Change Your Member Name

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip

If you weren't taking life that seriously the day you joined here and wish to CHANGE/ALTER your member name, this would definitely be the thread to request it.



white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
Hi there, I would like to have my username changed to the following: Sharona (my middle name ;)
Many thanks.


Factory Feline
Site Supporter

She's lump she's lump, she's in my head.

I'm not a fan of name changes.

At all.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
Thank you for your kind offer Bastard. I may revisit this thread later when I've thought of something better/more excruciatingly revolting.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
I'm only getting started though. I change handles like most people change their underpants. As in every few weeks or so.


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
I'm only getting started though. I change handles like most people change their underpants. As in every few weeks or so.

There will be a trail, you'll live with all your names here.

Wazzup?! I think I remember you.

I want to say herps, yes?

If so, fuck yeah, I've thought of you often.

If not, who were you, who are you?

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
I'm only getting started though. I change handles like most people change their underpants. As in every few weeks or so.

There will be a trail, you'll live with all your names here.
I always do.

Wazzup?! I think I remember you.

I want to say herps, yes?

If so, fuck yeah, I've thought of you often.


If not, who were you, who are you?
The Majestic Interguntinental Bloodfart, among others. Most people prefer to call me sum cun`T, but I haven't used that handle in a long time.


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
No, I know wazzzzzzup, or was that just a fun hello?

Either way, welcome. I like you already.


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
I do the same, nonstop.

Trust me.

You piss me off and you will know it.

I'll give you every chance in the fucking world to fix your shit, but so long as you don't break the 3 rules we are golden. I may grow to hate you, but if that happens you'll just go to the assbox.

Onlyway you'll be immediately banned is PI bullshit.

You aren't walking on eggshells here my fiend, you are free to be and do you.

If that changes, you will have fair, prompt, no bullshit reasons as to why.

I tried other boards, I've heard the tales, you won't get banned for being a dick. I like dick head behavior. Bastard Factory likes dick head behavior. It's amusing. It's fun. Stay amusing and fun and no harm will come to you.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
Sounds reasonable to me. Never was a fan of doxxing and running over emus in my Volkswagen likely doesn't count as cruelty since they are agents of Satan anyway. What was the third rule?

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
Are you sure? She insisted I go read when I had questions she might have easily furnished an answer for and saving unnecessary wasted time and trouble in the process. It always struck me as rather strange behaviour for someone who made their crust as a schoolteacher; then I learned about education cutbacks and everything fell into place.

And so I did read. Extensively. What can I say, I have an inquisitive and mischeivous mind. I learned a lot of the kinds of things that had people wishing they'd simply pointed me at what I'd asked in the first place. For example, the rules thread in this subforum had a total of two rules listed, I considered that to be the definitive rules list. Somewhere else I remember reading five or six, one of which had something to do with no pornography, but I discounted that set when I chanced upon a thread in one of the other subforums that had an image of two hairyassed gentlemen indulging in a game of Hide The Snausage. No doubt there is a third rulebook somewhere which I've yet to unearth, dunno where it is and I'm too old and most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! to fit through your internet connection to attempt a Vulcan mind meld to read your mind.

So meh... I guess I'll find out what that third rule is if and when I break it and you or someone else goes all crankypants on my ass for my lack of female intuition or something equally weird and wonderful. Such is forum life.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
I'm only getting started though. I change handles like most people change their underpants. As in every few weeks or so.

There will be a trail, you'll live with all your names here.
I always do.

Wazzup?! I think I remember you.

I want to say herps, yes?

If so, fuck yeah, I've thought of you often.


If not, who were you, who are you?
The Majestic Interguntinental Bloodfart, among others. Most people prefer to call me sum cun`T, but I haven't used that handle in a long time.
lmao Up until this post I could not remember wtf your original handle was back when we met I just remember I eventually started calling you Uncle Twat.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Factory Bastard
No Animal Abuse,No Child Pornography and no Sharing Personal Information bout others that hasn't already been posted publicly in Cyberland are the only rules I know that'll get you the ban that and not listening to "staffs" warnings
Ahhhh, "no Cheese Pizza", got it. Damn, I might have gone my entire life and been none the wiser, though I'm sure if certain of my contemporaries had been present they might have made a song and dance about that one time at band camp where I chopped a pussy on to my former art teacher's daughter's face. An instructive experience at the whole mountains from molehills people resort to when they decide they no longer like you and one I've not seen the need to repeat in the close to two decades I've traveled since then.

Regardless, thanks for the heads up. I'm sure there's a whole world of different opinions here of what constitutes CP these days, from the actual penetrative right on down to the simple proximity of minor to minge and I don't pretend for a moment that anyone is right or wrong in their opinions on the topic, irrespective of whether they or their friends are fapping to it or not. Much easier to give the whole shitshow as wide a berth as possible, don't you agree?

lmao Up until this post I could not remember wtf your original handle was back when we met I just remember I eventually started calling you Uncle Twat.
Ahhh yes, Twatwaffle von Ubergoink was an inspired choice, right up there with Uterus on Toast and Brady Bunch Lawnmower Massacre. Good times.
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