mirror clearly showing off a rather lovely physique in the Iphone 6 stage of development not surfaced mysteriously as soon as she got the idea I was not being helpful enough on her quest to get back into Stomping groundz?

Now let me go on record and say I've been rather patient with her and her PI peddling treachery up until now, but she should not be mislead into believing I don't have in my possession THOUSANDS of embarrassing texts, emails, DMs, photos etc. All of which trying to get me to respond favorably to her advances. Not because I made it a point to save such unwanted gestures of obsession but because database backups and icloud backups are merely a standard operating procedure among IT people.

I'd really hate to be taken down that path and be forced to use them as fodder and possibly even a warning signal to a certain someone but hey, if that's how some people want to allow themselves to be used as a dupe in yet another of Oak's petty conflicts that's on her. I'll be happy to play along.

She seems to think you and dropped contact for a significant period of time and I have no idea where she got this.

I used to listen to her go on and on about you. I almost feel like shes been trying to get me angry or jealous for a long time and now she just pretends she has.

She got cosy with the old girlfriend? Good grief lmao. So Murd probably has no idea that you and I still talked all through all that and I've also had a few convos with particular woman.

So what it took me a long time to "get over" things. At least I HAD something to get over. Shes been hanging onto nothing for decades running on jealous and one sided competitions lol.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Nothing more he can do either.

Poor bastards picked the wrong woman to try to bully though.
why is it that the people with the most hang ups in their own lives feel they can bully others on the 10th of such hangups in their own?

I mean, what's a fat girl who's been the most desperate sloth on these forums for 15 years running going to tell me about myself? That in the history of my life I have had fluctuating weight? That I am divorced twice? that I had to give up nearly half a million dollars in a drama riddled divorce? I have two kids I raised on my own after their mom decided to go right off the reservation instead of raising them? That, despite having to fork off half a million in unearned funds I STILL manage to live in a home three times the size of hers which didn't require the death of a loved one to obtain?

Or is she really going to dig deep and say I clearly wasn't attracted to her 500 lbs of melting ice cream by nature of the fact that I had a most difficult time getting aroused in her presence?

Gosh, don't go threatening me the prospects of announcing to the world that I cut above all of the losers you've ever consorted with dear.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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She seems to think you and dropped contact for a significant period of time and I have no idea where she got this.
The spacey is strong with that one.

Clearly she has no concept of time and space in whatever dimension, or should I say dementia, emapths who can feel and conserve with plant life dwell in.

I'm looking at a group text exchange between the three of us dating all the way back to 2015 on my icloud backup right now.


Domestically feral
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United states
why is it that the people with the most hang ups in their own lives feel they can bully others on the 10th of such hangups in their own?

I mean, what's a fat girl who's been the most desperate sloth on these forums for 15 years running going to tell me about myself? That in the history of my life I have had fluctuating weight? That I am divorced twice? that I had to give up nearly half a million dollars in a drama riddled divorce? I have two kids I raised on my own after their mom decided to go right off the reservation instead of raising them? That, despite having to fork off half a million in unearned funds I STILL manage to live in a home three times the size of hers which didn't require the death of a loved one to obtain?

Or is she really going to dig deep and say I clearly wasn't attracted to her 500 lbs of melting ice cream by nature of the fact that I had a most difficult time getting aroused in her presence?

Gosh, don't go threatening me the prospects of announcing to the world that I am cut above all of the losers you've ever consorted with dear.

Haw Haw

The boys mom liked me better than her too lol.

She wanted me to move in with her and stay in NY and stay involved with them AND you lol.

The ONLY person from the boards that was around during that time was MOON. We were hardly even friends with Murd yet. Fucking hell lol.

They think I'm target because of their ridiculous biases about strippers and drug addicts. And the ghoulish classism. Theyve lived in a pretty tight bubble and have self esteem problems is all.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The boys mom liked me better than her too lol.

She wanted me to move in with her and stay in NY and stay involved with them AND you lol.

The ONLY person from the boards that was around during that time was MOON. We were hardly even friends with Murd yet. Fucking hell lol.

They think I'm target because of their ridiculous biases about strippers and drug addicts. And the ghoulish classism. Theyve lived in a pretty tight bubble and have self esteem problems is all.
My first wife was never the jealous type.

In 2015 I took an old acquaintance who was pretty friendly with both of us on a 7 day cruise and she was happy to see us hitting it off. That's not to say she didn't make her own run at the goods shortly thereafter but I respectfully declined and we remain friends to this day

I as I do with all of my exes save for one.

Did I tell you that I was invited to someone's sweet 16 just recently? I won't mention any names as jealous stalkers abound but I'm sure you know who it is I am talking about. I respectfully declined about of respect for my current GF.


Domestically feral
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United states
The spacey is strong with that one.

Clearly she has no concept of time and space in whatever dimension, or should I say dementia, emapths who can feel and conserve with plant life dwell in.

I'm looking at a group text exchange between the three of us dating all the way back to 2015 on my icloud backup right now.

Honestly I never got very deep with her about our relationship friends or otherwise.

So I would mostly let her go on and on about her cosmic connection to you and how she could "feel" you about to call her.

I guess you called her once from a parking lot during a drama with a woman.

I never bothered going into how hard we have learned into eachother in the past at various points in whatever state our off board relationship was in....I never felt the need to use you as some ego prop on a forum though either so that's probably why.

I didnt really know it was competition LOL